Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)

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Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) Page 1

by Lovell, Dani

  Sexy Summers

  Sexy Summers

  Sexy Series Book Two

  Dani Lovell

  Copyright 2013 Dani Lovell

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  This story contains profanity and sexual content inappropriate for an audience under 18 years of age.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following, mentioned in this work of fiction: Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, ‘Mad Men’, ‘Don Draper’, W Hotels and Residences, iPod, iPad, Nordstrom, Hanky Panky, Ralph Lauren, Chloe, Bentley, Abercrombie & Fitch, Peaches Corner Cafe - Aspen, Silver Queen Gondola, Sundeck - Aspen, Ray Charles and ‘Winter Wonderland’, Mariah Carey and ‘All I want for Christmas’, MTV Cribs, Dennis Basso, Escobar Aspen, Belvedere Vodka, Merry-Go-Round Restaurant, Disneyland, Pine Creek Cookhouse, Bounty, The Blind Side, James Blunt and ‘Goodbye my lover’, Etta James and ‘I would rather go blind’, Sky Hotel - Aspen.



  "Linea Nigra," I say out loud, staring intently at the open page on my iPad. Right, there's a name for it, so it is a real life thing, and it fades afterwards. Thank god, I can stop feeling like a freak.

  "Tilly, are you ready?" Clare calls, walking into my room, and I slam the cover of my iPad as quickly as you can say 'secret pregnancy'.

  "Yep, my case is by the front door, is Oliver here?"

  "Yes, time to go!" she says excitedly, and I follow her out to the hallway, slipping my iPad into my hand luggage on the way. Today we all travel to Aspen together for Christmas, and everyone seems super-excited. Well, everyone except me. I'm shitting a brick.

  I have been advised that although many people do, I should think long and hard before skiing with a little human inside me. I may have swayed more towards hoping for the best and attempting to ski, to hide the truth - had I not grown a tiny bump over the last couple of weeks. Now it's real and I just can't bear the thought of doing anything that might hurt my little baby.

  We lock up the maisonette after Oliver loads his car, and we jump in to make our way to the airport. I sit in the back so Clare can sit with Bea's brother, Oliver. Like most of the time, lately, I'd rather be left alone to my thoughts of impending motherhood, and the tiny little wriggler setting up home in my body. Its ears have developed now, so it can hear my voice... I think back to the information on the pregnancy app, telling me what Wriggler is up to in there. It's growing soft, little hairs all over its tiny body, and can grasp hold of things now.

  I subconsciously stroke my little bump, feeling the tiniest flutter in there. The midwife said it's not unusual to start feeling things now, especially for little people like me. I can't imagine I have a lot of room for it to kick about without bumping into something. I have always had a flat stomach, very flat, in fact - I never even bloated, so it's clear as day to anyone that knows me, that I'm a little bit fucking pregnant. Only if they saw my belly of course, which no one has, and hopefully no one will. This isn't exactly a beach holiday.

  I'm used to the idea now; I found out a couple of weeks before my beautiful best friend Bea and her equally beautiful boyfriend, Daniel, went on their first trip back to the States since he moved here to be with her. When they met on the way to LA in September, neither of them dreamed that Daniel would move over five thousand miles to live here with Bea, but I have never seen two people more disgustingly in love than those two, so one way or another, they were going to be together.

  I found it quite hard initially. Daniel met Bea in LA, I met his best friend Luke, and we had the most amazing, sex crazed holiday imaginable, but as my feelings towards the 'playboy of the year' started to get a little stronger, I knew I had no choice than to break away from him and never see him again. It hurt. Quite a fucking lot, really, so when Daniel charged to London on his white horse (or jumbo jet, or whatever), to sweep Bea off her feet, I felt a little bit broken, to say the least. I didn't realise at the time, but my hormones were going freaky-crazy because of little wriggly pants in here.

  Luke obviously has no idea about our baby, I haven't spoken to him since we returned from LA, and I have a feeling that when I finally do tell him, he's going to run, screaming for the hills - or mountains of Aspen, and never look back. He's not exactly 'daddy material'. I wonder if this has ever happened to him before... he told me that our 'incident' without a condom was the only time that had ever happened, but can I believe everything a man-whore says? Oh, alright, he may like his ladies, but he's not a total lying douche bag.

  "Shall we stop for a drive-through breakfast? I'm starving," Oliver says with a yawn, snapping me out of it.

  My hand jumps from my small, swollen belly to my thigh. "Could do," I respond, trying not to sound like I could eat a horse.

  "Okay, it's right here, what do you want to order?" he asks. And here I experience difficult situation number one. What I would absolutely love to order right now, is a bowl of hot sweet porridge with a knob of butter stirred in, a pinch of white pepper, a light sprinkling of salt, and a small tub of ketchup on the side. But as that would probably give the game away, I settle for a plain old bacon roll.


  We pull up at the drop off zone, and Oliver unloads our cases before handing his keys over to the meet and greet parking attendant. My stomach churns and I can't tell if it's Wriggler trying to grab a vital organ, the revolting bacon roll I reluctantly consumed to ensure he's happy in there, or the fact that I'm about to get on a plane, to spend two whole weeks with the unknowing father of my child, pretending I have hurt myself so much that I can't ski, and hiding my weirdo eating habits and growing belly from all of my friends. Ah. It'll probably be the latter.

  "Til! Clare! Over here!" Bea calls from a short way down the ramp as she slides out of their fabulous new Bentley. Bea loves Daniel's LA car so much, that she persuaded him to get another one for the UK. Money grows on trees for those two. I have to admit, though, it's the motherfucking sex god of cars.

  "I'm so excited! I can't tell you how thrilled I am that I get to spend our amazing holiday with my family and best girlies," Bea says, looking like she's about to burst into tears.

  "I know, thanks for inviting us all along, it's going to be so much fun. I feel like I haven't been skiing in forever!" Clare replies, "How about you, Til? You looking forward to hitting the slopes?"

  Oh fuck, I haven't thought up my mystery ailment yet... "Yes, it'll be great, Christmas in the snowy mountains!" I say, hoping to sound super-enthusiastic and avoiding the subject of skiing altogether.

  "Come on then, enough chatting, let's get checked in," Oliver says with a roll of his eyes as he helps load Bea and Daniel's luggage onto a nearby trolley.

  After check-in and passport control, we meet up with Bea's parents; Emily and Edward, and sit down for coffee, waiting for the gate to open. Daniel strolls over and sits next to me, leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Hey Til, how you doing? Everything okay?"

  We have formed a fantastic friendship, Daniel and I. He's so caring and really looks out for me, just like Oliver does. I think that at 5'3" and of a small build, these men
want to look after me. I'm more than capable of looking after myself, and I'm sure they know that, but I love our close friendship, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  "I'm fine thanks, Daniel. How are you? How's London treating you?"

  "Amazingly, thank you for asking. So, I spoke to Luke last night, he says he's looking forward to catching up with you." My heart thumps in my chest. I know he's only looking forward to it because he thinks we're going to have crazy sex again, and I can't help but get a rush of excitement at that thought, too, but after I tell him - which I plan to do as soon as I see him - I doubt there'll be any sex, ever again. I have contemplated the idea that we might remain fuck-buddies; fuck-buddies with a baby... doesn't really have the same ring to it, does it? And as my feelings started to deepen towards him in LA, I don't think it'll be wise to start having amazing sex with him again. I need to be the best single mum I can be, and pining after my bad-boy baby-daddy is not going to be conducive to that. As if he'd want to be fuck buddies after all of this explodes anyway.

  "Oh, that's nice, it'll be good to see him again, too," I manage, my heartbeat almost audible.

  "Tilly, he's a good guy, you know," he says quietly, his voice soft.

  "I know he is, but Daniel, we had a bit of fun in LA, that's it, what do you want me to say?"

  "Hey," he says, holding his hands up in defence, "I just want to make sure you know that, don't read him wrong. He likes you, Til."

  "So you say. Daniel, we were fuck buddies, that's all."

  Our conversation is interrupted by the tannoy announcement, calling for passengers on our flight to head to the gate. Daniel stands and puts a gentle hand on my shoulder, "I just want to make sure you know."

  "Thanks, Daniel. There really isn't an issue, I was sad to have left him and LA, back in October, but everything is back to normal now. It was just a bit of holiday fun. Now, go and be with your sickeningly amazing girlfriend, I know it's killing you to have left her side for five minutes," I say with humour and he grins one of his beautiful smiles that made Bea fall so head over heels in love with him.

  I watch as he walks over and casually slips both arms around her waist from behind. She rests her head back onto his chest and he kisses the top of it, smiling contently. So in love... What the fuck is wrong with me? Snap out of it Til, this sort of romantic P.D.A. would have made you puke a few months back.


  Take-off was uneventful, poor old Bea looked petrified, but Daniel held her the whole time, and even preoccupied her with a mini-pash or two. Mmm, I'd quite like a pash right now...

  Daniel and Bea decided that as everyone was travelling in economy, so would they. I certainly can't afford to fly in any other cabin, and Clare didn't want to, so I think they thought it'd be nicer for everyone if they travelled in this cabin, too. I, personally, think that if you can fly first, you should fly first, but I'm clearly not quite as thoughtful as they are.

  I have a window seat in an emergency exit next to a stranger, while Bea's parents, Oliver and Clare (who - by the way - aren't a couple, shockingly), and Bea and Daniel all sit in pairs in nearby rows. I curl up in my seat, cover myself with an airline blanket and close my eyes. I'm knackered, and could really do with a sleep, but I'm too shit-scared about what's ahead to do anything but think.

  I feel a tiny flutter in my belly and the image of that dinky baby on my iPad screen this morning comes back to me. Tiny weeny little legs with disproportionately big feet, all curled up in a little ball with a giant head and minuscule, cute little features. I cup my barely-there-bump under my blanket again. It's just me and you for now, Wriggler. You're my lovely little secret.

  At first, I totally shat myself, wondering how the hell I could be a mum. Don't get me wrong, I adore kids; my nephew, Jack is the most amazing little boy on the planet. I always wanted kids one day, I just never really thought about when... or how. And I never told anyone about my desire to be a mother. My own one was a poor example.

  It took a little while to get used to the idea, I'm fifteen weeks along now, so I'm into my second trimester and am feeling about a gazillion times better than I was in the first, the morning sickness having diminished. Granted, I still feel like I haven't slept a wink for about a week solid, but apparently - that's normal.

  I know I should have told someone about it, but the further along I get, the harder it seems. It's not like I know my mum, and my beautiful, amazing dad passed away years ago, so the only people I would confide in about this, are my sister, Gemma, or my best friends Clare and Bea. Gem would be the obvious choice, she's had a baby before, she's my sister and would support me through anything, but she lives in LA and if she knew that I hadn't told anyone else, she'd worry herself silly about me.

  Clare and Bea have been so busy sorting out the new changes at their cake shop, and what with Bea's new life with her man and all their travels, I just haven't seemed to find the time to sit down and make a big deal out of it. It's also news for Luke first, in my opinion.

  I suppose it has been quite a long time really, to have kept it to myself. I've known for about eight or nine weeks now, and Wriggler was made a few weeks before that. I remember it well, it was the only time we didn't use a condom... good god, it was so hot... Bea had just cooked the four of us a delicious pasta dish for dinner in my sister's pool-house, where I always stay when I visit. Bea and Daniel decided to chill out on the sofa, so Luke and I made the most of the beautiful warm swimming pool. Gemma and her husband, Jay, were at a dinner party, so we knew we had the garden all to ourselves.

  It started with an outstanding snog in the water before things got predictably raunchy, and Luke untied the bows at either side of my bikini bottoms. He reached his hand between my legs as we kissed. Thinking about it now sends a tingle right to my bits and pieces. God, it was so hot. I slid my hands up and around his broad, muscular shoulders and clenched his unruly hair in my fists. He pushed his shorts down his muscular thighs, his erection springing free underneath the water, and he pressed himself against me, his thick hardness desperately routing for a way in.

  Not long after, I was clinging on to him for dear life, my legs wrapped around his incredible body, taking everything he was so enthusiastically offering. He paused briefly to carry me from the pool, still buried deep inside me... mmm... and he pressed me up against the side of Gem's house to fuck me against the wall. Bea and Daniel could have walked out at any moment, but neither of us could have cared less, when I'm... correction... when I was fucking Luke, it was like nothing else existed, just our wild, crazy, animalistic sex. I can guarantee that getting caught was the last thing on either of our minds while he was thrusting into me over and over again. I still have a friction burn mark on my back. Well worth it.

  Shit. This is not helping. I squirm into my seat, wishing I'd stop thinking about sex. I'm so horny. I think it must be something to do with pregnancy; I've needed sex before, but now I can literally feel a clenching inside whenever I think about it.

  Luke was convinced that he hadn't come inside me - in fact, so was I (I won't go into detail... but it was kind of obvious), so I never once thought that I'd get pregnant. I had no clue at all, until I missed my period when we got back. Even then I just put it down to my emotional breakdown, I didn't think that the breakdown might have been to do with missing my period. But anyway, turns out you can get pregnant that way, and I did. The perfect situation when you live five thousand miles from the womanising father of your child. God, I could really use a cup of tea right now.


  The rest of the flight was spent quite the same; subconsciously stroking my belly, reminiscing about the animalistic sex with Luke. Sex... spending the day in bed that time... well, in bed, in kitchen, on floor, in den, on stairs... oh yes, that was a good day.

  "Are you coming Tilly?" Bea asks, "They're calling the flight now," she adds, pointing to the screen at Chicago O'Hare Airport, where we're catching the onward flight to Aspen. Thank god this is only a short fligh
t, as soon as we get there, I'm going to bed. Oh... maybe I should talk to Luke first. Oh shit... The nerves make a comeback and my stomach tangles as I follow the rest of the party towards the plane.


  Approximately three hours later, cars are awaiting our arrival outside in the snow. It's absolutely beautiful, it's dark, but the snow sparkles, the mountains surrounding the airport glowing electric blue in the moonlight. Clare, Oliver and I say our goodbyes to Bea, Daniel, Emily and Edward, and climb into one of the limos.

  Trust Daniel to arrange special transport like this; he's so lovely. Bea and Daniel are staying at their house with her parents, and the three of us are heading off to Daniel's sister's house. I don't think she is staying there with us; Daniel said the housekeeper will let us in, but it's nice of her to let us use her house, considering she doesn't know us.

  I'm falling asleep in the limo, it must be about four in the morning at home. Why, oh why didn't I sleep on the plane? At least I'm on my way to a bed, Daniel's plan to head straight to the houses and meet up in the morning was perfect, I don't think I'd have been able to keep my eyes open if I had to meet up with everyone tonight. Telling Luke will have to wait until tomorrow. And I'm totally okay with that.

  The journey only takes about fifteen minutes, so we're soon pulling up to the most amazing wood and stone built house, surrounded by snow covered pine trees. Steps lead the way up to the glass front door and first floor verandah. The three of us stare at it, it's incredibly beautiful.

  "Fuck me," I say, "it's bloody massive!"

  "Wow, I wonder what it's like inside," Clare says, somewhat awed.

  "Let's go and find out! Bagsie the biggest bedroom!" Oliver says as he opens his door and legs it up the steps. Clare and I make a dash for it to catch up with him, trying to grab the best bedroom first. On my way up the snowy steps, I slip slightly; my hand instinctively holding my tummy, while the other grabs the handrail, reminding me just how precious and fragile this little Wriggler is. It's so unlike me not to have a laugh with the others, but I'm not risking anything.


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