Man Handled: By The Gay Dom Next Door (His Neighbour's Secret Book 3)

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Man Handled: By The Gay Dom Next Door (His Neighbour's Secret Book 3) Page 1

by Jesse Fuchs

  Man Handled

  By The Gay Dom Next Door

  By: Jesse Fuchs

  Published by Smutpire Press

  Copyright 2014 All Rights reserved

  Other books by Jesse

  This is part 3 of The Neighbour’s Secret series. Other books in this series can be found below:

  If you enjoy this story, why not spend a few minutes browsing over Jesse's entire naughty catalog on Don’t forget to sign up for her mailing list too while you’re there! :)

  Man Handled

  ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉ ҉

  The next day, I could barely contain my excitement. There was a bounce in my step as I hurried off to class with a huge grin on my face. I couldn’t wait to brag to Adam about who had rang my doorbell last night and what kind of filthy things he had done to me.

  I wanted to tell him in person, but I was slowly starting to regret that decision the longer I sat beside him in class. I wanted to blurt it out right then and there, but I didn’t want anyone else to hear it.

  As soon as the professor dismissed us, I threw all my things haphazardly into my bag, not wanting to waste another second holding in my secret.

  “Whoa, you in a hurry there, dude?” Adam asked.

  “I have something to tell you,” I said, eager to divulge all the juicy details of my naughty escapades.

  I waited impatiently as he slowly packed his things before I grabbed his arm and led him down the hallway in the opposite direction of the rest of our classmates.

  “You’ll never guess what happened last night,” I said, the words quickly tumbling out of my mouth.

  Adam looked intrigued. “What?”

  I leaned in closer to his ear so I could speak quietly. “He came over.”

  “He who?” Adam asked. “Like, your neighbour?”

  “Yeah! And you’ll never guess what he did.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Jesus, Derrick, just spit it out!”

  “He came over and just… took control,” I said, trying to keep my voice down. “He barged through my door and grabbed me. Then he took me to the living room and tied me up on the couch. And then he…”

  I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye and realized how much the excitement had taken over me. I almost hadn't noticed that another student was heading down the hall toward us. I looked at the ground, embarrassed as we waited for him to pass.

  “Then what happened?” Adam prompted once the student was out of earshot.

  “He tied my hands behind my back and used me, just like last time - except better.” The excitement returned to my voice. “I hope he does it again. You have no idea what it’s like, Adam. It was the best sex of my life!”

  “You’re right,” Adam said pointedly, “I don't have any idea...”

  “I’ll tell you all the details later,” I promised. Then I turned, heading off to our next class so we wouldn’t be late.

  Later that day, I drove Adam home, filling him in on every last detail, from how Mr. Davis barged through the door and forced his hand over my mouth, to how he tied me up and pinned me down while he used me as his little fuck toy.

  “You’re a lucky man, Derrick, you know that?” he asked. “I’m actually a little jealous of you.”

  “Now I just have to make it happen again,” I replied as Adam opened the car door and stepped out.

  “See ya tomorrow!” he said as he waved good-bye.

  I smiled. “Yup, catch ya.”

  When I got home, I looked in the mirror hanging on my bedroom wall and decided that I was going to do something about Mr. Davis. I was going to make another advance on him. The way he was able to totally satisfy my needs was something I didn’t want to pass up, and he made it pretty clear that he wasn’t going to pursue me on his own accord. Why would he, though? He had options - lots of options.

  I pulled my shirt up over my head and dropped it to the floor. I took another look in the mirror and flexed my muscles a little. How could anyone resist this? I asked myself as I turned so my arm was facing the mirror.

  Peeling my tight jeans off of my legs, I threw them into the laundry basket in the corner of my room and eyed myself in the mirror. I was almost naked, except for my tight briefs. Confidence filled me as I examined my stature, and I knew that I would get what I wanted from him.

  I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. My family was still out of town, so there was no reason to cover up. Closing my eyes, I let the warm shower massage my body and trickle down to my feet while I focused on planning my next move.

  My strategy would be to show up at his house at exactly eight o'clock, wearing nothing but jeans - no shirt, no shoes, and no socks. I would knock on his door and walk right past him when he opened it. I wouldn’t even acknowledge him as I headed straight to the room with the chair and take a seat. He would know exactly why I came and take over from there. It was fool-proof.

  I allowed my thoughts to wander past the attack phase and into the pleasure phase. I imagined him walking behind me. I would hear the familiar sound of his wooden drawer scraping open behind me and the vibrator being plucked from its depths. The sound of his footsteps would echo in the empty room around me as he approached.

  My dick began to grow as the warm water streamed over my balls. My hand interrupted the stream as it slid down my stomach, reaching the base of my shaft as I imagined him taking me forcefully by the wrists, pulling me hard against the back of the chair. He would tie my arms down before slowly moving around the front of the chair to bind my ankles.

  He would look up, and his eyes would catch the shimmer of a bead of pre-cum on the tip of my dick just as he finished his knotwork. I would twitch my dick, stiffening it to draw his attention. His eyes would glaze over with a primal hunger as he gaped at the feast in front of him.

  I took hold of my blood filled cock and took a long, satisfying stroke up its length. I wanted his mouth around me, swirling around my tender tip and throwing me into an ocean of ecstasy. I could feel my knees getting weak at just the thought of it.

  He would stalk closer like an animal hunting its prey, an eagerness in his movements. The width of his shoulders would part my knees even further as he moved in to taste the salty tip that would be running down my cock. I bit my lip, imagining him as he buried my length into his mouth, coating his tongue in my salty desire.

  There would be no other foreplay, and I wouldn’t need it. By then, my ass would be ready for him to take freely. He would show me no mercy as he sucked my dick and reached below with his fingers.

  I turned down the pressure of the shower just a touch and changed the setting to a pulsating massage. Pulling it from its holster, I placed it face up on the bottom of the tub and crouched down on top of it, my asshole directly in the stream of the jetting water. The pinch of pleasure hit me and I had to brace myself up against the sides of the tub to keep from collapsing.

  Returning to my thoughts, he was now standing behind me with both arms reaching around my sides. His breath was hot on my ear, sending an electric tingle down the side of my neck. One hand reached under the collar of my shirt and pulled on my chest, pressing me hard against the back of the chair with his other hand on my cock, stroking furiously.

  I could feel the pulses from the warm water shooting through my body as it battered against my sensitive skin. I wanted his vibrator to be forced upon me, for him to make me scream. I could feel the orgasm building up at the base of my shaft.

  Waiting for his orders to cum, I held off as long as I could. I then imagined his voice:

  “Cum for me.” />
  The warm pulses from the streams of water surged through me violently as I collapsed to one knee, desperately trying to keep my asshole lined up with the jets. I groaned freely as I braced myself against the walls, knocking off shampoo bottles as the cum sprayed out of me and all over the walls of the shower. My muscles convulsed as the water finished me off.

  Breathing heavily, I summoned all my strength to bring myself back to my feet. I hung up the shower head and turned the temperature down to cool me off so that I wouldn’t sweat the second I stepped out. Grabbing the soap, I scrubbed myself vigorously from head to toe before rinsing clean for him.

  I took a towel from the rack and dried myself off before wrapping it around my waist and walking back to my room.

  Taking a quick look at the clock, I realized it was already 7:55. That barely gave me enough time to get ready before I would head over to his place and initiate what I had dubbed Mission: Get Fucked.

  I hurriedly opened my drawer and picked out my favorite pair of jeans before sliding them over my legs. I took a look in the mirror. My toned body captivating, surely this would catch his attention.

  By the time I was finished, it was nearly 8:00, and I took another quick look in the mirror to make sure everything was in place. My cock was poking at my jeans already. I had been so busy getting ready that I hadn’t even noticed how horny I had gotten again.

  Grabbing only my house key, I left and walked around the back in case there was somebody on the street. I didn’t want anyone but him to see me like this. His back window was open, as always, and I couldn’t wait to get inside.

  I rapped my knuckles against his back door and waited. I could hear the creaking in the walls as someone moved around the house, then footsteps just beyond the door. It opened.

  “Hey Derrick,” he said, his eyes darting down to my chest and back up to my eyes. “What are you doing back here?”

  I felt nervous, but I wasn’t going to chicken out this time. I was determined to stick to my plan. I tried walking past him, but he extended his arm against the doorframe, blocking my entry. He gave me a confused look and waited for me to speak.

  “Uh...” I mumbled. I wasn’t expecting this. “Can I come in?”

  “What for?” he asked, even though I was sure he already knew the answer. After all, he could see how I was dressed.

  “I’m bored. Everyone is gone and I have nothing to do,” I said, looking down nervously.”

  “This isn't a good time, Derrick.”

  “Oh,” I said quietly.

  “I have to go now,” he said as he began closing the door. “Bye.” He shut the door in my face. I was defeated.

  I shuffled back to my house. Why would he turn me down?

  Going straight to my bedroom, I immediately changed out of my clothes. I didn’t want the shame to linger on me any longer than it had to. I'd put myself out there for him to take freely. I had expected at least something from him, but all he'd had to say was, I don’t think this is a good time.

  Sliding under my sheets I forced myself to drift off to sleep. I hoped things would seem better in the morning.

  I woke up the next day and immediately knew I was done with him. The part of me that enjoyed being used also wanted to be desired, and clearly, I wasn’t.

  Things between the two of us returned to as close as normal as possible, only this time, it was without the gripping sexual tension.

  I never sat below his window again, either. The most I would do is take a gander at the guys he brought home, but I was never interested enough to go and actually listen.

  Until the night he brought him home.

  I glanced out the window as his car pulled in like usual, right on time. Pausing for a second, I watched as the passenger door opened and a familiar-looking man stepped out. Walking closer to the window I squinted as he turned to reveal his face. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  What the fuck, Adam?

  I dropped everything and headed straight for the back. There was no way I could ignore this.

  I sat down below his window and listened. The sound of a slap rang through the room on the other side of the wall.

  “Sit down, whore,” he said, his voice far more demanding than usual. My cock was throbbing against my pants as I felt Adam’s helplessness as if it were my own. He was in for a real treat tonight. The curiosity must have gotten to him. He needed to experience it for himself.

  There was some rustling as Mr. Davis tied him up, then a loud whimper.

  “You like that, don’t you?” He scoffed. “Tell me you like that.”

  “I… like it,” Adam moaned in reply.

  “Derrick fucking loved this, too. He was just as filthy as you are.”

  My ears perked up. How did he know we were friends? I could feel my cock begging to be touched. Normally, I might be mad at a friend for coming here behind my back, but Adam was different. Our experience with Daniels and James only had me craving to join in.

  The sound of Mr. Davis’ footsteps moved toward the drawer before he opened it and plucked the vibrator out.

  “This was Derrick’s favourite,” he said as he walked back toward Adam, the vibrator buzzing in his hand.

  The muffled hum of the toy being pressed against his balls and the sounds he bellowed made it impossible to resist the desire I felt. I began unbuttoning my pants, before guiding my hand under the waistband of my briefs and pumping my cock.

  Adam's moans became more and more intense and I started to allow mine to escape softly. I hoped that his were loud enough to cover mine. His groans of pleasure escaped the room and urged me further as I realized he was nearing ejaculation.

  “Maybe Derrick would like to join us.”

  I froze. Does he know?

  “Derrick, why don’t you come in here?” Mr. Davis bellowed.

  A paralyzing tingle shot down my spine. Seconds felt like hours as my brain raced, trying desperately to figure out what to do.

  His footsteps started echoing toward the window I sat below and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I felt like running but I couldn’t. Fear gripped me tightly.

  “Derrick.” I heard his sharp voice from right above me. He paused and waited for a response which I could not give, even if I wanted to. The sound of his footsteps moved into the next room allowed me to temporarily regain slight control of my arms. I began frantically trying to button up my pants and preparing to get the fuck out of there.

  Creeeeeeaak. The backdoor started opening and the complete paralysis returned. He passed through the doorframe and walked through the grass, straight toward me. My fearful gaze was locked on him as he approached. Pressure built in my ears and my heart beat faster with each of his footsteps.

  He effortlessly plucked me from the ground and carried me back inside, shutting the door behind us with his foot. He took me all the way back to the room where Adam was tied to the chair. His eyes followed mine as Mr. Davis dropped me right in front of Adam.

  He looked completely violated. His pants were around his ankles and his shirt was mercilessly ripped open. The only thing covering him was the thick strands of rope wrapping around his body and the helpless pieces of shirt that managed to hang on.

  Mr. Davis hadn’t just tied Adam’s hands like he did to me; he'd tied everything. He had rope wrapped around his body and there was no way he would be able to move. He looked at me nervously, possibly scared that I would be mad about him being there.

  “Punish him,” Mr. Davis barked at me.

  I looked up at him towering above me. How could I punish my best friend?

  “Make him pay for coming here.” Mr. Davis put his strong hand on my shoulder and forced me in front of his own bulging crotch. “Pull it out and make your friend watch. Make him beg.”

  I unzipped Mr. Davis’ pants slowly, still unsure of what was happening. As his pants hit the floor, I noticed that telltale sign of his arousal at the tip of his cock. The delicious pre-cum was soaking through his underwear.

His cock sprung free just inches from my face as I pulled his briefs down, and I could feel the blood surging through my own dick. I grabbed his shaft with a renewed desire and stroked it in front of my mouth, my hand barely able to wrap itself halfway around his throbbing instrument of desire.

  I licked the slit on his tip, tasting the salty liquid. Looking over at Adam, his legs were spread wide and I could see everything completely exposed below. His cock was straining with desire as he watched.

  The two of us were just inches away from Adam as I took the head of Mr. Davis’ cock into my mouth. Giving Adam no choice but to watch made me feel so hot. Mr. Davis was giving me exactly what Adam came here for.

  I slid my lips up and down the shaft, continuing to stroke him with my hand. Another bead of pre-cum appeared on my tongue and I could tell he was thoroughly enjoying every second of this just as much as I was.

  “That’s a good boy,” he said. “Now, take your clothes off.”

  I stood up beside him and started unbuttoning my pants. I was naked in no time, standing before Adam as he eyed my body.

  “Get on him.”

  I looked over at Mr. Davis. He was waiting for me to comply. Doing as I was told, I straddled Adam and rubbed our cocks together.

  Mr. Davis approached me from behind and I heard the vibrator start up once again. He knelt behind me and pressed it in the same spot as always, just between my balls and shaft. My muscles all contracted as I let out a groan and collapsed against Adam. I grabbed onto his hair and dug my fingers into his scalp as the pulses from the vibrator shot through my dick and resonated into my ass.

  I held Adam’s head tight against my chest. His warm breath tickled across my nipple as his chest heaved against me. My hips started grinding on both the vibrator and Adam without any conscious thought.

  Mr. Davis tugged on my head, pulling me back as I tried to hold on to the back of the chair. It felt so good to be dominated and used as a puppet. He pulled harder and my grip on the chair failed as I stumbled to my feet.

  He grabbed me tight around the waist with one arm and pulled my hair with the other before he forced me down into a crouched position to face Adam’s throbbing cock. He pulled again and bent my neck up as far as it would go. I could feel my ass relaxing as Mr. Davis’ length and hips pressed against my ass, teasing me.


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