by David Nasaw
see also Irish Catholics
Catholic News, 744
Cavanaugh, Father John, 533, 623, 645, 649, 673, 680, 700, 715, 749, 757, 785, 786
Century Group, 502
Chamberlain, Neville, 324, 354, 360–61, 376–77, 385, 394, 400, 401, 413, 414, 429, 433, 438
appeasement policy of, 290–91, 292–93, 301, 302–3, 333, 338, 340, 360, 382, 416, 435–36, 515, 633
Churchill vs., 290–91, 293
Czechoslovakia and, 329–30, 332, 336, 337–39, 340, 342–43
death of, 485, 499
Hitler’s meetings with, 336–38, 340
Jewish refugees and, 349–52, 361, 363–64
JFK’s Harvard thesis and, 435–36
JPK and, xxii, 238, 289, 290–91, 302–3, 330–31, 336–37, 344, 349, 355, 360–61, 363–64, 369, 370, 371, 372, 401–2, 404–5, 416–17, 485, 737
JPK’s defense of, 485
Munich Agreement and, 346–47, 348–49, 360, 400, 435–36, 485, 633
Palestine and, 386–87, 389
Poland and, 376, 399, 401–2, 405, 413, 416, 420, 633
resignation of, 440
Roosevelt and, 330–31, 343, 344, 376–77, 579
speech declaring war on Germany, 406–7
speeches of, 342, 344, 345–46, 376
Champion, Albert, 679, 680
Channon, Henry “Chips,” 427
Chaplin, Charlie, 110, 501–2
Chase National Bank, 71
Chiang Kai-shek, 640
Chicago Daily News, 459, 480
Chicago Daily Times, 249
Chicago Herald-American, 593
Chicago Tribune, 243–44, 318, 330, 364, 367, 428, 517, 518, 644
China, 258, 272, 394, 395, 636, 639, 672, 674, 682
Korea and, 635
Manchuria, 287, 658
Quemoy and Matsu and, 745, 746
Choate, 150
JFK at, 150–51, 162, 163, 169, 177, 182, 189, 195–97, 221, 224–26
Joe Kennedy, Jr. at, 150–51, 152, 162, 169, 182, 189, 198
Christophers, The, 586
Chrysler, Walter, 192
Churchill, Pamela, 617
Churchill, Winston, 19, 238–39, 290–94, 340, 414, 429, 433, 437, 439, 441, 447–53, 455, 458, 461, 477, 507, 551, 601
becomes Prime Minister, 440
Chamberlain vs., 290–91, 293
in destroyers-for-bases negotiations, 466–67, 469–72, 493
House of Commons address of, 449–50
JPK’s meetings with, 441, 468, 580–81
JPK’s view of, 440, 441
King Leopold and, 615
Munich Agreement and, 348
Roosevelt and, 414–15, 428–29, 441, 442, 445, 447, 51–53, 465–70, 504
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 618, 676–77, 699–701, 769
Bay of Pigs and, 767, 768
Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 299, 375
CIC (Counter Intelligence Corps), 648, 674–75
Cinema Credits Corporation, 95
CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations), 260, 261, 268, 278, 319, 667
Civil Rights Act of 1957, 711–12
Clark, Mark, 676
Clark, Tom, 619
Clarke, Thurston, 758
Cleary, Walter, 199
Clemens, Cyril, 731
Cleugh, Eric, 502
Cleveland, Grover, 14
Clifford, Clark, 714, 759, 769
Coblentz, Edmond, 187, 231
Cockburn, Claud, 393–94
Coghlan, Ralph, 498–99, 662
Cogley, John, 722, 724
Cohasset, Mass., 81, 82, 87, 92
golf club of, 81–82
Cohen, Benjamin, 208, 216, 358, 359, 389, 391, 507–8
Cohen, Milton, 110
Cohn, Harry, 421
Cohn, Roy, 671, 672, 674, 685
Colby, William, 699, 700
Colby Junior College for Women, 581
Cold War, xxii, 604–5, 609, 625, 636, 659, 660–61, 682, 689, 746
Cole, Rufus, 68, 70–71, 73, 74
Collateral Loan Company, 39, 43–44
Collier’s Radio Hour, 129–30
Collins, Patrick, 9, 14–15, 18, 134–35
Columbia Advertising, 87–88
Columbia Films, Inc., 66
Columbia Pictures, 421
Columbia Trust Company, 10, 33, 36, 38, 65, 71, 72, 78, 91, 96, 242
JFK as intern at, 528
JPK as president of, 38, 39–40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47–49
World War I and, 40–41, 48–49
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (Hoover Commission), 616
second, 676–77, 679, 699
Committee of One Hundred, Boston, 10
Commonweal, 722
Communists, communism, 202, 574, 581, 639, 640, 660–61
Cohn and, 671, 672
Cold War, xxii, 604–5, 609, 625, 636, 659, 660–61, 682, 689, 746
Depression and, 171
isolationism and, 604–5, 607–8
JFK’s views on, 641, 656, 668, 746–47
Joe Kennedy, Jr.’s views on, 220, 606–7
JPK’s offer of assistance to FBI on, 559
JPK’s views on, 516, 600–601, 616–17, 618, 636–39, 641, 656, 659–60, 682, 746
Marshall Plan and, 616–17, 618, 636
McCarthy and, 672–73
Robert Kennedy’s views on, 689
Roosevelt and, 231, 232, 235, 250–52
Truman Doctrine (aid to Greece and Turkey) and, 605, 607, 608, 616, 617, 618, 636, 637
Conant, James B., 721–22
Congressional Record, 500
Connally, Tom, 642
Conniff, Frank, 607
Conversations with Kennedy (Bradlee), 782
Cooke, Robert, 760–61
Coolidge, Calvin, 61, 88
policemen’s strike and, 60–61, 67
Coolidge, Louis, 61
Cooper, Duff, 348, 476, 674
Cooper, Lady Diane, 674
Copeland, Charles, 23
Copeland, Royal, 278
Corcoran, Tommy, 208, 215, 250, 275, 295, 319, 327, 355, 614–15
Cosmopolitan, 377
Costello, Frank, 80
Coudert, Frederic, Jr., 639
Coughlin, Father Charles, 230, 231, 235, 250, 251, 599
JPK and, 235–36
Coughlin, Robert, 86, 103, 105, 777
Cowles, Gardner, 655
Craig, May, 658
Crete, 529
Crider, John H., 599
Cropley, Ralph, 600
Crum, Erskine, 73, 74
Cuba, 746–47, 756
Bay of Pigs and, 767–68
Cudahy, John, 439
Cummins, Peggy, 604
Cunard, Samuel, 5
Cunningham, Bill, 619
Curley, James Michael, 37, 38, 39, 59, 134, 135, 172, 215, 593, 594, 597, 602
Curran, Joseph, 268
Currie, Lauchlin, 490
Currier, Guy, 52, 58, 61, 91, 111–12, 131
Cushing, Barbara “Babe,” 241–42
Cushing, Richard Cardinal, 604, 623–27, 628, 662, 678, 696, 714, 722–24, 748, 754, 755, 764, 765–66, 786
Czechoslovakia, 372, 375–76, 383, 400, 413, 486
Sudetenland, 287, 290, 302, 323, 329–30, 332, 334–47, 360, 383
Dahlerus, Birger, 400
Daily Mail, 385
Daladier, Édouard, 346
/> Daley, Richard, 720, 729
Dallas, Rita, 778
Dalton, Mark, 597, 598, 602–3, 662, 663
Dane, E. B., 66, 71
Danzig, 376, 394, 399, 402
Davenport, Russell, 262–63, 317, 366
Davies, Joseph, 464
Davies, Marion, 137, 143, 173, 187, 501, 737, 738
Davis, Bette, 156
Davis, John W., 507
Davis, Owen, 248
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 762–63
Dean, Dudley, 81
Dearborn, Walter, 265, 266
De Gaulle, Charles, 575
De Lattre de Tassigny, Jean, 654
del Rio, Dolores, 299
DeMille, Cecil B., 100, 101, 110, 112, 116, 117, 119, 136
democracy, 171, 323, 484, 504, 514–15, 601, 606, 617, 618
JPK’s pessimism about future of, xxi, 323, 431, 497, 498, 503
Democratic National Committee, 493, 494
Democratic Party:
Boston Irish Catholics and, 9, 10–11, 14, 15
JPK’s allegiance to, 22–23, 27, 61, 134, 135, 517
Denmark, 437
Denomy, Father, 695
Depression, Great, xxi, 171–72, 181, 198, 271, 295, 315, 395
Hoover and, 167, 171, 172
Kennedy family during, 168–69, 170
public anger about, 171
Roosevelt and, 172, 247
Derby, Lord, 403, 479
Derr, E. B., 114, 115, 118, 126, 136, 137, 138–39
Des Rosiers, Janet, 679, 680
De Valera, Éamon, 507, 679
Dever, Paul, 604, 657, 662, 664, 669
Devereux, Helena, 152
Devereux School, 149, 152–54, 162
Devonshire, Andrew Cavendish, Duke of, 532, 644
Devonshire, Deborah Cavendish, Duchess of (“Debo”), 532, 622–23, 644
Devonshire, Edward Cavendish, Duke of, 324, 551
Devotion School, 85
Dewey, John, 265
Dewey, Thomas E., 573–74, 576, 595, 655
De Wolfe, Elsie, 325
Dexter School, 89–90
Dickinson, Angie, 763
Dies, Martin, 508
Dietrich, Marlene, 325, 397–98
Dillingham, Charles, 77
Dillon, Clarence, 376
DiMaggio, Joe, 299
Dinneen, Joe, 499, 582, 621
Diplomatic Memoir (JPK), 341, 343, 346, 356, 370, 444, 449, 450, 454–55, 615–16
Dirksen, Herbert von, 310–11, 741–42
Disney, Walt, 317
Dodge, Horace, 433
Domaine de Beaumont, 324–25
Domaine de Ranguin, 397
Donovan, Joe, 16, 30, 41
Donovan, Ned, 18–19
Donovan, William “Wild Bill,” 459–61, 463, 464, 466, 493
Dougherty, Dennis Cardinal, 633–34
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 731
Douglas, Lewis, 271
Douglas, Paul, 726
Douglas, William O., 216–17, 226, 492, 607, 645, 655
Robert Kennedy and, 688, 689, 710
Dowd, John, 595, 718
Dowling, Eddie, 180
Downey, Morton, 573, 645, 661–62, 679, 680, 681–82, 685, 704, 708, 749, 786
Doyle, David, 4
Droney, John, 602, 663–64, 690
Dufty, William, 109
Dulles, Allen, 699–700, 711, 718, 769
Dunkirk, 447, 449, 461, 615
Dunn, Edward, 688–89
Dunn, Elizabeth, 296–97
Dunphy, Chris, 68, 72
DuPont-Pathé Film Manufacturing Corporation, 159
Early, Stephen, 250, 317, 318, 538–39
East Boston, Mass., 5–7, 13, 593
Kennedy house in, 13
see also Boston, Mass.
Eastern Steamship Lines, 67–68, 78, 92
Economic Club of New York, 271–72
Economist, 655
economy, U.S., 608–9, 756
JPK’s views on, 530, 544, 586, 601, 606
peacekeeping and, 295–96, 315
Roosevelt’s policies and, 202–3, 229–30, 246–49, 271–72, 295–96, 315
World War II and, 529
Eden, Anthony, 433, 439, 679
Edmonson, Charles, 498
Edwin Gould Foundation, 627
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 638, 564, 658, 663, 666, 669, 670, 672, 677, 688, 711, 745, 754
Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities, 699–701, 705
illness of, 704
JPK’s meeting with, 642–43, 644
Khrushchev and, 745–46
reelection of, 704, 707, 710
Eliot, Day, 248
Emmons, Major General, 476–77
Ethiopia, 258, 287, 303–4
Évian Conference, 307, 308, 321, 324, 329
Exhibitors Herald, 95, 104
Èze, 681
Fairbanks, Douglas, 110
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 501, 502
Fairbanks Company, 59
Falacci, Frank, 736
Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, 75, 76, 94
Fanfani, Amintore, 700, 718
Farley, James, 180–81, 182, 332, 367, 414, 457, 491
Farr, Tommy, 314
fascism, 315, 373, 375, 497
Fay, Paul “Red,” 595, 763
Fayne, James, 216, 613, 659, 662, 663
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 80, 508, 509, 675–76, 769
Arvad and, 526, 540, 541, 559, 675
JPK and, 559
FBO (Film Booking Offices of America), 74, 91–99, 102, 103, 106–7, 109, 119, 121, 122, 125, 128, 130, 131, 135–37, 158, 192
RCA and, 111, 124
Feldman, Justin, 742, 769–70
Feldman, Myer, 761
Fenway Building Trust, 59
Field, Marshall, 588
Film Daily, 110, 123, 124, 125–26, 126, 129, 130
film industry, see motion picture industry
Finley, John Huston, 316
First National Pictures, 122–27, 128–29, 135, 158
Fish, Hamilton, 512
Fisher, Carl, 93
Fisher, Robert, 23, 25, 29, 78, 81, 259, 312, 366, 422, 450
Fitzgerald, Agnes, 28, 41, 242
Fitzgerald, Cornelius, 491, 657, 672
Fitzgerald, John F. “Honey Fitz,” 11, 16, 20, 21, 71, 73, 91, 131, 134, 135, 160, 172, 296, 299, 529, 551, 578, 593, 594–95, 713
death of, 635
JFK’s congressional campaign and, 594–95, 596, 598
and JPK’s marriage to Rose, 41–42
and JPK’s romance with Rose, 20, 29–30, 36, 40
marital infidelities of, 48, 147
mayoral campaigns of, 18–19, 26, 27–28, 36–38, 41, 311
P. J. Kennedy and, 18–19, 20, 26–27, 29, 38
retirement of, 37–38, 41
Selective Service System and, 51
Senate campaign of, 545–46
Smith and, 135
Fitzgerald, Mary Josephine “Josie,” 28, 91
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 536
Fitzgibbon, Steve, 88, 131
Fitzwilliam, Peter, 619–20
death of, 621
Flanders, Ralph, 673
Fleeson, Dorothy, 356
Flynn, Edward, 177, 182, 187
Fogg Museum, 101, 102
Forbes, Allan, 39
Ford, Johnnie, 120, 419
, 420, 421, 662
JPK’s employment of, 613, 614
Rosemary Kennedy and, 628–30
Fore River Lunch Company, 53, 72, 88
Fore River Shipbuilding Company, 51–57, 58, 59, 64, 65, 67, 91, 120, 543
baseball team of, 55–56
Forrestal, James, 572, 579, 580, 616
JFK and, 594
Fortas, Abe, 216
Fortune, 262–63, 317, 366, 612, 693, 713
Foster, H. G., 675, 676
Fox, John, 669
Fox, William, 94, 101
Fox Film Corporation, 66, 94
France, 410, 617
Algeria and, 711, 712
Dunkirk, 447, 449, 461, 615
Germany’s conquest of, 440, 441, 447–56, 458
Indo-China and, 636, 640, 655, 656, 658–59, 660, 689
U.S. aid to, 451–54, 605
in World War I, 40, 49
in World War II, 289, 290, 302, 323, 329, 334, 338, 339, 341, 368, 373, 376, 405, 413, 414, 443, 447–56, 633
Franco, Francisco, 287, 381, 394, 679
Frank, Jerome, 490
Frankfurter, Felix, 198, 202–3, 205, 208, 216, 221, 251, 321, 351, 358, 389, 491–92, 507–8, 539, 574, 582, 583
Freeman, Milton, 216, 217
Freeman, Walter, 534, 535, 536
Friedländer, Saul, 287, 306, 360
Frost, Robert, 762, 764
Fulbright, William, 649
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 762, 764
Galeazzi, Enrico, 252–53, 264, 374, 562, 634, 642, 643, 645, 662, 679, 686, 699, 705, 710, 713, 716, 718, 723, 724–25, 727–28, 730, 753–55, 756, 771
Gannett, Frank, 357–58
Gargan, Ann, 533–34, 749, 763, 775–78, 783–86
Gargan, Joey, 557, 749
Gargan, Mary Jo, 668
Garner, John Nance, 174, 332
as Roosevelt’s running mate, 176–77
salary of, 244
George, Prince, Duke of Kent, 294, 378
George, Walter, 641
George VI, King, 294, 343–44
Germany, 636, 756
Lusitania and, 44–45
in World War I, 40, 44
see also Nazi Germany
Getty, J. Paul, 693
Ghormley, Robert Lee, 467, 471–72
Giannini, A. P., 70, 179
Gibbs, Miss (Rosemary’s companion), 410, 411, 419, 426, 435
Glass, Carter, 271
Gloria Productions, 115, 155, 156, 158, 169–70
Goddard, Henry, 152
Godsol, Joe, 74
Goering, Hermann, 400
Goldman, Solomon, 391, 392–93
Goldsmith, Arthur, 25, 34–35, 38, 336, 337, 368, 387, 421–22, 490, 582
gold standard, 228
Goldwyn Pictures, 73, 74
Good, Frederick, 113, 163, 223
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 50, 533, 596, 683, 686, 730