Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy Page 3

by Dinia Steel

  James nodded in agreement. “What days and hours do you propose? I do have other classes I need to attend to, so we'd need to work around that too.”

  Soon they delved deep into scheduling, and came up with a tentative one for the semester.

  “Now remember James, you don't need to attend any of the lectures this semester unless you'd like to, but I'd really like it if you did.” Then she seemed to remember something, “Actually, there will be one or two that I could really use your help in. Let me check the syllabus for those dates.” She showed him some dates and they finalized the lecture times. “There's one more thing I want to say James, before we end this meeting.” Her expression looked sincere. “When you're no longer my student, I want us to explore what this is between us. Both emotionally and physically. How does that sound to you?”

  “I would like that too, Reggie.” Maybe we can make this work out. If I had the ability to see auras I would be able to see how ours are mingling and flowing between us. I can, however, feel it surrounding me and flowing through me. The attraction between us is so strong it's amazing to me that everyone can't see it. Yet, it makes sense at the same time because Reggie has a great deal of practice at hiding what she's really feeling and I am learning quickly how to do the same myself.


  The next few weeks were full of classes on psychology, math, English literature, history and Reggie.

  James finished the first semester on the Dean's List and received a letter of congratulations from his Trust's handler, along with another very large check to cover his personal expenses for the next semester. He managed to get 16 credit hours under his belt and intend to do the same this coming semester.

  They then had their last working meeting. She asked him if he would like to be her assistant again next semester, since they managed to get so much done. The upcoming semester would deal more with the more practical side of parapsychology. This was something James had more practical experience with; even more than Reggie did.

  “I'd like you to give a lecture to the class about your own experiences, James. It's so rare that there is anyone who's had practical experience and been in the field. The class would only benefit from your speaking. As you know, there is some very good potential in the group.” She arched one of her eyebrows waiting for him to give her an answer.

  “Can I think about it please? I don't think of myself as being a lecturer or a teacher. I have no idea what I would say—tell them, you know what I mean?”

  True, there were some very good potentials in this upcoming class which could use the benefit of personal experience, but was James cut out for the type of attention that could bring about? He didn't know and would have to think about it away from Reggie. She seemed to have more faith in his abilities to do this than he ever would. “Could it be done in an informal setting? I mean, to stand in front of the's overwhelming to me.”

  Reggie smiled that little secret smile she wore when she was really hiding something she didn't want to share. “Yes, James. Take some time and think about it. It's not as big a responsibility as you are making it out to be. They are supposed to be adults and able to make their own choices and decisions about what they want to believe. That was in the description of the lecture series and they all – including yourself – signed forms releasing the University of any associated problems.”

  This was one point that Dr. Adams and he always disagreed upon. James felt that anytime you worked with the minds of others, especially within a group mind such as those formed in classes like these, you had a responsibility not to take advantage of them. It was very difficult not to project your own opinions as the only ones and ones the class should make also. Group minds could be extremely helpful, or they could be very dangerous.


  Chapter 5

  Reggie's Dark History


  James is so Victorian with his views about sex, romance, love... you name it. There's no pretending that I’m not attracted to the man. He is a couple of years older than I am and let's face it; he's beautiful. That just fucked hair, those broad shoulders, narrow waist and that beautifully formed ass of his that just begs to be bitten. Just thinking about him and the possibilities had my panties getting wet.

  It was disappointing when he put the brakes on our budding affair, but I am a patient woman. I will have him eventually and I will make him fall in love with me and then, I'll be able to use him how I want to and when I want.

  He is almost as powerful as I am, but I do have access to knowledge he doesn't. I will win! There can be no other outcome! I will win! I want him and I will have him!

  In the meantime, he is an excellent research assistant, with the added advantage of his having actual experience in the field of parapsychology. Ghost Busting, as he called it. She chuckled dryly. That damned movie tainted so many students. I practically had to beat that expression out of them. This is serious stuff.

  Reggie’s Past...

  After Reggie graduated with her degree in psychology, and before she began the grueling schooling to become a psychiatrist, she took the summer off and traveled to Europe. She wanted to see if she could connect with some of the major magical communities and see if she could learn anything from them in the usage of psychic powers.

  The magical groups she'd encountered in the US and Canada seemed to have a collective stick up their asses with regard to using anything but fluffy bunny magic as she called it. There had even been one young lady who seemed to think all she needed to do to protect herself and those she loved was just surround herself and them with White Light.


  Now granted, if this same young lady had a clue about how to tap into the Great White Light that surrounded and flowed through Earth and the rest of the Galaxy, she would be able to protect herself and everyone else she cared to, but she didn't and she too, paid the price for scoffing at Reggie. Yeah, I showed her! Reggie smiled at the memory of that encounter and thought of how she'd “shown” her own father.

  William Adams had looked so excited when he'd come home with the news of how he'd been promoted to General Manager of his outlet store.

  I was so happy for him that I told him I'd used my psi powers to help get him promoted. I caused that jerk, George White to have an accident to keep him from getting the promotion.

  I thought William would have thanked me, but what did the ingrate do? He slapped me! He punched me! He made an awful mess of my face for a while and screamed at me that I was using black magic…that was a sin, and I would go to Hell!

  He never apologized for what he'd done. William of course, paid for it by the accident he was in that made me a grieving, but wealthy daughter.

  I taught the bastard. He would never hit me again.

  I wouldn't have done it; he was my father after all, but he was kicking me out of the house and was changing the beneficiary of his insurance policy. I couldn't let him do that now could I? I needed that money to go to school and to live on! Anyway, that alone taught me to keep my mouth shut about just what I was able to do, and how I was able to do it.


  Reggie smiled smugly to herself over the memory, then went back to the subject at hand. Other groups Reggie had run across seemed very disorganized and with no real leadership. Sure, many in the groups were very talented, but if they could’ve gotten a good strong leader, they might have done great things together. In all her research, she kept seeing references to large groups in Europe who'd been in existence for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years, but no records could be found which really would say just how long they'd been operating.

  Then, while in Germany on a sabbatical doing research, she'd found Stefan. Stefan wasn't German, however, he was from some small country that once upon a time had been part of Transylvania and was now a part of modern Hungary.

  Reggie had been attending a conference on Methods of Psychology which was turning out to be a rather dry fair and her mind began to really wan
der touching upon the minds loud enough for her to hear.

  The loudest belonged to a rather insignificant appearing man whose name was Stefan. He considered himself to be far above anyone else in attendance as he was already degreed and working as a psychiatrist. His homeland, as he thought of it, was somewhere in a country that no longer existed, Dacia, within what used be called Romania and was now Hungary. The distinction was muddy within Stefan's mind.

  It's importance, Reggie finally figured out, was the long list of distinguished family members he had. Members who were very strong in magical skills and many of the same who'd suffered during the Inquisition period of the Roman Catholic Church. Many of his family became Gypsies and roamed Europe in the colorfully painted wagons. His fondest thoughts were of his grandmother who taught him everything she'd known about magic. While in lower school, Stefan had discovered psychology. Many of the things that discipline professed were exactly the same as his grandmother taught him, only she called them by different names.

  Yes, she knew she needed to talk to Stefan again. He seemed to have a great deal of information in his mind about this. If she could get him alone and start discussing the subject of magic, maybe she could pick up some really important information.


  Reggie’s Past - Berlin

  “Hey Stefan, it's Reggie. I'm in Berlin. Do you think we could get together while I'm here?”

  “Sure, Reggie. What is it you want to talk about?” Stefan questioned in his East European accent.

  Reggie smiled and chuckled. “Am I that transparent?”

  “Well, yes and no, I just remember that you're pretty much all business and I figured it must be something you wanted to talk to me about.” Stefan replied. “I'm free tonight. How about dinner?”

  “You've caught me Stefan. Yes, I have some pretty important things I'd like to talk to you about. Sure dinner sounds fine. Tell me when and where.”

  Stefan hummed a little then gave Reggie the name and address of the restaurant and a time asking if it was suitable for her.

  She agreed to meet him there.


  By the time Reggie got to the restaurant, Stefan was seated and waiting for her. “Reggie, lovely as ever!” Stefan beamed at her when sat at the table. “I took the liberty of ordering for you. I think I remembered what you liked last time.”

  “Thank you Stefan. I appreciate you agreeing to see me. I have a large favor to ask of you.” Reggie got right to the business.

  “As direct as ever” Stefan smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. “What can I do for the lovely Reggie Adams?”

  “I want to learn how to do spells and incantations, Stefan. You offered to teach me once, is that offer still open?” Reggie spoke very quietly.

  “Let me get this straight... last time I offered, you all but kicked me in the balls and now you're asking me to do it. What’s changed?” Stefan leaned forward steepling his hands in front of him and fixing Reggie with a very calculating, questioning eye.

  “My father died and I've finished the first part of my formal education.”

  “Ahh, yes. I remember he was very against your using your not so limited psi powers at all. Is this how you want to use them?” Stefan now leaned back into his chair, watching her very carefully.

  “Yes. I have no guilt about learning all ways to use my God given gifts.”

  A dark chuckle escaped from Stefan's throat.

  Reggie stared at him with one eyebrow cocked up.

  “I'm not so sure they are God given talents you have Regina Adams.”

  His using her full name gave Reggie some pause.

  “I think you serve the 'other side'.” Stefan's lips quirked into a smile which might be considered lustful.

  Reggie met Stefan right after her graduation from high school when she made her European trip before she started college. She was extending her life experiences with the blessing of her Guardian, who also managed her Estate.

  Stefan remained silent for some time. His inner gears were turning at such high speeds.

  Reggie could practically see smoke coming out of his ears as he thought things through.

  Finally, he spoke, “Ok, let me make some phone calls first and I'll call you. How long are you going to be here?”

  “I was thinking about staying here for a week, I just got in this afternoon. Calling you was the first thing I did when I got to the hotel. I'm here to see you.” Reggie answered honestly. This was a very important step for her to take.

  “And you've come to see just me? How delightful Reggie!” Stefan smiled.


  The next day, her cell phone chirped, “Hello...”

  “Good morning Regina.” Stefan's Eastern Europe accent was particularly thick this morning.

  Hmm, he must have just woke up, Reggie surmised. “Good morning Stefan. Didn't think I'd hear from you this soon. What's up?”

  “I told you I'd get back to you when I'd found someone for you to speak with.”

  “So, you've found someone so soon?” Reggie knew before they even parted after dinner, Stefan knew exactly whom he needed to talk to. He just wanted to make her wait and wonder. What a boob! “That's wonderful Stefan! Who is it and how soon can I meet with them?”

  A dark laugh escaped Stefan. “My, my you are an eager one aren't you Regina?”

  “I told you I only had a week Stefan and I really wanted to make this contact before I have to go back to my boring life in the States.”

  “This is going to seem a bit melodramatic I fear, but I have to blindfold you to take you where you'll meet not one, but several others who have the gift and are in charge of the group you were asking about.”

  Reggie couldn't help but smile as she received an impression of a very old building somewhere in the outskirts of Berlin and something about his family that wasn't very clear. “No Stefan, actually it sounds very exciting to me. And, I repeat; When?”

  “How about in an hour and a half? Will that give you time enough to begin your day?” Stefan was all business now.

  “Yes, that's fine. Shall I meet you somewhere?”

  “No Regina, I'll pick you up at your hotel in my car. Dress comfortably and make sure you bring a coat or very warm jacket,” he cautioned.

  “Thank you Stefan, I really appreciate your doing this for me. Perhaps someday I'll be able to do something for you.” Reggie disconnected the call, got out of bed, showered, and dressed in some medium grey wool slacks and a white silk blouse. She'd also made sure to have some very expensive matching underwear because she'd felt she might be exposed and wanted to look good. She was about to learn something very important and wanted to put whomever's mind at ease, so she could read what was there. If what she'd picked up from Stefan's mind was any indication, sex would be involved in this first meeting as a terror tactic to insure her silence. It would be no problem, she didn't fear much except death. She'd already been raped once and survived it, so this kind of humiliation was of little consequence to her.

  At 9:30 on the dot, Reggie's cell phone rang. Stefan and his car were awaiting her in front of the hotel. Five minutes later, she was in the back seat of a black limo seated next to Stefan and another man, Thomas something-or-other who Reggie understood was the muscle.

  Thomas grabbed Reggie, held her down, forced her mouth open and Stefan poured some liquid down her throat. Something was placed over her face with something medical smelling on it. Consciousness was gone within seconds. Her last thought was, yes, this is going to be an interesting experience.

  The initiation-Berlin

  When Reggie swam back up into consciousness, she found herself blindfolded and from the way her skin felt cold, she knew she'd been stripped out of her clothing. What she wasn't sure of at first was if she was still in her underwear. She soon heard, from the multitude of minds about her, that she was totally nude, tied to some sort of table, spread eagle, exposed and about to be initiated into this group who considered themselves to be the old
est continuous black magical working group in Europe and the world.

  This form of initiation was something spoken of quite often in the text she'd discovered in the tomes speaking to the “dark arts.” Therefore, she'd already prepared herself for it mentally, as well as was possible. She just hadn't expected there'd be this many she would have to submit herself to.

  The next thing she was aware of was many hands groping her in every portion of her body. Most of the thoughts regarding her naked body were extremely lustful. They lowered her own thoughts to lustfulness too. She lost count of the men who thought they were raping her into submission. There were a good many women as well, who attacked her naked nether regions. When a time passed while she wasn't being abused in her vagina, she was flipped over and her anus was assaulted but not by near so many.

  This attack was more painful and each one who'd participated in this part would pay for it, regardless of how important they thought they were personally and how 'powerful magically' they thought themselves to be. The very first one was Stefan. The little bastard. He would suffer the most!

  Next, while she was still blindfolded was forced to 'give head' to eleven of the number present. Some of these men and women had already been at her vagina at least once. These individuals were members of their inner circle and the ones who ultimately make all the decisions. So Reggie submitted to these with the proper amount of humiliation and fear displayed.

  Finally, after almost everyone left, Reggie was released from her bonds. She'd been spread eagle on a horizontal 'X' like affair. The woman who now helped Reggie stand, put a very warm fluffy, thick cotton robe about her shoulders and led her into an en-suite where a steaming bath was being drawn with some strong smelling oil poured into it. The very warm water stung her skin, but helped her to relax, so she could clean herself up.


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