Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy Page 21

by Dinia Steel


  Oscar was at the end of his already short patience with Suzanne. He was standing in the hallway outside of the bedroom she occupied knocking loudly on the door. "Come on Suz, Baby. I need you. Don't you need me too?" He tried to sound as disappointed as he could. Thank the powers the be that he wouldn't have to continue this farce much longer. Truth be told, he had come to loathe her and her whiny voice and simpering mannerisms.

  "Please go away Oscar. I'm ill. I can't deal with you and this migraine too. Please, just go away. When I'm better, I'll come to you." Suzanne's voice wasn’t very loud and she did her best to feel ill, which truth be known, she was in a sense, ill with the knowledge she'd been taken in so easily by this—this horrible man.

  Pounding harder on the door now, not caring who heard him yelling Oscar shouted, "Suzanne if you don't open this door to me right this minute, you can forget about seeing me later!" He thought better of this and said much softer, "Suz, Baby. I need you. Please. Please, let me in."

  Gathering her strength about her, Suzanne replied, "Then just go Oscar. If you can't understand that I'm sick and leave me be… then you are definitely not the man for me." Suzanne's gift had been her deep compassion for all of humanity. This had been reflected in the work she'd been drawn to in this life. Even though she no longer felt romantically tied to Oscar, she could still feel pity and sympathy for the deeply damaged soul residing within Oscar Ryker. She was on the verge of shedding tears for him.

  He could hear tears in her voice which helped sell the sickness angle Suzanne was using to keep from seeing him. "Okay Baby, if you're sure what I have…wouldn't help you feel better," he paused waiting. "I'll just have to wait for you to come to me." Oscar walked back down the hallway to the back stairs and went back to the room he used while visiting his mother. He pulled out his cell phone and called his contact with the American Die Zauberei. "Yeah, it's me. For some reason the listening devices I've placed throughout the house have failed and will need replacing, and—"

  He didn't get a chance to finish his report.

  "You incompetent fool Ryker! You probably purchased inferior instruments!" The voice on the other end of the call didn't give Ryker a chance to answer, "There is something going on there for sure. There's been a great deal of psychic activity around the entire property. It's too bad, you have no psychic abilities yourself. We probably won't be using you again for field work in the future because of your lacking abilities."

  "But, bu..." Oscar tried to defend himself, but there was only dead air on the other end of the call. "Bastards," Oscar mumbled to himself and pocketed the cell phone. He looked out the bedroom window and saw Josephine, James, Leo and Harry standing around in the back garden gesturing to each other while looking at different areas of the garden. "Simple fools. They have no idea about the world of hurt that's about to come crashing down on them," Oscar snarled to himself. "I almost feel sorry for them."

  While he was looking out the window, he saw the group all turn as one and look toward the front of the house. James joined them waving at whomever was out there, and they walked as a group toward the front of the house.

  About 15 minutes later, there was a loud knock on his bedroom door.

  Oscar opened the door to find a man in an ill fitting suit flanked by two uniformed officers sporting Sheriff badges. "Yes, what can I do for you?"

  The man in civies showed a badge that said, ‘Detective Sheriff’'s Department’ and spoke, "Oscar J. Ryker?"

  Oscar had a sinking feeling. Answering with more bravado than he felt, "Yes, I am he."

  Smiling broadly, the detective continued, "You are under arrest for..."

  Oscar didn't hear the rest for he knew he'd been found out. He barely felt the handcuffs go on and click into place, nor was he truly conscious as they placed him in the back of one of the two cruisers parked in the circular driveway out front. It hardly registered that his mother was sitting in the back of the other patrol car. All he was conscious of thinking of, was he knew without a doubt he and his mother were going to die, and not a good death.

  They had failed.

  What's more, they'd been caught and the higher ups didn't take kindly to failure.


  Josephine, James, Suzanne, Leo and Harry along with Roger Quintion Stapleton III stood and watched the patrol cars slowly disappear down the long driveway.

  James turned to Roger and offered his hand. "Thank you Roger. I am in your debt for stopping those two from robbing me of heaven only knows what!"

  Roger took the offered hand and clasped it firmly. He really liked doing business with James. It was not only profitable, but fun. "Anytime James!" Roger released James’ hand, climbed into his own car and closed the door. He then took off a little too quickly, spraying gravel.

  Once back inside, they all came to the realization that they would have to cook and clean for themselves. They gathered in the kitchen while Harry hunted in the fridge for something to snack on.

  "You know they aren't done with us, the Die Zauberei that is?" Josephine chirped up.

  Leo nodded in agreement with his wife.

  Harry looked to James.

  James gazed back at him. "Yes and we're not done with them either. We need to finalize our plans for our defense and we still need to work with Reggie. She is, after all, one of the reasons we all came together again…in this lifetime.”

  Josephine then projected to James what she saw in her mind:

  Hanging up from a phone call delivering the news that the Rykers had been arrested, a small, delicate hand with long red lacquered fingernails tapped a staccato on the desktop. The Rykers would of course have to die, and before they were able to divulge any information about the Die Zauberei.

  Then, the Franklin group would be dealt with.


  Chapter 50

  Every night since the Rykers were arrested and awaiting their trial, James sat in front of the fireplace in his study meditating upon what to do next about Reggie. The last few nights he had her sitting beside him on the loveseat and held her hand as he meditated.

  Last night, he’d finally heard her. It was faint, but her voice nonetheless. He felt thrilled and couldn’t wait to tell Josephine and Leo.

  The next morning, James called Josephine. “Hey, Josie.”

  “I knew it! You’ve finally heard her,” Josephine gushed.

  Chuckling he replied, “Yes, Josephine I heard her. It was very faint, but it was her.” He paused then asked, “Have you seen anything other than my hearing her?”

  “I’ve told you all along you’d get her back James,” Josephine said. “But you really need to get a move on. Her body is tired even though her spirit is strong.”

  “I know Josephine.” He sighed heavily. “I think we need to make an all out effort this weekend. Will you and Leo be able to come and spend the weekend here? Maybe you can get hold of Suzanne Young. I really don’t want to talk to her right now. She caused so many problems...I forgive her, but that doesn’t mean I have to like her.” James huffed out some air.

  “Ok James. I’ll guilt her into coming this weekend. I think it’ll be the last time we’ll need this done. We’ll concentrate all weekend on just Reggie. I think I’ve seen what we need to do.”

  “Yes, I’m pretty sure I know what I—we need to do also,” he paused a beat. “It’s not so much about information gathering now, but more about contact.”

  “Yes,” was all Josephine said.

  “Okay then, I’ll expect the three of you. When? Friday night or early Saturday morning?” James asked.

  “Pretty sure it’ll be Saturday morning.” Then changing the subject she asked, “How’s Harry doing?”

  James smiled. Harry seemed like a son to him now; he felt the pride of a father for a son. “He’s doing great. He’s already into senior high work. Pretty soon, he’ll be able to get a GED and then it’s going to be college for him. His IQ is monstrous.”

  “That’s wonderful
James. We’ll see you this weekend.” Josephine ended the call.

  The rest of the week James would sit with Reggie holding her hand and a couple of times, he even took her out for a walk, with her nurse following about 20 feet behind, just in case.

  Reggie had no problems walking with him as long as he held her hand, and even the nurse commented that Reggie seemed to have “more life” in her when he was around and holding her hand.

  This comment alone gave James hope that what he was going to try this weekend would work.


  Friday morning came and James started to feel anxious for Saturday to get there. He wanted to see if Reggie would come back to him physically as well as mentally.

  Late Friday night his cell phone rang. He took it out of his pocket, but had to let loose of Reggie’s hand to do it. He smiled when he saw the name of the caller. “Stapleton! What’s up?” James answered cheerfully.

  “Hello James. Listen, I just called to let you know that both Oscar and Carol Ryker were killed this evening,” The fact that Roger sounded spooked was easy to hear in his voice.

  “What happened Roger? They were in separate facilities weren’t they?” James couldn’t ‘hear’ Roger’s thoughts but he could feel Roger felt frightened.

  “That’s just it James, Oscar had just been transferred for something at the courthouse and Carol was in transit. Oscar was knifed in the shower and the van that Carol was being transported in was hit by a huge tractor trailer on the freeway,” Roger related.

  “Interesting,” was all James could answer.

  “Interesting…hell!” Roger exclaimed.

  “Ok. Thanks Roger, keep me posted.” James disconnected the call and immediately called Josephine and Leo.

  “James! What’s wrong?” Josephine answered on the first ring.

  “I just spoke with Roger, my attorney. He told me that both Oscar and Carol Ryker are dead.”

  “Coincidence?” Josephine asked.

  “You know I don’t believe in that. They were silenced and it had to be at the same time, so they wouldn’t be able tell anyone anything to try and save themselves,” James replied.

  “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. I did see that brief vision about this James. It may affect us in the future, just not for a while,” Josephine reported.

  “That’s a relief. I’d like to at least have Reggie all the way back before we have to deal with anything else,” James said then ended the call. He put his phone back in his pocket and sat there next to Reggie on the couch in deep thought. He was roused when he felt a small cool hand lay on his. He stared down to see it was Reggie’s. He looked back up at her face, but her expression looked just as impassive as it had been for so long. The fact it happened, however was a very good sign.

  James called Reggie’s nurse to come get her. He gave Reggie a kiss on the forehead as he’d been doing ever since he’d begun to work solely on her state. Then James found Harry, and told him about what had happened to the Rykers and about Reggie seeking his hand out.

  “We knew the Die Zauberei wouldn’t stand still for the Rykers to testify in court because there was just no telling what they’d say. Frankly, I’m surprised they waited this long.” Harry leaned forward in one of the comfy chairs in the library.

  James nodded and added, “I would have thought they’d have been a little more subtle though, wouldn’t you?”

  “The only person the Die Zauberei has ever been subtle towards is you, James. When dealing with normals who don’t believe in anything mystical…why should they waste the energy? They know we know they’re working behind the scenes just as we’ve done,” Harry reasoned.

  “I do. I just can’t help but wonder when they’ll come after us again. We know it’s only a matter of time. Josephine says she doesn’t see anything in the immediate future, but I can’t help but worry. I’m not sure they know exactly what we’ve been up to since Oscar didn’t seem to be too bright about just what it was we Keepers have been doing... Which is a good thing.” James pushed his fingers through his hair in frustration.

  “Anyway,” Harry changed the subject. “Josephine and Leo will be here in the morning. Do you think Suzanne will be here too?”

  “Yes and hopefully by tomorrow evening, Reggie will be fully united with us once again, as well as here with us on the physical plane. After that, it’ll only be a matter of getting her physical strength restored, then maybe we can get some good work done and end the threat of the Die Zauberei once and for all.” Truth be told, James didn’t believe this would ever happen. In order for there to be light present in the world, there had to be some darkness as well.


  Around ten o’clock Saturday morning, Josephine and Leo pulled up in front of James’ house with Suzanne not too far behind them. They all stood outside in the driveway waiting for her to catch up.

  James greeted everyone warmly, then asked them to take their bags to their rooms and freshen up, get a drink but no food…yet. “We have a lot of work to do today and need to be at our psychic best. Reggie and I will meet you in the library in half an hour. Okay?”

  They all nodded their assent and went about their separate businesses before their collective one would begin once more.

  About a half hour later, Josephine, Leo and Suzanne entered the library to find James sitting next to Reggie on the couch holding her hand.

  Josephine noticed that Reggie appeared to have more color in her cheeks, but also that she still could not see Reggie’s future. Nothing of Reggie other than her physical body appeared to be in the room.

  Leo noticed his wife’s concern etched upon her pretty face. “It’ll be alright, Darlin’. You’ve seen James happy with her. It’ll happen.”

  Josephine squeezed Leo’s hand smiling at him.

  Harry entered, closed and locked the library door behind him and took a seat to Reggie’s left. Josephine sat on James’ right with Leo and then Suzanne to complete the circle.

  Without being told, the group started doing the relaxation exercises necessary to attain the deep state of meditation required to contact the inner planes. They once again, become like a well oiled machine and reached the necessary state of consciousness to contact the Brotherhood of Light.

  Their inner vision was filled with beautiful pure white and golden light. “Once again, welcome Brothers and Sisters of Light. Why have you returned this time? You all know what you need to do in order to accomplish the task that you’ve set before yourselves.”

  Josephine spoke up, “Can you tell us if Reggie wants to come back to us?”

  “Excellent question. Ask yourselves this: do you forgive her for the wrongs she’s done you all in the past - both collectively and separately?” The booming voice asked.

  Without hesitation, Josephine answered, “I forgive her and I want her to forgive herself, so that she may get on once again with living the life she’s been given and allow her healing to begin.”

  “So be it,” the voice said flatly. “Reggie! You are loved by your friends and your Creator. It’s time to love yourself. It’s time to forgive yourself.”

  Suzanne spoke up now, “Reggie, I forgive you. Will you forgive me?”

  Leo added, “Reggie I forgive you. Please forgive yourself.”

  Harry joined in, “Reggie I forgive you. Please forgive me too.”

  James squeezed Reggie’s hand. “I love you still Reggie. Please come back to me. Forgive me. I forgive you. I need you, my love. I need you.” His last words were spoken with tears.

  Once again, the booming disembodied voice rang out, “So be it!”


  Chapter 51

  On the inner planes in the Temple of The Keepers, Reggie’s eyes opened and she turned to James. “You, you forgive me?”

  “Yes, my love. You are my life. Please come back to me,” James choked out his reply. he raised his hands in front of him toward Reggie, palms up.

  Reggie reached for him in turn, grasping his left ha
nd, then she reached for Harry’s hand and grasped his too. Harry in turn, took Suzanne’s and she grabbed Leo’s. Then Leo took Josephine’s hand. Josephine closed the circle by reaching for James’ free hand.

  The circle was complete. They were once again ‘Keepers of the Flame’ and almost ready to take on all the legions of the Dark that might be thrown at them. Only Reggie regaining her physical strength would allow that to happen on the physical plane.

  The physical plane would take longer as all the will and energy would have to filter down that plane from the higher, inner above, so below.

  When everyone was back from the inner planes and awakened in the library, it was hard for them to believe they were still sitting.

  Reggie seemed to have a little more color to her, but she was still just sitting there like she did before they started this last trip.

  James stood and urged Reggie to follow suit. Opening the door, the six left the library and headed for the kitchen. James managed to secure the services of another cook/housekeeper. She already made sure a plate of different cheeses and fruit was waiting for them as James instructed.

  This time, Reggie opened her mouth and accepted small bits of cheese and fruit from James when he asked her to open her mouth, but only chewed when he told her to. She managed to swallow on her own.

  This was a first.

  A good sign.

  Every month, for the next nine months, on the first weekend of the month they gathered to continue to maintain the bond forged millenniums ago. The Brothers in Light told them they needed to continue this routine of meeting on the physical and inner planes to keep that bond strong enough to endure what was to come.

  This weekend the ground was covered with snow, but no ice was on the roads, so there was no danger to Josephine, Leo and Suzanne as they made their way to James’ house for their monthly gathering. Not only did they keep up their Keeper’s work, but they also had fun together.


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