Mission Happy (A Texas Desires Novel Book 3)

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Mission Happy (A Texas Desires Novel Book 3) Page 32

by Rylie Roberts

“It’s a good family to belong to,” she said, tightening her hold.

  “The police are pulling up,” Bruno said, entering the living room from the kitchen, striding through the foyer toward the front door.

  “What’s going on?’ Connor asked, all heads turning toward Bruno.

  “I’m not sure. They didn’t call. I just got told of their arrival.” Bruno stopped close to the door, slightly moving the curtain from the small windows.

  Bruno looked back at Connor, they stared at one another, just giving a look that communicated everything the other wanted to convey, and no one else got a clue as to what they were thinking. Another development from Connor’s stay at the hospital, he and Bruno were doing this more and more.

  “Do you need me to stick around?” Bray asked as Connor went toward Bruno, looking over his shoulder out the window. He and Bruno now wore the same hard expression as they watched the cars moving up the drive.

  “Probably not a bad idea,” Bruno answered first.

  Connor’s father patted her on the shoulder. She could see where Connor got his steady ways. They were reflected in everything his parents did. “We’ll be in the other room. Come on, Cole.”

  “What? No. Whatever they got to say to Connor, they can say in front of me,” Cole said, back to his teasing self. He was stretched out on her sofa, hadn’t moved a muscle since they’d arrived, and he did nothing more than lift his hands behind his neck, kicking his feet out in front of him to get more comfortable.

  Cole always waffled between two distinct personalities. He was incredibly responsible, very focused, and loyal to the core when Cole and Connor were one on one, but in the group, he became the clown—loud, funny, and super easygoing. The acting world was full of Cole’s personality type. Early on, she learned that usually meant they were shielding something painful, but Julia had never broached the subject with Connor.

  “Boy, get up and get movin’. I need to better understand how my favorite tarp has a purposeful cutout in the shape of a truck window. I have a feelin’ you know all the answers,” Paul grumbled, a tone he’d probably used a thousand times in his life with Cole. Old habits were hard to break. Cole looked like he wanted to argue, but didn’t. He slowly rose to his feet, coming by Connor, giving him a much gentler whack to his back than he normally would have.

  “And I winded up not even using the tarp, I stuck with the cardboard. Since you’re always being so truthful, guide me. Should I tell your pop that?” Cole asked loud enough for everyone in the house to hear. Since his buddy was a natural born comedian, he didn’t wait for Connor’s answer, just paused enough to let his words sink in before grinning. “If any of those officers are female and hot, come get me.”

  Cole was off, heading toward the kitchen. “Mrs. McDaniel, you been cookin’ anything that’ll stick to my ribs, like some of your fried chicken…”

  “That boy,” his dad mumbled, hiding the laughter as he trailed behind. Julia hadn’t gotten anymore inside the house than the entryway, and Connor hadn’t sat down since they arrived, which went against her whole plan to have him relax for the rest of the afternoon.

  Bruno opened the front door, catching the police officer off guard as he lifted a fist to knock. There was one officer in front, and two directly behind him. They just stood there, staring at one another, sizing each other up. If the moment hadn’t been so serious and tension-filled, it would have been comical to watch all the testosterone flying back and forth.


  The initial hostility Connor experienced when first waking in the hospital spiked again as he stared at the police officers standing on the front porch. He hadn’t gotten over Julie leaving that panic room to let the first responders inside the house. Realistically, he knew they needed to know what they were stepping into before entry, their lives mattered as much as anyone’s, but in Connor’s mind, someone should have stepped up to keep his headstrong girlfriend out of harm’s way.

  He registered all the feral emotions taking hold, and immediately began talking himself down from the extreme protective aggression wanting him to pound his chest, and slam the door to keep all this feared pain away from Julie. She’d gone through too much over the last few days.

  Unrealistic? Absolutely. Did he care? Minimally. Did he question whether the police even asked her to open the door? Oh yeah. Over the last forty-eight hours, he’d realized with all certainty that his Julie loved him as much as he loved her. The magical power she had of healing him had multiplied, proving as long as she was by his side, nothing else mattered. She also seemed to have the same desire to keep him safe as he had with her. Only his had quadrupled since this discovery.

  “Please, come in. Guys, let them inside the house,” Julie said. Connor swiveled his head, seeing her take several steps inside the living room, and he forced himself backward. Bruno was slower to withdraw. They hadn’t been given one single word on the legal or criminal ramifications he might face. With all the bureaucratic red tape he’d dealt with recently, he expected nothing less than a big pile of crap coming down on them. He’d taken down three men in little over a month; he could see civilian life having a problem with that.

  “Guys, let them in please,” Bray called out.

  As far as he could see, his woman was lucky to have Bruno as her personal bodyguard. He’d certainly sleep better at night knowing Bruno was on guard. Another positive, Bruno didn’t care if Julie was happy with his decisions, so he could face off with these officers for a second longer to prove his warrior heart was alive and well, before stepping aside and holding the door open wider for them to enter.

  Connor moved ahead of the group, going toward Julie. This was the first time either of them had been inside this room since the shootout. The furnishings were exactly the same, but brand new. Nothing looked out of place. They had done a remarkably quick job at cleaning the area. He found no signs of a disturbance.

  When the front door was shut and the lead officer gravitated toward the living room, he spoke first, seemingly unaware of the hostility he’d been met with.

  “I’m Officer Moon. We’re here on an unofficial visit at the request of our chief who’s a personal friend of Ms. Holly’s. I’m the lead investigator on your case.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Julie extended her hand, ushering everyone in the room. “Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?”

  “No, ma’am, we’re fine. We stopped by the hospital, but they explained you’d just left.” Julie nodded, and when no one really moved, she took her own spot on the sofa, pulling him along to sit next to her. Bray took a side chair, but Bruno and the officers continued standing. Bruno stayed stern, giving off his own round of intimidation with his muscular arms crossed over his chest, thick legs spread apart, focused only on the police.

  “What have you found out?” Connor asked.

  “I’ll just say it plainly. Clarence Hopkins passed away this morning,” the officer explained without even the smallest hint of compassion. Connor found he instantly respected that. The creep had emotionally tortured Julie for far too long to warrant any kind of regret. Julie took the words in, stared at the officer, then looked at him, blinking once, then twice, before she leaned forward, bending over, bringing her hands to cover her mouth.

  She trembled as she spoke. “The deep fear that man provoked was staggering.”

  Connor lifted a palm to rub up and down her spine, hoping to give her comfort. With Hopkins’s death, that phase of Julie’s life was now over. Her breath shuddered on the exhale as she raised her head to look over at him. The relief on her pretty face was evident, making him unreasonably proud that he could bring her this closure from such a fearful time in her life.

  “What does that mean for Connor?” Bray asked, his tone professional but serious, causing Connor to remember there was more to this story. He’d been the one to end Hopkins’s life. Julie sat up, wrapping her arms tightly around herself, scooting closer into Connor’s side. If healing were tangible, he could feel her body’s
instant recovery.

  “The investigation’s still underway, but it seems like a cut-and-dry case. The video footage is clear and complete,” the officer said, lifting his hands, giving a small shrug.

  “Any word on how he was able to get away from the mental hospital?” Connor asked.

  “Unfortunately, a security guard wasn’t as lucky as you all. They found him stuffed in a pharmaceutical closet. Hopkins stole his uniform, the drugs, and his badge, making him able to swipe himself out.”

  “No one noticed?” Bruno asked.

  “Apparently not until we notified them of the incident here that same night.”

  “How is that possible?” Bray asked.

  “Off the record, they’re blaming budget cuts. Too many patients to look out for. They’re probably right,” he added, giving a confirming nod.

  “So he’s dead.” The tears that didn’t ever seem too far from the surface, over the last few days, reappeared.

  Connor had his arm around her, drawing her tightly against his side as she watched the officer nod compassionately.

  “He terrorized my life for so long,” she said, looking up at Connor.

  “I know he did,” Connor said, bringing her head forward for a kiss at her temple.

  “It’s freeing to not be so scared,” she said, looking over at Bruno.

  Bruno nodded, his face relaxing some for Julie, maybe even giving a slight reassuring smile, making the flow of her tears increase. She wiped them away as Bray appeared out of nowhere to hand her several tissues.

  “We just wanted to give you the news personally. If you don’t have any more questions, we’ll let you get back to your homecoming,” the officer said, looking at the two others on his team who had stayed near the entryway. He reached in his front pocket, pulled out a business card, and extended it toward Bruno. “Once the case is officially closed, I’ll be back in touch. Call me if anything arises between now and then.”

  “I’ll walk him out,” Bruno said.

  Julie didn’t move, even when Connor did, twisting his body to get a better look at her. She stayed right there, watching them walk away, until her gaze traveled to Connor’s face. His usually chatty angel stayed quiet for several seconds longer.

  “Are you all right?” Connor asked, pushing her hair away from her face as an excuse just to touch her.

  “I think so. I hate the loss of life, but he wouldn’t have stopped until he got me.”

  “I wouldn’t let that happen.” He said the statement with such conviction that she smiled and lifted a hand to caress his cheek.

  “I know. I’m lucky you’re in my life. You’ve saved me twice now.”

  Connor bent forward, wrapping a hand around her head, pulling her forward to meet his lips.

  “God, that’s all they do. Get a room,” she heard Cole say from somewhere across the living room.

  “Shh, leave them alone. Where are we staying tonight?” Bray asked.

  “I figured here. The place’s bigger than a hotel,” Cole answered.

  “No way. They need privacy and time with their parents. I’ll get us a room.” The conversation between Bray and Cole must have caught Julie’s attention. She pulled away just enough to stare up at him. The love reflected in her gaze sealed the hope inside his heart.

  “You have to ignore them. They never quit.”

  “As long as you don’t quit, they can do whatever they want,” she said, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his lips as she trailed a caressing hand down his cheek.

  “From what Bruno says, you get crazy letters from weirdos all the time,” he said, turning serious, still facing her, bringing up his other arm to make a protective shell around her. He’d have to work on the caveman deal, but not today. Later. Much later.

  “That’s right. I do.”

  “Then I guess I have no choice but to swallow my pride and stay here with you. Who’s gonna keep you safe if I’m gone.” He didn’t ask the question, he stated the facts, and she beamed, making his heart sing. “You good with that?”

  “Absolutely I am.” Julie wrapped both her arms around his neck, drawing closer as she hugged him tight. He broke the hold, scooping her in his arms. He hoisted her up, and it took a second to absorb her weight. Maybe he wasn’t fully well, but fuck it. He moved forward, carrying her from the room, toward the stairs, ignoring Cole’s whooping and hollering at his bold move.

  Chapter 20

  Four Weeks Later

  Moving day had arrived for Connor, and shockingly, he had way more crap in that apartment than he’d ever thought possible. He’d been packing for two solid days now, and he filled the last box from his closet as the movers took his dresser to their truck. Julie came inside the bedroom, her hair tied back in a high ponytail, wearing a pair of vintage jeans and a ragged old T-shirt that fit like a glove and carrying the last of his kitchen dishtowels.

  “There’s no place for these in the kitchen boxes,” she said, looking inside his box, then placing the rags inside before he used the tape gun like a pro to seal the flaps closed.

  “Are you sad?” Julie asked, running a hand over his buzz cut as he bent to tape the box a second time.

  “Nah, I’m taking what’s important back to your place,” he said, lifting the box and heading out of the now empty bedroom.

  “At some point you’re gonna have to admit that it’s your house, too,” Julie said, trailing behind him as he carried the box through the apartment and headed to the moving truck.

  “That’s definitely not now though,” he explained, giving her a look over his shoulder that she had dubbed all-Connor. Julie explained it as a combination of sass and finality that always made her grin. He loved that smile she gave in return, making him proud that he was able to place it on her pretty, excited face.

  “The grill goes on the last run,” Connor called out, stopping one of the movers from going out the sliding glass door to the patio. Moving the prize grill had never been a problem for Julie, but Connor had created some drama over the thing, planning for the last week over exactly where the huge piece of equipment should be placed in the backyard. He went so far as to personally toss her old grill in a Dumpster to make room for his prize. The grill, along with his clothes, some weapons, and personal items from his childhood were being delivered straight to her place. Honestly, he could have let everything in the apartment go except for that grill.

  When Julie went to grab the last box from the kitchen, Connor stopped and turned toward her. He lowered his box to have her place hers on top. When she didn’t comply, he said, “You aren’t supposed to do anything. You shouldn’t have even come.”

  “I can pick up a box,” she said, turning away, resisting his request.

  “It’s your only day off after working two weeks straight,” he patiently explained and waited, blocking the front door.

  “Connor, you’re hardheaded. I can help, and I’m excited we’re officially moving in together,” she said, pausing, waiting for him to change his mind. He didn’t and she reluctantly did what he asked, placing the box on top of his.

  “If you want to do something, I have a box of condiments in the refrigerator. Get those for me. They go inside my truck,” Connor said, stepping out on the front porch and down the steps where the moving van had narrowly parked between the rows of parked cars. He pushed his two boxes inside, meeting Bruno there.

  “We done?”

  “I think so. The truck’s coming for the grill. They’re waiting out on the street. I’ve got everything else in the back of my pickup,” Connor said, turning to walk stride for stride next to Bruno as they headed back into the apartment. They met Julie coming out, her hands full of his special marinades and BBQ sauces. Bruno reached out, taking the box out of her hands.

  “I can carry it,” she said, fighting him from taking the box.

  “I got it.” Much like Connor, Bruno didn’t listen. He yanked the box from her arms, heading back out toward the parking lot.

  “That go
es in the cab of my pickup,” Connor called out after him.

  “Got it.”

  “You two are frustrating people.” Julie even stomped her foot as the loud moving truck roared to life.

  “Yep,” he acknowledged, laughing at her indignation as she pivoted away from him, stomping toward his truck. He watched her go while he waited the few minutes for the one moving truck to head out, letting the other, much smaller one back into his parking lot. These were old buddies from the military who’d started a moving company. When those guys got to his door, he handed over his apartment keys, surprised that he had absolutely no emotion at giving up his bachelor pad.

  “You’ll drop those off at the office on your way out, right?” he asked, staying out on the porch, keeping an eye on Julie. Outside of the fan letters and emails that declared undying love, nothing more had happened to spook any of them. It was just damn hard to ease up on the seriousness of protection with all the crazy loons running amuck around the world.

  “Not a problem. We’ll meet you back at your place in Hollywood.”

  Connor nodded then trotted down the front steps, heading straight for his truck, looking at the back of Julie’s head where she sat dead center of the front seat. She was everything right in his world. No, he had zero problem giving up this place. As if she knew his thoughts, she turned around, watching him through the back window as he walked toward her. She regularly stole his words, but now she truly held his heart. His whole life plan revolved around making sure this woman knew how much he valued her—forever and always.


  Three months later

  Connor stood in front of the full-length mirror, taking several steadying breaths as he ran his hands down the front of his stupidly expensive handmade suit. It fit better than anything he’d ever worn before and accentuated everything it should while managing to achieve the slender leg look that was so popular in today’s men’s fashion. Who would have thought his big thunder thighs could pull off this kind of pant?


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