Punished Into Submission

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Punished Into Submission Page 18

by Holly Carter

  “You.” It’s one word, and it come out of nowhere.

  Hunter hums as he leans in a little more, his breath on my cheek.

  “How about coffee.” He whispers.

  I hear the click and he pulls away with a smug look on his face. The coffee machine starts behind me and I realise his intention. Hunter walks to the dish rack, and grabs two cups and holds one up to Rumbles; he shakes his head no but sits casually watching mine and hunters exchange. The coffee machine stops and hunter fills a mug before handing it to me. I grab the cup and pull but he doesn’t let it go.

  “Manners?” he prompts.

  “Give it to me.” I say, pulling a little harder. Coffee spill onto my hand when I do.


  “Now. Are you deaf?” I say, tugging again.

  Hunter lets the cup go giving into my inner bitch with no manners. I bring the mug to my lips and drink in the awesome flavours of the rich coffee. It’s strong, and sweet. My favourite. I like my coffee like I like my women. I take a seat at the table across from Rumbles.

  “Can you save me some cereal?” I say, pointing to his bowl.

  Rumbles laugh’s and pushes the bowl in my direction. I pick up a banana out of the fruit bowl in the middle of the table as well. I devour the left over cereal that I scabbed like a homeless person than eat my banana just as quick. The sick feeling in my stomach settles, as I continue to drink my coffee. Rumbles excuses himself from the table when Hunter sits down and says he will meet me in the gym when I’m finished. I watch the two men exchange a few laughs about the “big fight” the other night before Rumbles leaves the room.

  I sipped my coffee as Hunter did his. Silence filled the room along with uncomfortableness. One of the bar girls came into the room and smiled as soon as she saw Hunter sitting at the table. I watch the exchange as he smiles back, winking while she giggled like an idiot. They said their “hello’s.” while I watched. The brunette was like a leech. No matter how much you shook you couldn’t get rid of her unless you physically removed her from you. I can’t even remember her name, that’s how much I care.

  “Hi, Kat.” she says, finally noticing me. “How are you today?” her voice is annoying and high pitched.

  “I’m hangover, now fuck off.”

  “Kat.” Hunter threatens, his tone is a warning.

  The girl stands with her mouth open, the look of shock on her face. She shouldn’t be however, I tell her to fuck off on a regular basis. I roll my eyes as I stand up and leave the table, taking my cup to the sink. I hear Hunter and her talking before her shoes click on the tiles exiting the room. I hear Hunters chair scrapping on the floor and decide it’s time to get the fuck out of here too. I turn to leave and hit the wall of muscle I sunk my nails into last night.

  “You have no fucking manners.” He growls, backing into the bench. “I may have to flog them out of you by the time you leave.”

  “I don’t like her, there is a difference. And I have manners.” I point my finger into his chest as I speak. “I just choose not to use them around you.”

  “After the little stunt you pulled last night, I don’t think you are as tough as you make out.” Hunter grabs my finger. “Let your guard down, Kat. Before I fucking knock it down so bad, you can never rebuild it.”

  The threat made me wild. I look away as my hands ball into fists by my side. I had a feeling my anger wasn’t going to wait the thirty seconds it would take me to run to the gym room. When I looked up, Hunter had the look of satisfaction on his face. I could see straight through him too though. He was a man of many secrets and some I don’t think would stay hidden for long. I turned to leave the room, feeling like I was fighting a battle I was destined to loose. When I reached the door I turned, and looked at hunter. His handsomely dangerous features called war.

  “Do you know the different between my wall and yours?” I asked, tapping the doorframe with my palms, itching to beat the shit out of someone, namely hunter.

  “What?” he asks, crossing his arms against his body.

  "You’re nothing but weak, Hunter. I am ten times stronger than you." I said softly.

  Hunter eyes changed in a flashed. Something about what I said had hit close to home and it hurt. Now he knew how I felt, but the difference there, was I got off on the pain. He didn’t. I turn around and walk away leaving Hunter seething with anger. Seconds later, I heard the sound of glass smashing. My guess is those words did hit a little too close to home.

  Chapter Seventeen

  My boxing match with Rumbles ended up destructive. My hand was swollen, I think I actually broke my wrist and Rumbles was supporting a nice shiner to the eye. That’s what happens when you let your guard down and your opponent has theirs up. It doesn’t matter who is stronger in the end. I sit on the bar with a towel full of ice wrapped around my wrist. Angel said she heard Rumbles moaning from the bar and came running in with a phone in her hand, god knows who she was going to call. I had to laugh because surely she hears worse noises than him. Her excuse was, “I watched this movie were someone got killed and people thought they were fucking. Someone could have saved his life.”

  I just laughed.

  I turn to Rumbles who’s sitting on the bar stool with an icepack on his face. He takes the icepack off and I feel a little proud of my efforts and the bruise that’s formed. Its purple and ugly looking, his eye is basically swollen shut.

  “I’m sorry, Rumbles.” I say, patting his shoulder with my good hand.

  “No need, it’s probably an improvement right?” he says, grinning like an idiot.

  “You’re a handsome son of a bitch with or without that shiner, honey.”

  “Thanks, Kat. I think I taught you well.” He winks with his good eye but pulls a face afterwards.

  “I think you need to rest, no more gym for you.” Angel says, coming over to reassess the damage on his face.

  “I’m fine, stop fussing over me. I’m a grown ass man.” He shouts the humour rigs in his voice.

  “That got beaten by a girl.” I say, laughing my ass off.

  Rumbles laughs, while Angel shakes her head. She beats the shit out of people for pleasure yet freaks out over this. I take the towel off my wrist and see the swelling has stayed stable. The bruise is evident and it’s painful as I flex my hand open and closed. I hear arrow laugh and I turn around to see him and Hunter walking into the bar, hunter talking while arrow laughs.

  When they approach Arrow stop laughing and looks at me, than to Rumbles. He nudges Hunter and he does the same.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Hunter asks Rumbles, removing the ice from his face.

  “A very angry Kat happened.” Rumbles says, looking towards me.

  “I turned into a Tiger today, Hunter. Roar.” I do the clawing actions as I speak.

  The corner of Hunter’s lips turns up into a smile as I do my clawing action. Needing to shower before my shift, I slide off the bench and hand the towel to Angel, thanking her for her help. She nods before leaning in and kissing my cheeks, taking me a little by surprise. I turn to Rumbles and put up my good hand for a high five. His huge hand hits mine and we exchange winks. It’s a routine thing we do after a boxing match these days. Reminding us that what happens in the ring stays in the ring.

  I head to my room and get my uniform out of the draws before heading into the bathroom. My wrist aches and I try to get undressed one handed. I grip the side of my pants with my one good hand and try to shimmy them down. I trip and fall forward, hitting my hip on the sink.


  I get my balance and try again. My wrist is fucking aching and it may just kill me to use my hand. I get my pants down and use my feet to get them off completely. My G-string is like butt floss; so far up my ass I’m worried for its safety. I try the same technique to get it off, but end up having to use both hands. I chant a string of curses as I slide the thing piece of material down my legs.

  “Do you need a hand?”

  I bolt upright
and turn towards the door. Hunter leans against the frame his hands across his chest. Humour shows in his eyes, as well as in his voice. I have two choices right now, one, be a bitch and suffer through the pain. Or two, be nice and ask for help...

  “I’m fine.” I say, flicking my G-string across the bathroom.

  “Don’t be stubborn.” Hunter walks into the bathroom and stop in front of me.

  “I’m not stubborn.” I protest.

  He grabs the hem of my shirt and starts to pull it up.

  “Lift your arms.” He instructs.

  I think about it before I comply. I lift my arms, mindful of my throbbing wrist. Hunter pulls the shirt over my head and throws it on the growing pile of clothes. I watch it hit the pile and I yell out “score,” when it hits the top.

  “Turn around.” Hunter says, motioning with a single finger for me to do so.

  I turn around so I’m facing the mirror. I see hunter eyeing my body from behind. The urge to shake my ass is strong but right now all I want is that shower. As Hunter’s eyes continue to rack my body his hands unlatch my bra. I continue to watch him as he watches me until our eyes meet in the reflection. His hands appear on my shoulders as he pushes the straps down my arms. His fingers tips slightly graze my skin leaving bumps in their wake.

  “Your skin is so soft.” He says, bringing his lips to my shoulder.

  A shiver runs through me when he touches me with his lips, and I can’t figure out whether it’s a good touch or bad. He places several open mouthed kisses on my shoulder, the wetness is chilling when he blows on it. Hunter’s lips travel up my neck; I instantly tilt my head to the side to allow him access. He wraps one arm around my waist, holding me tight. While the other grips my neck, and brings my neck further to the side. Without thinking, I place one hand on his, holding my waist and the other as it grips his hand that holds my neck.


  “Careful, sweet girl.” He calms.

  “Hunter, what are you doing?” I ask, letting my injured limb drop to my side.

  “Never ask a question you don’t want the answer to, Kat.”

  “I want to know.”

  “No, you only think you do.”

  Hunter continues to shower painful kisses along my throat and collar bone. His teeth sink into my flesh and I know he is marking me. While I hate it, I also love it. The way he handles my body is alluring.

  “Shower, I’m taking you out to lunch.” Hunter says, in between the vicious bites.

  “I don’t date.”

  “You do now.”

  I laugh.

  I don’t do lunch with men unless it involves pain being inflicted by me. Hunter’s hand around my waist moves in a quick movement and he pulls my bra off my body leaving me naked in front of him. I watch him as he watches me in the mirror. He cups my breast in his hand, massaging. His thumb darts out and brushes over my sensitive nipple sending a tingle throughout my body.

  “Lunch, then I’m taking you to see a doctor.” Hunter says against my ear.

  “I have to work; I don’t want the boss up my ass later for not showing up.” I close my eyes when I speak. Hunters thumb and forefinger pinch my nipple, before he pulls it gently.

  “You would love the boss riding your sweet ass, wouldn’t you Kat?”

  I can feel his hardness against my ass, and when he talks, he thrusts his hips into me. I can feel my pussy moistening to his voice and demands.

  “I hate you.” I spit, hating my body for reacting.

  “No you don’t.” Hunter kisses me one more time and adds a pinch before he lets me go and steps back. I watch them in the mirror as he walks to the shower and turns it on, testing the water too. When he’s satisfied, he steps away and opens the shower door wide, gesturing for me to enter. I walk over and brush my naked body against hunter as I get into the shower. I hear a grunt as a step in and know I’m affecting him similar to how he does me.

  Hunter reaches into the shower and grabs the soap and a washer. I watch as it rubs the soap onto the washer before he passes it to me. I reach out and take it off him. I wash my arms, chest and stomach before I bend down to wash my legs. When I lean down the throbbing in my wrist worsens.

  “Ouch. Mother fucker.”

  “Does it hurt?” Hunter asks, as I look up at him.

  “What do you think?”

  Hunter just nods as he reaches out for washer. I grip it hard, not letting him take it.

  “Let me wash you.” Hunter tugs the washer and I let it go from my grip.

  He bends down and washes my legs than taps my feet when it’s time to lift them. I lift them one at a time, before rinsing them off one at a time. The washer travels up my legs as he travels to my inner thigh I open my legs slightly and watch his movements when he gets to my cunt. He washes my sex with careful actions but applies pressure with his finger through the cloth. Sucking in a breath, when I can no longer feel the fabric, but only his fingers pushing inside me.

  “I never go past first base on the first date.”

  Hunter looks up at me, and chuckles as his fingers thrust in and out.

  “I want to see you come before we go, so when we are at lunch all you think about is me.”

  His thumb brushes over my clit as the pace of his fingers increase. I lean against the wall when my body becomes weak with pleasure. I close my eyes tightly, when that spot gets stroked over and over. A moan escapes my lips as my chest rises and falls fast. My muscles clench around Hunter’s fingers as his thumb rubs harder sending me into over drive. With my good hand I grip his hand that’s fucking me. I use his hand to fuck myself fast and harder. Within seconds I’m a shuddering, explosive mess.

  “Open your eyes.” Hunter commands.

  I shake my head as I ride my orgasm out on his fingers.

  “Open those fucking eyes, Kat.” Hunters voice is a growl second time around.

  My eyes open and I have two seconds to think before Hunter’s mouth is consuming mine. He swallows my violent screams of pleasure as he works his hand faster. With his tongue coaxing and licking mine, I melt, a little more. This man knows how to kiss. It’s almost dangerous because it’s addictive. And I’m an addict.


  We pull up two hours and two orgasms later at the beachfront restaurant. I owned another orgasm and Hunter owned the other. One thing I have learnt about Hunter is he loves his cock being sucked. It was a little hard to say no when I dropped to my knees and begged him to let me suck him dry. And suck him I did. Once I had him free, my tongue worked the shaft as my hand cupped and massaged his balls. I sucked and licked, taking him deep in my throat until he couldn’t take it anymore and shot his load down my throat. I sucked him until the last seed dropped and he basically begged me to stop before he comes again.

  Hunter pulled up at the front doors and got out before coming around to open my door. He opens the door and puts out his hand and I put mine in his as he helps me out of the car. I pull down my dress than crept up in the car as Hunter stoked my leg while he drove. My dress was one of my favourites. It was a short, red number with lace down the sides that revealed my creamy skin. Since I didn’t have my red boots back yet, I had to wear my six inch heals which only just put me up to hunters shoulders.

  Hunter throws his keys to the velate as he walks us through the doors.

  “Mr Ford, your table is ready and your guest is waiting.” The waitress says, showing us to the table.


  “Who is joining us for lunch?” I asking leaning into Hunters shoulder.

  Hunter looks down at me and smiles but doesn’t answer my question. As we approach I notice the old guy that sits in the bar at the palace basically all day long. He stands when he approach and Hunter reaches his hand out and shakes it. When he reaches out and takes my hand in his, he brings it to his lips and places a soft kiss on it.

  “Nice to see you again, Kat.” he says, before he kisses it again.

  “Ah, yeah. You too.” I say confused as to
who the hell he is, and how he knows my name. I know he stares at me a lot and last time I spoke to him, I swear he was hitting on me. I hope Hunter hasn’t brought me here to set me up as a punishment.

  Hunter pulls out the chair and I wonder where the domineering asshat went. This gentle side of Hunter is making me nervous and slightly confused. I take a seat and watch as Hunter and the old guy sit at the same time. The waitress puts a menu in the front of each of us before she stands by Hunter’s side with a pen and paper.

  “Can I take a drink order?” she asks, bouncing on the spot.

  “Two Gins’ and a Scotch. Thank you.” Hunter says as he flicks through the menu.

  “Are you ready to order lunch, Mr Ford?” When she speaks to Hunter, her cheeks flush red. The poor girl is going to blow a fuse the minute he looks at her.


  I look from the girl to Hunter when he speaks my name. I pick up the menu and flick through it, trying to decide what to eat. I could eat the ass out of a cow right now; I’m that fucking hungry.

  “I want meat. A big, fat juicy piece of meat.” I say, looking at Hunter over the menu.

  I watch as the old guy chokes on his water after my comment. The lady at the table next to us also has a coughing fit and I’m close to calling her an ambulance. Hunter smirks and rubs his foot against mine under the table, before he leans over and crooks his finger towards me. I contemplate my actions before leaning in towards him in return.

  “You want a big, juicy, fat piece of meat?” Hunter’s hand finds my thigh under the table. He uses his hand to spread my thighs open and his fingers rub against my bare skin. Oops... I must have forgotten to put panties on. I can’t tell if Hunter is impressed or very unimpressed as his eyes change to a dangerous shade.

  “I love meat.”

  “I will give you your juicy piece of meat when we get home.” Hunter pushes a finger into my sex. “Or I can take you in the bathroom?”

  “I’m hungry.” Was my only reply because, fuck me, I was hungry.


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