The Mile High Madness

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The Mile High Madness Page 23

by Anders, Annabelle

  Stella sipped some wine, watching him from above the rim of her glass.

  “I thought you’d be more of a beer man.” She teased.

  Some of the burgundy liquid glistened on her lips and Peyton couldn’t help leaning forward to taste it. “Wine has its advantages.”

  “Mmm … “And then, “How do you like your steaks?” She took a bite of sandwich and eyed him playfully.

  “Medium Rare, if it’s quality. You?”

  She grinned. “Same. Pizza?”

  “Lots of meat. Leave off the salad.”

  “Speaking of meat–” Peyton raised his brows as he waited for her to complete such an evocative question “–Where are all the cows? Isn’t this a cattle ranch? I’ve met horses, dogs… not a single cow in sight.” Despite her joking she seemed genuinely interested.

  “They spend the hotter months on BLM lands.” He explained to her that in a few weeks, when the cold began setting in at higher altitudes, he’d have to bring them back down. Normally Corinne would take part in this but… He caught himself here. Instead he told Stella she could come along – and Misty. “You’ll see Red in all his glory. He’s my right-hand man.”

  “How many cows do you have?”

  “Two-hundred pair.” He answered automatically before taking a bite of his sandwich.


  He couldn’t help smiling. “A mama and her calf.”

  “They just hang out, on the BLM lands all by themselves? Why don’t they run away?”

  He enjoyed her simple questions. “I check on them a couple times a week. Make sure they’re keepin’ out of mischief.”

  Stella considered his answer before peppering him with more questions about his life, the ranch. Anybody else and he might have resented this. But with Stella… hell, he’d tell her anything at this point.

  By the time they finished their sandwiches, they had talked themselves quiet.

  Stella stared into his eyes across the table, resting her chin on her hands, and sighed. “Everything about this place. The history, the seasons. Depending on the land. You’re living a legacy. I don’t even know who my father is.”

  This surprised him. They knew so little about one another. Suddenly he wanted to know everything about her. What she did for fun – her favorite foods. He wanted to know what things had hurt her and why. He wanted to know her dreams.

  Knowing all this would take more than one night.

  He took one of her hands, lifted it to his mouth and deliberately kissed her knuckles. With his favorite song crooning over the sound system, he pulled her to stand against him and began swaying to the romantic tune… She moved perfectly against his body, the same as she had earlier that night.

  Moving into the open space by the living room, he guided her into a simple two step. She landed on his bare feet a few times but picked up the rhythm quickly. When she seemed more confident, he twirled her in a dizzying spin and then pulled her close again. This singer in the song wanted to get to know a woman – no pressure, no expectations. He just wanted a shot with her in the hopes they’d both want more. Could Stella hear the words he couldn’t say? Maybe she would just know.

  He wished he were better at stuff like this.

  Scratch that.

  Stella’s small warm hand in his, leading him upstairs, said all that needed saying.


  “Morning sleepy head.”

  Stella stretched and then smiled at the warmth of his body next to hers and the memories of last night. When she opened her eyes, Peyton lay propped up on one elbow, his blue eyes smiling down at her. The new dawn’s sunlight filtered through the white linen curtains.

  Peyton dipped his head and kissed her gently. She pushed niggling thoughts of guilt away – thoughts of Corinne, thoughts of Misty. She would dwell on what lay ahead later.

  For now, she wrapped her arms around him and deepened the kiss. “Mmm…” She wasn’t ready to face the day yet. He crawled on top of her and settled himself between her legs. Apparently, he wasn’t ready either.

  This morning they made love slowly, savoring each moment as dawn turned into daylight. And afterwards they just held one another. Listening to the quiet. Avoiding…

  Until the sound of an approaching vehicle set Red off barking. Peyton furrowed his brows, kissed her quickly on the lips, and dragged himself out of bed. Stella lay in bed lazily until she heard a car door slam and then distant voices.

  Curious, she tiptoed into her own room and dressed quickly. By the time she descended the stairs, brewing coffee scented the air.

  Heading for the kitchen to meet Peyton’s visitor, a sense of dread washed over her when she heard a cooing, female voice.

  “You should have called me. Of course, I would have come out to help, baby.”

  The woman stood beside Peyton, practically on top of him. He handed her the cup of coffee he’d just brewed and then, glancing up, caught sight of Stella.

  This had to be Valerie.

  Seeming to sense that she and Peyton were no longer alone, the youthful looking blonde peered over her shoulder.

  She slid one arm around Peyton and sent Stella a cold smile.

  Peyton hadn’t taken the time to put his shirt on so when Valerie tilted her head to stake her claim, she nuzzled naked skin.

  Stella froze inside.

  “You must be Corinne’s old friend.” Emphasis on old. “I’m so glad she and Misty don’t have to go through all of this alone.”

  Looking not quite as uncomfortable as he should, Peyton grabbed another coffee cup and inserted it beneath the machine. “Latte again, Stella?”

  “You city girls drink your coffee all fancy, I imagine. Out here we pretty much just take it hot and black.” Valerie took a sip of her cup as though to illustrate her point. “I’ll bet you can’t wait to get back to all of your… conveniences.”

  Stella didn’t have the heart for this today. “Latte’s fine.” Trying not to feel like a third wheel, she made her way to the refrigerator and pulled out a container of yogurt. As she did so, she caught a glimpse of the empty wine bottle and plates left over from last night. Stella had no doubt Miss Valerie had seen them as well.

  Peyton acted as nonchalant as ever.

  “So, Corinne’s being released today? Why don’t I drive over there with you? I need to go down to Junction anyway. I have some shoes I need to return.” Valerie turned her attention back to Peyton, easily dismissing Stella.

  Finally, Peyton met Stella’s eyes. “Do you want to wait here while I go pick them up?”

  Was he serious? Was he seriously going to spend the night with her and then drive off with this… bitch? Why hadn’t he sent Valerie away already?

  Had she read him all wrong? Had last night meant nothing to him?

  The thought of his eyes when she woke up flashed in her mind. Oh, hell no.

  He was simply being oblivious. Men could be idiots and this little vixen was simply playing him like a baby grand.

  Stella dipped her spoon into her yogurt and took a bite before speaking. “I don’t know, Pey,” she said. “I don’t think Corinne will be up to company.” And it was true, too. Corinne didn’t like Valerie. She’d never forgive Stella if she allowed that Miss Valerie whatserface to insert herself today.

  After the predictable Peyton pause, he nodded. “Stella’s probably right, Valerie.” He gently pushed the girl away from him and walked around the counter. “Probably better if just me and Stella go. When Corinne feels better, how bout I give you a call?”

  Valerie looked from one of them to the other before setting her coffee on the counter. “Hmph.” And then she looked back at Peyton. “Walk me to my truck.” It wasn’t a question.

  Maybe he did owe the girl some sort of explanation. Except…what would that explanation be? That he’d hooked up with his sister’s best friend while Corinne lay in a hospital bed?

  Corinne could never know about this. The last thing in the world she needed right now was to fee
l betrayed. Stella was certain Corinne would view it that way.

  And after Corinne and Misty were back home, would she and Peyton be able to hide it?

  Most likely not. Corinne knew both of them too well, and sick or not, she’d know.

  She just would.

  They needed to let it go… for now… She didn’t even want to consider how she’d feel about all of this after.

  Without saying a word, Stella walked out of the kitchen, leaving Peyton to deal with this problem on his own.

  After a quick shower, applying some makeup and drying her hair, Stella had gone downstairs to find the kitchen empty. She cleaned up the remnants left over from last night and then filled Red’s water dish.

  “The horses are fed. We should probably get on the road.” She didn’t hear Peyton come up behind her. He’d obviously showered as well. “We’ll take Corinne’s truck since her back seat’s bigger.”

  Stella nodded, grabbed her purse and then followed him outside. She hated that things felt awkward between them now. Was he too, now contemplating Corinne’s reaction?

  As he drove down toward the main road, the silence grated on her. And as much as she hated the idea of having ‘the talk’, they needed to clear a few things up.

  “Sorry about Valerie.” He spoke suddenly, surprising her.

  She didn’t want to ask but couldn’t help herself. “What did you tell her?”

  He’d reached the main road by now and glanced from side to side before turning onto the highway. “I didn’t tell her anything.”

  Stella stared straight ahead as she processed what this might mean.

  “I tell her something and before we know it, it’s all over town. Figured you and I needed to talk about things first.”

  The tightness in her chest eased up slightly. But they still faced complications. “We can’t let Corinne find out. Remember, I told you what she thought about that one girl you dated?”

  Peyton ran his hand through his hair in somewhat of a frustrated motion. “That was years ago.”

  Stella had considered that. But what if Corinne still felt the same way?

  A whole lot of time had passed. They weren’t silly college girls anymore.

  “Is it worth it?” She asked the question in a tiny voice.

  She knew it seemed insane. He’d probably think she’d gone crazy. But deep in her heart, in her soul, something screamed at her not to dismiss these feelings so lightly. She’d never felt this way with any guy. What if it was – or could come to be – love?

  Again, he dragged his hand through his hair. And then glanced sideways at her for a second. He seemed to be taking much longer than his normal time to think things through before answering.

  And then finally. “I don’t know. I wish we had more time.”

  Which was fair. She hadn’t expected him to declare his love for her. Heck, she wouldn’t believe him if he did.

  He slowed down as they drove through one of the smaller towns along the route. “Corinne would know, she’d see right through us if we simply didn’t tell her.” She hated the idea of lying to Corinne right now.

  He nodded but then shook his head from side to side.

  “Maybe, maybe not. I love my sister more than anything.” He seemed to choke a little.

  “But we’re all adults.” And then. “How ’bout we play it by ear?”

  Stella wasn’t so sure this would work and yet, he offered a plan worth trying. He reached over and covered her hand with his. Such a no-nonsense response to all of this was just so very Peyton. She squeezed his hand back. “Okay.”

  Peyton and Stella heard the sound of Misty’s laughter as they approached Corinne’s room. Peyton squeezed her hand gently before releasing it, and then they stepped into the room.

  Corinne smiled at them cheekily. No longer wearing the oxygen tube, she sat on the bed with her legs hanging over. “Feeling better now big brother?” She teased Peyton.

  He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and then lifted Misty into his arms. “How you doing, kiddo?” Stella knew he’d felt bad for leaving yesterday. She could see it in the tender way he held his niece and the sheepish look he sent his sister.

  Stella stepped forward and hugged Corinne. “You ready to get out of here?”

  “God, yes. I’m good to go as soon as they remove this thing.” She lifted her arm, indicating the IV. Did you by chance bring me some clothes to wear home?”

  Stella held up the bag she’d put together earlier. “What kind of a friend do you think I am?” Bad choice of words, she thought, wincing a little inside.

  “How ’bout a walk while your mom gets dressed?” Peyton lowered Misty to the floor.

  Jumping up and down, she took her uncle up on his suggestion eagerly. “Will you buy me another toy from the little store?” She seemed to pick up on his guilt.

  Stella laughed at that. Misty was smarter than all of them put together.

  Corinne encouraged Misty’s punishment. “And Flowers for me, Pey.”

  Shaking his head, he grunted before allowing Misty to tug him out the door.

  Not thirty seconds passed before Corinne surprised the hell out of Stella.

  “Oh, my God. That didn’t take long. I mean, I hoped it would happen but dayam!”

  Stella froze. “What do you mean?” But her friend had turned pink and even begun giggling a little.

  “One night alone, that’s all it took. My brother moves fast!”

  Not sure how to respond, Stella just covered her face with her hands. “I didn’t mean to, Corinne. Not for a million dollars would I ever do anything to intentionally hurt you!”

  Corinne’s arms wrapped around her. “Hurt me? Hurt me? You nerd! It’s what I wanted all along. I knew I wouldn’t have much time and I couldn’t leave Peyton to that Valerie chick. For years, I thought you two would be perfect together. Why did you think I kept inviting you over here…? I mean, aside from coming to see me?”

  Stella could hardly believe what she was hearing. “You mean, you’re okay with it? You’re not mad? You told me once that you hated it when your friends hit on your brother.”

  “Well, not you. Obviously.”

  “You could have told me!” Now Stella laughed. “Oh, my God, I’ve been stressing over this like crazy.”

  “So, tell me everything!” And then Corinne scrunched up her face. “Except the mushy details. I don’t want to hear any of those. Not about my brother. But are you in L-O-V-E?”

  “Don’t even spell it out!” Stella covered Corinne’s mouth with her hand, peeking over toward the door. “I don’t know. He doesn’t know. It’s too early.”

  But this was good. This just felt so damn good. Tears blurred Stella’s vision. “I’m gonna miss you so much!”

  “Don’t start!” Corinne blinked her own tears away. “I swear I’ll kill you if you start me up again.”

  “I know. I know. I’m sorry.” But she couldn’t’ help hugging her friend. “Now get that damn gown off so we can get you out of here.”


  Peyton watched Stella and Misty as they laid out the blanket and then sorted through the leather pack.

  They’d been through so much since the last time they’d ridden up here. Corinne had held on until just after Christmas, just long enough to see the ring he’d bought for Stella. She’d taken full credit for their engagement. Rightly so.

  How had his sister known he’d fall in love with this woman? How could she know how easily Stella would invade his heart? Even now, married six months, he marveled at his luck when he introduced her to someone as his wife.

  Stella had stayed at the ranch through it all, not once complaining. When the nurse who visited regularly wasn’t around, Stella helped Corinne with everything, eating, bathing. She’d sat with Peyton when he’d administered the last doses of morphine in the end.

  She’d also taken Misty under her wing. Comforting her when she cried, encouraging her to play when she’d needed to be a child… Stella had
been the silver lining in this tragic storm.

  Most of all, she’d been there for him.

  And now, here they were, exactly one year to the day, to mark Corinne’s last ride.

  Misty lay down on the blanket, looking at the sky. “Do you think Mama sees us up here?” Such an innocent question.

  “Always.” Stella answered before turning to catch his eye.

  “Mama was pretty smart, wasn’t she?” At that, Peyton sat down to join them.

  “What makes you say that?” He ruffled Misty’s head, enjoying Stella’s warmth as she leaned into him.

  “’Cause she found Stella for you.”

  And with those little words of wisdom a breeze blew through the air and swirled around them. Stella tucked her head beneath his chin and squeezed him tightly.

  “That’s what friends do, Misty. That’s what friends do.”

  —The End—



  Women have spoiled me. I’m not gonna lie. It’s been that way since I turned thirteen and it’s only gotten better – or worse – depending how you look at it. But it’s all catching up with me. Enter Charlie Roberts. She’s magic. She’s my witch. She’s my pregnant little hippie.


  He’s steak and burgers and I’m couscous and tofu. This guy. Colt Forrester storms into my life in a cloud of despair. And I feel it. But I feel so much more. I’ve always been a giver but will I give Colt too much? I know he’s gonna leave me and I need to stay whole. But what if it’s too late? Can I live without my heart?


  By Annabelle Anders



  Women have spoiled me. I’m not gonna lie. I smile, I get my way. It’s been that way since I turned thirteen and it’s only gotten better – or worse, depending on how you wanna look at it – since I rocketed up the country music charts about ten years ago.


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