Caress of the Wolf [The Gray Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Caress of the Wolf [The Gray Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Lori King

  Cadence chuckled from behind her as he removed his clothes. “No worries, flower. I’ll distract you so that you never even notice him.”

  She gave him a pointed look to tell him she wasn’t buying it, but the moment the two men had her between them, she realized that he was right. She had a very difficult time keeping track of whose hand was where. Four hands and two mouths skimmed over her naked flesh until she was heated beyond the point of reason and begging them to take her.

  Once again, Cadence pulled her down on top of him, but this time Mateo moved in behind her. It didn’t take her long to fit her pussy over Cadence’s hard cock and ease down onto it. When he wouldn’t let her lift back up, she whimpered in protest until she felt Mateo spreading cold lube between her ass cheeks.

  His fingertip danced over the puckered opening, teasing more than pushing, but it was enough to distract her from her desire for Cadence briefly. Sensing he had lost her, Cadence slapped her breast just hard enough to make her eyes pop open.

  “Eyes on me, flower. Mateo is going to stretch you some.”

  Mateo leaned close to her ear and kissed the skin right behind it in the sweetest way before whispering, “If you like it, I’ll keep going. If not I’m content to wait my turn, Whitney.”

  She gave him a nod and he began to press his finger into her tight passage. While Mateo was easing his digit past her muscles, Cadence thrust his hips up hard against her, sinking his cock into her pussy another couple of inches. A loud growl rumbled out of her chest, and she tossed her long black hair. Taking control, Cadence wrapped his fist in the long locks and pulled her down chest to chest with him. Between the sting on her scalp, the sting in her backside, and the erotic sensations in her full pussy, she was nearly mindless with need.

  Mateo’s thick fingertip pushed deeper and she yelped at the sudden burning that followed. “Stop!”

  The two men froze instantly, holding completely still for several heartbeats until she made the next move. “Look at me, flower.” Her eyes snapped open again and she stared into Cadence’s dark brown gaze. “It’s new, and different, I know, but is he hurting you or are you just feeling apprehensive?”

  “I–I’m okay. It burns and stings some, but it’s not terrible,” she responded. Once she had said it out loud, she realized that it was true. There wasn’t really significant pain, just an awkward naughty feeling of fullness.

  Cadence rocked his hips again and she met his thrusts, letting her knees slide open more so that she sunk down, taking him even deeper. They began moving as one again. She felt Mateo withdraw his finger and push it back it, two fingers instead of one this time. Again she felt the awkward sting that wasn’t really that bad, and the burning that seemed to be just intense enough to drive the heat in her veins higher.

  As her muscles relaxed, Mateo was able to slide a third finger inside of her body, and he spread them out, stretching her passage to make way for his invasion. It wasn’t long before she was rocking back against him, seeking out the pressure of his fingers and reaching for her climax. She nearly screamed when he suddenly withdrew completely, leaving her bereft of his touch.

  Beneath her Cadence grinned at her predicament and thrust his cock deeper into her pussy before he too withdrew almost completely. Only the bulbous head of his cock rested at her opening and he gripped her hips so hard that he was immobilized.

  “What the hell?” she complained, but then she felt Mateo press his thickness against her tiny opening. Hazarding a glance over her shoulder, she was slightly shocked to see him kneeling between his cousin’s spread knees, preparing to ass fuck her, while she rode Cadence. It was kinky, and her body began to react to the taboo.

  “Easy, amor. Push out and I’ll slide in easier. If it’s too much, say so and I’ll stop.” He spoke through gritted teeth, and she had to admire his resolve. She wasn’t sure she would be able to stop this once it started, so it seemed funny that he thought he could.

  Just as she was about to whine again, his cock pushed into the tight ring of muscles and the air stopped in her lungs. The burning feeling in her anus was wickedly intense and every nerve in her body seemed to expand and contract with each tiny motion of his cock. Cadence watched her face, and she closed her eyes to avoid letting him see her anxiety as Mateo kept pushing forward, forcing his way into her most personal space.

  “Cousin, give her a minute,” Cadence instructed softly. She hadn’t even realized that tears were running down her cheeks, but his thumbs were brushing them away. “Is it too much, love? Mateo won’t be angry if you say no.”

  Her heart lurched in her chest, and she shook her head. “No, please, it’s just so much, so…just…take it slow, okay?”

  Cadence gave Mateo the slightest nod, encouraging him to continue. Then he pulled her head down the last few inches so that he could capture her lips, and she lost herself in his kiss. It was encompassing, and he seemed to pull a piece of her soul out of her body with just his lips meshed with her own. Before long she was so lost in the kiss that Mateo’s invasion seemed less drastic, less overwhelming, and certainly less uncomfortable.

  He was huge, and in her ass he felt like a steel pole, but something about being taken by him in this way latched on to a very desperate primal need in her heart. She was his mate, and she was submitting to the Alpha in him. It was as nature always intended and yet naughtified up just a bit to make it sexy as hell. She would have giggled at her own made-up word, but at that moment, she felt the coarse curls of his groin tickle her ass cheeks, and Cadence released her so that he could push his own dick into her waiting pussy.

  Now she was full. Completely and utterly mastered by the two of them. She knew in her heart that she would never go another day without being reminded who owned her body, no matter how much control she retained over her life.

  “Holy shit!” she moaned, and a low growl rumbled in her throat. Her wolf was gaining as much pleasure out of this joint mating as she was, and considering their position, growling was the only way she could show it. “Please, Mat! Cadence!”

  “Let yourself go, flower. We’ll catch you.”

  Cadence’s words barely made sense in her brain, but her body responded naturally and fireworks exploded in her ears and behind her eyelids. She heard a loud scream followed by a snarl, but she wasn’t really sure whose it was. Her body convulsed around the two pounding cocks, clenching down on them in a death grip and forcing the two men over the edge.

  She could feel them pumping hot semen into her body, and a slow, easy smile spread over her face as she dropped down onto Cadence, and she let her body go lax.

  Heaven. This had to be heaven.

  Chapter 8

  By the time the sun rose, Whitney’s body was worn out. There were dark shadows under her gorgeous gray eyes, and Mateo was concerned that they had pushed her too far. Her golden skin smelled of almonds, and her long blue-black hair was fanned out over the pillow behind her. It took him a moment in his sleepy state to realize that if her hair was on the pillow, that meant that his cousin was not.

  Carefully, he scooted out from under her arm, tucking a pillow in for her to snuggle until he could return, before he slipped on a pair of jeans and went in search of Cadence. Normally a late sleeper, it was especially odd that he would be up at this hour, and even stranger that he would have left the warmth of Whitney’s bed and body behind willingly.

  He found Cadence sitting on the sofa in the living room, gazing off into space deep in thought. There was a coffee mug in his hands, and his bare feet were stretched out in front of him. In the dim shadows of the living room, it was hard to tell if his thoughts were pleasant or not, but considering the battle he was facing in just twenty-four hours, Mateo could guess.

  “Do you want to talk?”

  Cadence jumped and growled threateningly before he seemed to become aware of who was speaking. Shaking his head, he sipped at the coffee cup and then grimaced and headed for the kitchen in silent search of more. Mateo waited patiently for
him to return, surveying the room around him and smiling to himself when he was able to pick out pieces of Whitney.

  She had explained her career, but it wasn’t until now that he was able to see the talent she harbored for himself. Hung on the wall behind her desk was a collage of nine photographs in black and white. Each photo depicted a different wolf, and individually they were beautiful. Combined together they were spectacular.

  “She’s really good,” Cadence said as he moved in beside him to admire the photos. The pride in his tone echoed Mateo’s feelings. It was only one facet of the multi-dimensional woman that they were both coming to love.

  Whitney was a daughter, and a sister, and a warmhearted woman, on top of being a career-driven artist who could bring the world to life with just the click of her camera. He was blown away to see the talent that she possessed displayed as art, and he wondered if he could convince her to take photos of his mother and sister like this.

  “Yes, she is. She’s amazing. I’ve never seen a photo that captured the movement of the wind through a wolf’s fur like that. And in this one you can see the wolf’s shadow on the water in the lake. How do you think she did that?” Mateo asked.

  The scent of almonds filled his nose as her hand slid around his chest and she pressed a kiss to his shoulder blade. “It was a full moon that night, and I used Ryley’s fishing boat to take the picture from on the water. You should have heard him the next morning when he realized what I had done. He flipped out! Something about missing lures and a lost net. I don’t know. I wasn’t listening to him at that point.”

  He turned to face her, and she moved into Cadence’s arms and pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “You should still be sleeping, mi reina,” Mateo scolded.

  She shot him a black look before she took a sip of Cadence’s coffee and responded. “So should you. In fact, as much as I like that you want to admire my skills in photography, both of you should be in my bed right now holding me. Why aren’t we in bed?”

  Cadence sighed heavily as he tugged her into his arms and rested his chin on the top of her head. She seemed content to allow the affectionate gesture, but Mateo was feeling a little left out. Curling his fingers around her wrist, he brought it to his lips and pressed a kiss to her pulse. “I think Cadence has a lot on his mind, amor. He was having trouble sleeping.”

  A wrinkle appeared between her eyes, and she bit her bottom lip as she thought that through. “I imagine you both have a lot to think about right now. We all do. I don’t expect that you two planned on finding a mate yesterday any more than I did.”

  “I am blissfully happy that we found you, flower, even if the timing wasn’t the best,” Cadence said, squeezing her tightly and giving Mateo a meaningful look that said he didn’t want to get into an argument right now.

  “What’s on the agenda for you two today?” Whitney asked.

  “We’re meeting in the clearing for training at nine. Apparently some of your Gray wolves want to work out with us. That should be interesting,” Cadence answered with a chuckle.

  Whitney frowned. “Why? The Gray pack is one of the strongest around. You shouldn’t underestimate them.”

  Mateo bent to kiss her nose. “We don’t, amor, but Cadence is an Alpha, so he’s bound to also be arrogant.”

  “Hey! I’m not arrogant. It’s not cocky to tell the truth.”

  Whitney laughed as she pulled away from the two of them. “Let’s find something for breakfast then. I’d like to go for a run this morning with you guys if you’re up for it. I know I introduced you to a lot of people last night, but now I want you to see our home the way I do. Maybe I can convince you two to stay here?”

  Before Mateo could stop him, Cadence grabbed her arm, stopping her mid-step. “It’s not going to happen, Whitney. Don’t even joke about it. My place is at the head of my pack, and I take it very seriously.”

  Whitney’s eyes flashed silver with anger, but she nodded silently. Once Cadence released her, she flew to the kitchen as if the hounds of hell were on her heels.

  “Was that really necessary? She wasn’t serious.” Mateo glared at Cadence, fighting the urge to punch him for upsetting their woman.

  Cadence just glared back, unimpressed. “Yes, she was. She might have sounded like she was just teasing, but in her heart she’s trying to find a way to have her cake and eat it, too. She wants to stay here, and I need her to understand that it’s not possible. I won’t leave without her, Mateo, but I can’t stay.”

  “I know, cousin. Give it time. We’ve only been mated a day. There’s no reason to talk ultimatums yet.” Resigning himself to playing peacekeeper as usual, Mateo led the way into the kitchen where Whitney was dragging items out of the refrigerator and cursing under her breath.

  In her fit of temper, she was captivating. Her long hair danced around her as she moved to and fro, caressing the top of her hips when she managed to pause for a moment. Her cheeks were flushed with aggravation, and her lips were pursed tightly. A sudden image of those same lips wrapped around his dick had him shifting in place and scolding himself for putting on jeans. Whitney was completely content to remain naked as she collected the rest of the supplies for breakfast, but the moment she lit the fire on the stove, she pulled on a white apron with a pink ruffle on the hem. It filled him with relieved pleasure that she would take the extra safety measure. Just the thought of red splotchy burns marring her lush cinnamon-colored skin made his stomach turn.

  “How can we help, little flower?” Cadence asked. They stood just outside the kitchen doorway, shoulder to shoulder. Had they tried to enter together they would have looked foolish because they both had shoulders wider than the opening.

  Mateo caught the flash in her eyes that showed she was battling desire and anger. “Do you know how to cook?” she asked, cocking her head as she placed several strips of thick bacon into the pan.

  Mateo nodded. “Yes, mi reina, we both know how to cook. My mother insisted on it.”

  Her eyebrow rose, but she gave him a slightly warmer smile. “Good, one of you can start some toast and the other can scramble the eggs. We’ll be eating in no time.”

  Just like that her irritation seemed to be gone, and they all flowed together to prepare the food. It was comfortable, even companionable, to work beside his mate and his cousin in the kitchen, and Mateo looked forward to showing her their kitchen back home.

  At the time they built it, it seemed to make sense to share a home, as they had always been as close as brothers. Splitting the cost and the work of building it just made sense. They worked together, lived together, and spent their off time together. Now, they would share that with Whitney.

  In his mind, he had always pictured them separating when one of them found their true mate. He imagined that whichever one mated would want to create a new space with their partner, but now he realized that neither of them would have to leave. The house that they custom built for themselves would be perfect for the three of them. A sinking pit in his gut reminded him that even though he and Cadence didn’t have to leave their home, Whitney did, and she wasn’t happy about it.

  “What are you thinking about so hard, cousin?” Cadence asked as he slid two more pieces of bread into the toaster.

  Mateo glanced at Whitney who was watching him quietly. “Just daydreaming. Call it mental preparation for kicking Gray wolf ass later today.”

  Her lips curled up, and she snorted. “Why don’t you tell me about yourself, Mateo? We didn’t get a chance last night after Cadence told his story, because he distracted me, but I want to know more about you.”

  “Not much to tell. You already know I’m thirty-one, and I’m a Taurus. I drive a green Jeep that’s seen better days, and I have a pet lizard named Gondor.”

  She burst into giggles, and he frowned at her. “I’m sorry. I’m just struggling to imagine you with a pet lizard. I can’t wait to meet Gondor.”

  Mateo sniffed and attempted a haughty look. “I’ll have you know that lizards make gre
at pets.”

  “So who is caring for Gondor while you’re here?”

  “My little sister. Cara got the privilege of house-sitting for us while we came down here. She’s also the one who will take ownership of our place if we don’t make it back.” Mateo grunted when Cadence smacked him in the back of the head. One look at Whitney and he knew instantly that he had upset her again. “Damn my mouth. I’m sorry, mi reina. I didn’t mean to bring that up again.”

  “No, I’m fine. It’s fine. It’s a fact that we all three have to be aware of.” She was quiet for a few more moments and Mateo gave Cadence a pleading look for help.

  Cadence shrugged and shook his head. “I think you’ll like Cara, little flower. She’s twenty-six and she works as a receptionist in the local cancer treatment center.”

  Whitney gave him a small smile. “She sounds lovely. I always wanted a sister growing up. With three brothers it was impossible not to imagine that having sisters would be better. When Tina and Liam got together, I was so happy for them both and for me because I had a sister finally.”

  “Tina was human before, right?” Cadence asked as they all carried breakfast over to the tiny table to eat. Mateo was pleased when Whitney filled her plate and began eating with relish. No birdlike miss for his mate.

  “Yes, actually we’ve added several humans to the pack recently. That doesn’t sound right considering they aren’t human now, but anyway, Caroline was the first, and you know her story.” Whitney paused and gave Cadence a meaningful look. Barton Diego was dead because he attacked Caroline Gray. When Cadence gave her a nod, she continued. “Tina was the other woman Barton took hostage. She and Caroline are best friends, and he went to Tina’s house thinking he could torture her until she gave him information on where to find Caroline. It was Liam who had the misfortune of delivering Caroline to Tina’s place that night, and he scented Tina immediately. Of course he didn’t know who she was at the time, but he did know she was his mate.”


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