Take Down

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Take Down Page 6

by Mallery Malone

  “I’m sorry he put you through that.” Though it pained him to let her go, he tucked her back into bed, then crossed to the bathroom to wet a facecloth for her. He gently pressed the cool cloth to her tear-swollen face. “You’re shaking. What did he say to you?”

  She recounted the story, ending with Peyton’s request for money and her refusal. “That’s when he told me I was a disappointment to the Armistead name, so much so that he doubted I was his daughter.”

  Her voice broke. Fury flooded Gabriel’s system as he hauled her back into his arms. Peyton Armistead had to pay. No, Peyton Armistead was going to pay, and Gabriel held the bill.

  “Gabriel.” She breathed against his throat. “Gabriel, are you okay? It sounds like you’re growling.”

  He loosened his grip. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m having a hard time restraining myself from going after your father. I know it’s not nice of me to say, but I want to hurt him for hurting you.”

  “It was horrible, so horrible. The things he said, the anger …” She shook her head. “The company that’s taking over wants him to step down. I think it’s a good idea.”

  “You do?” Gabriel asked in surprise.

  “I do. I mean, if he treats his employees the same way he treats his daughter, the company will be better off with someone else at the helm.”

  “Then maybe what’s happening is a good thing, but not if it makes him lash out at you.”

  “I don’t get the anger. It’s been ten years since you and I were together. You left town and I left town. Why would he be so angry with you still? You’re a good man, Gabriel, and you’ve done good things, good things no one talks about.”

  “I’m not a good man, Kari. I just have good moments.” He stroked a hand down her back, half-comfort, half-apology. She felt perfect in his arms, so damn perfect. “As for your father, I don’t know why he has it in for me. I stopped wondering years ago.”

  Actually Gabriel hadn’t cared why Peyton Armistead had such a hard-on for him; he just knew he’d get even one day. That day had finally come, but with Kari still reeling from their confrontation, his need to avenge himself took a backseat. His need to avenge her was now front and center.

  She drew back enough to see his face, her hands light on his shoulders. “Well, you did a good thing today, coming here to check up on me—and for not running away when you saw me in all my red-faced, puffy-eyed fabulousness.”

  “You’re beautiful in every way, Kari,” he whispered, meaning it. He cupped her cheek, using his thumb to brush the remnants of her tears away. “I’m not running away. Never again.”

  That cornflower-blue gaze of hers, so filled with trust and care and belief in him, humbled him. “I’m glad.” She kissed him softly.

  He let her control the kiss, knowing she needed it. Thinking she’d keep to her soft exploration, he was surprised when she thrust her hands into his hair and opened her mouth over his. Hunger roared to life inside him as the heat of her pussy grinding against his lap chopped at his self-control.

  She pushed him down on the bed, peppering his face with kisses as she ran her hands along his abs. He cupped her breasts through her camisole, her hardened nipples branding his palms and short-circuiting his brain. Like a punch he didn’t see coming, her nimble fingers had his trousers open and his cock in her fist.

  Holy fuck, that felt good. Control shredded, he flipped her onto her back, his hands shackling her wrists above her head. He dropped his head to claim her lips, thrusting against her in a bare-knuckle fight to get inside her now.

  She moaned, that deep, fuck me now moan that tightened his balls. His eyes snapped open to better see the pleasure that parted her lips. Pleasure he saw, but he also saw the tearstained cheeks, the red-rimmed eyes. That was enough to knock the edge off the raging want.

  “Kari, we need to stop.” He made a half-assed effort to lift away from her, but she wrapped her legs around his waist, trapping his aching dick between them. He thrust against her again because it was a fucking crime not to, cursing at the fabric barrier that blocked him from burying himself balls-deep.

  “Why?” She kissed him again, a hot, open-mouthed melding that sent all his blood rushing south. “I know we both want to.”

  She did some sort of shimmy thing that pushed the length of him against her slit, and he had to tighten his grip on her wrists to keep from ripping her panties off. She stole every damned thought out of his mind except the burning desire to be inside her. Again he ground his needy cock against her once, twice. Only the thought of shooting his load like a hormone-laden teen had him lifting off her and rolling onto his back.

  “We can’t do this, Kari,” he told her, each word like a self-inflicted stab wound to the gut. “Not now.”

  She sat up, doubt bringing storm clouds to her eyes. “Don’t you want to have sex with me?”

  “No. I mean, hell yes. I mean—” He broke off, thumping his head against the bed as she stroked him. “Fuck me.”

  “I’m trying to, but you keep stopping me.” She cupped him again.

  “Kari.” He gritted his teeth as he wrapped a hand around her wrist and pulled her hand off his tortured cock with an effort. “Look at me. Hell yeah, I want to fuck you—I want us to fuck the mattress off the bed, break furniture, and make everyone between here and Baton Rouge wish they were getting it like we are. But I’ll be damned if our first time in ten years is because your bastard of a father made you cry. When we get together—and we will get together—I want it to be because you want me as much as I want you.”

  She pouted, and damn if that didn’t make him want her lips around him right fucking now. “Gabriel, I was just dry-humping you. I think that proves how much I want you.”

  “You’re killing me, Kari.” He slid away from her then sat up. “I’m trying to do the right thing here. We’ve waited before.”

  “Until I was eighteen. Two years of torture.”

  “It was worth the wait, wasn’t it?”

  “It was the best birthday I’ve ever had.” She shook her head, eyes misty with memory. “It was good—we were good. I want to see how you’ve improved with age.”

  “You will,” he promised, hearing his hunger for her clearly in his voice. “I’ll make this time worth the wait too.”

  “Does it matter?” she wondered. “It’s not like you’re going to be my white knight and carry me off into the sunset like I wanted you to back then.”

  “I would if you’d let me.”

  “Oh, Gabriel.” She sighed. “We tried that once before. It didn’t work out well for either one of us. I’ve learned to fight my own battles, no matter how bloody they may be.”

  “I know.” He rose. “You’ve survived and you’ve excelled. I know you don’t need me to rescue you.”

  He tucked himself back into his pants. “I still think you need to get away. Despite what your father said, he’s not going to leave you alone as long as you’re in town.”

  “I know. I thought about taking Macy up on her offer to stay at her condo while I’m here since she’s spending most of her time at Raphael’s place.”

  “It’s private but not as secure as being here at the hotel,” Gabriel pointed out. “And there’s no room there for your bodyguards.”

  “True.” She sighed again. “I’m getting tired of hotels though. I thought I’d have a little peace and quiet here to just relax and hang with Macy, do a little songwriting, but that stunt you pulled with the charity dates made sure we’d be front-page news for a while. I’d love to just get away.”

  He ignored the twinge of guilt her words caused him. “Then come with me.”

  Wariness spilled into her eyes. “Come where? If it’s staying with you, I’m going to have to disappoint you.”

  He grinned. “I’m not going to ask you to move in with me, Karina. I have something else in mind.”

  One dark brow lifted in pure skepticism. “Something like what?”

  “Our next date.” He held out his hand to
her. “Will you trust me?”

  She stared up at him for the longest time. Finally, she raised her hand, slipped it into his palm. “You know you’re asking a lot of me, considering everything that’s happened between us.”

  “I know.” He lifted her to her feet. “But, considering everything that’s happened between us, I’d like the opportunity to get the whole white knight thing right.”

  “Okay. What do you want me to do?”

  “Do you have your passport with you?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Pack a bag. Warm-weather clothing. If there’s something you don’t have here, we’ll pick it up on the way.”

  “On the way where?”

  He grinned. “Somewhere private, where you father and the paparazzi can’t follow. Someplace that requires sunglasses and sunscreen and little else.”


  “This is heaven.”

  “No.” Gabriel smiled at her. “This is St. Philippe.”

  Her white knight had pulled off a miracle. He’d arranged everything while she’d thrown an overnight bag together and called her manager and Macy then sent a text message to her brother. Thirty minutes later, she was in the back of a limousine with Gabriel, their security teams following. Within an hour, they took off from Lakefront Airport in a beautifully appointed Gulfstream. Stress fell away as the plane climbed into the sky, making her so relaxed she fell asleep against Gabriel’s shoulder.

  She’d awakened for the pit stop in Miami, where she quickly scooped up some beachwear at one of her favorite stores. She shopped quickly, not wanting to be in town long enough for paparazzi to find them. After an amazing meal served during the flight, they’d landed, made a quick customs stop, then transferred to a boat for the final leg of their journey to their mysterious destination.

  What a destination it was. St. Philippe was a stunning private island in the British Virgin Islands. A hard-packed path wound from the dock through thick vegetation that opened up to four guesthouses encircling a gorgeous plunge pool, cabana, and outdoor cooking pavilion. Kari had thought she and Gabriel would take one of the bungalows, but he surprised her by leading her up another jungle-shaded path. A few minutes later, the lush walkway opened onto a spectacular Balinese-style villa.

  “Welcome to your island retreat,” Gabriel announced as he opened the door then gestured her inside.

  Kari stepped over the threshold, her jaw dropping as she took in the lavishly casual and tranquil space. Instead of walls, the villa used sliding glass panels, most of which were open to allow a cross breeze from the sea and to show off the view from a large wraparound deck. Gauzy white curtains hung over each opening, wafting in the breeze.

  “Wow,” she breathed as she stepped farther into the room. “Two dozen people could stay here!”

  “Actually a dozen could,” Gabriel clarified, following her in with their bags. “There are six guest rooms on this floor, four bathrooms, kitchen and dining, and the entertainment area. Our suite takes up the entire upper level.”

  She turned to him, one eyebrow raised teasingly. “Our suite?”

  He smiled. “I could thumb-wrestle you for it, but I’m feeling generous. When you see it you’ll understand.”

  They made their way to a switchback staircase that spilled onto a small landing offering a view of the undeveloped portion of the island. She opened the only door then stepped into a dream of a bedroom.

  It was open like the floor below, glass panels pushed back to let in the island breeze. A massive teak bed sat on a raised platform oriented to the sunset, draped with crisp white linens and a canopy. Chaise lounges were spread about the room to take advantage of the nearly 360-degree view. On the jungle side, the room flowed onto a small private deck complete with Jacuzzi, deck chairs, and an outdoor sofa. Seaside was another, larger deck that stepped down into an infinity pool complemented by a waterfall and fountain.

  The pool and view drew her like a lodestone. “Oh my God, the bathtub’s outside?”

  “So’s the shower.” He moved into her field of vision, still exuding power and raw sensuality despite shedding his business suit for less formal attire. He pointed to a six foot, two-sided wooden structure at the left corner of the deck and house that held the shower. A wooden staircase led down into the lush vegetation and a peek at what looked to be a private beach.

  “Nice.” She gazed at the sprawling deck, the ocean, then the man. “So very nice, but the pool is calling my name. Is it heated?”

  “There’s only one way to find out.” The intent in his eyes burned as brightly as the sunset. “Strip.”

  The commanding edge in his voice strummed a chord of desire deep inside her, reverberating throughout her body and creating an echo of bold need. Conscious of his gaze on her, she slipped out of her lightweight sweater, then pushed down her peasant skirt before stepping out of it. “Your turn.”

  He unbuttoned his short-sleeved shirt, revealing a mouthwatering set of abs. Kari couldn’t stop the animalistic grunt of approval as he took the shirt off, fully revealing his cut torso. His smile told her he knew she appreciated the view. “After you.”

  “You know, this is basically a swimsuit. Maybe I’m good right here.”

  “You’re definitely good, but why spoil all this privacy by staying dressed? Don’t tell me you’re feeling shy?”

  She fell for the deliberate goad, anticipation driving her. Her fitted camisole joined the growing pile of clothing on the deck, her nipples hardening to bullet points beneath his heated gaze. She shimmied out of her panties then reached up to loosen her ponytail. “I’m going in.”

  Turning her back to him, she sashayed to the steps leading down into the pool. Warm water thankfully greeted her and she dove in, surfacing when she reached the infinity edge. She slicked her hair back to find him still standing where she’d left him, pitching an obvious tent in his khakis. “Planning on joining me?” she called as she treaded water. “I’m really wet now.”

  With a sarcastic snort, he opened his khakis and dropped trou, revealing a pair of navy boxer-briefs that did nothing to conceal the powerful thighs, the full erection. “When I set this trip up, I planned on making love to you in that bed,” he told her, his voice scraped bare. “On the plane I thought about having sex with you in the hot tub.”

  Belatedly she remembered the ability to speak. “And now?”

  “Now?” He bared his teeth at her. “Now I’m going to fuck you into the sunset as soon as I take these briefs off.”

  Breath whooshed out of her as her entire body flushed at the blunt promise in his words and tone. “I sure as hell hope so.”

  The last veneer of civility fell away as he shoved his briefs down. His cock sprang free, thick, heavy, and stretching toward his navel. There was a decade of difference between her memory and his reality. Gabriel now had a fighter’s body, heavily muscled and honed from years of pummeling his opponents.

  “Holy fuck,” she breathed. “The last ten years have been very good to you.”

  He grinned as he palmed his cock, a sure-fingered gesture that made her mouth water. “I’m coming for you, Kari. Are you ready for me?”

  She slid her right hand between her thighs, knowing he could see thanks to the lights in the pool. “Come here and find out.”

  He dove into the deep end, cutting through the water like a shark after prey. She stayed where she was, waiting for him, hungry for the feel of his body against hers, in hers.

  He surfaced in front of her, a water god come to claim his tribute. They lunged at each other, coming together in a clash of lips and teeth and tongues. His hands gripped her waist as he lifted her high out of the water. Kari gasped as his mouth–that luscious, sinful, mouth–slid down her throat, leaving fire in his wake. The man was lethal, but then Gabriel had always been all-consuming. What she’d felt for him all those years ago roiled inside her, bubbling up like lava from a once-dormant volcano, ready to explode outward in a grand release of pressure.

bsp; His lips found her breast, the cavern of his mouth hot against her nipple. With a low cry she arched into him, thoughts scattering as he lightly nibbled the strained tip. She was wet, so wet for him, ready for him. She had been for so long she couldn’t remember what it was like to not be ready for him, ready to be taken and claimed by him in every way possible.

  She clutched his shoulders. “Damn it, Gabriel, we need to hurry.”

  “Can’t fuck you in the pool,” he muttered, releasing her. “I need traction.”

  Not bothering to make his way to the stairs, Gabriel vaulted out of the pool, grabbed her by the biceps, and lifted her clear of the water in a display of strength that made her pussy clench in pure feminine need. “Condoms, condoms, we need condoms.”

  “Right.” He placed her on her feet. “On that lounger. Now.”

  She stretched out on the padded wooden lounger as he dug into his pants and retrieved a couple of condoms. He stalked toward her, intent clear in his eyes. God, he was magnificent, the Bayou Beast in the best, most primal way. Her body responded, nipples pebbling, thighs spreading, clit swelling.

  He straddled the lounger as she sat up, then handed her the condom. She took it, distracted from her empty pussy by the up-close view of his magnificent cock. She wrapped her hand around him, gave him one firm stroke. He hissed, jumping in her grasp, thickening beneath her fingers. A drop of precome beaded at the tip, luring her to take it onto her tongue.

  She did, then took him into her mouth as far as she could, savoring his spicy saltiness. He groaned, loud and deep, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as if he couldn’t decide whether to hold her in place or push her away.

  “Kari,” he ground out. “Aww, fuck, that feels good. But not your mouth. Not yet.”

  His need drew her own. She pulled off him with one last sucking draw, then ripped open the condom with trembling fingers. After one clumsy attempt, she managed to roll the thin sleeve down to the root then fell back against the lounger, opening arms and thighs for him. “Kiss me, Gabriel.”


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