Mission Happy (A Texas Desires Novel Book 3)

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Mission Happy (A Texas Desires Novel Book 3) Page 7

by Rylie Roberts

  When he got the last of the dishes off the bed, there was a knock on the door. Connor headed that direction, and to her surprise, the room service waiter’s voice got closer. She reached for the bedspread, quickly tugging it across the lower half of her body before he came into the room.

  She hadn’t anticipated this. Julia quickly lowered her head, letting her hair fall in her face. It had been a so uplifting to share real time with Connor. Him allowing her to just be a normal person.

  In her need to hide, she’d missed the beginning of her latest movie trailer now playing on the television. It was the romantic comedy, Pink Slip, where she had the lead. When she heard her voice, her gaze lifted to the television. Oh lord, no! Forgetting anyone else was in the room, she executed a body dive for the remote that lay mere inches away. Julia fumbled with the buttons, flipping channels, turning the volume up, all while trying to turn the dumb thing off.

  She finally managed the off button, but the fiasco ended with all eyes in the room focused on her as she tried to keep herself reasonably covered. She never acknowledged either man, instead, kept her head bent, picking at her fingernail like nothing had happened. Any other time, she might have even seen the humor in this situation. Not tonight. The comfortable silence they shared turned awkward until she heard the door shut again, and Connor came back to the room, still just staring at her.

  Finally, she pushed the hair from her face and lamely said, “Ignore me. I can’t stand those kinds of movies…”

  Connor sat on the side of the bed, his big body turned toward her. There was a concerned questioning to his look.

  “I don’t really watch movies. Lots of ugliness,” she tried to explain, knowing, without question, she still wasn’t making much sense.

  “We don’t have to watch TV. You just need to tell me when I do something you don’t like. I wouldn’t have turned it on. No big deal. I’m not really a movie kind of guy either,” he offered in the kind patient way he had about himself. Since, in her mind, this felt very much like lying, she lifted, scooting closer to him, letting the sheet fall away, intending to change the subject.

  “What kind of guy are you?” she asked, grasping on to anything to help divert his attention.

  “Just a normal guy,” he said, looking a little confused by the question.

  “You get real quiet. If I’m doing something you don’t like, you tell me,” she said, using his own words back at him. Technically, either of them saying those type things might indicate more than one night, and the thought made her unreasonably hopeful as she stared into his kind eyes.

  “You’re perfect just the way you are. Actually better than perfect. I’ve always been quiet; it has nothing to do with you. Keeping everything bottled up’s kind of a problem for me, but I’ve talked more while I’m with you than I normally do.” As Connor spoke, he cupped his hand around her thigh. The hold was comforting, especially when his thumb swept across her skin. Julia reached out, linking her hand with his. She liked the easy acceptance of his wrist turning to better fit with her hold and his fingers entwining with hers.

  “Why’s it a problem?” she asked, not even sure why that part stuck in her head.

  Almost immediately, he responded the same way he had when she’d broached the other off-limits subjects. Connor broke eye contact, staring down at the bedspread. Maybe as much as a minute passed before he let go of her hand and rose from the mattress, heading toward the tray the waiter had left behind.

  “It’s not just work. You don’t like to talk about you,” she said when he didn’t answer.

  “It’s not that. I can’t talk about so many parts of my life it’s just easier not to speak,” he said, picking up the lids covering the dishes, placing them to the side.

  “So you do that secret stuff for the military. I bet that’s hard. I’ve been a part of some USO events. It’s amazing what you guys deal with every single day,” she said, trying to offer comfort over something she had no understanding of.

  He fell silent again. She watched him a little closer and sensed he might be hurting. The realization caused an unexpected slice of pain to cross her own heart. Connor was such a good man—salt of the earth kind of good—and she had nothing to offer to help ease his burden. She wondered if Ty had any idea what was going on with Connor.

  “What you got there?” she asked, moving her legs out from underneath her until she got to her feet. “I think it’s possible that I might could make room for some of that.”

  She came up behind him, her palms resting on his hips as she lifted on her tiptoes to look over his shoulder at all the fixings for a hot fudge sundae.

  “Yeah. I thought we could…well, you know, make them off each other,” he suggested, and if it were possible, his cheeks held a hint of a blush.

  “You’re naughty. Are you always this naughty?” she asked, ducking under his arm until she was between him and the tray, his arms easily circling her waist.

  “Nope. All this is way outside my comfort zone.”

  “Good. Me too,” Julia said, then reached down to pull the T-shirt over her head. She wadded it up and tossed it over his shoulder. He seemed to have a thing for her breasts; she watched his palms rise instinctively to her exposed chest. Quite honestly, that was a perfect move for her. She reached down to push his athletic shorts and underwear to his thighs until they dropped to the floor on their own. She lost interest in everything else when his dick sprang free, thumping against her belly.

  Julia reached for his cock and carefully pushed him back a few steps to the bed. When he got closer, she pushed his chest. As he fell to the mattress, she turned back for the tray. “Me first. All of a sudden, I’m starving.”

  Chapter 4

  Strong arms tightened around her relaxed body. Julia burrowed against the soft fur, her own tired arms reaching around, taking hold of Connor’s body as she fought to stay asleep. It wasn’t until a calloused hand slid across her face and those competent fingers threaded through her hair that she woke enough to register her cell phone alarm chirping. She hadn’t even heard the thing ring.

  “Your phone, Julie,” Connor murmured in a rough, sleepy voice, then placed a kiss on the top of her head. Connor didn’t seem to want to wake either. He kept a tight hold as he turned them over, moving Julia to her back with his heavy body half on and half off hers. His thick thigh lifted, draping across her legs while his arm moved until his palm covered her naked breast. Connor’s head turned to the crook of her neck, his breath tickling her ear.

  For five gloriously long snoozing minutes, Julia had no problem falling back to sleep. This time, when the alarm sounded, she woke instantly. She turned her head as Connor lifted his in the direction of her buzzing phone on the nightstand.

  “It’s six oh five,” Connor mumbled, not moving a muscle which made it impossible to reach the phone to silence the dumb thing.

  “I start my day early. I’m usually awake way before now,” she explained, looking up at his tired eyes. Connor had nothing to say to that. After a second of staring down at her, he moved. Not off her, but instead, covered her body more completely as he reached his long arm across the bed to grab her phone and hand it to her. In the adjustment, he managed to nestle his hard-on between her parted thighs. His sleepy gaze turned more seductive. Connor held himself up on his elbows in such a way that his hands surrounded the shell of her breasts as she silenced the phone.

  “I can drive you wherever you need to go,” he whispered, moving his hips, his cock seeming to find her entrance of its own accord.

  “I have a driver waiting downstairs,” she murmured and closed her eyes, loving the feel of waking to this man on top of her. Expecting him to enter her, she braced for the exquisite moment. Instead, his body tightened, then there was nothing but air. Connor rolled off her, and in one fluid motion, he moved to his feet. It took a second for her to realize he didn’t plan to come back. All she saw was his naked ass leaving the room.

  “Wait. What just happened? Come bac
k here,” she called out.

  He responded with a chuckle as the bathroom door clicked closed. What did that even mean? She rose, going straight toward the bathroom, stopping just short of opening the door. He deserved for her to barge in, but she didn’t have it in her to invade his privacy like that.

  “You can’t just get a girl turned on and walk away,” she shouted through the door. She heard the sink turn on, and she stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, staring at the thick wood. Maybe as much as a minute later, Connor jerked open the door and gave a start with her standing there unexpectedly.

  “You need to go. You’re late. People are waiting on you,” he said, as if that very reasonable thought had any place in this conversation. When she didn’t move, he shimmied past her, forcing her to pivot on her heels to stare after him. That perfect bubble butt bounced as he went for the walking shorts still on the floor.

  Damn, she wasn’t sure she had appreciated him from behind like she should have.

  Focus, Julia!

  “Connor, you can’t get me worked up and just not follow through,” she said. He paid her no attention. He searched the room and grabbed the T-shirt she’d tossed aside the night before.

  Dammit, she certainly wasn’t going to be the only one undressed. That forced her to the closet where Connor had hung her clothes at some point last night. Honestly, she did have a moment of pause while reaching for her capris—the same ones she’d worn yesterday. They were a glaring reminder that she was throwing a baby-fit over her one-night stand not being more attentive this morning.

  Rules were rules. Technically, she shouldn’t have even had a morning with this man.

  “I’ve got an appointment today. I think it’s gonna last awhile, but if you aren’t busy, maybe we could have lunch or dinner or something,” Connor suggested.

  Julia looked up at him while shoving her foot inside one pant leg. His face was hidden as he tugged the T-shirt over his head. She waited until she could better see his expression to judge the sincerity of the statement.

  Once his head was through, he stopped in mid-shove of the arm and looked at her, questioning her look. Slowly he finished pushing his arms through and lowering the hem.


  “You want to see me again?” she asked, slowly pulling the capris up her legs, staring at him as she lifted the zipper.

  “You don’t want to see me again?” he asked, turning instantly passive, that mask falling back in place. He seemed to do that a lot.

  Not the point right now, Julia.

  “I’d love to see you again. I just didn’t think this was how these things…worked.” She stood there topless, using her hands to talk, hoping they would say the words she seemed unable to say aloud.

  “You don’t do…” He motioned wildly toward her, then toward the bed, seeming to struggle like she had to find the right words. “You know…this…very often, do you?”

  “Absolutely not. Never. Not ever,” she declared, emphasizing the never and ever, before turning away, covering herself with her arm. They’d gotten awkward, and she felt vulnerable being undressed.

  Julia tugged the tank top off the hanger and quickly pulled it on, forgoing the bra for the benefit of immediate coverage. Her sandals sat on the floor right below where he’d hung her clothes. She reached for those, working them on her feet one by one.

  She stood and finger-combed her hair, stopping abruptly at his next words.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think you did. I could tell.”

  “Did I do it wrong?” she asked, shooting her gaze over to him as heat flooded her face.

  “Kind of. I guess I did too.” Connor said that and frustratingly turned away to the small coffeemaker. He didn’t expand as she waited, forcing her to push the topic.

  “How so?” she finally asked, yanking her bra off the hanger, shoving that inside her purse along with the almost-forgotten panties she pulled out of Connor’s jacket. She didn’t turn around as she waited for his answer.

  With an inner groan, she began silently berating herself when Connor didn’t immediately speak. She should have crept out in the middle of the night after he’d fallen asleep. What had she been thinking?

  “Well, for starters, first rule, you never stay all night. Second rule, you don’t share a meal unless it’s to convince the other person to the room. Third rule, you don’t eat off the other person. Fourth rule, you don’t shower—twice—alone.” Connor paused for a second, the room eerily silent before he continued. “Wait. I lost count. What’s this, the eighth rule? I certainly don’t do you five times over twelve hours. Did we even consider a condom? Should I keep going?” he asked, his voice sounding as though he’d turned toward her as the scent of the coffee filled the room.

  Julia kept her head bent, studying the closet floor. She hadn’t had a clear plan when she’d started this, but somehow she’d managed to get her hopes up. She had loved last night. She never considered the possibility that this might be a cheap hookup until right this minute. Her shoulders drooped as the weight of what she’d done settled on her.

  Unexpectedly, Connor’s caring hands grasped for her arms, gently turning her toward him. He used his bent finger to lift her face to his. His kind smile instantly eased the anxiety welling inside her. No question, Connor McDaniel affected her on some higher level. He held the power to turn her on, make her insecure, then give her comfort all in a matter of a few well-placed words. That inner roll of the eyes happened at how badly she had it for this man.

  “I get it,” she said, cutting her gaze away from his.

  Needing some distance from the whiplash of emotions jerking her around, she moved toward the bed and placed her purse there as she dug through its depths to look for her brush. She had to look a mess.

  “I wish I had a toothbrush.”

  “Use mine,” he offered, coming in right behind her, his hands resting on her hips, invading her personal space.

  “I can’t use your toothbrush,” she said, taking a step to the side to help with much-needed perspective.

  “You had my balls in your mouth, but you won’t use my toothbrush?” he teased. Julia found her brush and started toward the bathroom, Connor following behind her as she contemplated what he’d just said.

  She smiled and shook her head. “I’ve never considered that before. It’s a really good point.”

  Seriously, she had to get out of this room. This was way too much for first thing in the morning. Her super-sexy, touchy-feely guy had just made her laugh, yet again adding another layer of emotion experienced in the matter of about five minutes.

  Connor dug through his toiletry bag to produce a brand new, unopened toothbrush, and handed the package over to her.

  “I needed a new one. I just hadn’t opened it yet,” he said, pointing to the toothpaste on the counter. He left her there, of course with the door open. Shut doors only seemed to apply to him. She made quick work of brushing both her hair and her teeth before returning to the room. Connor had a cup of coffee in his hands, his shoes on, and was sitting in the desk chair, staring at her.

  “You’re pretty in the morning,” he said, that Southern drawl more pronounced anytime he gave her a compliment. His words actually made another blush hit her cheeks.

  “Thank you,” she said, a big smile on her face as she stuffed her brush back inside her purse. He pointed to the small Keurig on the bar. “I made you coffee. I didn’t know if you drank it.”

  “I love coffee,” she said. The steaming cup effectively took her mind off anything else as she went straight for the machine.

  “Me too. I left the sweetener out.”

  “It took some time, but I trained myself to drink it black. Mmmm.” After a long swallow, she placed the cup on the nightstand and reached for the hoodie still in the closet. Julia pulled it on, before tugging the hood over her head. She shoved the pieces of her hair inside, zipping it up to the chin. Tired of the insecurity that had formed, Julia tackled the problem head-on. “W
ere you serious about calling me when you get done or was that an easy brush-off?”

  “I’ll call you. I wrote my number down. I didn’t want to force it on you,” he said, tearing off a piece of paper from a pad beside him while she took hold of her coffee again. She went for the phone, still on the bed, and quickly entered his phone number, sending him a text message. She stared at him until his phone gave a little chirp.

  “That’s probably me.”

  On much more stable ground, she absently dropped her phone in her purse, which she tossed over her shoulder. She quickly looked around for her vanity glasses. Connor held them out to her, and she slid them in place before taking another long drink of the coffee.

  “You look different with your hair hidden and those glasses on,” Connor said. He looked down at his phone, then laughed as he stood and extended an arm. She supposed he’d opened her text. He did exactly what she suggested in her message: “Come kiss me goodbye.”

  “I had fun. It was unexpected,” she said, placing the cup on the desk beside his, moving into his arms.

  “Yeah.” His tone was the same as last night: gruff and filled with need.

  “You’ll text me when you’re close to done? I have filming, but I’ll think of something to take a break. I’ll need about twenty minutes.”

  Connor’s gaze scanned her face before removing her glasses. He discarded those on the desk before moving both palms to her face to hold her in place. He continued to stare intently at her, as though he was trying to communicate something, but she had no idea what until he lowered his face, gently sampling her lips. His tongue slid inside, softly stroking hers. The kiss caressed her heart, leaving her breathy and needy, before he pulled away. She was lost in the moment, still staring up at him as he reached for her glasses, carefully sliding them back on her face.


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