Embracing Ehrin (Ashland Pride Book 8)

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Embracing Ehrin (Ashland Pride Book 8) Page 9

by R. E. Butler

  “Ehrin, it’s me.”

  She peeked around the shower curtain and smiled. “Morning.”

  “Hey, sweetheart.” He came into the bathroom and shut the door. “I thought you might be lonely.”

  “You must be psychic. I was just thinking that I had this big shower all to myself.”

  “Let me brush my teeth.” He grabbed his toothbrush, sending the toothpaste tumbling to the floor in his haste. She wiggled her brows at him and closed the curtain, and his mind spun with a hundred sexy thoughts as he retrieved the tube. He wanted to make the most of their time alone.

  When he finished brushing his teeth, he pulled open the curtain and found his sweetheart rinsing her hair under the spray. He stepped in and tugged the curtain closed. She lowered her head and smiled at him as she ran her hands over her hair to smooth it and then wrung it out with a twist.

  She stepped to the side and he ducked under the water. The moment he closed his eyes, her hands were on him and he could smell her body wash, which had a mild coconut scent. Her lathered hands massaged his shoulders and then slid down his chest to his abdomen. He washed his hair swiftly as she traced each muscle, taking her time exploring him.

  Lowering to her knees slowly, she ran her soapy fingers down the outside of his thighs and then swooped them up the inside, cupping his balls and massaging them. She looked so sexy on her knees, her skin kissed with water droplets and her eyes flashing with heat. She stroked him slowly, the lather making her hands glide on his shaft as she moved them up and down.

  “Sweetheart,” he said, gritting his teeth against the orgasm that made his spine tingle.

  “I’m feeling selfish,” she said.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I want you to make love to me more than I want to go down on you.”

  With a chuckle, he cupped her face and said, “You’re the least selfish person I know.”

  She smiled as she stood and slid her hands behind him to rinse the soap. Then she stepped away and watched him rinse off, her eyes half-closed and heavy with desire. He’d never wanted her more. He wanted everything: her pleasure, her heart, her love. This was his mate, and while he might share her with Henry, right then she was his alone, and he wanted all of her and to give her all of him.

  He turned off the water and jerked the curtain open, stepping from the tub and grabbing a towel. She took his offered hand and stepped onto the fluffy rug. He patted her skin dry, loving the way the heat had turned her skin a pretty pink. The scent of her arousal was so sweet that he couldn’t think past how much he wanted to taste her. He set the towel on the counter and then lifted her onto it. She perched on the edge with a sexy smile, watching as he swiftly dried off and dropped his towel to the floor.

  He pushed her legs apart and stepped between them, holding her knees firmly as he kissed her. He nibbled on her lips and then pushed his tongue into her mouth, sliding it against hers. She moaned softly, her hands tangling in his hair as she drew him closer. He sucked on her tongue, rubbing his fingertips on the backs of her knees, before slowly drawing one of them up until her foot rested on the countertop. Releasing his hold on her other knee, he bit her bottom lip gently and eased away, dropping to the floor and gazing up at her. She set her knee on his shoulder and grabbed his head with one hand, bracing herself on the counter with the other.

  She whispered his name as he leaned forward and slowly pushed one finger into her heat. She groaned, and he smiled as he licked a circle around her clit. He closed his lips around her bud and flicked the tip with his tongue, slowly at first. Pushing a second finger into her, he twisted his hand upward, curling his fingers against her inner walls as he sucked on her clit and searched for the place that would make her fall apart. Her toes curled against his back, her pussy clenching as he probed her walls, and he began to rub that place and flick his tongue against her bud.

  She moaned loudly, her fingernails digging into the back of his head as she creamed around his fingers and her clit swelled under his tongue. She stifled a cry of pleasure as her whole body jerked against him, and she clenched his fingers rhythmically as she came.

  His body humming with need, he stood, wrapped one arm around her, and plunged into her to the hilt. She gasped, her head falling back as her eyes closed in pleasure, her body a tight heaven he never wanted to leave. As he fucked her hard and fast, she closed her legs around his hips and hooked her ankles together, bracing herself against the mirror.

  “Fuck, Dom,” she murmured, biting her bottom lip.

  “You feel amazing.” His gaze traveled to her neck and he saw the mating mark he’d given her. He kissed it and then sucked on it, drawing her flesh into his mouth.

  She squealed in surprise and grabbed his shoulder, her nails sinking into his flesh. He sucked on the mark harder, licking over the wounds his fangs had made. Her pussy gripped him so tightly he saw stars, and she screamed out her pleasure as she came. He followed her swiftly to climax, releasing his hold on her neck and nuzzling her throat as his cock spasmed.

  She went limp against him with a gusty sigh and shivered.

  “That was…amazing,” she said.

  He squeezed her hips and smiled. “I think I found a new hot spot on your neck.”

  She shivered again and kissed his neck. “You almost made me melt from the inside out.”

  His cat preened at the compliment.

  Although he could’ve stood there for hours, his cock buried in her heat and their arms around each other, they both had work to do.

  He straightened, his cock slipping from her depths. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news.”

  “We should get dressed and get to work,” she said, brushing her hair from her face.

  “Yeah.” He kissed her gently and took a step back, offering her his hand as she hopped from the counter. “I wish work wasn’t calling, but I have responsibilities to our family.”

  “And your clients.”

  “Family first.”

  She braided her hair and tied it with a rubber band, then wrapped a dry towel from the rack around her body and smiled sweetly. “I like that.”

  “Well, it’s true.”

  He opened the bathroom door and looked out, listening for the sounds of anyone coming up the stairs. When he was sure they were alone, he led Ehrin across to their bedroom where they dressed before heading down to the kitchen for breakfast.

  He made a mental note to tell Henry about the mating mark, wondering if both of them sucked on the marks if she’d come even harder.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked as she poured a bowl of cereal for herself and sat at the island.

  Taking advantage of the empty kitchen, he walked around the island and gathered her braid, wrapping it around his hand until he reached the nape of her neck. Tilting her head to the side, he nuzzled the mating mark, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.

  “I was thinking,” he murmured against her skin, nibbling just underneath the mark, “that your other mate and I should test out a theory later.”

  “What theory?” she whispered.

  “What would happen when we both suck on the mating marks at the same time.”

  “I’ll go up in flames,” she said. “But I’ll take you both with me.”

  He kissed her jaw and cheek, then her lips, releasing his grip on her hair. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart. Your pleasure fuels mine.”

  With a final kiss to her lips, he returned to the cabinet for a bowl and poured cereal for himself. He stood across from her while they ate, his body still humming from their time in the bathroom, his skin saturated with her sweet scent. His feelings for Ehrin were deepening by the second. It was hard to believe they’d only been together since Friday night. They were strangers before the art show, and now he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it.

  * * *

  Tuesday afternoon, Henry sat in the family room with Ehrin and Dom, watching a cop show that Melody and her mates had turned on.

  Ehrin held up her phone, stretching her arm out to take a selfie with him and Dom. He made a face.

  “What?” she asked, tilting the phone one way and then the other to get the best angle.

  “You’re turning into Treasure with all the selfies.”

  “She said I have to post something every day.”

  “It’s not a law, you know,” Dom said.

  “I know, but it’s fun. And I’m proud of my two sexy mates.”

  Henry chuckled and smiled so she could snap a picture.

  “There we go,” she said. “Now, was that so hard?”

  “I don’t like selfies,” Melody said. “Maybe because I’m a photographer and I’m used to being on the other side of the camera.”

  “And your arms are short,” Micah said.

  “Hey, they are not short!” She stretched her arms out and hooked them around both of her mates’ necks. “They’re perfectly sized for my body.”

  Micah laughed. “Your short body.”

  “Oh my gosh! I’m not short, I’m fun-sized.”

  Ehrin’s shoulders shook as she laughed, jostling her against Henry.

  When the laughter died down, Melody said, “I have a high school senior photo shoot on Thursday. Do you want to come with me?”

  Ehrin hummed. “That would be great.”

  “I could use an assistant, and Scarlett has a doctor appointment. It’s in Shelby.”

  “Oh, there’s a fabric store there I wanted to check out. Will we have time for a pit stop?”

  “You bet,” Melody said. “Maybe we could pick out something for me?”

  “You’d like me to make a piece of clothing for you?”

  “If you have the time.”

  “I’d love to. The only thing on my calendar right now for projects is the apron for Cherie and some lingerie for my mates.”

  Tristan’s brows rose. “What now?”

  Ehrin squeaked. “I mean, ahem, lingerie for me from my mates.”

  “Sexy, sexy.” Melody waggled her eyebrows. “Do you make lingerie often?”

  “I’ve made a few things. It’s time-consuming because the fabrics tend to be more delicate, so I have to take care when I sew, but it’s worth it to see some really pretty things in the end. I like to mix lace and satin.”

  “I’d like to commission something sexy for our mate,” Micah said. “Whenever you’ve got a free moment.”

  “Now that’s a great idea,” Melody said.

  “How did we get on the topic of underwear?” Dom asked. “I thought we were talking about how short Melody’s arms are.”

  “Hey!” Melody said, throwing a pillow at Dom.

  “Sorry, sorry,” Dom said, snatching the pillow out of the air and setting it on the couch. “Fun-sized.”

  “That’s better.”

  The doorbell rang, and Henry extracted himself from the couch and walked to the front door. He twisted the deadbolt and pulled the door open to find a couple standing on the porch. The male was tall and lanky, with red hair sprinkled with gray, a thin mustache, and a deep frown. The female had red hair that reminded Henry of Ehrin’s. Coupled with the female’s green eyes and the cupid’s bow of her mouth, he knew he was staring at Ehrin’s parents.

  “Can I help you?” Henry asked.

  The male said, “We’re here to see Ehrin Knox.”

  “You’re her parents,” he said.

  “Yes,” the male said. “And we’ve come to see her.”

  His cat bristled at the male’s dismissive tone. These were the people who had sent their only daughter to the alpha to be disfigured. Thankfully she’d been able to shift and heal the wound, but they hadn’t known that would happen. He was tempted to push them off the porch, slam the door in their faces, and threaten to arrest them for trespassing if they came around again.

  But what he did instead was say, “Just a moment.”

  He shut the door and walked back to the family room.

  Ehrin looked at him and then frowned. “What’s wrong? Who was at the door?”

  “It’s your parents.”

  Her mouth fell open. “What?”

  “They want to see you.”

  “How did they know where I was? I never told them.”

  Dom said, “You don’t have to see them if you don’t want to. Henry and I can send them on their way on your behalf.”

  She pursed her lips and looked between him and Henry. “If they tracked me down, they must have a reason.”

  “Do you want us to stand with you, too? For support?” Melody asked.

  “Yeah, and maybe we can grab Holden or Jackson?” Tristan said.

  “Why?” Henry asked.

  Tristan shrugged. “They’re adults.”

  “We all are,” Melody pointed out.

  “Yeah, but they’re more adultier-adults,” Tristan said.

  Ehrin stood with a snort, wiping her hands on her jeans. “That’s a good point. Yeah, I think it would be good to have some support, if you guys don’t mind?”

  “Not at all,” Micah said. The trio left to find Holden and Jackson and explain the situation.

  Dom put his hand on Ehrin’s shoulder. “Whatever they want, don’t forget we’re by your side. They can’t hurt you now, because you have two very determined mates who won’t let that happen.”

  She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. Her hands were trembling when she took Henry’s and Dom’s. “I know you’re with me. Let’s do this.”

  They walked to the front door, meeting Melody, Tristan, Micah, Holden, and Jackson.

  “They briefed us on the situation,” Jackson said. “We’ve got your back.”

  “Thanks,” Ehrin said. “You guys are so supportive, I could just cry right now, and it’s not because I’m worried about my parents.”

  “That’s what the pride’s for,” Holden said.

  Ehrin took another deep breath and then opened the front door, swinging it wide so her parents could see the group standing with her. Dom and Henry were on either side, with the five lions at their backs.

  Her mother’s brows rose, but her father didn’t appear to care that there was a group with them.

  “How did you find me, and what are you doing here?” Ehrin asked.

  “Is that any way to greet your parents?” her father demanded.

  “You said you didn’t have a daughter anymore,” she pointed out. “You sent me to the alpha to be attacked, and then you sent me away from the nest. Not to mention that you deleted the website and email for my business and turned off my phone. I don’t have anything to say to you, but if you have something to say to me, then go ahead.”

  Her mother stared at her and then turned her attention to Ehrin’s father. His jaw was set as if he were grinding his teeth.

  “According to nest laws, the website, email, and phone were nest property,” he said.

  “How in the hell could you even say that? I created them.”

  “With technology belonging to the nest, namely internet and electricity. The alpha wanted to claim your bank account, but we begged him for mercy so you weren’t entirely destitute.”

  “Um, no, you probably tried to drain the account and close it, but I took you off it and changed my information.”

  Her father tipped his head to the side and narrowed his gaze. “Do you think we couldn’t do whatever we wanted with your account? That you still have it is only because of the alpha’s good graces.”

  She rubbed her thumb along her jaw where the faint scars remained, and probably would for the rest of her life. Shifting had healed most of the injury, but not all of it.

  “He doesn’t have good graces.”

  “This is not what we came for,” her father said.

  “Then why did you come?” Ehrin shouted.

  Her father lifted his cell phone showing Ehrin’s InstaPixChat page with the pictures of her in her shift on the screen.

  “We always knew where you were. Your cell phone had location services still turn
ed on before we shut it off. However, we came here because you’re a shifter now, and that means you aren’t flawed. You can return to the nest and mate a male of worth.”

  Henry and Dom both growled, but her father waved his hand at them dismissively. “Don’t threaten me, beasts. Ehrin is our daughter and she belongs with her real family, not whatever hodgepodge of mismatched beasts you have living in this place.”

  He wrinkled his nose as if he smelled something horrible, and Henry wanted to throttle him.

  “Ehrin is our mate,” Dom said. “She was never flawed in the first place, and any parents who think allowing their child to be scarred, terrorized, and exiled is okay should have their heads examined.”

  Her parents’ gazes flicked to Dom and then returned to Ehrin.

  “Leave with us now, and everything will be returned to you as it was before you were exiled,” her father said. His voice was calm and devoid of emotion, as if he were reading a restaurant menu and not trying to take their mate away.

  “You know your bird wants to be with its nest,” her mother said. “It’s in our nature to be with our own kind.”

  Her father nodded. “Whatever you have here isn’t real. We don’t fault you for finding people to watch over you, but now that things are as they should be, you can come home with us.”

  Ehrin squeezed Henry’s hand so tightly his knuckles cracked.

  “This is my home, and these are my mates,” she said, her voice trembling. “You tossed me aside as if I had no value for something I couldn’t control. I have my bird because of my mates, and the pride is my new family. I don’t want to see or hear from you again. You said you didn’t have a daughter, and that means I’m an orphan.”

  She looked up at Henry, who could see that she was just moments away from losing the hold she had on her emotions. Her eyes were a luminous green and shining with unshed tears.

  “This is private property,” Henry said. “You said your piece, Ehrin refused your offer, and now you need to leave. My cousin is the sheriff, and I’m certain he would be happy to escort you from town.”


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