Alluring Temptation (Bayou Stix #3)

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Alluring Temptation (Bayou Stix #3) Page 14

by Skye Turner

  A few minutes later, he comes out of the bathroom. The only covering he has is a towel, knotted at his hips. My eyes drink in the sight of him.

  He chuckles and as I look up from his “V”, I see his cheeks are a shade darker than usual. I smirk at him. “Are you blushing?”

  Shrugging, he says. “You’re looking at me like I’m on a menu.”

  Before I can stop myself, I respond with, “You are; I want to devour you.”

  I’ve taken him by surprise and he has a look of wonder on his face. Shaking his head, he walks to the closet. I watch his ass through the fabric of the towel as he grabs a pair of shorts from a shelf.

  He turns around and catches me staring. Winking, he drops the towel to the floor.

  Dear God, he’s fine.

  My eyes take in the rippling muscles in his chest and arms, the tapered waist with a spattering of dark brown hair that starts at the top of his ribcage and follows the muscles down until it meets a well groomed thatch of dark hair, surrounding his impressive girth. My gaze locks on it. Holy hell!

  His throat clears and I raise my eyes to meet his amused ones. He chuckles and says, “Stop looking at me like that. I’ve already embarrassed myself once today.” He slips on the shorts and zips them, leaving the top button undone.

  My mouth is as dry as a desert.

  Finally I snap out of it. Jeez, I’ve seen hot men before. I’ve seen naked men before. Shit, I’m pregnant…

  When I can focus, I see Liam is smiling at me. He pats the bed next to him. He’s propped against the headboard and looking at me expectantly. Did he say something?!

  He laughs again and says, “You’re good for my ego.”

  Muttering under my breath, I retort, “Like your ego needs any stroking!”

  He laughs out loud and again pats the mattress next to him. Crossing the room, I climb onto the bed and sit next to him, but don’t touch him. I can feel him looking at me.

  I suddenly remember his face from the kitchen… before I flashed him and all of this happened. Looking at him, I ask before I can stop myself. “Why were you frowning in the kitchen when I was talking about my interview today with James Black?”

  He looks at me in surprise and then looks away. After a bit, he looks back. His face seems masked. “No reason.”

  I’m staring at him and watching his face closely. I’m not an expert at reading people, but I know when people are covering things up. At least sometimes, and Liam is. Frowning myself, I say, “You don’t like him?”

  He looks at me and then sighs. “Honestly, no, I don’t. I don’t like him. I’ve heard the stories. I know he sleeps around.” My brows raise at his answer. “He is not the kind of guy I want you around, Clove. I know you and I just started this… whatever this is… but the thought of you spending a massive amount of time around James Black does not sit well with me.”

  My mouth drops open in shock. “Are you… jealous?”

  It’s his turn to be shocked. “No, I’m not jealous. Of course not. Why would I be jealous?!” I just stare at him. “He’s a playboy. I just don’t think you need to be around that.”

  I smirk at him. He glares. “Why are you looking at me like that?!”

  Leaning over, I kiss him gently. “I think you are jealous. He’s a playboy?! Really? Aren’t you a playboy, too? He makes blockbuster movies. You make gold records. But isn’t it the same kind of thing, Liam?”

  He jumps up off of the bed. I’m shocked by his sudden movement. He stalks across the room, as he reaches the door, he turns back and glares at me. “No, it’s not the same thing. I don’t seduce virgins! I don’t have stories written in tabloids about me for breaking up marriages. I don’t have people following me trying to catch me with whatever starlet is currently occupying my bed.” He points at me. “YOU are better than that, Clove. I just don’t want him coming onto you.”

  WHAT?! Why the hell does he think James Black would come onto me? I’m not a starlet. I’m not anyone. I’m a normal girl. What the hell is he talking about?!

  “Liam, why the hell do you think James Black would want me? I just want to cook for him. Not grace his bed,” I say in exasperation.

  He looks at me as if he’s seeing me for the first time. Then, he shakes his head as he mutters, “She’s crazy. She seriously has no idea.”

  He’s right. I have no earthly idea what he’s talking about. My face must convey this because he walks across the room and sits on the bed next to me. “Clove, why would he want you?! Why wouldn’t he want you? You’re beautiful and good and sexy as shit. Why do you not know how amazing you are?!”

  “Huh? A few days ago, you hated me, Liam. Now I’m amazing. Sorry, I’m trying to keep up, but you sound like a freaking crazy person. I’m getting whip lash here. I’m not interested in James Black. I’m interested in one person and he’s looking at me like I’m crazy right now.” Leaning up, I touch his face. “Relax. I’m not interested in James Black.” I sear him with a look. “He’s not my type.”

  Smirking, he says, “Really? Hot famous guys who make millions on movies are not your type?”

  Shaking my head, I say, “Nope. I’m more into musicians.”

  His brow arches, “Musicians, huh? So, you like piano players?”

  Laughing, I say, “Of course. I hear they know how to use their… fingers…”

  Looking at me in shock, Liam pushes me onto my back and leans over me. Looking into my eyes, he whispers against my lips. “No, that’s guitar players.” And he sweeps me into another mind blowing kiss.

  A couple of hours later, I pull up at Java and Sweeties. I’m early, but I’d rather be early than late. Parking and checking my make-up, I decide to head in. I’ll wait for James and his manger inside while I enjoy some fruit and nut tea.

  As I open the door, I see Erik behind the counter taking orders. He sees me and winks as he inclines his head to our table. Nodding, I head over. It’s already occupied.

  Bradi and Blue are there and they are deep in discussion. They look up as I approach.

  Bradi says, “Check your phone, much?”

  Looking at her in confusion, I pull it out of my purse and see I have three texts and two missed calls. All three texts are Bradi and I have one missed call from Bradi and one from Blue.

  Blue laughs and pushes Bradi. “Ignore, Miss Thing. We wanted to talk to you about something. Now you’re here, so we can just talk to you in person.”

  My curiosity is peaked, so I sit down and we all chat for a while; they explain the reason for all of the calls and texts. While it’s new and a risk, I let them know I’m very interested, but I tell them I’ll let them know my thoughts after I meet with James and his manager.

  We go over a few more things and they show me some outlines on Bradi’s laptop and before I know it, it’s time for my interview.

  The gasps in the coffee shop alert us to James’s presence.

  Turning around, we all look at him as he walks in. His blond hair is perfectly styled and in his plain black fitted t-shirt and jeans, with his sunglasses on, he looks like exactly what he is, a sexy as hell box office star.

  He signs things and takes photos as one thing after the other is thrust at him. Bradi sighs and says, “Damn, he’s so hot. They’re wrong.” We look at her in question. She shrugs and says “He’s not the next Brad Pitt. I don’t find Brad Pitt attractive, but James Black… Holy hell. And damned if he’s not as hot in person as he looks on a movie screen.”

  Blue and I sigh in agreement.

  Bradi waves at the man accompanying James and he waves back. She says out of the corner of her mouth, “That’s Hugo. His manager. He’s a super nice guy.”

  Hugo makes his way over to us. Holding out his hand, he greets Bradi. The exchange pleasantries before he greets Blue and me. Once the introductions are made, he smiles at me and says, “Ah, so you are Clove. I’ve heard good things about you… and your cooking.” He gestures to another table that’s empty and asks if I would like to start the interv

  I nod in agreement and Blue and Bradi both give me a “thumbs up” before they look back at the computer. I notice that they keep glancing over at me, though.

  James joins us a few minutes later. He sits in the chair directly across from me and though I can’t see his eyes behind his glasses, I can feel his gaze on me. He never speaks as Hugo goes through some basic questions about me and my background.

  Eventually he explains what exactly James is looking for. It’s so weird, James is sitting right here, but he’s not communicating with me at all. He’s simply staring.

  A couple of times, people interrupt us to ask for a photo or an autograph and James always smiles and does it, but he doesn’t seem to be very into it. Erik finally comes out and tells people that we are not to be disturbed and that if it continues, people will be asked to leave. Some grumbling is heard, but people leave us alone after that, though they continue to stare.

  I give Hugo and James the treats I made and accept both of their thanks.

  The entire interview lasts about forty-five minutes and at the end, James starts asking me if I know what certain things are and if I’m familiar with the method of preparing certain dishes. Once I assure him that I am a fully skilled chef and that I am capable of preparing whatever he throws at me, he smiles.

  I mean a real smile. I see exactly why women fall at his feet.

  Hugo asks me to give them a minute and I head to the table with Bradi and Blue while he and James talk quietly with their heads together.

  Bradi asks, “Go well, doll face?”

  I shrug. “I think so.”

  Blue looks at me intently. “You going to do it if they ask you to? Did you tell them you were pregnant?”

  I frown. I did not tell them I was pregnant, but at the beginning of the interview he mentioned it was for six months and then they’d decide if they wanted to extend it for the duration of his stay here. I can do six months… I’m not sure that I want to though… the other offer on the table seems almost heaven sent.

  I talk quietly with the girls as James and Hugo continue to converse before Hugo calls me back over. Smiling at him, I approach the table.

  He smiles at me and says, “James would like to hire you. Three meals a day, five days a week and six meals to be delivered on Saturdays. You would have Sundays off. I can draw the contract up for six months and then at that time we can decide it we’d like to extend it. He’s willing to offer you $70K for compensation. That includes all ingredients needed to prepare the meals and the delivery. The meals would need to be delivered to his residence. You can deliver once a day as long as the food will keep and taste fresh once it’s ready to be consumed. He will let you know twenty-four hours in advance if he will not need a particular meal or if the entire day can be skipped. Sometimes events come up and he will not require meals.”

  I’m taking it all in. Seventy thousand for six months is an amazing salary. It’s a lot of work and he’s very particular. This would look insane on my resume though… I need to think things through and make an informed decision.

  Looking up, I smile at both James and Hugo. “Thank you so much for the offer. I would like to think it through if that is ok with you both? I can let you know by tomorrow.”

  James looks disappointed and Hugo looks surprised, but they both agree that I can call them tomorrow with my decision. Shortly after, they shake my hand and leave. A large crowd follows them out of the coffee shop.

  Sitting back down with Bradi and Blue, they look at me expectantly. Erik joins us and pulls out a chair. He asks, “So, what’s the word?”

  I look at all of them and smile. “He wants to hire me. Seventy thousand for six months.”

  Bradi’s mouth drops open. Blue smiles and Erik claps. He says, “Hot damn. That’s a nice chunk of change. So, did you accept the offer?”

  Bradi and Blue are both waiting for my reply with baited breath and Erik appears to be holding his own. I shake my head. “No. I told them I can let them know tomorrow. I need to think about it.” Looking at all of them, I speak really quickly. “Liam doesn’t want me to work for James.”

  Erik whistles and looks away as he smiles. Bradi shrieks and Blue just looks at me. Finally, a huge smile lights up her face. She claps. “YES! Thank you, Jesus! I knew it!”

  Bradi finds her voice. “Liam, huh? So, you and Liam? Finally went for it, did you? My baby is growing up!”

  I roll my eyes at her dramatics. Erik starts coughing he’s laughing so hard.

  They all stare at me. I stare back, “What?”

  Blue chuckles again. “We were wondering when you were going to tell us!”

  My mouth hangs open. Erik pushes it closed with his finger. He chuckles, “Did you think we didn’t know, Clove?”

  How do they know?! We only went out last night, so what the hell?

  I ask, “How do y’all know?”

  Bradi laughs in delight and opens something on her computer. She turns the screen towards me.

  My jaw almost touches the table! I’m looking at a photo… no a series of photos… of me and Liam. From last night. There are photos of us having dinner, us kissing in the restaurant, me on his lap, and even one of him kissing me at the truck… They are all on a celebrity gossip website.

  I feel my face burn with my embarrassment. Oh my God… I knew that was going to happen, but knowing and seeing it are two completely different things.

  Does he know? Has he seen these yet? What does he think about them?

  Bradi sees the distress on my face. “Clove, stop. No overthinking. He knew what he was doing when he took you out. Personally, I think it’s awesome! I’m so glad this is finally happening! Y’all were almost as bad as her,” she points at Blue, “and Jessie.”

  Blue says, “Hey, now!”

  Erik rolls his eyes. He takes my hand. “Hey, Liam is a good guy. You’re a great girl. I like the two of you together. You’re good for each other.”

  Bradi and Blue nod in agreement.

  I sigh.

  Soon enough, Erik gets up and goes back to work. Bradi closes her laptop saying she needs to get over to Jude and Lexi’s to air it out since they are coming home tomorrow. And Blue grabs her coat and tells me to call her tomorrow and let her know what I think about everything and tell her about my appointment. Oh, that’s right, I have a Dr’s appointment tomorrow and I get to see the baby again.

  I’m the last to leave and I realize as I do, whatever decision I make is going to have a major impact on my life… Add a baby and now Liam into that equation and my life just got a whole lot more complicated.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Clove’s been gone for five hours now. I’ve been trolling around the house on pins and needles. Yes, she could work for James Black and she’d be amazing at it. She’s a great cook. I just don’t think James Black is the right fit for her. Everything I’ve read about him, and I might have Googled him earlier, says he’s a playboy and doesn’t care about anyone.

  He does what he wants and leaves a trail of broken hearts in his path. I don’t want Clove around him. I know that I can trust her. But I don’t trust him.

  Dammit! Of course right when you decide to have feelings for someone, its Dade’s scrumptious little sister and on top of that she can cook and a damn movie star wants to hire her. It’s ok. Even if she takes the job… she’s just going to cook for him.

  If she gets the job, I’m going to have a talk with Mr. James Black… he’s going to know that she’s off limits.

  I’m absolutely not jealous. Nothing to be jealous about, she’s wanted me for years, she said so, and now she has me, but him… no, he is not to be trusted.

  I hear Dade’s Hummer in the drive and race to the media room. No sense in making it obvious I’ve been waiting for her to get back. I turn on the TV and kick back on the couch as I ruffle my hair just as the door opens. It takes her awhile to make it back here and I’m starting to wonder if she’s coming to find me.

nbsp; Just as I’m about to turn into a total girl and start stressing, I hear her footsteps in the hallway. She pokes her head into the room and as I glance up and meet her eyes, I can’t help but smile. She smiles back and crosses the room to meet me.

  She settles onto the couch next to me, but leaves half a cushion between us. As she glances over at me, I make it a point to look at the space between us. She blushes.

  “Why are you over there? Do I smell bad?” I tease.

  Her nose wrinkles and she sniffs the air. “No, not as far as I can tell. Have you showered today?”

  Lifting my brow, I stare at her as I respond with, “Nope. I had this delicious treat this morning and I’ve wanted to keep the smell on me all day long.”

  Her face turns crimson and she coughs in her embarrassment.

  “Oh my…” She mutters as her face turns redder and redder and she covers it with her hands.

  Grabbing her hands, I pull her over to me and once she’s there, I pull her onto my lap. She is still blushing but she sighs and seems to settle onto me. Glancing at me through her lashes, she says, “Hi.”

  Grinning, I say, “Hi.”

  She surprises me, by wrapping her arms around my neck and leaning into me. As she gets to my neck, she just leans in and breathes in my scent.

  My heart pangs.

  I wrap my arms around her waist without a conscious thought. We sit like this for a long time. It feels so… nice. It’s comfortable and she just… fits.

  After a bit, she leans back and looks at me. “What did you do today?”

  Laughing, I reply. “Nothing. I made some calls and spoke to our manager about the tour. My day was boring. How was your interview?”

  My body tenses as I wait for her response. I don’t realize until right this second how important her answer is to me.

  She chuckles. “It was awesome. He offered me a six month contract. Seventy thousand dollars for six days a week.”

  My back is ramrod straight and I am forcing myself to breathe normally.


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