Something Like Love

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Something Like Love Page 21

by Sara Richardson

  “You wore a string of pearls around your neck. Dangling pearl earrings.” Ben removed a couple of the kerosene lanterns that she recognized from the ranch’s guest rooms, and set them around the blanket. “You wore those sexy strappy shoes on your feet.” Using a lighter he ignited the lamps in a soft glow.

  “Ben…” She sighed, but she couldn’t say more because there were no words powerful enough to tell him what she felt, how much she needed him…

  “You had a cut on the back of your hand,” he said, reaching into his magic box again, and removing an iPod docking station. “When I asked you what happened, you said it was from rock climbing.” He fiddled with the iPod thing until it turned on, until the soft notes of Norah Jones’s “Come Away with Me” drew out her breath in a way that made her feel light and free.

  Still on his knees, Ben scooted over to her, sipping his wine. His gaze rested in hers, so strong and powerful it stopped her heart. “The woman who confronted me that night…the one from the bar…” He shook his head. “I didn’t even remember her name, Paige.” He set down his wine and covered her hand with his, stroking her skin in a way that opened her heart enough to let him in.

  “But I never forgot every detail about you.” Eyes lowering to her lips, he smiled. “One look at you and I memorized everything.” His lips drew close enough to brush hers. “I knew I’d never meet anyone else like you.”

  Tears heated her eyes with a happy burn because he’d turned a cold lonely night into a safe place. And now she knew how it felt to be cherished.

  “You deserve to feel beautiful. And sexy.” Ben tugged on her hand until she eased off the hammock, until they were both on their knees gazing into each other’s eyes in the flickering light.

  “I do feel beautiful.” When she was with him. He made her feel what no one else ever had.

  Taking away her wine, he set it off to the side, and his smile lured out hers because it promised so much, that he knew how to make her forget, how to build her a new reality when it came to intimacy. His smile promised he would make this night special and lovely.

  And fun. Ben was nothing if not fun.

  The music continued the soft rhythm. Ben swept her hair over her right shoulder, and kissed her neck, weakening her legs until she started to sink into him.

  “This is what it should be like,” he breathed against her ear. His lips closed on hers again, and his hands followed the curve of her hips, up to her waist, underneath her shirt. The sensation of his skin against hers shuddered through her, sending her heart dipping and soaring until she was almost dizzy with the physical elation. His light touch crawled higher, climbing up her ribs, shrinking her lungs, sending a radiating burn down her body.

  A helpless sigh escaped.

  Ben smiled against her lips. He pulled away and looked at her, into her, lifting her shirt slowly over her head and dropping it next to her. The brisk air felt good against her skin, but it didn’t soothe the burn that radiated inside of her, glowing brighter and brighter in her core, softening her, swelling through her…

  His eyes focused on her breasts, and for the first time ever, those D cups were coming in handy.

  “Damn, Paige.” His fingers traced the outline of her bra, and he glanced up at her face through heavy-lidded eyes. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me. How long I’ve thought about this…”

  “Enough thinking, Ben Noble,” she said, feeling the power her body had over him. And she reached back, unclipped her bra, slowly sliding it down her shoulders until she was bare before him. His hands slid up her ribs, this time moving over her breasts, fingers drawing circles over her nipples. No one had touched her that way, carefully and deliberately, knowing exactly how to awaken a neglected longing. He kissed her harder, a groan in his throat, then lowered his lips to her neck, building a splintering anticipation as he worked his way down, gliding his tongue over her skin, leaving a pulse of heat with each kiss.

  He pulled back and smoothed her hair away from her forehead, eyes connecting with hers like he wanted to make sure she was okay.

  Hmmm. Yes. She was definitely okay. “You’re still wearing too many clothes,” she murmured, then peeled off his shirt and worked her hands down his hard muscled chest and abs to his jeans. Smiling innocently, she unbuttoned them and shimmied his boxers and pants off his hips.

  “Now I’m feeling shy,” Ben lied, then captured her in a bear hug and took her down to the blanket, slowly inching her skirt down her legs like he enjoyed the anticipation. Hovering over her, he examined her underwear—good thing she’d chosen the lacy ones—then took them down with his teeth.

  “Wow. You’ve got some moves,” she laughed.

  “Just wait, Paige. You just wait,” he drawled. Pulling back the blanket, he tucked her inside the bed he’d made and lay next to her, trailing his fingers down her breasts, over her belly button, then lower. Gently, he spread her legs, teasing her inner thighs before caressing her, his whole hand rubbing places she didn’t even know existed. Small explosions of pleasure rocked her. “Wow. Oh wow,” she whispered over and over…so many times she couldn’t count. Half numb with pleasure, she groped her hand over his body until she found what she was looking for.

  Ben stilled while she closed her hand over him, his eyes shutting, that strong tension in his jaw releasing, making him look helpless under the influence of her touch.

  His eyes opened and found hers, like he’d suddenly remembered what he was doing. “Paige,” he groaned. “Oh, god, Paige.” His fingers worked her over again, and she kept her hand on him, massaging him, spurred on by his persuasive moans.

  He leaned over to kiss her, slowly, as though savoring the taste of her.

  “This is so different,” she whispered. Like nothing she’d ever experienced. “I didn’t know…” The impact it could carry, the significance. Yes, the physical sensations stunned her, but they were also handing themselves over to one another, surrendering to each other, open and unguarded.

  “Make love to me, Ben,” she whispered. She wanted to experience the fullness of that connection, the extravagance of giving themselves fully.

  “Thought you’d never ask,” he said, his smile teasing her. Easing his body over hers, he stroked her hair, kissed her mouth, and carefully worked his way into her.

  The movements were slow and tender, like he could anticipate what her body needed. “Tell me what you like,” he whispered, as breathless as she was.

  “All of it.” Her fingers dug into his back. “I like all of it.” The feeling of his weight over her, the force of him inside of her.

  He thrust deeper and deeper, groaning with pleasure. The friction made her body heavy with desire.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he gathered her against him, then rolled on his back so she was straddling him, and sweet mercy, the angle touched all the right places at once.

  “Is that good?” he asked, his own expression twisted with restraint.

  Yes. Yes. Oh, holy wow, yes. But all she could manage in response were short, ragged breaths.

  “How good?” he asked with that spoiled-boy grin.

  “Ben,” she rasped. “Please…” She didn’t even know what she wanted, what to do…

  His hands guided her hips into a rhythm that sent stars circling in her vision. Every thrust reverberated through her, swelling a thrilling burst into her lower abdomen. Ben seemed to sense she was close. Oh, wow. So, so, so close.

  He moved her faster over him, their ragged breaths breaking the night’s silence. “Paige…you’re perfect,” he gasped.

  All she could manage was a moan before one last thrust crashed a wave of sheer pleasure over her, making her weightless, making her fly and fall at the same time…

  Ben held her tight, shuddering beneath her, breathing her name.

  Collapsing under the weight of a satiated exhaustion, she fell over him.

  “Wow,” she whispered, still unable to inhale a solid breath. “Just…wow.”

  Laughing, Ben
shifted her, so they were both lying on their sides, facing each other in the dim light. He took her cheeks in his hands. “This is what you deserve, Paige. Nothing less.”

  Pressing a kiss against her forehead, he nestled her in the shelter of his arms and held on.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Warm. So warm. Love like an old quilt wrapped around her heart, her mind, her body. Warm and soft. Comfort. She opened her eyes.

  Patches of sunlight illuminated the blanket that entwined her and Ben. The canopy of pine needles above her glistened with the magic of morning dew. Somewhere a barn finch sang. The brisk morning air chilled her cheeks, but the rest of her felt bundled and cozy. She didn’t dare move. Didn’t want to wake Ben, to disturb the perfection. He breathed softly, as though he felt it, too. The peace that gave her limbs a lazy heaviness. His body faced hers, spooning her, and at some point during the night he’d wrapped a leg over her. She peered over at his face and smiled. Ben her human blanket. Slowly, she eased herself up until she had a better view of his face, the curve his lips, the hard angle of his jaw.

  What kind of man was Benjamin Hunter Noble III? Not the kind she’d ever met. Not the kind she’d ever been with.

  She traced her finger along his cheek, pressed it over those very capable lips, feeling her limbs go limp again, like they did last night about a hundred times.

  A slow smile worked its way into Ben’s cheeks. “Morning, beautiful.”

  God, she loved that twang.

  His eyes opened halfway and found hers. Lazy smile still intact, he smoothed her hair and guided her to his mouth.

  Even though they had to have spent half the night kissing—in between the necessary formalities of life stories and all that—his kiss still hit like a quake, reverberating through her with tingling aftershocks. “Careful,” she whispered. “You don’t want to start something you can’t finish.”

  Laughing, he stretched his arms over his head and groaned. “Oh, I can finish. Pretty sure I proved myself last night.” Light from the sun illuminated his eyes, made them almost the same color as honey. His strong arms pulled her onto his hard, wonderful body.

  She rested her cheek on his shoulder where it fit so perfectly.

  One of his hands drew concentric circles on her back. “I’m thinkin’ that was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a decade.”

  “Me too.” Under normal circumstances, she had to admit, she wasn’t much of a cuddler, but there was something restful about the warmth, the comfort of being nestled against someone. Not someone. Ben.

  “What time is it?” he asked through a sleepy yawn. “Seven?”

  Her lips pouted. “I guess I can check. If you really must know.”

  An apologetic crease crinkled in his forehead. “Sorry. I’d stay here all day if I could. Trust me. But there’s a press conference at nine.”

  Heaving a dramatic sigh, she unearthed her arm from the blanket. Blinked at her watch. No. That couldn’t be right. Shading her eyes, she glanced up at the sky. The dimness from the trees had made it seem so much earlier…

  Ben propped himself on an elbow, eyebrows peaked. “Seven-thirty?”

  “Eight-forty,” she said through a grimace.

  “What?” His body jolted into motion, scrambling, but he tripped and landed on top of her. Smirked. Kissed her again. As far as she was concerned, he could kiss her as many times as he wanted. He was so damn good at it. He should compete for an award or something.

  “Whoops. Sorry, Paige.” Only he didn’t look sorry. Not at all. He pushed himself up to his feet and reached for her hand. She gladly offered it to him.

  He whisked her off the ground and into his arms like she was some dainty little thing. The feeling was kind of a nice change…

  “Thank you for the best night of sleep I’ve had in months.” He pulled her against him, tight enough she could feel the impressive outline of those award-winning pectorals. “I don’t want to go…” His lips trailed kisses down her neck.

  “You have to go. Your mom will kill me.” She pushed him back, but her arms were about as useful as twigs.

  “My mother will love you. Someday. Trust me. She won’t have a choice.” He stooped to get dressed, and, Lord have mercy, she couldn’t seem to tear her eyes off of him.

  But he pulled on his boxers and pants, dressing quickly, and she had no choice but to do the same.

  “Speaking of your mother, she’ll have a heart attack when we show up at the press conference with my hair all knotted and my clothes wrinkled.” Paige tried to smooth down her wild hair, then her shirt and skirt, but it was useless. Her current look screamed, “Yes, I camped out in the woods and made love to the hottest cowboy in the world!” But she didn’t regret it. His mother could string her up by her toenails and she still wouldn’t regret it.

  He rested his hands on her shoulders and gazed down at her. “You don’t have to come with me. If you’re worried.”

  His concern was sweet, but they’d crossed over to another dimension last night and Gracie had to know. Paige had to send her own message. “I’m good. I can take whatever your mother dishes out.” She’d taken crap from her own parents for years. And she learned it was best to face it head-on. Besides, she could at least attempt to smooth things over with Gracie. For Ben’s sake. “Come on.” She tugged him toward the path that led back to the lodge. “We’d better hurry. You’re on in ten.”

  Hand in hand, they raced up the hill, past the pool, up the steps all the way to the lodge’s back doors.

  With Ben right behind her, she plowed through into the sitting room. Stopped cold. Everyone was there. And she did mean everyone. Gracie and Kevin sat on the leather couches. Julia was positioned at the other side of the coffee table. Sawyer leaned up against the wall looking very cop-like in that crisp blue uniform. Avery sat in a chair staring at the floor. Bryce stood near the phone, arms crossed, scowl in place. He didn’t look happy. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Yes, Benjamin.” Gracie rose. “Where have you been all night?”

  Ben still wore his calm expression. “We were out.” He draped an arm around her and stood all cool and casual, even while the blood swooshed through her ears. She tried to avoid the murderous look on his mother’s face.

  “Technically we’re adults and we don’t have to answer to any of you,” Ben said, smiling down at her.

  She tried to smile back but her lips were temporarily out of order.

  It was easy for Ben to stand there like this was no big deal but she watched her boss swipe a hand down his face. Something he only did when he was trying to rein in his temper. Sure enough, his jaw bulged like he wanted to refute Ben’s claim then and there, and tell them that they sure as hell did have to answer to him, but Avery scurried over to him and clasped Bryce’s hand in hers. She gave him a look that told him to mind his own business, then led him toward the kitchen. “Come on, love. We still haven’t finished our coffee.”

  Bryce didn’t move.

  Paige held her breath, but after one more stormy glare at them, he followed his wife without another word.

  Phew. She’d have to remember to send Avery a thank-you note later.

  “All right, people.” Ben scrubbed his hands together. “Let’s get this thing going. Is everything set up outside?”

  Tension still clogged the room, but his campaign director jumped into action, sidestepping her and taking Ben by the elbow to lead him away.

  “Here’re your talking points,” Kevin said briskly. “Now let’s get you changed.” He escorted him across the room. She couldn’t hear anything the director said, but Ben didn’t look too happy, if the frantic wave of his arms was any indication. They disappeared around a corner.

  “I should go help with crowd control,” Sawyer said, heading for the door.

  Crowd control? Paige edged to the window and peered through the curtains. The parking lot was full.

  “So…” Gracie marched over to her, back as straight as a two-by-four, ey
es icy, and mouth curled into a counterfeit smile. “Won’t you join us for the press conference?”

  “Mother.” Julia wheeled herself over. “I’m sure she has more important things to do than hang out and give Ben an audience.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Julia. I’m sure Paige is interested in Ben’s political career.” Even though the woman couldn’t have been more than five-foot-four, somehow she always managed to look down on everyone. “Right, Ms. Harper?”

  Something told her there was more behind the request, that Gracie was setting a trap, but what choice did she have? “Of course. I’d love to stay and support him.”

  “Wonderful.” Gracie curled her fingers around Paige’s shoulder. It wasn’t a warm touch, not by any stretch. It was a touch that said, I will tell you where to go, where to stand, how to blow your nose…

  “Kevin,” Gracie called.

  The man jogged back into the room. “Yeah?”

  “Why don’t you find Julia a seat where the press can get her picture with Ben?” she suggested.

  “Sure.” He lumbered back to them and took the handles of Julia’s chair, pushing her in the direction Ben had gone.

  Which left Paige and Gracie. Alone. Well, this is awkward…

  “We should find a place to watch, as well.” Gracie guided her out the front doors.

  When they stepped outside, Paige stopped. There were people everywhere. Members of the press stationed all along the front deck, their cameras ready. Oh, god. She backed up a step, looked down at her clothes. They were wrinkled and dirty. And her hair…holy moly. What would all of these people think of her?

  “Here.” Gracie pulled her to a stop about fifteen feet from where the podium sat on the porch. “This will be perfect. We can hear everything that’s going on, but we won’t steal the spotlight.”

  “Mmmm hmmm,” she answered, but she wasn’t paying attention to Gracie because Ben was taking long strides up to the podium. He’d changed into a suit, and his hair had been neatly gelled into place. Chaos erupted then, flashes and a cacophony of questions.

  “Mr. Noble, can you tell us what happened at the restaurant last night?”


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