A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series)

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A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series) Page 5

by D Latham

  I thought about it, Ivan looked worried. "Promise me that we won't sit with her?"

  He let out a breath, "I promise." He took my hand and led me into the vast dining room, and through to a round table. I was seated next to the actor I'd been speaking to earlier, and a pleasant looking, stylishly dressed, middle aged lady was seated next to Ivan. I noted wryly that she looked as if all her birthdays and Christmases had come at once.

  Thankfully the starters hadn't arrived at that point, and we hadn't kept anyone waiting. Ivan picked up the card listing the auction lots, and leaned in so we could both read it.

  Lot 1 A weekend in New York, courtesy of Hilton hotels

  Lot 2 A one week stay in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheik, courtesy of Four Seasons Hotel Group

  Lot 3 A spa weekend for two, courtesy of Champneys.

  Lot 4 A dinner party for six, catered in your home by chefs from Gordon Ramsey, Claridges.

  Lot 5 Dinner with Stephen Fry

  Lot 6 Lunch with Lord Sugar

  Lot 7 A private tour, and lunch at the House of Lords, with Lord Golding.

  Lot 8 A helicopter flight over London, courtesy of Battersea Helicopters ltd.

  Lot 9 A weekend in Paris, courtesy of Eurostar.

  Lot 10 A one year subscription to Quintessentially yours, courtesy of Quintessentially yours.

  Ivan pulled a biro out of his inside pocket, and ticked the weekend in New York, the concierge subscription, the helicopter flight, and the spa weekend. "Anything you want?" He asked. I shook my head. He poured me a glass of wine, and tucked his pen back in his pocket. "Are you ok now?"

  "Yeah, I'm ok," I said unconvincingly. I was starting to relax again, and the threatened tears had disappeared. Ivan patted my hand, and started speaking to the woman next to him, who looked delighted.

  The actor next to me leaned in, "so do you work?"

  "Yes, I'm a corporate lawyer."

  "Oh wow, I'm playing a lawyer in a new series being filmed in the autumn. You can give me some pointers on how I should act." He droned on all through the starter, and into the main course. Thankfully he was interrupted by the lady seated next to Ivan, who leaned over to compliment my outfit, stating that she loved my dress.

  "She looks beautiful doesn't she?" Ivan said to her. She nodded in agreement, and smiled warmly. "I must introduce the two of you, "Joan, this is my girlfriend Elle, a corporate lawyer at Pearson Hardwick. Elle, this is Joan Lester, managing director of Conde Nast." I leaned across Ivan and shook her hand.

  As our main courses arrived, she said, "I'll talk to you later, I need an acquisitions expert, and Ivan has recommended you." She pulled a business card out of her clutch, and passed it to me. "If I don't get a chance, call me next week, and we'll have lunch."

  The auction began after dinner. We turned around to face the stage, and I immediately spotted Oscar and Dascha sitting two tables in. Their body language indicated they'd had a row, both leaning away from each other. Oscar looked extremely pissed off.

  Ivan didn't bid early on, in any of the lots, coming in at the end, and easily outbidding his competitors. The last lot on offer was the subscription to Quintessentially yours, an upmarket concierge service. Both Ivan and Oscar began to bid for it, the price edging higher and higher, with neither willing to give in. A bit horrified, I touched Ivan's arm, and getting his attention, shook my head. A public pissing contest between two billionaires was nothing more than a circus show for the room. Thankfully Ivan backed down, and Oscar won the lot. For the first time that evening, he looked mildly pleased.

  "Why did you stop me?" Ivan asked.

  "Because it was just a pissing contest, and it was giving everyone in the room a 'my dicks bigger than your dick' show." Ivan roared with laughter.

  "You, my darling, are priceless, and so very clever." He kissed the tip of my nose.

  The band started up, so we moved to the bar. Ivan had to get a member of his security team to fetch the drinks, as he seemed to be mobbed at every step. It seemed as though every man wanted to be his best friend, and every woman wanted to flirt. He kept his arm firmly clamped around my waist, and made a point of introducing me to everyone as his girlfriend. Oscar and Dascha kept their distance, although I did catch Oscar staring rather wistfully at me, his eyes travelling down to the red Jimmy Choos on my feet.

  Paul Lassiter came over to say hello, and after kissing the back of my hand, prompting a scowl from Ivan, proceeded to chat to Ivan for ten minutes about executive search.

  At eleven, Ivan leaned down and whispered in my ear, "ready to leave? I really want to get you alone." I nodded. We said our goodbyes, and flanked by security, swept out of the Grosvener and into the waiting car.

  "Are we going back to my place?" I asked.

  "No. Sussex. It won't take long at this time of night."

  "Shouldn't you have asked me first, rather than assume?"

  "Ok, will you come back to Sussex with me tonight?"

  "Yeah ok," I replied, rather sulkily. The mood really didn't feel right for making love. I felt edgy and off centre. Ivan pressed a button to raise the privacy screen.

  "Tell me honestly Elle, are you pissed off that Dascha flirted with me, or pissed off that Oscar was there with someone else?"

  "I was pissed off because it looked like you and Dascha were flirting with each other. I didn't give a toss that Oscar brought her."

  "That's alright then. I like you being jealous, I wouldn't like it if it was directed towards another man. Oscar in particular."

  "What happened with you and Dascha?"

  "Not much. Went out with her, let her spend my money, put up with her appalling manners, then finally dumped her when she kicked Bella."

  I frowned, "why did she kick Bella?"

  "She weed in Dascha's shoe. Bella's way of letting her know she didn't like her I think. Kicked her so hard I had to take her to the vet to make sure there was no damage. Would have killed poor little Bella if security hadn't dragged her off. I couldn't be with her after that."

  "I'm not surprised. What kind of person hurts an animal like that?"

  "A psychopath. I actually felt quite sorry for Oscar having to spend an evening with her, but she only likes rich men, so she was probably quite happy."

  "He was leaning so far away from her, he was almost at the next table," I giggled, "Oscar has a lot of faults, but bad manners isn't one of them. He looked horrified when she insulted me."

  "I saw. She was beside herself with jealousy over you, and because she doesn't really know who you are, she threw the only barbs she could find. She figured out that Oscar only invited her to rattle me, and try and make you jealous. She was livid about it, not being the centre of attention. Then when Paul slobbered over you, I thought she would actually turn green."

  "Paul did not slobber over me. He kissed the back of my hand, that's all."

  "He slobbered, trust me... Elle, what is it you have that makes all us men go so silly over you? Three men at one party competing for your attention, you must be able to see it?"

  I frowned, "I think you're reading way too much into it. Oscar maybe, mainly because I'm the only girl to have actually dumped him, but Paul Lassiter is just a client, and would only be interested in me to find out why you and Oscar are so fascinated."

  "He wants you, I know he wants you, but right now I just want to hold you tight, and kiss you without worrying about smearing your lipstick." He smiled his most dazzling smile, and pulled me onto his lap, leaning in to kiss me softly. As his kisses deepened, they ignited my desire, making me shiver in anticipation of what was to come. I could feel him hardening underneath me, and I slipped my hands under his jacket to feel his warmth radiating through his shirt. I pulled back, and slowly undid his bow tie, leaving the ends dangling around his neck.

  Undoing his top button, I gazed at him, "you look very hot like this."

  "You looked hot all evening. It took every bit of self control I possess not to book a room, and drag you upstairs," he sa
id, a heated look in his eyes. He pulled me in for another kiss, as we sped through country lanes.

  By the time we got back to his, we were both completely turned on, and desperate for some relief. We almost fell into the house, and after a minute greeting the girls, he dragged me upstairs to his bedroom. He made short work of unzipping my dress, and, after I'd stepped out of it, carelessly threw it over a chair, before running his hands over my back to unclip my bra. He quickly shed his jacket, and with slightly trembling fingers, I undid the little buttons of his shirt, before running my hands over his firm muscular chest, trailing my fingers over his tight stomach, and down to the waistband of his trousers. I could see his erection straining, so slipped my hand lower, and lightly caressed it through his clothes. Whoa that's big Ivan.

  "I have to make you come first Elle, I'm too turned on to last long." He muttered, gently pushing me onto the bed. He shed his clothes in record time, his large erection springing free.

  Pressing little kisses up the inside of my thigh, he grasped my knickers and slid them down. With my absence of public hair, I felt exposed and wanton, as he paused a moment to gaze at me, before lightly kissing my clitoris, and burying his nose in me to inhale deeply.

  "You smell divine, and you taste like heaven," he whispered in his phone sex voice. I almost came on the spot, especially when he slipped two fingers inside to massage my spot while he lightly sucked my clit. I tried to control the pleasure, but when he started licking my clit with long, soft licks, I had to let go and give in to the orgasm. He lapped and sucked me as I came, groaning with pleasure.

  He kissed and licked his way up my body, making me quiver in delight, before finding my nipple, and taking it in his hot, wet mouth, and sucking hard. I felt the sensation travel straight to my groin, causing me to arch off the bed. "You like it hard or gentle?" Ivan murmured against my skin.

  "Any way it comes, I like both," I replied, lost in the sensations. My earlier orgasm simply making me even hornier, and desperate to have him inside me. I ogled him shamelessly as he unrolled a condom over himself, his cock was large and thick, but beautiful and smooth, his pubic hair trimmed neatly, but not excessively.

  He positioned me on my back, pulling my knees up, and legs apart, and carefully nudged into me, stretching me inside. "You're so tight Elle, feels so good," he panted as he began to move, gently at first, until his thrusts began to speed up, and he began to fuck me at a fast, primal pace, as if he was trying to climb inside me.

  I ran my hands over his back, feeling his silky, golden skin, and the hard muscles underneath straining as he hammered into me. Feeling the delicious quivering inside of an impending orgasm, he leaned down to suck my nipple, nipping it gently with his teeth. I fell into my orgasm, it tore through me like a wildfire, scorching me, consuming my entire body. I cried out as I pulsed around him, helpless against the thrusts of his rock hard cock pounding into me, prolonging my climax.

  I felt him speed up slightly, before he stilled as he let go, pressing deep into me, his face serene, and slightly vulnerable as he came. Lowering himself onto his elbows, he kissed me. A deep, lush kiss, that conveyed a softness, at odds with the primal, hard fucking I'd just experienced.

  He pulled out of me, threw the condom on the bedside cabinet, and lay down beside me, gently running his hands over my tummy in a silky caress. "I've wanted to do that ever since you called me out on those figures at our first meeting, and it was even better than I imagined," he said in his phone sex purr, before pulling me in for another kiss.

  The kiss led to another, gentler lovemaking session, Ivan proving to be a sensuous and sensitive lover, frequently changing positions to wring every last drop of pleasure from our connection. He moved slowly, but purposely, timing every thrust perfectly, slowing down every time he felt me on the edge of an orgasm, prolonging the ecstasy. He gazed into my eyes as we both came together, sapphire into light blue, as I clenched and pulsed around him, milking him of everything he had.

  We were both panting, and slicked with sweat as he pulled out, leaving me bereft inside. As my heart rate calmed, we both became aware of whimpering and crying outside the bedroom door. "Do you want to let them in?" I asked. He looked amused.

  "They'll scratch the door to pieces if I don't. Are you sure you don't mind? They normally sleep in with me, and they're probably confused as to why I shut them out, I just can't do it with them watching."

  I giggled, "I wouldn't fancy an audience either, but I'm fine with them on the bed to sleep. Doesn't bother me at all."

  "Better get rid of these," he said picking up the condoms, "don't want anyone trying to eat them." He disposed of them in the bathroom before walking over to open the door. I watched with pure feminine appreciation as his muscles flexed sexily when he moved, his skin, flawless and golden. I wondered how I'd won such a prize.

  The dogs immediately bounded onto the bed as soon as Ivan opened the door, checking me over, and sniffing me suspiciously. When Ivan got back into bed, they both snuggled up against him possessively.

  "Are you being jealous girls," I cooed, rubbing Tania's ears. She pressed herself against Ivan's torso, and closed her eyes firmly.

  "I think they're trying to make sure you weren't hurting me," laughed Ivan, looking amused at their antics. He reached over to stroke my face. "You are so very beautiful Elle, and so clever. I can't believe you're finally mine."

  I woke up first, and opened my eyes to see Ivan asleep on his back, his arm draped over the pillow, and Bella sprawled out on his chest, snoring softly. Tania was still wedged up against his side, and looked like she hadn't moved all night. I propped myself up on my elbow to see the time on Ivan's bedside clock. It was nearly eight. My movement must have disturbed the dogs, as they both stretched, straining their little legs out, before relaxing back into sleep and snuggles. I slid out of bed, and padded into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, my beautiful updo resembled a bird's nest, and my perfect makeup was smeared all round my eyes in an imitation of a panda. I quickly washed my face, and took the rubies off, placing them carefully on the surface. It was at that moment, I realised with horror I had no clothes with me, apart from a red ball gown and high heels. I wasn't looking forward to walking in the woods in Jimmy Choos.

  I eyed Ivan's toothbrush, and quickly decided we had shared enough germs the previous night to excuse me using it. I brushed my teeth, and headed back to his bedroom. I found my knickers on the floor, and pulled them on, along with Ivan's shirt from the night before. Leaving him sleeping peacefully, I headed downstairs to make a drink.

  As I had spent a week staying at Ivan's, I was familiar with his kitchen, and made myself a cup of tea, which I took outside onto the patio to drink. It looked as though it was going to be a beautiful summers day, the sun was already hot for that time of the morning. I sat in a pretty wrought iron chair, and just enjoyed the tranquillity. The only noises were birdsong, and not even a low rumble of traffic in the distance to break the illusion of rural seclusion. I sipped my tea as I replayed the events of the night before in my head. My pride at being introduced as Ivan's girlfriend to his colleagues seemed to merge in my mind with Oscar's sadness that I was on Ivan's arm. I briefly wondered how he knew Dascha.

  I smiled as I thought about our passionate lovemaking, glad I had got over my fear of getting naked and physical with Ivan. He had proved to be a great lover, skilful and just the right mixture of gentle and powerful. His body was a work of art, and I shivered at the memory of his thick, silky, cock. All in all, I was a very happy girl.

  The arrival of the two spaniels interrupted my reverie, followed by Ivan bearing two coffees. He joined me on the patio, after giving me an extravagant good morning kiss. The dogs raced around the lawn, having sensed it was Sunday, and their play day with Ivan. "And how are you this morning," he asked, settling himself into a chair. He was damp from his shower, and smelt delicious.

  "Great, a little bit stiff from all the vigorous activity, but I'm all good," I replied, smiling
shyly at him.

  "Your hair looks interesting."

  "Erm, have you got a brush? I didn't see one in your bathroom. I'm actually a bit stuck for clothes too, so I'll have to nick a t-shirt and some shorts. I don't fancy wearing a ball gown all day."

  "Mrs Ballard picked you up a few things, in case you needed them, I think she put them in the spare room you used last time you stayed. Just some clothes, toiletries, that sort of thing."

  "Great, thank you for thinking of that." I paused, "so what's the agenda for today?"

  "Well, it's Sunday, so either the usual routine of walk, eat and sleep, or anything else you would rather do. I've got nothing planned."

  "I can think of something I'd like to do," I flirted, giving him my best sexy smile.

  "So can I," he purred, his eyes full of lust, "but I need to feed everyone first, you included, I don't want you passing out on me. You're going to need all your stamina." He winked, making my tummy squeeze with the memory of the pleasure he could inflict. "So, sexy girl, what would you like for breakfast?"

  "I'd love a bacon sandwich, I can make it, you sit and have your coffee."

  "Nonsense, you're my guest, and I like to cook for you. Why don't you jump in the shower, and I'll have your food ready when you finish?"

  "Ok, won't be long." I trotted up the stairs to my old room. To my delight, Jo had stocked the bathroom with my usual shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. I pulled out the grips holding my hair up, and quickly brushed out the tangles before stepping into the shower. Fifteen minutes later, I wrapped myself in a big, fluffy towel, and went to see what was in the walk in wardrobe.

  Jo had been extremely practical, and provided shorts, vests, t-shirts, and underwear, as well as a pair of trainers, flip flops, and a bikini. She had clearly taken note of my size when she unpacked my case, as everything looked like it would fit. I pulled on some underwear, shorts and a vest, and slipped on the flip flops.


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