Baby: MacAllister-Made

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Baby: MacAllister-Made Page 15

by Joan Elliott Pickart

  Richard broke the kiss and straightened, smiling at Kara as he accepted the picture.

  “Look, Bren,” he said. “There she is. Tiny but perfect. Our daughter.”

  “She’s so beautiful,” Brenda said.

  “Oh, one last thing,” Kara said. “They asked me to find out the last name you want printed on Angela Jane’s birth certificate.”

  “MacAllister,” Brenda and Richard said in unison.

  “Okay,” Kara said, laughing. “That’s clear enough.”

  “And you’re invited to the wedding, little sister,” Richard said.

  “I knew I would be,” Kara said. “I’ve already bought a new dress. It’s about time you two came to your senses. Okay, Richard, I’m going to stand outside the door and wait for you. You have exactly one minute left to be with Brenda.”

  Kara made her exit, then Richard smiled warmly at Brenda.

  “Kara is wrong,” he said. “We have a lifetime left to be together, Bren.”

  “Yes,” Brenda said, love shining in her eyes. “We have our very own forever, Richard…together.”

  ISBN 978-1-4603-1126-4


  Copyright © 2000 by Joan Elliott Pickart

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  * The Baby Bet

  † Family Men

  ** The Bachelor Bet




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