Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders

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Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders Page 1

by Jacqui Knight

  Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders


  Jacqui Knight


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  Miro Books


  Copyright © 2010 by Jacqui Knight

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  Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders

  Chapter One

  I stood in the gate and looked up at my new school, I flinched as I was shoved and jostled by kids pushing past me in their haste to get in and meet their old buddies. Lucky them, this was all new to me, a seventeen year old girl’s worst nightmare. What were the kids going to be like? I had the usual worries about bullying, drugs and boys, did my uniform look at least a little bit sexy and had I smudged my makeup? I smoothed down my tartan miniskirt, ok, it looked like all the other girls, ultra short with navy blue pantyhose that made my legs look twice as long, shoes with just enough heel to make my ass look good but not so much as to upset the teachers. Blouse neat and pressed, blazer crisp, just right, yep, I’d pass on that. I lurched forward, damn, another push into my back. Bastards.

  “Hey, sorry about that, you’re new aren’t you?”

  I looked around to see a true high school goddess, legs up to her armpits descending from a cheerleading dress that barely hid her navel, long, artfully styled highlighted hair in a rumpled California surfer look, creamy skin, looks to die for.

  “Er, yeah, I guess I am. I’m Sarah Walsh.”

  “Great, nice to meet you, I’m Alexis Eisenberg, I guess it’s obvious what I get up to around here.”

  She grinned and spread the skirt of her dress. “I’m head cheerleader by the way, we’re always looking for pretty new talent to come and join us, you interested?”

  Maybe, just maybe, I thought, but not yet, let’s see how it goes first. But Christ, she was so damned gorgeous. I realized I was gawking at her like a lovesick schoolgirl. Which I was I realized, a schoolgirl that is, not the other thing. Yeah, Sarah Walsh, sweet twenty two, virgin, never been kissed. Well ok, I’d been kissed more than a few times, but so far I’d never got much further.

  “I’ve got to look around a bit, but I’ll think on it.”

  She gave a smile that lit up the area like a flare. “Ok, great, I’ll show you to the administrator’s office if you like.”

  “Yeah, great, thanks.”

  We walked through the crowds of kids hurrying into school and she left me with a dour faced woman who looked about a hundred years old but maybe I’d have looked as bad if I’d worked in this place for a few years. I handed her my documents and she glanced at them quickly and tossed them into a tray.

  “Here’s a copy of the school rules, your locker’s in the hallway.” She handed me a key. “Classes start in twelve minutes, make sure you’re not late. Room two six seven, third floor.”

  She turned away and that was it. Welcome to Fleming Senior High School, Jackson, Mississippi.

  I found my locker and dumped my stuff and walked up the stairs through more crowds of kids to find my class. When I walked into the room it was already full, the teacher was handing out printed sheets to the kids.

  “And you are?” he asked me.

  “Sarah Walsh, it’s my first day.”

  “Ok, find a chair and sit down, Sarah, we’re about to start. I’m Grant Newman, welcome to Fleming.”

  He was the typical teacher, almost a caricature in his rumpled tweed jacket, button down shirt, narrow tie and cord pants. Hair overdue for a cut and a face that looked weary of the unending struggle with kids who wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible and move on with their agendas. I looked around the class, Alexis was there sitting with another cheerleader, another babe. She gave me a small wave and I smiled back. There was a chair empty next to an African American girl on the left of the room, I went over to her.

  “Do you mind?” I asked her.

  “Sure, it’s not taken,” she smiled. “I’m Julia Kelly.”

  She was not very pretty, but reasonably attractive in the way that some girls can be when they take what they have and make the best of it. Her skin was almost jet black, her hair cut short in a Halle Berry cut that suited her. I was relieved to be sitting with someone who seemed friendly, perhaps the school wouldn’t be so bad after all. I introduced myself to her and Mr. Newman started giving us his critiques on the nineteenth century American novel. An hour later he’d almost sent me to sleep and I could swear that behind me one of the boys was actually snoring. Did I need to know that Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote under the pen name of Mark Twain? I don’t think so, and neither did these kids.

  I got through my first morning and at break Alexis grabbed me and insisted I sat with her and the other members of her cheerleading squad. As she introduced them I made a mental note of their names, I’d want to remember them for later.

  Alexis Eisenberg, of course, the head cheerleader, Emily Marshall, Lisa McLaren, Jessica Hunt, Lyndsey Milner and Rebecca Waterston. All cheerleaders, all babes.

  “There are some others, of course,” she shrugged. “But we’re the mainstay of the squad, the others come and go as they feel like it. If some jock asks them out on a date they forget that cheerleading even exists.”

  “So you guys always put the squad first?” I said with a smile. “Even if the quarterback asks you out for a romantic evening?”

  “Damn right,” Emily said. “That’s Patrick Blake, by the way.”

  I didn’t mention that as they were all babes of course, they’d never have to worry about getting a date with this Patrick Blake or anyone else. I expected the other cheerleaders were not quite as well endowed with such attractive qualities as these girls.

  “Alexis said she’d asked you to try out for the squad,” Rebecca said. “Do you think you might give it a go?”

  “I’m thinking about it, honest. I just need to settle here for a few days first and see how it all goes.”

  “Why don’t you come and see us on the field this afternoon?” Alexis said.

  I turned to reply and my tongue stuck in my mouth,
she was smiling at me, waiting for my reply. But that smile, it turned my knees to water. Oh shit, remember who you are, Sarah, she’s turning you on. The last thing I needed was a schoolgirl crush on another girl, for God’s sake, the head cheerleader, how corny was that. I heard myself stammering out a reply. “Er, yeah, I’d like that, what time is it?”

  “We’ve got games for the final period, we’ll be out on the field then. Take a look, come and talk to us afterwards in the changing room, we always go for a shower afterwards.”

  “Whereabouts do you live, Sarah? Are you far from here?” Emily asked me.

  I told them about our family apartment off North Congress Street, near the City Centre, that my folks had recently moved here from Washington DC. I didn’t need to ask these girls where they were from, they were all white, middle class wholesome American girls, products of the Jackson middle class suburbia.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s nice,” Emily replied, but I could tell she was thinking the opposite. Well fuck you too. I happened to like city living and wasn’t overly impressed by the middle classes of all colors and races that had fled the inner cities to populate their suburban utopias with latter day Stepford wives.

  I had a class after lunch, then the final period was games. In the changing room, Coach Cooper was talking to some of the girls and I waited for her to spot me.

  “I’m Sarah Walsh,” I said in reply to her raised eyebrow.

  “Hi, Sarah, what have you played?”

  I rattled of some of my school sports, when I said hockey her eyes lit up.”

  “Hockey will be fine, I’m short a couple of players, you got your kit?”

  I nodded. “Ok,” she continued. “Get changed and we’ll see how you do.”

  I changed into my hockey uniform, navy blue polo shirt, short pleated skirt, full navy blue underwear, white socks and studded hockey shoes. I slipped in my shin pads and went out onto the field. The coach split us into two teams, the other side had red tabards and we started to play. Or should I say they played? For the first part of the game I worked hard to position myself where I wouldn’t be noticed. While we were playing, the cheerleaders came out onto the field and warmed up, then went into practicing their routines. They were great, colorful and energetic, I began to relax, it was a familiar and happy scene. Then I heard a shout.

  “Hey, Sarah, hit it!”

  I whipped around and the ball was whistling towards me, an opposing team member was bearing down from the other side and there were no girls between me and the heavily padded defender who guarded the net like a squat troll at the gates of Hades.

  Shit! This was all I needed, why couldn’t they just leave me alone? But I surged forward and caught the ball on my stick and urged it forward, I could hear the breath of the girl behind me as I ran, I was sure I could even smell her sweat, but maybe it was mine. The troll came out towards me and reached out with her stick to hook the ball away from me, blocking it with her padded legs if she failed, but she was toast. I’d played a lot of hockey, I swerved around her and zapped the ball into the goal where it hit the net with a resounding ‘whack’. I heard the cheering calls from my team, and then I saw a splash of color and movement across the field. The cheerleaders had watched my goal and went into a wild routine that made me feel like a star. The other girls on my team patted me on the back as I went back to restart the game, I was making comments like, ‘I was just lucky’, stuff like that. Which was the truth, except that when you say it you sound like you’re being modest when really you’re a legend.

  After the game we went into the changing rooms and the cheerleaders trooped in with us. I was about to strip off when I saw Alexis’s core group of six were already standing unashamedly, gloriously naked. I tried not to goggle at them, I’d never seen so many girls naked before but it was more than that. What was in front of my eyes were six babes, beautiful, slim, lithe, corn fed All-American girls. I was slim and pretty, or at least I was slim and some people said I was pretty, my mom always said anyway. Mind you, she also said I could do with putting on a bit more weight, I was too thin and haggard looking, but these girls were so much more than just pretty. They moved with a confident grace, a studied elegance that was the product of three things, money, money and money. I felt embarrassed when they clustered around me, they were totally unconcerned that they weren’t wearing any clothes.

  “Hey, Sarah, that was some goal, you were great out there,” Alexis said, still smiling her perfect thousand dollar smile.

  “Gee, thanks, but it was nothing, really.”

  “Look, why don’t you take a shower with us and we’ll talk some more about the cheerleading squad?”

  “Well, I don’t know, Alexis,” I said doubtfully. Frankly I felt embarrassed and a little out of it in the face of those six perfect bodies and faces.

  “We won’t eat you,” she said with a laugh, but there was a challenge in her eyes, was I up to it, stripping naked and going into the shower with six of Fleming’s babes? Fuck ‘em, I stripped off and followed them into the communal shower room.

  They told me about their practice sessions, competitions, about Coach Cooper who ran a pretty tight ship. I said I’d give them an answer by the end of the week and made it sound like it would be yes. I jumped as someone put their hands on my back in the steamy shower room.

  “Let me soap your back,” Alexis said. “It’s a lot easier and then you can do mine.”

  “Ok, thanks,” I croaked. Her touch was turning my legs to rubber, they felt wobbly. It was so soft, so gentle as she rubbed soap into my skin. I knew my face was flushed bright red, my stomach was churning and oh, shit, I could feel my cunt starting to feel damp. She was really turning me on, the head cheerleader, it was like some crappy scene from a chick-flick. As her hands reached lower and lower, I imagined her touching me there, my vagina, those sure, confident beautiful hands reaching around me and starting to stroke my clit, deeper then, pushing into me.

  “Rinse off and you can do me,” she said.

  “Oh, yeah, sorry,” I said. What was the matter with me, this girl was all over me and I was letting her do it? I needed to sharpen up my act if I was to survive this place, I rinsed under the warm water and soaped Alexis’s back more briskly, purposefully. She knew instinctively what had happened, I’m sure, but it was impossible to faze this girl. She kept smiling, thanked me warmly and went to rinse off. She came back over to me.

  “I hope we’ll be good friends, Sarah.”

  “I hope so too.” I meant it, too. “I think I’m going to like it here.”

  “Of course you will,” she said. She moved closer and continued. “Look, if you have any problems with any of the other girls or the work, the teachers or anything like that, like I said, look me up and I’ll be glad to sort it out.”

  I didn’t reply, I was mesmerized. I’d heard about people taking their first hit of crack or heroin, was it like this? I couldn’t look down, her face was so close to me, smiling as she spoke. Her hand was on my tit as she talked, like when someone touches you on the arm to hold your attention. Could she feel me shivering beneath her touch, I wondered? I managed to find my voice. “Thanks, Alexis, that would be great.”

  She leaned forward and kissed me lightly, gently on the lips, a light touch of her gorgeous lips, then left the shower. I stood rooted with astonishment and drenched by an emotion that I couldn’t identify for at least another minute before I went to dry off. Who are you fooling, Sarah, I could identify that emotion. It was called lust. I went out and started to towel off. Alexis smiled at me.

  “You’re a virgin, aren’t you, Sarah?”

  I nodded dumbly, feeling my face go an even deeper shade of red. Then I found my voice.

  “Does it show?” I asked her bitterly.

  She just smiled and turned away to finish dressing.

  I dressed in my uniform and tidied my hair and makeup. The cheerleaders were taking almost all of the spaces in front of the mirrors but I managed to find a tiny gap where I cou
ld get myself prettied up. I finished dressing and buttoned up my blouse, slipped on my blazer and went out of the changing room to get my things out of my locker. I was so dizzy that I walked straight into someone, almost knocking her to the ground.

  “Oh, sorry,” I said.

  “What do you think you’re doing, I could have been injured?”

  She was an older woman, obviously a teacher. Short dark hair, tailored suit, silk blouse, pearl necklace.

  “Look, I said I’m sorry,” I continued.

  “You’re new here, aren’t you, what’s your name?”

  I told her.

  “Well, Sarah Walsh, I’m Miss Zelinski, the deputy headmistress. Be more careful when you walk around the school.”

  “I will, sorry Miss.”

  She nodded and stalked off. Bitch. I went and found my locker, buttoned on my raincoat and left to get the bus home.

  Back in my apartment I thought about my first day. Professionally, it had gone well, better than I might have expected. No-one suspected that I might be anything other than what I appeared to be, a normal seventeen year old schoolgirl recently moved to the area, which was good news. Alexis Eisenberg was bad news. I’d not had a schoolgirl crush since my last school and that wasn’t quite as recent as I’d made out. It had also been on a boy, not the quarterback but a nice looking guy who was the school track star. He wasn’t one for team sports, despised all that macho posturing and happily ran school and state records by himself on the track. He even took me out once, I could still remember him kissing me but after that he started dating another, prettier girl, a fucking cheerleader of all things, as if that wasn’t ironic. But Alexis, she was something different. She’d come on to me, which was nice, but the problem was I’d wanted her to do it, had loved the feel of her hands on my back in the shower, the soft, sensuous touch of her lips as they brushed mine. I felt the butterflies coming back and started to work on some paperwork to take my mind off it. I’d already decided I wouldn’t mention it to Morgan.


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