Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy Page 28

by Dinia Steel

Elaine let out a deep throaty laugh. "Suzanne how are you this dim? You've been around for over 2,000 years and are a Keeper of the Flame, a Torch Bearer."

  Suzanne looked truly hurt.

  Reggie went to Suzanne and hugged her. “Karma is the effect of cause. When someone does something negative towards another, it's repaid in kind, but tenfold. So you see Suz, our actions cause our tomorrows and our yesterdays have created our today."

  It was easy to see that Suzanne was really thinking hard about what both Elaine and Reggie had told her. Suddenly, it was as though someone had flipped a switch and she gushed, "Oh! I understand now. Thank you Reggie, and umm…Elaine."


  Tribal Chief David Williams sat at his desk drinking coffee and staring into space feeling very comfortable for the first time in months. All the tension surrounding the entire reservation seemed have lifted over night. He surmised the Franklin crew must have accomplished what they'd wanted to do.

  Life was good.

  The telephone rang at the front desk where Harvey Brown was sitting. "Yes, David is here. Just a moment please."

  David heard the phone being answered and was impressed with the efficiency Harvey projected. Before Harvey could holler for him, he answered the phone call. "This is—Hello James. What can I do for you today?" He listened for a few moments. "I'd love to James. When?" he asked pausing to listen again. "Wonderful. I'll be there in about 20 minutes. I look forward to seeing all of you again." He hung up, stood and stretched. "Harvey, I'm going to the Franklin's. Call me if you need anything."

  Five minutes later David was pulling out of the Reservation Police station and on his way to the Franklin property. Twenty minutes later, he's pulling up in front of the house, knocking on the door.

  Harry answered the door all smiles. "Hello, Chief Williams. Please come in."

  Everyone was sitting at the large dining room table waiting for him.

  A glance around the room and David found Spider Grandmother gone. This disappointed him. He'd hoped to see her again.

  Once David was seated and had a fresh cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin in front of him, James spoke not only to David but to the others at the table as well, "Reggie and I want to get married, and we thought the tribal Chief might be able to stand in as the officiator."

  David nodded his assent, which brought huge smiles to both James and Reggie. "When did you want this event to take place?"

  Reggie answered, "Since I don't want a big wedding, and James doesn’t want a large event either, those present are the only ones I want hearing my shared vows with James. We are very much in love and want to finish what the Priesthood intended for us all along. We wanted you to officiate because you've come to mean so very much to us, and because you're family."

  Nodding once more David asked, "Do you know where you want it to take place?"

  "Yes, we thought on the cliffs, now that they've been purged of the hatred and evil that had dwelled there," James answered David’s unspoken question. "Yes, Chief. It's all over. Jill is at as much rest as a Child of Light can be. She'll be back sometime in the future however. Veronica made some very huge mistakes by using Jill as her sacrifice. It served to bring Jill more power to do good by not being in physical form. She and Grandmother Spider have gone Home. It's a very rare time indeed that Grandmother assumes human form, and even a rarer time when it's with anyone other than Tribal members. Before she left, she told us that you needed to bring us all into your tribe since we'd become family with you."

  David smiled at him. It indeed would be a rare event to do as The Grandmother asked, but it would be done.

  "By the way, David, we have a gift for you and the Tribe. We have the name, description and address of the one who actually kidnapped Jill." James handed him a sworn statement from one of Veronica's people, who was going to testify against the man and be tried along with him for his part in the abduction of Jill. “He wasn't part of the Die Zauberei, so he's being dealt with differently. He's already in jail awaiting arraignment. You should be getting a phone call about appearing as a witness for the prosecution in the next couple of days."

  This is wonderful! The Tribal Elders will be very happy to receive this information. David had jumped up and rounded the table to hug James.

  James passed the folder to him with satisfaction of a job accomplished. "After Reggie and I are married, we plan on taking a long trip to just be with each other on our own. I do have one other favor to ask of you and your tribe..."

  David nodded. "Ok what is it?"

  "Harry needs someone to keep an eye on him while we're gone.”


  The day of the wedding dawned brightly. It was as if the very Elements themselves were rejoicing that Reggie and James would finally be wed.

  David Williams stood with his back to the sea below waiting with many of the members of the Tribe for Reggie and James to appear.

  The first to arrive was Reggie's great, great aunt, representing blood related family, then came Harry, representing James’ family; followed by Josephine and Leo as matron of honor and best man; Suzanne was next in the line. They were all dressed in long black robes, similar to those they wore when working beyond the blue ground fog.

  Josephine and Leo stood on either side of Harry, waiting.

  James was next to walk into the cliff clearing. Dressed also in a long black robe.

  Finally, Reggie appeared. She alone wore a sparkling white long robe. In her hair, which she was wearing straight down the middle of her back, wildflowers had been woven into the strands. Her face was glowing from within.

  Everyone heard James gasp out loud.

  When Reggie reached the standing group facing her, Josephine and Leo stepped away, allowing Reggie and James to take those places.

  The tribal Police Chief cleared his throat and spoke, "On this rare, clear morning, we have all been invited here to participate in the marriage of Reggie Adams and James Franklin. They have been on this path for a very long time."

  Some snickering came from the audience.

  "And we are proud to be here with them today." David then took James’ right hand and Reggie's left and joined them. "Reggie and James both have written their vows which they are going to recite now, with you all as witnesses….James?"

  James squeezed Reggie's hand as his voice rang out, "For a millennium and more, I have loved you, searching and waiting for the day we could come together in the company of our families and close friends to declare openly my love for you. You wear on your left hand my public expression of my love and desire for you. Will you, Reggie Adams take me for your husband; to share your life and lives with me for the rest of time?"

  Reggie had tears streaming down her cheeks as she answered, "We have been on this road for so long James; you have been so patient waiting for me to catch up with you in all ways." Her voice was almost a whisper as she was trying to talk through her tears. "I love you beyond measure and know I am today, the most fortunate woman alive and know that our future together stretches into the worlds to come. With that said, I, Regina Marie Adams will take you James Caleb Gordon Franklin as my husband and my mate for the rest of time."

  A cheer rose from the assembled guests and witnesses. It was true. James had known for all his many life times he and Reggie were destined to be together, mated for all Eternity. Theirs had been a very long and rocky path to this moment. Each having their own issues to overcome to reach this moment in time.

  The Lady of the Lake approached Reggie and James. As she stood in front of them, she raised her arms cupping her hands above her head.

  The onlookers let out a collective gasp as a brilliant, warm golden light seemed to descend from the Sun itself, filling the palms of each of her hands. Slowly, The Lady placed her Sun filled hands on each of the newlywed’s crowns.

  For a moment, it appeared both Reggie and James’ being's pulsed with new vitality.

  The Lady stepped closer to the couple, kissed them both on their cheeks
and whispered, "Now, you are truly joined in the sight of the Ruler of our Universe. God bless you both my children." As she stepped back her body began to fade until it was gone.

  Whispering rippled amongst the guests but later when discussing it among themselves, they all agreed The Lady of the Lake disappearing was nothing very strange for this group of people.

  Reggie and James turned back towards each other after her Aunt was gone and kissed. Not an ordinary kiss, but one that allowed everyone present to see the colors of their aura's combine and swirl around them. Each color of their individual aura twisted and twined with the others.

  With this final act, the couple themselves slowly began to fade from sight. They were followed by Josephine and Leo, then Harry, and finally Suzanne.

  "What happen to them?" Joyce asked running up to her father.

  David was scratching his head. "I'm not sure, but it must have something to do with the documents James and Reggie presented me with this morning saying I was not to open them until after the ceremony."

  "Where are they dad?" Joyce asked again, looking upset.

  David withdrew an envelope from his breast pocket and opened it.

  Joyce stood very close to her father while staring at the contents. "Oh my God, Dad! James deeded over his property to you and the Tribe!"

  David smiled and refolded the paper work. "Yes Joyce, he has. I suppose this means we've seen the last of the Keepers of the Flame, at least for now." He shook his head, "Come on, we have all that food you cooked up for the reception...can't let it go to waste. We have some serious celebrating to do!"

  Those left on the cliff, looked confused, but they followed David and Joyce Williams down the hill to their waiting autos and drove off.



  The Keepers of the Flame were once again standing within the Temple on the Hill arranged around the Eternal Flames communing with the White Brotherhood.

  "Thee have done well, Keepers of the Flame. You have carried the Torch of Truth and Light high one more time. Rest for a time. There will be need for you to come into being again in the future, but next time you will know and be together when the knowing comes. Go. Rest now."

  There was again a swirling of colors, all of which were drawn into the Eternal Flames where they would await rebirth.

  The End.

  Author's Ending Note: Bless you all, may the Light shine to light your Way.




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