Darcy and Elizabeth What If? Collection 1

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Darcy and Elizabeth What If? Collection 1 Page 12

by Jennifer Lang

  Your loving sister, Jane.

  To make the travelling easier for both ladies, it had been decided that Elizabeth would travel from Ramsgate to London with one of her aunt’s servants. At the same time, Jane would travel from Longbourn to London with one of the Bennets’ servants. Both young ladies would then spend the night at their aunt and uncle’s house in London, to give them a break in their long journey. On the following day, Jane would travel on to Ramsgate with her aunt’s servant, and Elizabeth would return to Longbourn with the Bennets’ servant.

  Thus, both ladies would be properly escorted and both servants would end up in their own establishments.

  Elizabeth was looking forward to seeing Jane. It would be fun to spend the night with her in London. It would give them both a chance to catch up with all the latest news. Letters were agreeable, but not nearly as good as talking face to face. But even so, she was sorry to leave Ramsgate. She had spent a very pleasant two weeks there. She had enjoyed all the seaside activities, and she had particularly enjoyed her friendship with Georgiana.

  The two of them were dissimilar personalities, but this had strengthened their friendship rather than hindered it. Elizabeth was far more confident and outspoken than Georgiana, but Georgiana was more demure than Elizabeth. Each had gained something from the other. Elizabeth had become more elegant and learnt more poise. Georgiana had become more confident and outgoing. She had also become less afraid of Mrs Younge and more ready to assert herself if she felt something was amiss.

  Mr Wickham had continued to call on Georgiana, but if Elizabeth was present then he cut his visit short. He was always affable to Elizabeth, but there was something wary about him whenever she was near.

  She was glad that Georgiana had written to her brother, informing him of Mr Wickham’s presence in Ramsgate, because she felt that Mr Darcy would know how to handle the situation and how to discourage Mr Wickham. She was only surprised that he had not done anything about it already. But she knew that gentlemen often had urgent business to attend to, and could not always use their time as they wished. However, there was nothing more she could do. The matter was now out of her hands.

  Elizabeth folded Jane’s letter and put it away. Then she donned her pelisse, gloves and bonnet, for she was engaged to take tea with Georgiana for one last time before she returned to London on the morrow. Taking her aunt’s maid with her, she walked along the promenade, with the wind ruffling the hem of her muslin gown delightfully, and made the most of the view. The sea was looking particularly beautiful this morning, being as blue as the sky, with jaunty fishing boats dotting the waves. Seagulls soared high overhead, streaks of white against the blue, and filled the air with their cry.

  She was soon at Georgiana’s lodgings. But when she was admitted to the house, she heard raised voices coming from the drawing-room. The first voice was that of a man, but it was not a voice she recognised. It was not Mr Wickham’s voice, it was another gentleman. The voice was refined and cultured. It had a deep resonance and was very attractive. But the words were far from being attractive.

  ‘ . . . I have been sadly deceived by you, Mrs Younge. You have not only allowed Mr Wickham to call —’

  ‘But, Sir, he claimed to be your friend, and Miss Darcy herself said she had grown up with him. I only —’

  ‘Not only have you allowed Mr Wickham to call, you have also allowed Miss Darcy to befriend a most unsuitable young woman,’ continued the gentleman. ‘Upon enquiry, I found she was nothing but the daughter of one of the gentry – a most unsuitable friend for Miss Darcy of Pemberley.’

  ‘But Fitzwilliam —’ began Georgiana.

  ‘You must allow me to decide who is and who isn’t a suitable companion for you,’ he said firmly. ‘In fact, I think you have been in Ramsgate long enough, Georgiana. Oh, pray don’t look so downcast, I do not wish to upset you, but it is time for you to come home. I will instruct your servants to pack your things and I will take you to London myself tomorrow morning. We must be ready to leave by ten o’clock.’

  He turned and saw Elizabeth, who stood in the doorway.

  ‘And you are Miss Bennet, I suppose,’ he said, looking her up and down with a haughty air.

  ‘I am,’ she said, dropping him a curtsey before drawing herself up to her full height in order to meet his look.

  He was, she noticed, extremely handsome. Dark hair framed a strong face with a determined jaw. His eyes were a velvety brown but they were, at the moment, filled with contempt. His clothes showed evidence of expensive tailoring, for they fit him like a second skin. His black coat moulded itself to his shoulders, his white shirt was ruffled at the front and at the wrist, and his cream breeches disappeared into highly polished boots.

  ‘Miss Darcy will not be requiring your presence,’ he said.

  Georgiana gasped in dismay, but Elizabeth merely raised her eyebrows.

  ‘I think that is for Miss Darcy to say,’ she replied.

  ‘I am her brother —’

  ‘That fact had not escaped my notice,’ said Elizabeth, interrupting him as he had interrupted everyone else.

  ‘And you are a most unsuitable friend,’ he finished scathingly.

  ‘I am a gentleman’s daughter,’ returned Elizabeth with a lift of her chin. ‘And as Miss Darcy is a gentleman’s daughter, we are alike.’

  ‘Nevertheless, Miss Darcy has no more need of your services. I will bid you good day.’

  Elizabeth felt her anger growing at his terrible rudeness and by his description of her friendship as “services”, as though she were a servant who could be dismissed. But seeing that the argument was distressing Georgiana, she disdained to bandy words with him. Instead, she dropped a haughty curtsey with her chin held high. Then she turned on her heel and swept out of the room.

  ‘Well!’ said her aunt’s maid, as she followed Elizabeth out of the house. ‘Of all the cheek.’

  She had stood there with her mouth open in astonishment as Mr Darcy had delivered his autocratic speech.

  ‘Mr Darcy needs a lesson in manners,’ said Elizabeth angrily. ‘Let us hope his sister can teach him some.’

  ‘And you not even having a chance to say goodbye to Miss Darcy,’ said her aunt’s maid.

  But, as to that, Elizabeth had her own ideas. She did not mean to leave Ramsgate without bidding her friend goodbye. Mr Darcy had told his sister to be ready to leave by ten o’clock the following morning and Elizabeth intended to call before then to bid Georgiana adieu. She would have time to do it before she herself was compelled to leave for London.

  And she would suggest that she and Georgiana should write to each other, whatever Mr Darcy might say.

  Mr George Wickham was in his lodgings, playing cards with a group of seedy men. They had all removed their coats and were playing in their shirt sleeves. A buxom wench was serving them drinks and every now and then one of the men would slap her on the behind and make some rude remark.

  Wickham was just about to lay down his hand when there came a rapid knock at the door and, without further ado, Mrs Younge entered the room.

  Wickham was at once alert.

  ‘I have to speak to you urgently,’ she said.

  Wickham took her by the elbow and guided her into the next room.

  ‘I thought I told you never to visit me here,’ he said. ‘What is it? Has Miss Bennet made difficulties?’

  ‘You don’t need to worry about her. He’s sent her about her business,’ said Mrs Younge.

  ‘He?’ asked Wickham.

  ‘Yes, he. Mr Darcy.’

  ‘Darcy!’ Wickham was horrified.

  ‘The very same. He’s just arrived. He sent Miss Bennet packing and I thought he was going to send me packing, too, but he’s told me I can stay ’til we get back to London. He’s taking Georgiana back with him tomorrow.’

  Wickham went white.

  ‘This will ruin everything,’ he said. ‘I must have her fortune. My debts are numerous and ever mounting. If I can’t pay them, I am in s
erious trouble.’

  ‘Then you’d better come for her early, before her brother takes her away. It’s your only chance.’

  ‘But I haven’t a carriage —’

  ‘Then you’d better hire one. He’s determined to leave at ten o’clock, and if you’re not away by then it will be too late.’

  ‘I don’t know if she’s ready,’ said Wickham, pacing the room and running his hand through his hair. ‘She likes me, I know, but whether she is ready to run off with me —’ He pursed his lips, thinking. ‘You said that Mr Darcy sent Miss Bennet away?’

  ‘That’s right. Said she wasn’t good enough for Miss Darcy. Quite upset Miss Darcy, it did, to see her friend treated so badly.’

  ‘It might just work in my favour,’ said Mr Wickham. ‘If Darcy is behaving like an arrogant monster – which, of course, he is – then Georgiana will be more likely to go against him. She has a tender heart and she is always full of sympathy for anyone who is being badly treated. If she thinks I am being badly treated, so much the better.’

  ‘Yes, that is the way to play it,’ said Mrs Younge, nodding.

  ‘You must play upon her tender feelings tonight. Do not speak against Darcy – that will turn her against us. But tell her that her brother is old fashioned and that his pride will cause a great deal of unnecessary unhappiness. Tell her how upset I will be if I cannot see her again. Persuade her to come and meet me, to say goodbye. Tell her it would be rude for her to go without seeing me again, in fact, tell her it would be an insult.’

  He stopped to think, his brow furrowed in concentration.

  ‘We must meet somewhere away from the house, for by now I am sure Darcy will have given instructions that I am not to be admitted.’

  ‘Yes, he has.’

  ‘Very well. Tell her that I will be walking along the promenade in the morning. I will be waiting with a carriage, in some secluded street along the route, and if I cannot persuade her to come with me willingly, then I must bundle her into it and take her off to the border.’

  ‘It’s a desperate plot,’ said Mrs Younge dubiously.

  ‘I am a desperate man,’ he said. ‘I must have her fortune or I am ruined. Can I rely on you? You will be well rewarded.’

  Mrs Younge nodded.

  ‘Very well. Go now. Prey on her weaknesses. Remind her of her fondness for me. Fill her head with romantic nonsense. Do whatever you must in order to get her to agree to meet with me, and the rest you can leave to me.’

  Chapter Three

  Elizabeth had packed her bags in preparation for her journey to London. She ate a good breakfast with her aunt, uncle and cousins. Her uncle was looking much better than when they had arrived. He had grown in strength and had a much healthier colour. The sea air had agreed with him, and he had become more energetic in recent days. Elizabeth knew that Jane’s company would improve his condition even more, for who could not feel better with Jane?

  Her little cousins, too, were looking forward to Jane’s stay. Jane was a great favourite with them. Elizabeth was loved because she would play with them in their livelier games, but Jane was loved for her calm patience and her ability to see the best in people – a particularly welcome characteristic when the children had been told off and needed someone to restore their belief in their own goodness.

  ‘You have a pleasant day for the journey,’ said Uncle Gardiner.

  ‘Yes, it couldn’t be better,’ Elizabeth agreed.

  It was fine, but not too hot, which was a relief. She was to travel on the stagecoach and so the cooler weather would make the journey much more agreeable.

  After their final embraces, Elizabeth set out with her aunt’s maid as a chaperone. But she did not make her way to the coaching inn straight away. Instead, she turned her steps towards Georgiana’s Ramsgate house, because she was determined to take a proper farewell of her friend.

  She walked along the sea front and then turned left, heading towards the large and imposing house. She had not gone far when she saw a carriage travelling down the road at great speed. If it had been travelling more slowly she would not have noticed it, but her curiosity was aroused and she turned her head to watch it pass by. As she did so, she saw Georgiana sitting inside, looking white and frightened. Next to her was Mr Wickham, and in the seat opposite them was Mrs Younge.

  Elizabeth and her maid exchanged anxious glances. Something was clearly wrong.

  Elizabeth was closer now to Miss Darcy’s house than her aunt’s house, and so she decided to seek help at the nearer establishment. She hurried on, and when the footman opened the door, she said, ‘I must speak to Mr Darcy at once. Is he within?’

  The footman said, ‘I’m sorry, miss, but I have orders not to admit you.’

  ‘This is an urgent matter and I must insist,’ said Elizabeth, stepping past him into the hall.

  She looked up and saw that Mr Darcy was descending the stairs. His face became extremely arrogant when he saw her and he said, ‘Miss Bennet. I thought I made it clear —’

  ‘I must speak to you on a matter of urgency,’ said Elizabeth. ‘It concerns Miss Darcy.’

  She relied on him not wishing to make a scene in front of the servants. He looked displeased, but as he could not fail to notice the curious face of the footman, he said curtly, ‘You had better come in.’

  The footman opened the door to the drawing-room.

  Elizabeth went in and Mr Darcy followed her.

  He looked surprised to see that the room was empty and Elizabeth realised he had been expecting to see his sister there. But he quickly turned his attention to the matter in hand.

  ‘Now, Miss Bennet,’ he said, closing the door behind her and her maid. ‘You have come, I suppose, to say that you are a suitable friend for Miss Darcy.’

  ‘Insufferable man!’ she said. ‘I have come for nothing of the sort. I have just seen Miss Darcy in a carriage with Mr Wickham, heading out of town. Mrs Younge was with her but Miss Darcy looked frightened. I fear that Mr Wickham and Mrs Younge are in league and have abducted her.’

  ‘What fairy tale is this?’ he demanded.

  But nevertheless, Elizabeth saw a hint of uncertainty in his eye and he glanced around the room again.

  ‘It is not fairy tale. I beg you, there is not a moment to lose. I have suspected a connection between Mr Wickham and Mrs Younge for some time. Oh, make haste! Order your carriage! You can catch them yet!’

  ‘The carriage has already been ordered for my journey to London,’ he said. ‘It will be at the door momentarily. If what you say is true . . . ’

  He looked at her maid, as if to ask for confirmation of Elizabeth’s story, and the maid nodded.

  ‘Tell me, which way were they headed?’ asked Mr Darcy.

  He was suddenly full of energy and Elizabeth felt a flood of relief as she knew he believed her.

  ‘North, along the London road,’ she said.

  ‘Then he has designs on her fortune and they are headed to Scotland, to marry over the anvil at Gretna Green.’ His brow furrowed in thought. ‘You had better come with me,’ he said decisively to Elizabeth. ‘You seem to know a great deal, and I must know everything if I am to save Georgiana. If there has been some collusion between Mr Wickham and Mrs Younge as you say, then they might stop overnight and I need to know everything in case it helps me to discover where they will stop.’

  ‘I cannot come with you!’ said Elizabeth, horrified he should even suggest such a thing.

  ‘On the contrary, you can and you must. You were planning to travel to London today anyway, my sister said so.’

  ‘Yes, I was, but —’

  ‘Then you will travel there with me in my carriage, and along the way you will tell me everything I need to know.’

  ‘It is most improper!’ exclaimed Elizabeth.

  ‘It is nothing of the kind. You have your maid with you to ensure your respectability, and as you are a friend of my sister, no one will think it odd that I should offer to take you to London when I am retur
ning to London myself.’

  ‘You were not so keen to claim me as a friend of your sister yesterday,’ she remarked scathingly.

  ‘That was different.’

  ‘Because you did not need me then. Tell me, Mr Darcy, do you always use people in this shameful manner?’

  ‘I do not have time to bandy words with you. Will you come with me or won’t you?’ he demanded.

  She was tempted to give him a sharp set-down but she was concerned about Georgiana and she was willing to do anything she could to help her friend.

  ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘I will.’

  The footman entered the room.

  ‘The carriage is ready, sir. You asked to be informed when it was at the door.’

  ‘Good. Tell my valet he must follow me with my valise on the stagecoach. I am in a hurry.’ He turned to Elizabeth. ‘Miss Bennet?’

  He gave her his arm.

  After a moment of surprise at this courtesy, she took it.

  Her eyes widened as the contact produced a strange reaction in her. Heat radiated out from her hand where it rested on his arm.

  She looked at him in surprise, but immediately looked away as she did not want him to know he had any effect on her. He was the proudest, most disagreeable man she had ever met, and the sooner his sister was found, the more pleased she would be, not just for Georgiana’s sake, but because then she would be rid of Mr Darcy.

  He escorted her out of the house, down the steps and into the carriage, with her aunt’s maid following behind. He instructed the coachman to take the London road. The coachman’s eyebrows lifted and it was evident he thought they would be waiting for Miss Darcy. But he said nothing and Elizabeth realised he knew better than to question Mr Darcy about a change of plan. The footman, too, said nothing, merely closed the door of the carriage behind them and returned to the house.


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