Whispers At Wongan Creek

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Whispers At Wongan Creek Page 18

by Juanita Kees

  She pressed her face into his chest and tightened her hold as his hands rubbed circles on her back. Chills followed the movement of his fingers on her skin.

  ‘We found human remains, a WCM shirt with Bannister’s name on it, covered in blood, and Tracy’s mobile phone. I didn’t even know it was missing. How did we not realise it was gone sooner?’

  Heather shivered. Remains. Not Tracy’s because her body had been found, so someone else had met their fate at the hands of Zac Bannister.

  ‘Maybe the phone will hold some clues in Tracy’s case,’ she murmured.

  ‘We’re hoping. It looks intact and we’re hoping the battery is good so it can be charged. I want this to end. I want him locked away for good.’

  ‘Then let’s hope there’s sufficient evidence against him this time. Riggs won’t waste time getting the facts now.’

  ‘Yeah, thank God we have him back in charge of the case. He won’t let Bannister walk away from this a second time.’

  Heather looked up at his face. ‘You’re exhausted, Travis. You need some rest. Why don’t you clean up while I help the ladies clear things away?’

  ‘Stay with me tonight. I need to know that you’re safe in case they let Bannister go.’

  Heather’s heart stuttered. ‘Travis … I can’t.’

  ‘Please. I need you, Heather. I’ve never said that to anyone. I need to hold you.’ He tipped up her chin. ‘After all that’s happened these last few weeks, I’ve realised life is too short for regrets. I love you and I need you to stay. I can’t lose you too.’

  Euphoria mixed with regret and churned in her stomach. Fate was cruel in the hand it played. A man who had lost so much deserved more than yet another loss, another heartbreak. To stay with him, sleep with him—and she knew it would come to that—would be selfish, knowing she’d be leaving soon. But what girl would pass up the chance to spend the night in Travis’ arms and take with her one last beautiful memory to keep her warm when the days grew cold and dark. And, God help her, she loved him back even if she couldn’t keep him.

  Chapter 19

  Travis sat in Riggs’ small office at Wongan Creek police station. He’d cleaned up and then come straight down to give Riggs as much information as he could on what they’d found and the events leading up to Harry’s disappearance. He hadn’t wanted to leave Heather or Casey alone. Not having almost lost Harry. But he owed a debt to Tracy that needed to be paid. He’d waited long enough for answers and maybe now he had them, he could lay Tracy’s ghost to rest.

  Travis wanted to scream his frustration at the slow turn of the wheels of justice, but he knew Riggs had to tread carefully around the handling of Tracy’s case to achieve the outcome they wanted—Zac Bannister locked up forever. So he tried to be patient and still the distress of rehashing the circumstances surrounding Tracy’s death. To cooperate as much as he could while they waited for the battery on her phone to charge up enough to switch on.

  He wanted a shower, to call the hospital and check on Harry, and to go home and crawl into bed with Heather curled up against him and Casey safe in the room next door. But first he owed it to his sister to finish this.

  Across the table from Travis, Riggs clicked away at his computer with the mouse, calling up the database of missing girls he needed to match the remains to, the bloodied clothes had been sent to Perth for DNA testing and the battery indicator on Tracy’s phone moved at an annoyingly slow pace from red to green.

  They’d rehashed every moment of the night of the party, the day she went missing and the excruciating pain of the condition they’d found her body in. Even though a trial could go on for years, they needed to make the charges stick. Already, John Bannister had his most expensive lawyers on it, although Travis guessed that even he couldn’t deny the evidence pointing to the fact that his grandson was a murderer.

  ‘That’s it for tonight, Travis. Go home. Get some rest. HQ are sending out two of their finest detectives tomorrow and we’ll at least have a good file ready for them.’ Riggs linked his fingers and stretched his arms out in front of them, his knuckles cracking.

  ‘Not the same ones from the original investigation, I hope.’

  ‘No, mate. These two are deep in an investigation into the bikies linked to Zac’s name. I know them well. They’re fair, unbiased and thorough. I have complete faith in them getting a conviction. Now go home to those girls of yours.’

  Travis stood and stretched. ‘I’ll sleep easier knowing you have enough evidence to keep Bannister in custody.’

  ‘And that’s where he’ll stay. I can promise you that. I don’t care how much noise his grandfather makes. Although, I think you’ll find he won’t be quite so chirpy either this time around. Not with all the evidence piling up against his precious grandson. Go!’ Riggs ordered.

  ‘Going,’ said Travis, a ghost of a smile touching his lips for the first time since Harry went missing.

  The drive home down the dark road that wound out of town into the countryside seemed endless, but eventually the lights of the homestead shone a welcoming light across his paddock. Peace had settled in his front yard for tonight at least. Tomorrow would bring more upheaval, but tonight he planned to celebrate one small victory and Harry being found alive.

  The front door opened, spilling light onto the veranda as he pulled up outside the house and killed the engine. Robbie bounded out the door and down the steps, barking excitedly. Heather and Casey stepped into the light of the doorway and waved. His heart beat a little faster. She’d stayed. He wasn’t sure she would. Bella, Mrs Everett or even Benji’s mum would have taken Casey. But Heather had stayed and that meant … he wasn’t sure what it meant exactly.

  Travis got out of the ute and closed the door, pausing to give Robbie’s head a quick rub.

  ‘Hey, boy. How’s the paw?’ He examined the bandaged paw Robbie held up. ‘You’ll be chasing frogs and bunnies again before you know it.’

  With the dog walking close to him, he walked up the veranda steps. His girls looked so beautiful standing in the doorway together. Could he hope that Heather loved him back? That she’d stay and be a part of their lives now that no court in their right mind would award custody to a suspected murderer? Now that all aspects of conflict of interest had been removed.

  Casey clung to Heather’s hand, her little face screwed up in a frown. The events of the last few days had unsettled her, stolen her confidence with the resurgence of one awful memory. If it took a lifetime, he’d do everything he could to restore that confidence and erase the terror she’d faced.

  ‘Hey, sweet pea,’ he said, taking the steps two at a time. He scooped her up and hugged her tightly. ‘I thought you’d be asleep by now. It’s late.’

  ‘I couldn’t sleep. I was waiting for you. It’s not Heather’s fault. Please don’t be cross with her.’

  Tears of uncertainty glistened in her beautiful green eyes so like Tracy’s. He remembered seeing that same look in his sister’s eyes every time he’d tried to talk to her after the party, through the months of silence as her body grew with the baby she carried but wouldn’t talk about. No one in his family would ever feel unsure or unsafe again. He’d do everything he could to make sure they didn’t.

  ‘I’m not angry, sweet pea. Not with you or Heather. It’s hard to sleep when there’s so much going on. Why don’t we have some hot chocolate out here under the stars and we’ll read a story together? Then maybe you’ll feel a little sleepier.’

  Casey nodded and buried her wet face in his neck. He patted her back soothingly for a moment before turning to Heather and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

  ‘Thanks for staying.’

  She reached up to touch his face, her eyes unreadable in the shadows, her skin warm and soft against his. ‘I’ll put the kettle on.’

  Travis cupped her hand to his face with his free one then turned it over to press a kiss to her palm. She closed her fingers around it.

  He watched as she walked inside, loving every sway of her
hips and every stride of her shapely legs. If all they had was this one night, he’d make it count because tomorrow wasn’t promised.

  Travis set Casey on her feet on the old sofa. She scurried into the corner as he sat to remove his boots.

  ‘Will Harry be okay, Uncle Trav? He’ll come back, won’t he?’

  ‘He’ll be fine, sweet pea. Harry’s tough. It’ll take a while for his arm and leg to heal, but you know Harry, nothing keeps him down.’

  ‘Will he come live with us now?’

  ‘I’ll do my best to make sure he does. He’ll need someone to take care of him for a while.’

  Travis settled back against the sofa and put his feet up on the rail. Casey curled up into his side. He hoped he could protect her from some of the ugliness a case against Zac Bannister would flush out. They’d get through it, he’d make sure of that because it meant he got to keep at least one of the girls close to his heart.

  Heather came out with a tray of mugs filled with hot chocolate, leftover cookies the ladies from the CWA had baked, and Casey’s favourite book. She put the tray down on the wide ledge under the window and handed Casey her mug.

  ‘I put a little cold milk in it for you, sweetheart, so it won’t be too hot to drink right away.’

  ‘Thank you, Heather.’ Casey took the Disney princess mug with both hands and sipped. ‘That’s yummy.’

  Travis tugged on the leg of Heather’s jeans. ‘Sit. You don’t have to wait on us. It’s been a long couple of days for all of us.’

  She sat on his other side, leaving their drinks on the tray to cool. Her leg brushed his, her warmth chasing away the chill he’d felt since finding Harry and the bones, but she was as stiff as a board next to him.

  Travis reached for her hands, clasped together tightly in her lap. He pried them apart and entwined his fingers with hers, giving them a little squeeze. She smiled and nerves danced in his belly.

  ‘I’m finished! Can we read the story now?’

  Casey held out her mug to Travis. He let go of Heather’s hand and took it from her. ‘Of course, my princess. Do you want me to read it or Heather?’

  ‘Both! You do the boy bits and Heather can do the girl bits.’

  Travis smothered a smile at Heather’s blush. He gave her a little wink that made a grin tug at her lips. Things would work out just fine. Together they read the story and it didn’t take long for Casey to nod off against Travis’ arm.

  ‘I’ll put her to bed,’ he said quietly. ‘Don’t go anywhere, okay?’

  ‘I won’t.’ Her words carried a soft promise that was music to his ears.


  Heather swallowed the nervousness lodged in her chest and willed the butterflies to stop fluttering in her tummy. Common sense tried to sneak in and she pushed it away.

  One night. That’s all. One night before she left Wongan Creek and the people in it. One last, precious night with the man she’d grown to love but couldn’t have. He deserved someone nice and healthy like Janet, who could have his babies and grow old with him. She couldn’t promise him that.

  His footsteps sounded on the polished jarrah floorboards a moment or two before the fly screen door opened and he stepped out onto the veranda. Her breath caught at the sight of him—the width of his shoulders against the light, the taper of his hard body and the jeans that hugged his hips.

  The black T-shirt he’d changed into before going to see Riggs moulded his arms and chest. Her hands itched to feel those muscles flex under her hands again. Soon she would.

  The cushions dipped under his weight. Travis’ old sofa was fast becoming one of her favourite places to be. She rubbed the clammy palms of her hands on her jeans.

  He leaned his head back against the sofa and sighed. Every curve and angle of his body was downright sexy. She studied each precious inch of him, committing the vision to memory for those dark days when she’d be alone with only the ticking of the clock for company.

  ‘Does Riggs know how Harry ended up in that pit?’ Best to focus on what was. It made what could be easier to forget.

  ‘Harry doesn’t remember anything except Zac sneaking up on him and us finding him. We can only guess that he wandered off. That’s one of the consequences of Alzheimer’s. They get confused easily with direction. Riggs will know more after he’s questioned Zac, who won’t talk until he’s lawyered up.’

  Heather shook her head. ‘Why would he hurt poor Harry?’

  Travis shrugged and rubbed a hand over his face. Tiredness showed in the dark circles forming under his eyes. ‘What was Zac even doing up there? Harry must have surprised him, caught him doing something nasty. Maybe he saw the opportunity to get rid of Harry so they could make a play for Murchison’s Run. Given what we found in that pit, I’d guess he didn’t want any witnesses. He didn’t bank on Harry being a stubborn old bugger.’

  A sad smile tugged her lips. ‘I’m going to miss Harry. I’ll miss everyone.’

  ‘You’re still taking that transfer? You don’t have to leave, Heather.’ His voice was low against the night sounds of the bush.

  ‘I have to.’


  Because she’d lost her heart. How could she explain that to him? He’d already lost so much. What simmered between them had the potential for forever, except she might not have a lifetime to enjoy it.

  She rolled her shoulders against the tension building there and sat back, side by side with Travis. The chill in her soul warmed a little with his heat. Her gaze fell on his hand where it lay against his thigh—tanned, long-fingered and callused by manual labour. Tonight wasn’t for talking, it was for celebrating. Harry was alive and Casey’s future was secure.

  She slipped her hand under his, palm up, and felt the squeeze of his fingers as they entwined with hers. ‘Let’s not talk about it now, okay?’

  Resting her head on his shoulder, she snuggled closer. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the night sounds of the bush easing the friction between them.

  ‘What will happen to Harry now?’ Heather asked quietly.

  ‘As soon as they give him the all clear, he’ll come back to Wongan Creek Hospital for a while. We have basic facilities here for minor surgery, maternity and non-life threatening cases. When they release him, I’ll convince him to move in here with us.’

  ‘And Zac?’ Not that he’d be a threat to her any longer when she left, but she cared about the people of Wongan Creek.

  ‘Riggs has enough to keep him in custody until a court hearing. He’ll be transferred to a Perth facility tomorrow.’

  ‘Will they have enough for a conviction?’ What if they didn’t? It didn’t bear thinking about. If they released him, he’d be out for blood—Harry’s, hers, Travis’.

  ‘They have enough. Riggs will make it stick this time. John hasn’t even argued against Zac’s arrest. I don’t think he realised how sick his grandson really is.’

  ‘It’s kinda sad though, isn’t it?’

  ‘Don’t feel sorry for them, baby.’ He lifted their joined hands and kissed her knuckles.

  Heather shivered against him as the feather-light touch of his lips brushed her skin, sending the butterflies in her tummy spiralling.

  ‘John knew Zac had a problem. He just didn’t know how bad it was,’ he continued, studying their entwined fingers. ‘He could have done something about it a long time ago, before it got to this, but he ignored it.’ Reaching over with his free hand, he cupped her face and brought her lips within inches of his. ‘I don’t want to talk about the Bannisters anymore tonight. Right now, this is about you and me.’

  Heather drew in a breath against the surge of need that pulsed through her. With his lips a whisper away, all she wanted was to feel them on hers, to erase the evil of the day and replace it with goodness. To spend this one night with Travis and to know every inch of him.

  Then his mouth was coaxing hers, sending spirals of heat through her blood, chasing away thoughts of murderous intent and crime. And he tasted like promises
and dreams, sun and blue skies, forever and white satin. All the things she couldn’t have forever but would enjoy for just one night.

  She kissed him back, putting her heart and soul into it. She’d make this last night count, make it so unforgettable that it would last through the dark days ahead.

  Heather let her fingers slip under his T-shirt, explored the contours of his abdomen, blazed a trail higher towards his heart. It thumped unsteadily under her palm.

  His tongue danced with hers as he eased his fingers out of her grip and stroked a hand across her hip, drawing her closer. He eased her up onto his lap so she straddled him, their hips aligned.

  His mouth left hers to travel over her face with sweet kisses that set fire to her blood. Then his teeth nipped at her earlobe and she curled into him, feeling the hard ridge building between them.

  She let her head fall back, exposing her neck to his mouth. With each flick of his tongue and press of his lips, her skin grew hotter.

  ‘Travis,’ she whispered, squirming against him. Her fingers found his nipple and she rolled her thumb over it, whimpering as he moaned against her.

  And then his hands were touching her, tracing the length of her spine, the curve of her hip, over her tummy and up until they brushed her breasts. He tipped up her chin and she met the heat in his eyes.

  ‘Let’s take this inside. Hold tight, sweetheart.’

  He shifted her off his lap, stood and swept her up into his arms. Heather linked her hands around his neck, depositing soft kisses along his jawline as he walked towards the door. Travis nudged the fly screen door open with his foot and let it close behind them then he pushed the front door closed, pausing a moment to hear it click shut behind them.

  As they reached his bedroom, he let her slide down the length of him, keeping her anchored there with his hands caressing her hips. His eyes were closed and exhaustion etched his face. She reached up to ease the frown lines from his forehead.

  ‘Love me, Travis,’ Heather whispered.

  His eyes opened and the heat of his gaze slammed into her soul. ‘I already do.’


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