The Impeachers

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The Impeachers Page 58

by Brenda Wineapple

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  Illustration Credits

  1“The Senate as a Court of Impeachment,” after a sketch by Theodore R. Davis, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–1732

  2Construction of Capitol dome, photograph by Mathew Brady, courtesy National Archives, no. 530494

  3Edwin M. Stanton, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ61–985

  4“National Calamity” broadside, courtesy of the Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana

  5Freedman’s Village, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LOT 4161-H, no. 30

  6Frederick Douglass, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–15887

  7William H. Seward, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-B813–1431A

  8Andrew Johnson, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH83–171

  9Eliza McCardle Johnson, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–2581

  10John Mercer Langston, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH83–3736

  11Wendell Phillips, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH82–4858 A

  12Thaddeus Stevens, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LOT 13714, no. 72 (H)

  13Charles Sumner, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH83–657

  14Martha Johnson Patterson, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–25790B

  15Walt Whitman, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–124410

  16Lyman Trumbull, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH83–660

  17Elihu Washburne, courtesy of the Library of Congress, JK 1012.M35 1859

  18The Massacre at New Orleans, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZC6–79

lysses S. Grant, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–91985

  20George S. Boutwell, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH826–2655

  21Benjamin F. Butler, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH826–2602

  22Admissions ticket, author’s collection

  23John A. Bingham, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH83–1884

  24Philip Sheridan, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–131934

  25William Tecumseh Sherman, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-B813–3624 B

  26Mark Twain, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–28851

  27“The Little Boy would persist in handling books,” courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–131563

  28Montgomery Blair, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH82–5169

  29Stevens and Bingham at the Senate, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–127615

  30Salmon P. Chase, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-B813–1747 B

  31Benjamin Wade, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH82–4915 A

  32William M. Evarts, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH832–30075

  33Ladies’ Gallery, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–119581

  34George T. Downing, courtesy of the Photographs and Prints Division, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations

  35Gideon Welles, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-B813–1375B

  36William Pitt Fessenden, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–68901

  37Image of Senate Roll Call, Senate Papers Pertaining to the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Records of the U.S. Senate, 1789–2005; Record Group 46; courtesy National Archives

  38Edmund G. Ross, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-BH83–1828

  39Vinnie Ream, courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–74471

  40Impeachment Managers, photograph by Mathew Brady, courtesy National Archives, no. 528423

  41“The Smelling Committee,” courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62–15341

  42View of Washington city, courtesy of the Library of Congress, PGA—Sachse, E.


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