Colton Farms

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Colton Farms Page 20

by M. E. Parker

I did as he asked. I was so worked up, I was breathing heavily as I climbed on the bed. I moved to the middle and laid on my back and propped myself on my elbows, so I could look at him. He was still stroking his dick and he looked delicious. “Get on your hands and knees Claire.” I blinked at him. Then I did as he asked. Damn! He was going to do me doggie style. We hadn’t done that yet. He had taken me from behind a few times in bed and in the shower, but we hadn’t done this yet. I loved trying to new things with Jack. I did what he asked and got on my hands and knees. I felt vulnerable, but I wanted to experience whatever Jack was going to do to me and it was making me so damn hot how bossy he was acting.

  I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled and then I shook my ass a little. I could feel myself blushing. “You coming over here with me or are you just gonna stand there?”

  He moaned. “Fuck Claire. You look so good like that.” He was on the bed in under a second kneeling behind me. His dick was at attention and I could see a little pearl of precum on the tip. I moaned as he grabbed my ass cheeks with both hands and started to massage them. He spread them apart and I could feel the cool air drift over my pussy.

  “Jesus Jack. I want you.”

  “What do you want Claire?” He asked breathlessly as he took his dick in one and rubbed it between my ass cheeks and then down to my pussy and back. I let out a louder moan and said breathlessly, “I want you inside me.”

  “God Claire. You’re so wet I can see it dripping down your leg. Do you know how sexy that is?” He whispered the dirty words to me he ran his finger back and forth over my clit and quickly pushed it inside me. He curled his finger forward and I pushed back against his hand. “Jack please.” He pushed another inside me and began fucking me with his fingers until I lost it screamed out his name.

  “You’re so fucking perfect.” He said as he pulled his fingers out of me. He began rubbing his wet fingers over the tight hole between my ass cheeks as he reached under me with his other hand and began to circle my clit with his fingers. God, it felt good. I had just come, but I knew I would again if he kept that up. Before I knew it, he had his thumb pressed into my tight hole from behind. It felt so good. I felt full as he began to press his hard dick against my entrance.

  I backed up against him. “Oh God, please Jack. I need you inside.” Just as I said it, I felt him pressing himself into to me. He felt so deep inside me that way. All the sensations were too much.

  His finger was circling my clit, his thumb was pressed in me from behind and he began to slowly fuck me, pushing and pulling in and out of me until my legs and arms started to shake. I could hear him breathing hard, but I couldn’t manage to look back at him. “Fuck! Claire. Does this feel as good to you as it does to me?”

  I’m not sure how I managed to answer but I did, “Yes. Jack. Yes. Please. Don’t stop.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I was over the edge, pulsing around him. I heard him cry out and I could feel him explode inside me. I collapsed on the bed and he collapsed on top of me. He somehow managed to turn us over so that I was lying with my back on top of his chest. His arms were snaked around my waist and he kissed my hair over and over.

  As my breathing slowed, I could help but laugh. “Jesus Jack, we are so dirty.”

  His chuckle vibrated against my back as he flipped us on our sides and pulled me close to him. “I love how dirty we are. Don’t you Freckles?”

  I snuggled in closer to him, “I love everything Jack.”

  “Me too pretty girl.” He whispered.

  I pulled my hand out from between my thighs and waited for my breath to even out thinking about the rest of our night together. We were happy to see Tom and Shelly for dinner but even more happy see them go home. We fell into bed together that night exhausted and Jack climbed on top of me and made slow sweet sleepy love to me. I came three times as he stared into my eyes as he moved slowly in and out of me. I thought he was going to tell me he loved me then, but he didn’t. “I love…everything about you Claire.” He whispered.

  I rubbed my hands over my face and rolled over on the bed still exhausted. I couldn’t believe we hadn’t made love in almost four days. We had both been so busy. I had been finishing the report and Jack had been out in the fields. Every night I fell asleep before he made it to bed and every morning, he had slipped out before I woke up. I was completely stressed out. It wasn’t just Jack. An entire week had passed since I finished my last pack of birth control pills. I was supposed to start a new pack tomorrow. I hadn’t started my period.

  This had happened to me before. I used to skip periods all the time. That’s why I started birth control, to regulate my cycle. But this hadn’t happened since I had started the pills over a year ago. I went online two days ago and ordered five pregnancy tests. Thank god for overnight shipping. They would be here today. I couldn’t just go to the drug store in town and buy one unless I wanted the whole town to know about it. I wondered if Jack had noticed that I hadn’t started.

  I forced myself off the bed and went to the closet, it was supposed to get up to 80 degrees today, so I decided that I would put on a cute little pair of denim shorts. I grabbed a pale blue and white plaid cotton shirt and put it on and then pulled on my red cowboy boots and made my way down to the kitchen.

  “Hey, you,” I said when I saw Jack sitting at the table staring at his iPad. There was a platter sitting in the middle of that table with bacon, eggs, and homemade biscuits. Sarah was nowhere to be seen.

  “Mornin’ sleepyhead.” Jack said not looking up from his iPad.

  I walked up behind him and ran my fingers through his hair and he leaned his head back to give me a kiss. “I missed you this morning.” I whispered in his ear, letting out a breath and then nipping his earlobe. He groaned, and I giggled. He backed up his chair and shifted it to the side and his gaze lifted up to mine.

  “Freckles! What are you wearing?” He pulled me closer to him so that I was standing in between his legs. His hands were gliding up and down my outer thighs. “Damn baby, where’d you get these?” He asked tugging on the hymn of my little shorts.

  I laughed. “I ordered them. It’s getting too hot to wear jeans all the time.”

  His eyes moved down my body. “You’re not wearing these out of the house.”

  I hit him playfully on the shoulder. “Why not?”

  “Look at these Freckles, they barely cover anything.” He said running his hands up my hips and then across my ass.

  I smiled down at him with my hands on his shoulders. I felt better already just being with him. I loved seeing his wide smile and the twinkle in his eyes when he looked at me. “Where did you go this morning?”

  “Ted and I had a meeting with the foremen at 6:30. I didn’t want to wake you, you seemed tired last night.”

  “Where’s Sarah?”

  “Garden.” He grinned up at me squeezing my ass cheeks. “Come here.” He said pulling me towards him. I sat on his lap straddling him and ran my fingers through his hair.

  “I have to drive over to Nashville tonight. I have a meeting with Todd Pierce—you remember that seed broker from Iowa?”

  “Yeah? Do you want me to come with you?”

  “Nah baby, you’d be bored, he likes to eat a big steak and sit around for hours and drink whiskey and talk about himself, he’s kind of a douchebag.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I know you want to work on your report and I’ll leave early tomorrow and be back before lunch, you won’t even miss me.”

  “Oh, I’ll miss you,” I said smiling at him.

  He ran his hands up and down my thighs and looked down at my boots. “You look fucking good, Claire.” He whispered before he started kissing my neck. His tongue and lips made their way to mine. His hands moved to my ass as our mouths pressed together in a hungry kiss. He gripped my hips with both hands and pressed me against his hard erection. A little moan escaped as I began moving against him. He palmed both of my breasts and my head fell backward as I rocked against him. �
��Fuck Claire. We have to stop or I’m going to have to change my pants.” He said as he licked my neck.

  “I want you Jack.” I whispered.

  “God, I want you too baby.” He said leaning back. He put his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. “I was supposed to meet Tom ten minutes ago, he’s short three men today.” He leaned back and ran his fingers through his hair. “Damn Claire. We can’t go this long…” He didn’t finish his sentence. He took my face in both of his hands and gently kissed me. “Tomorrow baby. Come hell or high water.” I rolled my eyes and kissed him again and got up off his lap. He looked down at his lap. “Look at this Claire.”

  I laughed when I looked down and saw the tent in his work khakis. “I’d like to do something about that Jack, but you don’t have time, remember?”

  He groaned and stood up and shook his head. He grabbed his iPad and phone off the table and then kissed me again. “I’ll be back before I head to Nashville. Remember what I said, no leaving the house in these.” He slapped my ass and I squealed. He laughed. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Claire.”

  My package arrived at exactly 4:00 p.m. that day, about ten minutes after Jack left for Nashville. I ran upstairs gripping it in my hand as I jumped on the bed to open it. I tore open the first box and pulled out the instructions. It said to wait until morning. I opened the other four boxes and they all said the same thing. I had to wait until the morning if I wanted them to be accurate.

  Chapter Sixteen—Jack

  As I drove to Nashville, my chest felt tight, like I couldn’t breathe. There was something going on with Claire. I knew it. I could feel it. Was she pulling away? Tomorrow would be the last day of her contract. She was done with her report. I hadn’t seen it yet, but I knew she had finished it last week and was just working on revisions. She hadn’t mentioned anything about staying and she hadn’t mentioned anything about leaving. She had been so quiet the last few days. I was so scared to bring it up. I couldn’t imagine being without her. But I knew it was a possibility that she would want to go. Her dad had released her trust fund. She was free to do whatever she wanted.

  The truth was, I didn’t need to meet Todd Pierce in Nashville. He would have gladly come to me, I was one of his top clients, but it was a good excuse to head up to Nashville. My meeting with him didn’t matter. It was my appointment the next morning that mattered. If I was going to ask Claire to stay permanently, I was going to do it right. I just hoped it would work. I hated leaving her this afternoon though. Something didn’t feel right.

  I made it into Nashville a little after six o’clock. I checked into the hotel and then went over to meet Todd at his favorite steakhouse. The sooner I could get this night over with, the better. I just wanted to do what I needed to do in the morning and get the hell back to Claire. Todd was waiting at a table for us when I walked into the restaurant. I walked up to him and shook his hand and then sat down across from him. A young waiter came over and I ordered a glass of water and a whiskey. Todd launched into some story about meeting some chick and her sister at a bar last night and a threesome. I knew it was bullshit. Normally I would have enjoyed the story, but that night, I wasn’t in the mood.

  The next thing I knew, there was a water and two highballs of whiskey sitting in front of me. A familiar hand wrapped around my forearm and I looked down at the manicured almost black fingernails clutching my arm. “Is there anything else I can get you, Mr. Colton?” Her syrupy sweet voice asked. I looked up at her. I looked at her over curled, over sprayed big red hair and her fake eyelashes and caked on makeup. My eyes drifted down to her breasts spilling out of her low cut, skin tight black v-neck t-shirt. Jesus, she must have gotten a boob job.

  Todd looked over at me with a smirk that I wanted to punch off his smug face and then he looked up at her. “Hey darlin’, I don’t believe we’ve met before, I’m Todd Pierce.” He extended his hand and she took it. He turned it over and kissed it and she started giggling.

  “I’m Tiffany Johnson, Jack and I go way back, right Jack?”

  “Right,” I said gritting my teeth together. Fuck me, I thought to myself, this night was just getting better and better.

  Chapter Seventeen—Claire

  I woke up and turned my head over towards the clock. It was 7:30 a.m. I was surprised I managed to sleep that late. I’d tossed and turned the night before. Besides being anxious about what I was doing this morning, I missed Jack lying beside me and I couldn’t sleep through the night. I grabbed my phone. There was nothing since the text he had sent last night at 9:00 telling me goodnight. I scrambled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

  I had set out the pregnancy test sticks by the toilet. I realized after doing much research last night that it would be impossible to take all five tests at once because you had to pee on the sticks for five seconds each. I didn’t think I could manage to get all of them completed in one pee, but I was going to try. I didn’t want any mistakes. I rubbed my eyes and looked in the mirror and thought to myself, here goes nothing. I sat down on the toilet and grabbed the first test and peed and counted to five. I quickly grabbed the next test and did the same thing. By the third test, I only managed to count to three before I couldn’t pee anymore, so that one would be iffy, I thought to myself.

  I laid the three tests on the counter and then washed my hands and went back into the bedroom and set the timer on my phone for three minutes. It felt like three hours. When the timer went off, I felt like I was moving in slow motion as I made my way back to the bathroom. I looked down at the tests. My stomach lurched. The first one had a line. The second one had a plus sign. The third one was digital and said ‘pregnant’ across the screen. I grabbed all three and tossed them in the trash. I could immediately feel tears falling down my cheeks as stumbled back in the bedroom and fell back on the bed.

  All three were positive. How could it be possible? I took that little pill religiously every morning. Tears rolled down my face as I remembered Jack telling me that he was afraid to have sex with Tiffany without a condom because he didn’t trust her to not get pregnant on purpose. Jesus, what if he thought that about me? How was I going to tell him? We weren’t ready for this yet. I didn’t even know if he wanted me here. I sobbed out loud and rolled onto my side. I laid there for a few minutes longer and then grabbed my phone. Maybe the tests were wrong, I thought. I dialed my doctor’s office and they weren’t open yet. I had to wait another half hour, which I spent dwelling on how I might tell Jack this news.

  I held my phone up and looked at it. It was exactly 8:00 a.m., 9:00 in New York. I dialed the doctors’ office. As soon as they picked up, I put on my bitchiest voice possible, “This is Claire Hawkins. I need to speak to Dr. Hannaway immediately.”

  The receptionist cleared her throat, “Just a moment, I’ll put you through to her nurse’s voice mail.”

  I cringed. “No. No voice mail. Do you understand? This is Claire Hawkins. I need you to go find Dr. Hannaway immediately and put her on the phone. Do not put me into voicemail. Go find the doctor and tell her I’m on the phone. Do you understand?”

  “I’m sorry, we are not permitted to— “

  I cut her off. “Give me your name.”

  “Jane Snyder.”

  “Jane Snyder, if you value your job, you will go find Dr. Hannaway immediately and tell her that Claire Hawkins is on the line. I’m not going to ask again, do you understand?”

  “Yes ma’am”

  While I listened to the ‘hold’ music, I felt like the biggest bitch. I had never used my name to get special treatment, but if there were ever a day to do it, it was today.

  A couple of minutes later Dr. Hannaway answered, “Claire, this is Dr. Hannaway, is everything alright?”

  “Thank god. No. I’ve just taken three pregnancy tests and they all say positive. I need you to tell me that it is possible that they are wrong.”

  Dr. Hannaway was silent for a moment. I could hear the clicks of a keyboard on the other side of the phone. �
�Claire, if you have taken three different tests and have gotten the same result, I would have to tell you that it is extremely unlikely that they are wrong.”

  Tears began flowing down my cheeks again. “How is that even possible? I have taken the pills you prescribed every morning at the same time every single day. I have never missed one. This can’t be right.”

  “Claire, have you taken any antibiotics?”

  “No. I haven’t taken any other medication. Just the pills.”

  I heard the clicking of the keyboard again. “Claire, I’ve pulled up your chart. It looks like when these were prescribed you indicated that you were not sexually active and didn’t have plans to be sexually active in the near future. It also indicates that you requested the pills to regulate your menstrual cycle, not to prevent pregnancy.”

  “What? I asked for birth control. You said they were birth control pills.”

  “They are Claire, but they are the lowest dose available. But listen Claire, not any pill is one hundred percent effective, but to be honest, I would have a prescribed a different type if I had known you wanted them to prevent pregnancy. Shall I transfer you back to the receptionist, so you can make an appointment? I would think you’d like to come in so that we can discuss your options.”

  “No thank you,” I whispered as I hung up the phone. Jesus. I couldn’t believe it was true. I curled up in a ball on the bed and cried for another thirty minutes.

  My phone dinged. I looked at it. It was text from Jack. “Leaving Nashville in 30 minutes. See you around 11. I have something I need to talk to you about.”

  Okay, so I basically had two and half hours to figure out what the hell I was going to tell Jack and as of that moment, I didn’t have a clue. I wished that I had someone to talk to. My thoughts immediately went to Sarah. I picked up my phone and texted her and found out that she was on her way into town to buy groceries. I could have called her. I could have told her I needed her. There was no doubt in my mind that she would turn around and come right back here. But for some reason, I couldn’t ask her to do it.


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