Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)

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Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) Page 9

by Lovell, Dani

  A moment later, we are standing outside a restaurant called Sundeck, at the top of the mountain. I am absolutely awed by the beauty surrounding me. I'm not normally one for waxing lyrical about nature’s 'amazingness', but right now, I am left so thoroughly speechless by the incredible three-sixty view of the surrounding valleys and peaks; it's something you don't miss when you haven't seen it, but when you do, you want nothing more than to experience it every day of your life. Especially if I get to do that ride up with hot stuff every time...

  Luke takes my hand and squeezes it, "Earth to Tilly..."

  I tear myself away from the pretty to acknowledge the sexy beast, "Hmm?"

  "I was asking what you thought and you were ignoring me. Totally understandable, considering you've never been up here before."

  "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just so stunning, bizarrely emotional. I mean, I've been skiing - many a time - but I can't say I've seen a view quite as special as this before."

  "It's something, huh?"

  "Thank you so much."

  "Don't mention it. So, do you want to head inside to eat now?"

  "Hmm?" I ask again, turning to have another look at the view behind me.

  "Let's head in for food, I'll bring you back out here after, so we can toast the view together."

  I smile up at his happy face, "That sounds more perfect than anything else I can think of right now."

  He guides me towards the door, past tables of skiers taking a breather and racks upon racks of skis and boards in the deep snow outside.



  We eat a delicious lunch together in the bistro-style restaurant, the beautiful fireplace and rich wooden finishes make this place a welcoming haven that I will be very disappointed not to visit again. In decor, it is really quite similar to Alexia's house; rustic and warm. We see a whole host of people that Luke knows, and he introduces me to each and everyone.

  He orders us both a glass of bubbly to take outside, and leads the way to an empty table on the deck. "This okay for you, Princess?"

  "Perfect, thank you," I say, gazing around at the view again. I will have to think of an excuse about the damned champagne, though.

  "Want the wedding to be up here?"

  Uh...what the fuck? "I beg your pardon... what?"

  He chuckles and grabs my hand, "Relax. I'm only messing with you. It'd be cool though, to do something like that here, ya think?"

  "Oh god, I really wondered what the hell had gotten in to you! Do you think about stuff like that?"

  "Sometimes, but I don't usually see myself in the scenario. I saw a snowy wedding once - in a movie or something, and the first thing that came to mind was this place. If I get married, I'll ask the lucky lady if she'd do it here."

  "Oh yeah, completely different, it'd be incredible. But if you ever get married, I'll eat my hat."

  "What, you don't think a bad-boy like me could get married?"

  "I'm sure you could, I just can't see you ever wanting to."

  "Well, I didn't think I ever would, but I never say never, and as I get older, I think I might just see myself with a ball and chain."

  "And there's my point, lover-boy. Ball and chain."

  "So you think you'll ever get married?"

  "Doubt it." Not unless I fall out of love with you and find a man who flicks my switches like you do...

  "Why not? You don't want to get tied down?"

  "I never really thought I'd get married, after Scott. I used to imagine my wedding as a kid and while I was with him, but when we broke up, I swore off all thoughts of 'happy ever after'."

  He nods and shrugs nonchalantly, saying nothing.

  We sit beside one another at the picnic style table, sharing the view, and Luke holds his glass up in front of us, "To the beauty all around, and I'm not only referring to the landscape."

  I hold my glass next to his and smile, looking at his face, I roll my eyes, shyly, before touching the flutes together, "To the beauty all around."

  He wraps his arm around me and slides me into him until I'm pressing hard against his body. I smile and rest my head against the crook of his arm as he looks into my face with a matching smile. Leaning down towards me, he purses his lips and I respond, immediately, by kissing them. Instead of a quick peck, he lingers, squeezing me, holding me tightly against him. I relax completely, this feels so perfect, so comfortable... so right. This is what I want - him. All of him. I love him. Fuckers.

  He pulls away, and his eyes remain closed for a moment before he stirs and smiles. "Drink up, Til, and we can take the lift back down. I want a real kiss - like, a real, real one..." he winks, keeping his eyes locked into mine.

  I return his sexy smile and run my hand down his thigh to his knee, and back up again, pausing just before I get to his willy. God, I'd love to put my hand on it, right now. And as if he can hear my thoughts, he whispers, "Don't stop there, naughty-girl, I can see you want it."

  I contemplate for a matter of seconds, it doesn't take much to persuade me, and I check around us to see what the people are doing. His jacket slightly covers that part of him anyway, so I glide my hand further up until I'm resting on his very hard cock, and by god, I want to rip his trousers open and sink to my knees to suck on him.

  His eyes still burning into mine, I see mischief, I see excitement... oh... I see the man I want to fuck for the rest of my life... "I can see what you're thinking, Princess. And it's exactly what I'm thinking."

  Hmm, somehow I doubt that. "Really? You can see how much I want you in my mouth? How much I want to slide under the table and suck you?"

  "Jesus, Tilly! Fuck, I need to be in your mouth right now. Tell me how much you want me."

  I could go to town telling him my exact thoughts about him, but I won't. He wants dirt, not romancing. I squeeze him gently through his trousers, desperately wishing I could feel his powdery soft skin in my hand, running my fist up and down his hard length.

  "I want you more than you realise. I want to pash you right here for at least half an hour with this view in front of us, I want to take off my gloves and run my hands underneath your clothes, up your bare chest, feeling your toned body. I want to straddle you and press my body against yours, feel this pushing into my trousers between my legs," I say, clutching hold of him harder, "I want to grind into you until I come so hard, right here..."

  He closes his eyes and growls before taking me by complete surprise and grabbing me by the waist, swinging me around and sitting me on his lap, my legs either side of him. Most of the champagne spills out of my glass into the snow in the process, helping me out somewhat. He puts a hand around the back of my neck and looks purposefully into my eyes, "Tilly, I want you so bad."

  I giggle, gazing right back at him, "You mean you want me so badly. And you know how tempted I am to dry hump you right now, but we're already getting some strange looks from half of the people up here. I don't see many other girls straddling their... um, straddling men."

  "Straddling their..." he repeats in question, "what were you going to say?"

  "I don't know... 'boyfriends' I suppose."

  He smirks and raises a brow before continuing, "What with the grammar lesson and negativity about public displays of... affection, I don't think I like that response."

  "Public displays of affection? I think public sex is slightly different to a P.D.A."

  "You love it," he says with a cheeky grin and stands effortlessly, holding me under my buttocks with one hand, my arms around his big shoulders. He takes my glass and puts it on the table with his, before strolling with me hooked to his torso, towards the gondola station again.

  A few moments and some strange looks later, Luke steps into a gondola pod and sits, refusing to release me. He tells the 'dude' manning the station that he wants us to be alone so again, no strangers join us, although there are a lot less people descending in the pods, as there were ascending.

  I remain straddled on his lap and immediately lean fo
rward to kiss his delicious neck, nuzzling his clothes out of the way and inhaling his lovely scent. He smells so fresh and clean, the chill in the air somehow accentuating that. He slides his hands under my jacket at the back, and inside the waist band of my trousers until his hands are cupping my bare buttocks, as the doors close and the gondola slides out of the building.

  He squeezes hard, making me moan loudly against the soft skin of his neck. "I could seriously fuck you so hard right now," I mumble, holding his face with one hand, the back of his head with the other.

  He makes a growling noise deep in his throat, "Let me rip a hole in your pants?"

  I giggle and pull away to look at his face, now cupping it in both hands. "No, I refuse to walk home with a big hole in my crotch. I also refuse to pull them down in view of everyone in passing gondolas, so the sexual frustration will have to remain until we get back. As much as I want it."

  "Fuck, I want you," he whispers as he pulls my face towards him forcefully, devouring my lips with his own. His tongue immediately joins mine, desperately caressing me, taking charge.

  I let out a loud, high pitched moan as I writhe against him, feeling the hard bulge through our layers. I can't control my body's urge to rock against him, grinding, rubbing, easing the pressure of frustration. He moves his hands to my hips and pushes me harder, rocking me back and forth. My god, it's so frigging good.

  "God damn, I gotta have you, baby..." he says against my mouth. He runs his hands up my sides and reaches my boobs, fondling them firmly so I moan loudly, their sensitivity excruciating, but so good. I rock my pelvis faster before coming to a halt and reaching between my legs to touch him, I can't take any more. Using both hands, I quickly unfasten his trousers and lose one inside his underwear. I find him hard and waiting, and so fucking tempting.

  He groans loudly, "Uh, Tilly..."

  "No one can see..." No one would be able to see it, but should anyone in a passing pod look into ours, they'd definitely get the right idea.

  "You make me crazy."

  "You make me hot," I respond, jovially with a cheeky smile, as I hold on to his shoulder with my spare hand, running the other up and down his rock hard cock. He grabs my hips with his hands and grimaces, rocking his head back and squeezing his eyes closed.

  I lean forward and run my tongue up his throat, from the dip, over his Adam's apple, to the bottom of his chin, "I wish I was doing this to your cock... I want to taste you, my favourite dick on my tongue..."

  Luke chuckles; a deep, sexy chortle that only makes my hunger for him intensify. "Your favourite, huh? Well, in that case..." he says as he moves one hand from my hip to the fastening of my trousers. I give up stressing about the Wriggler bump, I'm covered by clothes and am in a sitting position on top of him, I very much doubt that he can feel the increase in size of my belly. I'm far too in the moment to stop him, and even if he does notice... is he going to question how much weight I've gained while my hand is clamped around his dick? Unlikely.

  "In that case," he repeats, sliding his hand down the front of my trousers and into my Hanky Pankys, "I want to taste my favourite pussy." I grin, thoroughly enjoying our exchange, before my eyes close of their own accord and I whimper loudly as his fingers graze my clitoris.

  I pump harder on him and he pushes his fingers inside me, causing me to cry out loud. "Fuck, Luke, I want you inside me..." He takes his fingers from my knickers, leaving me at a loss, and puts them in his mouth, smiling a little.

  He sucks indulgently, before taking them out, "I tasted my favourite pussy, Princess, and it was so good." A grin slowly grows on my face.

  I stand up, letting go of him, my trousers still undone, and I gesture for him to sit sideways on the bench-type chair. He complies, leaning backwards against the side of the gondola that faces the ascending pods, straddling the bench, looking at me, questioningly. I quickly kneel on the bench between his legs and unzip his jacket, "Hold it open," I order, and as he does, I bend down to his cock and take him as far in my mouth as he will go, without hesitation.

  "Holy fuck!" he cries, and I smile around him as I lick and suck and devour him. He tastes so good, I love the feel of his warm, soft skin against my lips and tongue, his clean, masculine smell... Uh, I could suck on this stick all day long. I have no worries of being caught, I'm pretty sure Luke's coat is screening me from those other pods, but I couldn't care less, I am enjoying this way too much. Luke would never let anyone see me doing this, anyway.

  As I hold him in one hand, my other grabbing his thigh, keeping my balance, I increase speed and suction, moaning loudly, letting him know exactly how much I love this.

  "Oh god, Til..."

  I moan in high pitched response, not wanting to break away until he comes down my throat.

  He growls loudly, letting go of his jacket and sitting up, forcing my head away from him. I sit up, already starting to complain as he leans forward, grabbing my face and pushing me against the other side, before taking my lips zealously. His tongue forces its way into my mouth and he groans loudly as he moves against me, kissing, biting, brushing my lips.

  I pull off his sexy hat and grab fistfuls of his messy hair, holding his head to mine as we pash it out. Again, he reaches down to my knickers and slides his hand inside to lightly flick my clit, making me wail loudly into his mouth. "Come, Til, come for me, I want to hear it, I want the people on the slopes below to hear it, I want everyone to know I'm making this jampiece come hard, right now..." He pants heavily against my lips, staring into my eyes, moving his fingers with unbearable precision.

  It would be too easy, far too easy to just come. I want to, but at the same time, I want him in my mouth and I want to make him come, so much. I push his chest away and bend, forcing his hand from my underwear, and take him in my mouth again, stubbornly. I hear his chuckle in surprise, and see the jacket open up as a shield again. Oh, having him fill my mouth is by far one of the best sexual experiences... in the world... ever. I am so turned on, I will probably just come along with him.

  "Someone is going to see us, Princess. You like that, don't you? he says, his voice raspy and sexy.

  "Mmm..." I moan, not really answering either way, but not stopping, so my thoughts on the subject - pretty obvious. He chuckles again and follows with a loud, exhaling sigh.

  "I love this about you..." he whispers and I wonder what exactly he means; does he love that I go public? Or that I give a good BJ? That I don't care about being caught if I get what I want? That I love to please him? That I am completely obsessed with his knob? I just don't know, but he's about to come and I am enjoying it far too much to bother asking. I'll figure it out another time.

  "Oh shit, Tilly it's too good..." he says and totally surprises me by scooting back, taking himself from my mouth and grip. I sit up again, ready to grumble. "We can play this game all the way down, if you like, but I'm not coming until you do," he says with a cheeky wink.

  I smile, "I want to make you come first, I love you in my mouth."

  "I think we should fuck and come together."

  I laugh again, "We can't fuck in here, Lukey."

  "I know," he takes my hand and kisses it, followed by a cheeky lick, "we'll wait until we get back. Just bear in mind how fucking horny I am, because you're gonna get it."

  "Can't wait. In the mean time, snog me until we get to the bottom."

  He smiles a shy sort of a smile and slowly moves his head towards mine, staring into my eyes the whole time, "It would be my pleasure, hot stuff.


  The remaining few minutes in the gondola were lust filled and amazing. We kissed nonstop, held each other, ran our hands all over each other through and under our layers... I couldn't wait to get him back to the house, I was hot, wet and had far too many clothes on. As did he.

  By the time we got to the base station, our hats and gloves were back on, our jackets zipped and flies done up. No one would know what we'd been up to. We were giggling and excited, acting like a couple of teenagers. Hi
s arm wrapped tightly around me, we walked towards the exit, smiling and happy.

  Luke's friend Matt catches us as we take the steps down to the main paved area below the building, and makes Luke promise to give him a call to 'go shred the fresh pow' with him and 'Queenie' - whoever that is. I'm learning a whole new side to Luke and I really like it, I find it so... sexy. Maybe he can talk to me in his 'snowboarder dude' lingo sometime.

  I love that he can be the casual fitness trainer LA guy, the smart, sophisticated hunk out for dinner, the cool snowboarder in Aspen, the bad-boy, the good-boy - he's just so many amazing different people rolled into one and it makes him so unique - I am, reluctantly, very much in love with each and every one of his 'people'. The question is, can he add father and boyfriend to that list?

  As we get to the pavement and begin the walk back to Alexia's house, Luke stops suddenly, crouches down on his haunches and points to his back, "Hop on, your carriage awaits."

  "A piggy back ride?" I ask, loving his childish predilection.


  Amused, I climb on his back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and he stands effortlessly and starts to walk towards the house. I move my head forwards and press the side of my face against his, hugging him tightly.

  "Luke, I really want you to go out on the slopes with Matt, I know you must really want to, and he does, too. Please would you go? Forget about looking after me..."

  "I want to spend the time with you though, you know that. I'd love to take you out on the slopes, but there's a good reason why I can't, so between slopes and fun with you, I know which I pick..."

  I could melt at his unbelievable sweetness, and managing to resist the urge to tell him as much, I simply squeeze him a bit tighter and think of a compromise. "Okay, how about this, I would love to see you in action, just hearing you talk the talk makes me want to shag your brains out, so, how about you go out with Matt and... Queenie, is it?" I ask and he nods, "And take me with you. You can leave me at the mountain restaurant and I can watch you snowboarding down to me. That way you get to have fun on the slopes with your friends, I get to watch and we can have some lunch together or something. That's if you don't mind me hanging around with you and your 'mountain crew'."


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