Dystopian Girls

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Dystopian Girls Page 7

by Rodzil LaBraun

  The home wasn't huge, but it was nice inside with plank style flooring throughout. The furniture and wall decor were tasteful, and it was very clean. One of the bedrooms had been converted into an exercise room with a treadmill, rowing machine, and some free weights. Jada grabbed some of the lighter barbells and a couple foam mats. Then, we decided to check the closets for clothes that might fit us, since these people must have been in good shape. Before we could get far into our wardrobe shopping there was a pounding on the glass out front. We all froze simultaneously.

  The thumping continued, though it was not loud. I peeked out the second story bedroom window to see maybe twenty stinkies in the front yard. They appeared to be passing through when one of the skanks noticed the wagon on the porch. She was drawing the attention of the others as well. Shit! We didn't want to have to fight them, but we also didn't want to lose all the good supplies we stacked up in the cart. The three of us watched through the thin green bedroom curtains as the scene unfolded below.

  Grunted communication took place among several of them until the lone skunk left his lead position to check out what the fuss was about at the glass enclosure. Three skanks were then pointing at the wagon or tapping on the glass like children picking out what they wanted at an old-time candy store. One of the other skanks, a huge one, maybe the biggest I have seen so far, searched the ground until she found a large rock about the size of her head. She could barely lift it. Apparently, she planned to smash through the glass barrier, even though I was pretty sure we left the porch door unlocked.

  The skunk was a middle eastern man wearing ragged tight blue three-quarter pants with his rashy ankles exposed. He had on a Washington Capitals red t-shirt while sporting a purple Baltimore Ravens ball cap. These sick people maintained some of their humanity, but obviously none of their fashion sense. As I almost chuckled from the thought, he looked right up at us. My two female companions closed the curtains quickly, but it was too late. He had seen us already. I continued watching to see what he would do.

  Just then there was a collective growl from the street below and responsive shrieking from half of the skanks. A small pack of wild dogs was headed their way. The focus of the decadent horde quickly shifted from us and our wagon to the approaching predators. The group of five scraggly beasts looked like wolves in their formation as they pressed the stinkies back slowly toward the house. Oversized claws and fangs were obvious on the canines, even from our viewpoint. The alpha male may have literally been a black wolf from its appearance. His green eyes glowed eerily on the cloudy day. I urged the girls to return to the windows to watch with me how this played out.

  The skunk grabbed a wooden walking cane off the front lawn. I hadn't seen it there before. Perhaps one of the skanks had dropped it. He raised it above his head in a threatening pose as he slowly worked his way through his female followers toward the dogs. The skank in the very front stood motionless, as if entranced by the lead wolf's emerald stare.

  When one of the rabid-like dogs from the side dove for the still woman, the hefty skank stepped forward and crushed its head with the rock she had been holding. Wow! I had never seen one of the decaying humans move so fast or fight so strong. The pack was shaken by the quick loss of one of their own, but they did not retreat. When the big skank reached for the rock again two more dogs attacked her before she could lift it. She didn't go down right away despite large chunks of flesh being torn from her pale gray body. A couple other rotten women tried to come to her rescue only to be taken down speedily by the other dogs. Mister skunk then rallied his survivors and made for an escape. Their crippled forms scurried off, disjointed in their hurry like a geriatric race to the bathroom. The slowest of them was then snagged from behind by the green-eyed alpha male.

  The sound of ripping flesh and bone crunching reached us through the upstairs windows. It was a sickening sound threatening to bring up my lunch. With the horde of stinkies gone our wagon should be safe. It was unlikely the wolf pack would try to enter the house. Besides, they were too busy feasting on the rotting flesh of their kills. We decided to sit in the bedroom patiently and wait out the disgusting meal, avoiding drawing any attention to ourselves. Unless one of the dogs had super hearing, we should be okay to talk quietly amongst ourselves.

  "Well, that was disturbing," I said as I lowered my ass to the floor. My two sexy female cohorts sat down as well, forming a triangle close enough to hold hands. Alexa grabbed mine, fear and tears apparent in her eyes. No doubt, she sensed the fear from the sub human people as they tried to fight off the dogs. Surprisingly, she then reached for Jada's hand. The dark beauty gladly gave it to her, then reached for mine to complete the circle.

  "I feel so bad for those people," Alexa said.

  "The zombies?" Jada asked in surprise.

  "They're not zombies," Alexa replied before I could. "They are alive. They are just very sick and cannot heal. I can feel their emotions. They are not near as complicated as our feelings, though. That many of them scared for their lives all at once was overwhelming."

  "So, that's what you do?" Jada asked. "You sense emotions?"

  Alexa nodded, her eyes watery from the experience. I saw Jada give the smaller girl's hand a gentle sympathetic squeeze.

  "Well, in that case, I feel like shit," Jada confessed. "I've killed more than a few of them. It was in self-defense, but I didn't think twice about it. Maybe we can avoid them more in the future, or hope they'll be hesitant to attack a group of three people with weapons. If they are still real people, I don't want to hurt them unless it is necessary."

  "I agree," I said, giving both hands a gentle squeeze.

  "The beasts, though," Jada continued. "I won't hesitate to kill them still. They are wild and dangerous. It won't be liking taking the life of someone's pet. Please tell me that you can't feel their pain, Alexa."

  "No, thank goodness."

  We chatted a little more about the skunks, skanks, and animals. Though the diseases plaguing the humans causing them to decay but not die appeared to all be similar, the animals showed a variety of sicknesses as well as mutations. Jada described some animals that were crazy fast. Others seemed to be able to put people in a deadly trance, like the green-eyed dog. We figured there might even be more types of deviations that we haven't seen yet.

  "I once joined a gang," Jada said quietly.

  "A gang?" we both asked.

  "Yeah, after society broke down, of course. In fact, it was just a couple weeks ago. I was only with them for a few days. These gangs always have one guy in charge, and he tends to have a special ability, just like you Mason. The gang members were mostly females, and a few of them had gifts as well. The man I followed called himself Spark. He was able to produce an electrical charge with his hands. It wasn't like lightning bolts shot out. He could effectively electrify the golf club that he used as a weapon to increase damage. I once saw him shock people that were standing in water. Another time he turned on appliances briefly just to show off."

  "Why did you leave?" I asked.

  "He was killed by a much larger gang. Their leader was super quick, but only in short spurts. It was a huge advantage in one on one combat, though. But he was a real asshole. The way he acted during and after the battle was absolutely ridiculous. Some of the women from our gang joined him when Spark died. Apparently, that is the new custom. The winner gets the bitches. Some of us just ran. I was with one of the other girls for a few hours. Her name was Riley. She seemed kind of nice, just real quiet. Then we were split up when a deranged flock of geese attacked us. That there was some crazy shit to see, let me tell you. We ran separate ways seeking shelter. I couldn't find her after that. I'm assuming she is still alive. I sincerely hope that she is."

  "Do you want to search for her?" Alexa asked.

  "Kind of," Jada replied. "But I doubt that I'll find her. It's best to stay with you two and focus on our own survival, I think. She might have joined another one of those gangs by now."

  As we waited for an op
portunity to exit safely, I gathered some games for us to play in our down time back at our place. The family that owned this house must have been game night people, because they had a wide variety of card and board games. I found two poker size decks of cards, but no chips for betting. I always wanted to have a poker night with my friends, back when they were still alive. I didn't know if Alexa and Jada would like to play or not.

  A little while later we headed back to the old store. The dogs had eaten their fill of the dead skanks in the front yard and wandered off. The odor left behind was beyond nauseating and required that we make a wide berth. It was twilight by that time, but the journey was thankfully uneventful. Jada and I sorted our newly acquired supplies while Alexa started on dinner. She opened three cans of chunky soup and a new box of crackers. We had some leftover cheese from the deli to compliment the meal. Despite the heat, the taste of the soup was wonderful compared to many of the rations.

  After cleaning ourselves up we decided to play some of the newly acquired games. A unique card game named Castles & Catapults was very entertaining. We played four games before deciding to move onto something else. A little playful feud had developed between the two women because they kept stealing each other's gold in the game. That's when I told them about my desire to play poker.

  "Unfortunately, we don't have anything to use for poker chips," I said.

  "Who needs chips," Jada replied enthusiastically. "Strip poker is more fun anyway."

  "You must be in a hurry to get naked," I laughed. "I'm a decent poker player."

  "No, but I'm the only one here that hasn't seen you naked, I assume." Jada glanced at Alexa for a reaction. The blue flashed across her skin ever so briefly as she stiffened up. She gave no verbal response.

  "Okay, okay," I said. "Maybe we should play something else. How about gin rummy?"

  I explained the rules and the girls agreed to play. Before we started, Alexa grabbed two bottles of wine that she had set aside for a special occasion. I poured a generous dose in three newly acquired coffee mugs, each representing a different beach town. I had Ocean City. I handed Myrtle Beach to Jada and Atlantic City to Alexa. By the time we finished the first bottle I was feeling quite mellow, but Alexa was nearly drunk. Her slight form couldn't handle the alcohol as well as our more muscular friend.

  It wasn't long before we gave up on the card game and started talking about what we missed most from the old world. It was surprising the things that really mattered. Your own bed. A meaningful routine. Working toilets. A job to keep you focused and productive. Fresh fruit & vegetables, of course. And meat. We all missed that protein source that was so taken for granted before. Jada talked about hunting and how much work it would be to clean the kill properly before cooking. I had never hunted before but was willing to learn. I imagined it would be an important survival skill from now on. Alexa wasn't near as enthusiastic about cleaning and cooking the dead animals, though.

  I pushed back from the table to stretch my legs as we continued our relaxed conversation. Alexa poured herself another cup of wine despite my warning, then sat across my lap with her arm around my shoulders. I didn't hesitate to place my arms around her sexy slender body, though in part it was to keep her from falling off. It was not my style to take advantage of drunk women, but Alexa claimed to be my girlfriend. Caressing her long smooth legs and the bare skin of her lower back seemed acceptable to me. When she turned the other way, I often glanced at her small but firm breasts trapped under her tight t-shirt and thin bra. As I wondered how far I should take things tonight I couldn't help but get aroused. Alexa responded playfully by shifting on my lap and kissing my cheek.

  Finally, Jada declared it was time for bed. Her flirtatious nature had faded with Alexa's display of affection. She had arranged some foam pads and a thick blanket in the exercise area for her bedding. After guiding Alexa around the sales counter to our sleeping area I was pleased to see her pull her bed beside mine to form one large bed for the two of us. I kissed her softly on her forehead as she snuggled in on my chest. A few seconds later she was asleep, looking angelic and peaceful. I had hoped for more touching and smooching but considering her inebriated condition I figured this was probably for the best. With the girl of my dreams in my arms I eventually drifted off as well, to have the most restful night of sleep that I'd had in many months.


  The heavy thunderstorm rolled in just before the sun came up. The sound of lightning and pelting rain against the windows woke me early. Alexa remained groggy from the night of drinking and snuggled into my body under a thin blanket. Her beautiful face rested peacefully on my chest as her left thigh stretched across my waist. My left arm that was pinned under her light frame wrapped around her shoulders, holding her close to me. I slid my right hand under the blanket to softly caress the smooth skin of her leg as she slept. I had never held such a desirable girl before. Truth was my romantic encounters had been quite limited before the big catastrophe. It took the world ending for me to gain such a prize as Alexa. Not only was she gorgeous, I had become endeared to her layered personality as well. I couldn't remember another girl as lovable as the one I held to me in my bed at that moment.

  Another crash of thunder jarred Alexa awake, sounding shortly after the flash of light through the cracks in the boarded windows. That one was close. I hoped that the lightning would not spark any fires that couldn't be immediately doused out by the pouring rain. My girl opened her eyes to look up at me as I kissed her gently on the forehead. I could see that she was disoriented for a couple seconds, like shaking the fog from the dream that she was just having. I pulled back my hands to give her some space as she woke up.

  "Is it storming?" she asked as she laid her head back down on my chest and welcomed my embrace.

  "Yeah, the rain is coming down pretty hard out there." It had been several weeks since any significant rainfall. I wasn't sure if this downpour was progress on mother nature's part, or a sign of bad things to come.

  "Is Jada okay?"

  "I don't know, I just woke up a couple minutes ago."

  "You should go check on her," Alexa said, sliding off me to free up my arm.

  I slept in my shorts but no t-shirt. I figured there was a good chance that Jada was still asleep, so I didn't bother to cover my bare chest. The only working clock we had sat on the sales counter. In the dim light of the small lantern we left on overnight it looked like it read about five thirty in the morning. It was still very early. If it wasn't for the storm, I would have slept for at least another two hours.

  I tip-toed my way through the store toward the section where Jada had claimed for her exercise area and bedroom. She had a small lantern on there as well. I don't remember if it was on when I went to bed. As I approached her section, I saw a shadow move on the wall. Apparently, she was awake. It wasn't until I got closer that I realized what she was doing. She had just pulled on a pair of her tight shorts, but there was nothing covering her upper body. I couldn't make out the details of her breasts, except that they were round and large. I stopped in my tracks and held my breath, not wanting to be caught peeping on her, even if it was accidental. I ought to turn around and go back to Alexa, but I couldn't quite pull my eyes away.

  Jada then slid a sports bra over her head and pulled it down into place, pressing those impressive chocolate melons in tight. When she reached for her shirt, that’s when I noticed that she saw me.

  "Mason?" She didn't seem shocked, or embarrassed. Modesty was probably not a personality trait of hers. It was understandable. Most men would find this woman smoking hot, especially if they were into the athletic type.

  "Sorry, I was just coming to check on you because of the storm. You okay?"

  "Sure, I'm fine," she replied as she pulled on her tight red shirt with the Jada Fitness logo in the center. "The storm woke me up. I figured I'd go ahead and get cleaned up and changed. I like the shirtless look on you. You have a nice chest."

  "Oh, thanks," I replied, tempted
to cover myself. Instead, I just stood there motionless as she walked right up to me. We locked eyes in the dim light as she placed her small hands on my chest, then slid them up to my shoulders then down my arms. Jada then licked her lips as she stared at my mouth. That's when I snapped out of it. I was almost entranced enough to kiss her, if she were so inclined. It certainly looked like she was. Her touch was magic on my body, like a sexy masseuse.

  "O-okay," I stuttered, pulling back and turning to see of Alexa was watching.

  "It's not fair, Mason."

  "What's not fair?"

  "That Alexa gets to keep you for herself. There are so few men left in this world. And most of them are not good men like you. She needs to share." She stepped forward and reached like she was going to touch the front of my shorts. I jumped back, but part of me undeniably desired the contact. I believed that she knew that to be the case. She flashed me an evil smile before she turned back around and bent over to grab her socks and shoes. The sight of her round ass and strong legs got me breathing a little heavier. I practically ran back to Alexa.


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