Something Like Love

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Something Like Love Page 13

by Sara Richardson

  Satisfaction warmed her stomach. Ha. She could get to him, too. Straightening, she tossed the brush to the nearby bucket. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but she makes herself matter in a way that’s not exactly appealing to your potential girlfriends.”

  His hand latched on to her arm. “One date. That’s all I’m asking for.”

  No, no, no. Don’t touch me. Don’t make me want something I can’t have.

  “Ben.” She sighed. Leave me alone didn’t sound nice. And he thought she was nice. As much as he was mistaken, she hated to burst that particular bubble. It was a rare occasion that someone thought she was nice.

  He stepped closer. Too close. “One date. Three hours. What are you afraid of, Paige?”

  “That’s a complicated question,” she whispered because that was all she could manage. Her lungs squeezed. She couldn’t tell him the truth. She was afraid once he saw past everything, he wouldn’t like what he found. Just like everyone else.

  But he didn’t back off. He didn’t move away. He stared at her until the world fell silent, until his gaze fell to her lips. She knew he would kiss her before his lips pressed into hers. She knew, but she didn’t back away, either. Her heart pounded so hard it ached and when his lips were finally on hers, she kissed him back, letting her knees go weak, letting her herself sink into him, letting go.

  And he knew where to take her. Holy shittles, he knew. His strong hands caressed up her back and gentled into her hair. His soft, warm lips pried hers open, shooting bursts of warmth down her arms and legs. Something in her chest unlocked and she opened her mouth to him, let his tongue stroke hers. And it was a good thing he was so solid and sure because she wouldn’t be able to stand if she wasn’t leaning against him.

  His lips moved over hers, slow and sensual, with a reverence no one had ever offered her. And it was so different, the places he was taking her, so open and giving, demanding nothing for himself. Her body responded to his with a shuddering gasp that made her want to give him more, everything. Chest heaving with a stifled breath, she glided her tongue along his lower lip, then bit down on it lightly.

  His low groan lured her hands to his chest. They slid down, feeling the solid muscle under his shirt. Warm satisfaction filled her body to the point of brimming over as a sensual desperation flickered in his movements, making them faster, harder. His tongue mingled with hers, loosening her control, only proving the theory that one kiss could lead to so much more. He could give her more. So much more, judging from the way he seemed to know exactly what she wanted…

  A foreign sound froze her. Her hands gripped Ben’s shirt as she strained her ears.

  Moose. Barking. Somewhere close by. Which meant Bryce wouldn’t be far behind.

  “Paige?” her boss called.


  She jerked back and shoved her hands into Ben’s chest so hard, he stumbled backward into the feed buckets. Everything clattered as he fell, landing right in a pile of horse oats.

  “Paige?” Bryce yelled again. “What the hell?”

  Moose bounded into the stables and launched himself at Ben, smothering him with happy kisses.

  Eyes wide and bewildered, she looked down at him, still crumpled on the ground, trying to wrestle the dog away as he laughed his ass off.

  Oh, no. She squeezed a hand over her mouth, face pulsing with a scorching heat. Her shaking hand reached up to smooth her hair, sure that somehow the evidence of that kiss was all over her.

  “What’s going on?” Bryce demanded as he jetted through the stable doors.

  “Ben fell,” she blurted out. “He was helping me put stuff away and he…”

  “Tripped over my own feet.” Eyes watering from the laughter, he pushed Moose away and stood, brushing himself off.

  The dog tore away and disappeared from the stables like he’d caught some juicy scent. “Some things don’t change. I’m still a klutz. Remember when I fell down the steps at the old frat house? Broke my arm?”

  Bryce eyed him with suspicion. “As I recall, that was because you’d consumed about half the keg.”

  He grinned at Paige. “Beer was definitely not my problem today.”

  She fought a rising blush that would surely engulf her whole body if she let it.

  Back to work. She had to get back to work. Shakily she stumbled over to start disrobing Hooligan and catch her breath.

  “Glad you’re here,” Ben said to Bryce casually behind her.

  How could he be so casual? Like nothing had happened? Like the world hadn’t spun so fast she’d lost her head…

  “I was wondering if you could spare Paige for a few hours tomorrow morning.”

  She peered around Hooligan’s wide rump and glared hard at Ben. What was he doing?

  He pretended not to notice.

  Bryce frowned. “Why?”

  “J’s birthday’s coming up and I have no idea what to get her. She and Paige are about the same age. I was hoping she could help me find the perfect gift.”

  The man was such a liar! He knew exactly what Julia loved. Case in point, those amazing red boots he’d given her that very morning. “Actually,” she spoke up, still hiding safely behind Hoolie, “I’m not much of a shopper.”

  The fabricated innocence rounding Ben’s eyes mocked her. “J thinks the world of you. I was hoping you could help me pick something that’d remind her of our ride this morning. A keepsake, if you will.” He turned back to Bryce. “Okay with you, boss?”

  “Sure. Yeah.” Bryce craned his neck and sought her out. “Everything’ll be ready for the trip, right?”

  “No.” She smirked at Ben. “I still have a ton to do.” So there. “I haven’t even started packing.” Which wasn’t exactly true, but she was desperate.

  Bryce waved her off. “Shooter can pack. He’s gotta start pulling his weight around here, anyway. Wouldn’t kill him to take on more responsibility.”

  “Awesome.” With a victory grin directed at her, Ben clapped Bryce’s back. “Thanks, man. You always come through for me.”

  “Yeah,” she muttered as she bent back to Hooligan. “Thanks a lot.” She rubbed her lips together, trying to rid them of the tingle that still lingered from Ben’s warmth.

  Oh god. She was in trouble. Kissing that man was like dipping a spoon into mocha almond fudge ice cream. One spoonful, you swear to yourself, that’s all. But it’s so delicious, so creamy, so fulfilling…

  And before you know it, the whole carton is gone. That was Ben Noble. Mocha almond fudge. Sinfully delicious. And all wrong for her.

  He was an indulgence she couldn’t afford.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ah, the beauty of family dinners.

  Ben licked the back of his fork—finishing off the miraculous strawberry balsamic glaze Elsie had slathered on the almond-crusted rainbow trout that tasted as fresh as if someone had yanked it out of the mountain stream right outside. He pushed his plate away and leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs at the ankles. Might as well settle in. From the looks of Gracie’s stern pout, he could be in for a long night.

  Next to him, J prattled on and on about their horseback adventure, about the incredible mountains, about how much she loved Paige. The mention of her name alone made Gracie’s lips pull so tight they looked like a rubber band about to snap. Their mother didn’t look at Julia. Instead, she glared at him like he was about to ruin her life. Which only made his lips fumble back and forth between a smirk and a smile. That’s right, Mother. I live to embarrass you. If she wasn’t so damn uptight, it wouldn’t be so easy.

  Kev sat next to his mother, worry folded deep into his forehead. He nodded politely at Julia, but his eyes shifted like he had a thousand concerns scrolling through his mind.

  “Paige was the best,” Julia cooed. “I mean, you should’ve seen her horse. Sweetie Pie’s so well trained. And Paige knew exactly how to do everything. It was so easy!”

  He shot his sister a grateful look. He appreciated the effort, no matter how futile
it was. Julia was always the hero, but talking up Paige wouldn’t change Gracie’s mind about her. There was no way in hell Gracie would back off. Not that it deterred him. No, sir. His mother’s approval had never been all that important to him. Julia’s? Yes. His father’s? For sure. But something told him his father would’ve liked Paige. Ben Senior had quite the independent spirit himself, much to Gracie’s disappointment. He could almost hear his father’s approval. She’s a keeper, son. I’ve always appreciated a woman who doesn’t fear your mother. Because Paige didn’t fear Gracie. That wasn’t her hesitation about getting to know him. She simply didn’t like his mother. And he didn’t blame her at all.

  “Did you help Paige get everything put away?” Julia glanced at him, her stare probing for more information.

  “Yep. Sure did.” His tone maintained an air of casualness, but his face must’ve colored because Gracie folded her arms across her chest.

  “Benjamin, I thought we talked about this.”

  Julia wrinkled her nose. “Uh-oh,” she muttered under her breath.

  He clasped his hands on the table in his typical patient son stance. “About what, Mother?” he asked as innocently as a four-year-old.

  “About you steering clear of this girl.”

  “Paige,” he enunciated. “Her name is Paige.” His eyes met hers. “And I never agreed to steer clear of her.”

  “I see.” She sat straight, regal as always, but he’d learned to read the panic that rose in her eyes. “Well.” She turned and gave Kev some silent command. “I didn’t want to have to do this.”

  Kev handed her a manila folder and frowned apologetically at Ben.

  “Wow. This is so CIA.” J went to snatch the folder, but Gracie swiped it back. “A secret folder. I wonder what it could be.” She smiled sweetly at their mother. “Is it your colonoscopy report? Do tell. Please. We can’t wait to hear.”

  Ben sniffed out a laugh. If only. Something told him the contents of that folder had nothing to do with Gracie and everything to do with Paige.

  His mother slid the folder across the table, mouth bent into that know-it-all look she’d worn during every single argument they’d had since he’d turned thirteen and decided he could think for himself.

  He didn’t pick it up. Didn’t have to. “This is so typical. I find a girl I like and you find the nearest private detective.”

  Gracie nudged the folder closer to him. “She has a past, Benjamin. I knew it the moment I saw her. And I was right.” Her palm slapped the folder. “She was arrested, for heaven’s sake!”

  Hmm. Paige had gotten herself arrested? Now that sounded interesting. He opened the folder and flipped through the papers, scanning the report. Arrested for underage drinking, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace. “So what?” Who didn’t have a misdemeanor or two in their past? He’d had plenty of them, but he’d been too smart to get caught.

  “So you know what the media will do with this.” She pointed a manicured nail in his direction. “It’ll destroy you. Everything you’ve worked for. We can’t afford another scandal right now.”

  “Scandal?” He laughed. He couldn’t help it. “I’d hardly call drinking and making some noise a scandal.” He tossed the papers onto the table, scattering them like the trash they were. “I couldn’t care less if she was arrested.”

  “You want to win this election, you have to care,” Kev shot back. “After what your last girlfriend did, your image is shit, Noble. There’re hundreds of people working their asses off for you. It’s time to start caring.”

  He blinked back at the man who rarely raised his voice, who only offered his opinion when he was asked. Is that what he really thought? That Ben would waste the opportunity he’d been given? That he was so spoiled he didn’t realize the sacrifices everyone had made for him?

  He cleared the anger out of his throat. “I know exactly how many people work for me. I know every volunteer’s name. Hell, I know their families’ names.” He sucked in a breath. Simmer down. Before he made a scene. “Talking to a girl is not gonna kill this election for me. I’ve worked my ass off, too, Kev.”

  “I know. I know.” His hands raised in surrender. “All I’m saying is now’s not the right time. Give it a year. After you’re elected, come back. Date her all you want. Hell, you can marry her, for all I care.”

  “Oh, dear Lord, Kevin,” Gracie said through a gasp. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  “Awww! Yes! You have to marry Paige!” Julia hugged herself. “You two would make the perfect couple. And she’d be the best sister-in-law ever!”

  Ben jerked his head and scanned the room. Last thing he needed was for someone to inform Paige they were getting married. Luckily, all of the waitstaff seemed to be hanging out in the kitchen.

  “No one’s getting married.” He ignored J’s pout. “And I couldn’t give a shit what the public thinks about my love life. If people don’t like me, they don’t like me. I’m not gonna pretend to be someone I’m not. I like Paige. I don’t know if it’ll go anywhere, but—”

  Across the room, the kitchen door slammed. Everyone’s head turned. A panicked squeal erupted from Julia.

  He jerked himself upright and peered over his shoulder. Paige was headed straight for their table.

  Everyone got eerily quiet. Even Gracie seemed to dread the impending conversation.

  “Shit.” His hands fumbled to gather the papers, but she was too fast. Before he could hide anything, she stood at the head of their table, an overly polite look about her. “I’m glad I caught you all before you finished dinner.” Her detached glare made the rounds before landing on the papers that dangled from his hand.

  Those powerful hazel eyes narrowed. “What’s that?”

  “Nothing.” He shoved it all back into the folder and closed it firmly. “It’s nothing.”

  “Hi, Paige!” Julia waved. “Thanks again for that awesome ride this morning!”

  It was a stellar effort, but Paige didn’t seem to hear. Her mouth gaped, and those eyes fixed on the folder like she could see right through the cover, like she could see right through all of them.

  “I don’t believe this.” She stalked over and ripped it out of his hand.

  He fired a happy-now? glare at his mother while Paige flipped through the wonderful memory of her arrest. Gracie studied her nails and smoothed a cuticle like it was just another family dinner.

  “If you’ll excuse me.” Kev pushed back his chair. “I need to use the restroom.” He hightailed it out of there like he was being chased by a bull.

  Damn it. Ben squeezed his eyes shut but when he opened them, Paige still stood there, eyes suspended in disbelief, cheeks growing harder by the second.

  Finally she slammed the folder shut and waved it in his face. “You did a background check on me?”

  “Actually, I did a background check,” Gracie said coldly. “It seemed like the prudent thing to do. And I’m glad I did, by the way.”

  Silent breaths raised her shoulders, but Paige didn’t look at his mother. She looked at him, her tanned skin donning the reddish hue of humiliation. He hated seeing her like that, hurt, embarrassed, but he stared back anyway.

  “I came to tell you all that I e-mailed you a checklist for packing.” A carefully controlled anger gave the words a brittle edge. “Don’t. Forget. Anything.”

  “Why, that is so thoughtful.” His mother batted her eyelashes. “We’ll make sure we pack absolutely everything.”

  Ben swiped the sweat off his face. His mother sure knew how to lay it on thick.

  “I can’t tell you how much we’re looking forward to the trip,” she continued. “Thank you so much.”

  “No problem,” Paige spat at him. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.” With a flip of her long flowing hair, she spun and bolted for the door.

  “Way to go, Mother.” Julia whacked him. “What are you waiting for, Ben? Go after her!”

  She was right. He had to go. Even if Paige looked at him like she wante
d to castrate him…

  “Come on!” J gave his chair a good shove and he scrambled to his feet, hoofed it out the French doors and onto the patio right as Paige’s shadowy form disappeared around the corner.

  “Wait!” He called and sprinted after her.

  She didn’t stop. Of course she didn’t. This was Paige. She’d stomp all the way home, probably hoping he’d choke on her dust.

  When he finally caught up to her under the dim light of a rod-iron lamp, he hooked her shoulder and turned her to face him.

  Fury lit her eyes. He tried not to like it, but good god, her fire got him going. He tugged her closer, smelling honey and mint, the same scent he couldn’t rid himself of after he’d kissed her…

  She jerked away. “Don’t touch me.”

  Right. No touching. Definitely no kissing. No matter how good she smelled. No matter how giving her lips had been earlier.

  She posted a hand on her hip, a clear indication that her patience was waning faster than a crescent moon.

  An explanation. He had to give her an explanation. But first… “I’m sorry about all that.” Hopefully she could read the sincerity in his eyes. “My mother’s crazy. She does stuff like this all the time.”

  “She humiliates people?” Her raised brows revealed that wasn’t exactly a sales pitch for getting to know him better.

  He almost took her hand. Almost. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed. I could’ve been arrested for underage drinking more times than I can count.”

  Her shoulders let down and she dismissed his ignorance with a roll of her eyes. “I don’t care that she found out I was arrested.”

  Wait. His head dipped to the side. She was so…bewildering. “Then why are you so upset?”

  “That time in my life really sucked.” She looked past him. “It wasn’t long after my grandmother died. I was mad at the world.”

  He waited. He wanted to hear more. Everything. But she turned away. “Don’t worry about it, Ben. Okay? She’s looking out for you. I get it.” Without a glance back, she started to walk away.

  “Hold on.” He lunged in front of her like some desperate chum. Man, she made him do crazy things. “Are we still on for tomorrow?”


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