Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders

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Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders Page 5

by Jacqui Knight

  I nodded and told him about the coke in the bedroom, although I didn’t mention that we were in there for something other than taking drugs. I remembered what I’d seen afterwards, two of the jocks high on meth, Matt Phillips was handing it out to the two musicians too. Several more guys arrived, too old to be at the school and they settled down with drinks while Matt passed them large Jiffy mailing bag sized packets. They didn’t take any drugs, I saw one wad of bills passed to Matt and then they left.

  “Did he take any of the drugs that you saw?”

  I shook my head. “I think he’s too clever for that, but I’d guess he’s the source alright.”

  Then I told him about Molly Zelinski.

  “Did she do any drugs?”

  Again, I shook my head. “Nope, she didn’t take any, buy any or sell any. But she watched everything for the whole evening. There’s something about her, Morgan, she looks, I don’t know.”

  I thought for a moment, and then the word came to me. “Evil.”

  He made notes about what I’d told him, and then I left the office to go home. Gale Margolis was waiting for me.

  “Come on, Sarah, tell me everything, how’s it all going at the school?”

  I grinned, she was like a school kid herself, so curious about what was going down at my high school. I gave her the full story, a bit more than I’d given Morgan, girl to girl I could even tell her the spicy bits.

  “So what did this Alexis do to you, you know, how did she, well...”

  “Fuck me?”

  She went scarlet and nodded her head.

  “With a strap on dildo in the ass while I was using the vibrator she’d put inside me.”

  “Fuck, no,” she breathed. “What was it like?”

  “Like nothing on this earth,” I replied.

  She looked thoughtful. I got the impression she was working out who she could co-opt into being her partner for such a kinky sex session. She looked at me but I shook my head. “You make your own fun, Gale, leave me out of it.”

  I laughed to take the sting out of my words. I felt bold now that I’d got involved in the kinky sex games of the cheerleaders, so why not, I thought?

  “Tell you what, why don’t we have a girl’s night out soon at a gay bar, you can see what you can pick up.”

  She goggled at me. “A gay bar? Oh Jesus, I don’t know, if anyone saw me what would they think?”

  “That you’re a lesbian, Gale, what else. Well you are, aren’t you? Why not just be open about it?”

  She nodded. “I’ll think about it, Sarah, thanks.”

  “No sweat. I’ve got to go now.”

  “Really? What are you up to today?”

  “I’ve got to get on with my homework,” I laughed. “It’s falling behind, I need to catch up.”

  I left the building and went straight home. I wasn’t joking, my homework looked dire. I settled in, had a light lunch, after all I had to watch my weight, the cheerleaders would watch me like hawks. I spent all afternoon working, by the time I prepared my evening meal I still hadn’t finished, but it would have to be enough. I needed a long soak in the tub to recharge my batteries before the coming week, I lay in the hot water for nearly an hour, and my mind emptied of everything, letting the stresses of my current assignment ooze out of every pore. Then I toweled off and went to bed, totally exhausted. But by the following morning I felt refreshed, I spent an age doing my hair and makeup. I even tried on three different blouses to make sure that the one I wore to school was crisp and smart. Then I buttoned on my miniskirt, put on my raincoat, picked up my backpack and went off to school.

  The big news was that this Friday the school football team was playing an out of state side for some important competition and I would be on the field for the first time as a fully fledged cheerleader. We worked hard, we were given extra time off from our lessons to practice and by Friday I felt confident that I could pull it off. Alexis and I stayed away from any more sexual contact, restricting ourselves to kissing, touching and licking each other’s nipples in the shower. The work was too hard and too demanding to go fucking around, that was one thing about Alexis. She was totally uninhibited about all things sexual but when it came to something important she could put it all in a compartment in her mind and concentrate on the job in hand. Friday came around and after lunch we went to the changing room and I put on my new cheerleading dress. We checked each other’s hair and makeup, made sure our hose were neat and immaculate, our shoes white and sparkling. We were ready. Coach Cooper came into the changing rooms and checked us all out, but there was no fault to find. She stood by the tunnel to the field, then nodded to us. “That’s it, you’re on, good luck.”

  I ran out into a packed stadium to the roar of the kids. The teams were waiting to come on and we went straight into our routine, I felt young, happy, excited and sexy. Then the jocks crashed out onto the field to more roars and we redoubled our efforts. It was wonderful, Alexis directed us flawlessly and we performed like troopers, as if we’d been doing it for the last ten years. We performed our pyramid during the interval and then began our more familiar routines during the game. Then it was over and we ran out to loud applause, the only regret I had was that this wasn’t permanent, that I wasn’t here for real. We congratulated ourselves as we showered, we were much too tired for any fun and then I toweled off and left to go home. I walked out through the gate and looked behind me as I heard footsteps.

  “Can I give you a lift, Sarah?”

  It was Patrick Blake, oh fuck me, the school quarterback. A God, there was no other way to describe it. Handsome, muscular, immaculate clothes and hair, gorgeous.

  I told him where I was heading.

  “Yeah, that’s ok, I’ll take you.”

  He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. As he drove off, he spoke to me. “Sarah, I wanted to chat with you for a moment, would you mind if we stopped somewhere. It’s nothing funny, I promise you.”

  I was a bit dubious, but he seemed on the level and I agreed. He stopped the car in a quiet part of town and killed the engine. Then he looked across at me.

  “Sarah, you’re a babe, you look great. Have you wondered why I haven’t asked you out for a date?”

  “Not really, no, there are better looking girls than me in the school, besides, I assumed you were already dating.”

  He thought for a long moment. “I don’t know why, but I feel I can trust you, it’s something that’s driving me mad. Can you keep a secret?”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  “Only Alexis knows, and I thought you were good friends with her. But no-one else, ok?”


  “Did you know that Alexis is gay, she’s a lesbian?”

  “That’s really none of your business, Patrick, nor mine. Maybe I did know, maybe I didn’t, but I wouldn’t share it with anyone.”

  He smiled. “So you can keep a secret. It’s ok, Alexis and I are old friends, and we still date sometimes.”

  I stared at him. “I thought you said she was gay?”

  “Yeah, I did. You see, she comes out with me on dates as a camouflage so that no-one realizes about the gay thing.”

  I laughed. “You must be joking, I don’t think she’d give a damn about anyone knowing that she was gay, even if she was, which I’m not saying is true.”

  He nodded. “I wasn’t talking about the camouflage being for Alexis’s sake.”

  Then it hit me like a falling tree trunk.

  “You’re gay, aren’t you?”

  He nodded.

  Well if this wasn’t a turn up, Captain America and his girl, the quarterback and the head cheerleader and they were both gay. Macho Mississippi.

  “It’s ok, I won’t tell anyone, Patrick. As a matter of fact, I admire you for dealing with it and being as honest as you can be. It can’t be easy.”

  He shook his head. “If the rest of the guys knew they’d go crazy. Sarah, now that you know, I want to ask you out on a date. You know that I�
��d expect nothing, girls are not my thing, but we could have some fun, a decent evening together and you wouldn’t have to wrestle a testosterone charged jock afterwards.”

  I agreed to go out with him, it was true that it would be nice for a boy to treat his girl as just a friend rather than a piece of tail. We had some time to spare so he drove on and found a decent coffee bar where we could talk some more. After the waitress had brought the coffee I asked him the question that was burning me up with curiosity.

  “So who’s your boyfriend, Patrick, come on, I have to know?”

  He laughed. “It’s no-one at school, he’s a boy named James, he lives outside Jackson, I can’t say anymore because he’s as terrified as I am about being found out.”

  We finished our coffee and went back out to his car.

  “Do you fancy something to give the evening a bit of extra zing?” he asked me.

  I was thinking about someone else as he spoke. Alexis.

  “What? What was that?”

  “I’ve got some meth if you fancy a hit. Some coke too, if you’d prefer that, it’ll make doing homework less of a bummer.”

  “Yeah, if I can climb down from the ceiling to do it.”

  He laughed. “What’s it to be, Sarah, I’ve got plenty in stock, you’ve been great and I’d like to give you something.”

  Like the name of the fucker who’s pushing it around the school and killed Katie Ginsberg, that would do me.

  “Yeah, a couple of lines of coke would be nice.”


  He rummaged in the glove box and pulled out a Jiffy mailing envelope, the same as the ones I’d seen at Matt Phillips’s party. He gave me a couple of clear envelopes with white powder.

  “There you go Sarah, have fun.”

  “Thanks, Patrick.” I leaned across and gave him a peck on the cheek. “By the way, who gives you these, I’d like a regular supply myself?”

  He looked around the outside of the car. “I guess it’s ok to tell you, you being on the cheerleading squad and Alexis’s best friend. Matt Phillips, the chemistry teacher. We all think he puts them together in the school chem. lab, it’s the perfect cover.”

  So, it was Matt Phillips. And who else, I wondered? I thought of the face of Molly Zelinski at the party. It could be her, of course, but I wasn’t going to arouse Patrick’s suspicions by asking.

  “It’s ok, Patrick, I wouldn’t tell anyone.” Except the cops and CNN, naturally.

  He started the car, put it into gear and started driving me home.

  “My dad works for a guy who had a daughter at Fleming,” I continued. “She died, they reckoned it was a drug overdose.”

  “Oh, who was that?”

  “Katie Ginsberg.”

  The car lurched suddenly to one side and then he regained control.

  “Sarah, don’t talk about her, ok?”

  I managed to put a sound of surprise in my voice. “Why ever not, why shouldn’t I talk about Katie?”

  “Take my word for it, that name is bad news around here. Don’t even think about mentioning her at school, I can’t say any more, just forget it, ok?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Yeah, makes no odds to me. Christ, I can’t see why you’re getting all upset about it.”

  “I’m not upset,” he shouted. “Just shut the fuck up about her.”

  I sat in silence, thinking about his reaction. It was one of the most eloquent admissions that Katie had died a suspicious death at the very least and murder seemed very likely. I decided not to push it any more, I was making good progress and I’d gone as far as I could with Patrick. He stopped in the street where I lived and put on the brake. I put my hand on his shoulder. “Patrick, I’m sorry, I really am,” I said to him in my most pleading, girly tone. “I didn’t mean to upset you, I don’t know what I did wrong but I won’t mention it again, ok?”

  Then I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re a great guy, giving me a lift home and sharing your secret. Friends?”

  He smiled across at me and I knew I’d got him. He kissed my own cheek. “Of course we’re friends, Sarah. I knew you’d understand. How about that date next week sometime, maybe we could take in a movie?”

  I gave him a warm smile. “I’d love that, Patrick thanks.”

  I got out of the car and watched him drive away. Outside I was smiling, inside I raged. Nasty little creep, a girl had died and all he could think to do was hide his secret. What if it had been his sister, or his mom? What then, would he be so keen on covering it all up? I made a note to keep him in the firing line.

  Chapter Seven

  On Saturday I had an appointment with Morgan to bring him up to date. Gale smiled warmly as I entered reception. “He’s waiting for you, go right in.”

  Morgan was wide awake and focussed. “You’ve done well, Sarah, that report you emailed last night seems to clinch it. It looks like Brian Ginsberg was correct, his daughter Katie was murdered.”

  I nodded.

  “By the way,” he continued. “You’re looking good, school seems to suit you. Have you lost a little weight?”

  “Yeah, boss, it’s important to look slim for the cheerleaders, they’ve got high standards.”

  It was not just my weight, of course. I spent at least an extra hour every morning grooming and getting myself looking pretty to face the world. I’d taken on the values of the cheerleaders, appearance was king and the looks I got from other kids proved the point.

  “It suits you. Ok, what’s next?”

  “I need to get into Matt Phillip’s laboratory, that’s the next step. Until I can prove that he’s making the drugs there, or at least storing the raw materials, there’s not a lot we can do. After that, it should all slot into place, the rats will start deserting the sinking ship and we’ll see his people scrambling to leave town.

  He was thoughtful for a few moments. “That’s going to be risky, Sarah. If they catch you snooping around a drugs lab, you know what they’ll do?”

  I nodded. “I know, don’t worry, Morgan, I’ll be careful.”

  “Yeah, I know you will, but sometimes shit happens. I’m worried about you.”

  I smiled. “I’ll be fine. I’ll keep you up to date by email and check in next week. Bye, Morgan.”

  He smiled. “Watch your back, Walsh.”

  I left the office and shut the door. Gale ambushed me, as I knew she would.

  “Come on, Sarah, tell me everything.”

  I rummaged in my purse and pulled out a photo I’d begged from Julia, who took lots of pictures at the game. “You can take it, I don’t want a photo of the cheerleaders, Sarah,” she’d said. “Fucking dykes. Present company excepted, of course.”

  I gave the photo to Gale, I was prominent in the middle of the image, next to Alexis. Gale locked onto her straight away.

  “Christ, she’s gorgeous, Sarah. Is it her?”

  “Leave it out, Gale.”

  She looked at me knowingly. “When are we gonna go to that bar, then?”

  I thought for a moment, in truth I was up to my neck with work. “We’ll go next week, next Saturday night.”

  “That’s great, thanks. Christ, me being taken to a gay bar by a lipstick lesbian.”

  “What? What was that?”

  She reddened. “Nothing, I didn’t mean anything.”

  “Gale, what’s a lipstick lesbian?”

  “Oh, that’s one that’s really pretty, well made up, nice hair and grooming. A babe.”

  “So you’re saying that’s me?” I was aghast, how the hell had she arrived at that conclusion. Wishful thinking, probably.

  “No, I didn’t mean that. Sorry.”

  “Ok, for your information, I’m not a lesbian, I much prefer guys.”

  She nodded. “Of course you do.”

  I went home and spent the weekend going over my schoolwork, shopping for makeup and some new underwear, I wanted everything to look good. Then I gave serious thought to getting into Matt’s lab. There was nothi
ng else for it, no excuse under the sun would help me this time, I had to get in, take some photos and get out without being caught. On Monday morning I got myself ready for school. Morgan had been right, I did look much slimmer and prettier. My makeup was perfect, I’d worked hard to get it just right and my hair was glossy and beautiful. I really was a babe, for the first time in my life I felt beautiful and desirable, up there with the best of them. I put on a jacket, grabbed my backpack and went to school.

  Julia was chatting to some friends by the lockers, they drifted away and I went and said hi. She was pleased that I’d noticed her.

  “I thought that being a cheerleader meant that you wouldn’t have time for ordinary girls like me, Sarah. Babes usually stick together.”

  I laughed. “Come on, I’m not a babe, I just enjoy cheerleading.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, right. You coming to class?”

  We walked on together and sat through another interminable lesson from Grant Newman, who I doubted knew the difference between good American literature and a horse’s ass. We sat together in the cafeteria during break and went into the next lesson together too. I needed some space from the cheerleaders for what I had to do and they were too friendly with Matt Phillips, I didn’t want them telling any tales. Julia was really surprised when I stayed with her for lunch, I grabbed a tiny salad, wolfed it down with spring water and got up to go.

  “I need to make a couple of calls, I’ll look you up when I get back, I shouldn’t be long.”

  She smiled and nodded and I got up and left the cafeteria. The corridors were empty, everyone was eating lunch and I got to the chemistry lab without seeing anyone.

  I waited for a few seconds to see if anyone was following me, but it was all quiet. The room was locked of course but I had an electronic lockpick in my purse that Morgan had given me and shown me how to use. A quiet buzz and the lock clicked open, I went in and shut the door. I took pictures of the room together with close ups of the cartons that were stacked against the far wall. The inner door to the lab was also locked and I took out the electronic pick and opened the manual override. Inside, it was a typical school science lab, benches and glass tubes, pipes, equipment that I couldn’t identify. I took photos of everything. In a far corner I found a small array of pipes and tubes, there was a residue of white powder on the bench next to them and when I put my finger in and tasted it, there was no doubt. Coke.


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