Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance

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Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance Page 7

by Lux Miller

  He grips my shoulders and turns me around to face the mirror. The sound that flops out of my mouth sounds like a goat giving birth and I should be ashamed of myself. But I’m not. I’m too shocked by my reflection to give a rat’s ass about what I sound like right now. The gown fits me like a glove. Any other dress I’ve ever worn or coveted pales in comparison to the absolute beauty before me.

  The tiny straps hold up a shimmering bodice that dips so low down my torso that my navel is almost playing peek-a-boo. The fabric itself is sheer gossamer silk that’s adorned in thousands of crystals. The skirt is layered with dozens of overlapping panels of sheer fabric, creating a picture of ethereal grace. The hip-high slit up my right leg gives my leg the illusion of length.

  I am silently thanking him for demanding I wear the tiniest thong I’ve ever seen underneath the gown. Anything else would most definitely be showing right now. I turn and look over my shoulder at the back of the gown and it’s equally as stunning.

  Miniscule ribbons of shimmering silver criss-cross across my back. They hold the dress together, the fabric dipping so low that the skirt begins just above my butt crack. It’s flirty and dangerous and accentuates my ass so well that I’m almost jealous of how good it looks.

  “Do you like?”

  Royce’s question is so simple, but there’s no way I can explain to him how incredible this dress makes me feel. I nod at him blankly as I continue to admire myself in the mirror. Everything I love about my body is on display. I don’t know how Royce has kept the gown in the realm of tasteful enough for a charity function.

  Finally finding my voice, I shake my head at him. “Royce, this is incredible, but uh… did Luca say ass or legs and not both? You’ve got my tits, ass and my entire right leg on full display. Isn’t he going to be angry?”

  Royce waves a hand in the air flippantly. “Oh pish posh. He’ll be too busy admiring you to care that every other man in the damn room will be too. My girl, you are going to have absolute command of every pair of eyes there tonight. Now let’s do something with that hair and get your face all prettied up with sunshine and rainbows.”

  An hour later, Royce has completed my look. I’m almost scared to look at myself in the mirror when I see the mass of blonde hair littering the floor, but I trust the man. So far, he’s been spot on in making me look amazing.

  He gives me a nod and turns me around and my jaw nearly hits the floor. My once shoulder-length hair now bobs in soft waves around my chin. My blue eyes sparkle like gemstones against the soft coral eyeshadow that rims my eyes. The heavy application of mascara gives me lashes for days. He’s gone easy on the rest of the makeup, but my face is flawless with nary a blemish or freckle in sight.

  Royce smirks and his voice scales up several octaves. “Oh, my God girl, you are gooooor-juss!”

  “Agreed,” comes the deep, husky voice from somewhere behind me. I turn around so fast that I nearly trip over the two inch heels that encase my ankles in glittering crystals. Luca is standing there, attaching diamond cufflinks to the sleeves of his tuxedo. His eyes are boring into me instead of looking at what he’s doing. My heart flutters in my chest as he drags his eyes over my body, perusing every inch with heat in his eyes.

  Exhaling slowly, I remember my posture and straighten my back so that I rise to my full height of five-one. Well, it's more like five foot three at the moment. Despite the boost from my sparkly footwear, I still only reach Luca’s chest. He clears his throat and closes the distance between us, his breaths deep and calculated. The sharp scent of sandalwood infiltrates my nose as he settles a hand on my waist, tightening his fingers into the squishy parts of my body.

  I fight to stifle the soft moan that tumbles out of my lips, but it’s no use. Luca’s mouth twists into a sly grin at my reaction to his touch. He leans down over me and brushes his lips against my ear, sending a tingle down my spine. “If I have to stare at you like this all night, don’t be surprised if my body betrays my otherwise poised grace. You look... incredible.” He growls the last word as he presses his lips to the curve of my neck. I feel the blood instantly drain from my face. It pools right at my core, desire thumping through my veins.

  Stumbling out of his grasp, I struggle to find my bearings as I nearly trip over my wobbly ankles. His lightning reflexes gather me by the wrists, steadying me on my feet. “Easy there…” My chest heaves with unsteady breaths as I attempt to regain my composure. He watches me with thinly-veiled attraction as I let my eyes pore over him.

  A tailored, black tuxedo swaths his frame in dark mystery. It’s clearly expensive. This man has opulent tastes. I step closer to him, thankful that my ankles are growing accustomed to balancing my weight. I reach out and brush my fingertips along the lapel of the tailored garment. With a soft giggle, I state the obvious, “You’re wearing Brioni…”

  Luca nods and watches me intently as I slide my fingers across the silver-toned shirt. It’s buttoned up to his neck and accentuated with a matching bowtie in solid black. He’s the essence of masculinity in his ensemble. Even though it’s simple, it’s elegant. Closing my eyes, I sigh softly, “Silk... “

  He clears his throat uncomfortably, grabbing hold of my wrist gently. His voice is tight with warning. “Between the absolute heaven of seeing you in that dress and you touching me like I matter to you, you’re going to put thoughts in my head that shouldn’t be there, Emily. I cannot function properly with thoughts like these bouncing around in my brain.”

  Opening my eyes, I glance up at him inquisitively, “Like what?”

  He unabashedly slides my hand down his body. I bite down on my bottom lip as he guides my fingertips over sharply sculpted muscle encased in the finest fabric known to man. His eyes catch mine and he holds my stare as he pushes my outstretched hand over his crotch. The bulge that strains against his trousers answers my questions without words, but he grunts anyway. “Like that…”

  Gasping, I clench my hand against the rigidness underneath. He responds with the most unadulterated, guttural sound I’ve ever heard. I yank my hand away as my cheeks go scarlet with embarrassment. “I… I’m sorry… should I go change?”

  Luca shakes his head quickly, biting down on his bottom lip to stifle the sound. He adjusts himself, then levels his stare at me. “Don’t. Mine is not the last erection you’ll be responsible for tonight. I can guarantee that. It has a mind of its own, so pay it no mind. You look beautiful and together, we’ll stir up the rumor mill enough to set our plan into motion. Royce, my man, you’ve outdone yourself.”

  Royce grins and takes a long, sweeping bow. “You are too kind, Mr. Barresi. I just threw some cloth and crystals on her, sir. It’s not hard to make an angel look like she belongs in heaven.”

  Luca nods and offers his arm to me, “Indeed. Come. Our ride awaits.” He guides me outside, helping me to maintain my balance as we approach a late model Mercedes. He opens the rear passenger door and helps me into my seat, then shuts the door. Walking around to the other side, he slides in beside me. He cuts his eyes at me as I stare blankly at the sheer grandeur of the vehicle.

  Whispering, I ask incredulously, “You drive a Mercedes?” Luca shrugs and motions to the men occupying the two front seats. “I own a Mercedes. Two, actually. I ride and they drive. Now would you like a little something to help you relax on the way to your social debut?”

  I nod anxiously and he smirks, pulling down the center console. He reaches inside the exposed area and produces a bottle of white wine with two chilled glasses. He cuts his eyes to the bottle and back to me, the question on his lips as I nod. “Yes… Please yes.”

  Luca smirks and pops the top, pouring the pale, yellow liquid into both glasses. He hands one to me and clinks his glass against it as I settle the glass stem between my fingers. I take an unsteady sip and close my eyes as it slides down my throat, settling in my belly heavily. He drains his and stashes the glass away back into its hidden compartment. He's watching me in silence as I nurse the liquid courage. By the time the M
ercedes rolls to a stop, I’m swallowing down the last of it with a sigh.

  He climbs out of the backseat and dashes around to my side, opening my door and extending his hand in front of me. I tentatively place my hand in his, wincing softly as his fingers close around mine. I allow him to guide me out of the car and hold the stoic smile on my face as he slides his hand onto my bare back. His fingertips edge underneath the edge of the fabric that already cuts dangerously low on my body.

  Glancing up at him quickly, I watch him in awe as he shakes hands with some of the most prominent businessmen in the city. I recognize them instantly as the upper echelon of New Orleans. These are the kinds of men who have people on staff for everything. There are rumors that some of them even employ people to bathe them and look after their hygienic needs. I know they say that money can’t buy happiness, but it seems like it can get you pretty close.

  The whispering as Luca and I pass by the small crowds gathered outside of the ballroom are not lost on me either. I can’t hear their words, but their furtive glances to me and then to Luca with his hand planted possessively inches above my ass are telling. The nerves are bubbling up in my belly and threatening to spill over alongside the wine I just consumed. Thankfully, Luca’s gentle skin contact on my back keeps me grounded and moving forward past the lookie-loos and finger-pointers.

  Once we are safely inside the ballroom, we’re led to a roped-off area that’s tucked away in one corner of the ballroom. There are a dozen tables dressed with ruby red velvet and draped in crystals. Two men in sharp suits stand with large bottles of Cristal at the ready as they freely pour the champagne into outstretched goblets. Luca inclines his head in greeting to the men gathered near the rear of the secluded area. Then he lifts two filled goblets from a gold tray and pushes one into my hand.

  He gives me a smirk that makes my belly flutter and tosses the entire contents of the goblet down his throat. I’m not sure he even tasted a drop of the three hundred dollars-a-bottle liquid. It does seem to perk up his mood though, which has been sullen and withdrawn since we stepped inside the ornately appointed room. Luca leads me to a seat, pulling my chair out for me. He helps me sit down, then sidles across the plush carpeting to shake hands with the other gentlemen. He immerses himself deep in a multitude of conversations as he continues to snatch a variety of drinks from passing trays. At this rate, he’ll be drunk as a skunk before the second course of dinner.

  I swallow the inhibitions that are swirling through my insides and stand up, walking over to him slowly. I brace for him to react negatively as I lean my body against his. I rest one hand against his shoulder before snaking it slowly down his arm and entwining my fingers with his. He tenses as I touch him and glances back over his shoulder at me, an inquisitive look on his face. Lacing my voice with saccharin sweetness, I bat my eyes at him seductively. “Luca, baby… can we dance?”

  He squeezes my hand reflexively as his grey eyes flick down my body once before settling back on my face. He shifts his body so that I slip underneath his arm without him letting go of my hand. He tugs me against his side and turns to the man he was speaking to, introducing me, “Robert, this is my girlfriend, Emily. I don’t believe the two of you have met.”

  The man named Robert extends his and I gently place mine in his grip. I bow my head slightly and drop into a curtsy I spent half the afternoon practicing with Royce. “It is my utmost pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir.” The gruff man’s expression falters slightly, then he clears his throat. “I assure you Miss, the pleasure is all mine.” I offer him a small smile and lean into Luca’s side again. The man’s eyes continue to follow the curves of my body that have been accentuated by Royce’s fabulous creation.

  He turns to Luca, surprise in his voice. “Luca Barresi has a girlfriend? This is certainly news…” Luca nods, plastering a forced smile onto his face. “I’m as surprised as you are, Robert. I assure you that I wasn’t expecting her to come crashing into my life and turn it upside down.” Robert nods, a smile tugging at his lips. “We never are, man. We never are. I would hang onto her tight. A woman that can tame the lone wolf is a rare treasure.”

  Luca relaxes slightly beside me and I untangle my hand from his, sliding it instead onto his stomach. He coughs slightly as I flatten my palm against his taut muscles and his eyes snap down to mine. I raise one eyebrow as he stares down at me in surprise. I nod my head over to the dance floor, asking sweetly, “Please?” He starts to shake his head no, but I grab him by the lapels and tug his face down to mine. I whisper into his ear, “I will let you touch me anywhere you want and I won’t even slap you for it.”

  He groans at my words and nods, ‘Fine. Just… let me wrap up my conversation here.” He turns to the man named Robert who holds both hands up and shakes his head. “Go. Dance with your girl. Let her enjoy the party. She deserves it for putting up with you. My men will be in contact with yours about our deal. I must say, your charming little lady has convinced me there may be hope for you yet, Barresi.”

  Robert walks away from Luca, leaving him slack-jawed for a moment. He looks at where Robert just disappeared into the crowd, then back at me. He grabs hold of my hand and tugs me onto the dance floor. The other couples that are already milling about stop and stare as he pulls me onto the floor. He tugs my body against his roughly. A soft whimper escapes my lips as he slides both arms around me, pulling me tightly against him as we sway to the beat of the music.

  When the tempo shifts into something faster, he tenses rigidly behind me. I lean the back of my head against his chest and mutter, “Grab my hips.” He turns his face down to mine and asks in surprise, “Excuse me? Do what?” I grab hold of both of his hands and place them on my hips as I begin to sway my body in time with the music. He groans as my ass brushes over his crotch and his fingers tighten against my body, digging into the sensitive skin there.

  Closing my eyes, I moan in response to his grip on me. I continue to move my hips in a way similar to the dances of my childhood home in Hawaii. Overwhelming emotion floods through me as I keep my eyes closed, grounding myself in his touch. He grabs hold of one of my hands and spins me away from him gently until our arms are fully outstretched. Then he tugs me back again. We continue in this exchange of power until the song ends. We're both left stunned in the middle of the dance floor. My heart rapidly thuds against my chest as I try to regain my breath. Before I can pull myself out of his embrace, his lips are on mine.

  He devours my mouth hungrily, one hand tucked into my hair. The other is greedily pressed against my lower back. When I don’t immediately snatch myself away from him, he slides the warmth of his tongue along the seam of my lips. I know at that moment I’m done for in this battle of wills. My lips part with a soft whimper and he latches onto the opportunity, thrusting his tongue into my mouth to taste me.

  My head is swimming with confusion as he consumes my mouth in the middle of the crowded dance floor. It takes several heartbeats for me to summon the power to pull away from his kiss. I’m instantly remorseful the moment his lips are no longer touching mine. I stare up at him in surprise as my fingertips trail over my swollen mouth. As I stumble to say something, a man unknown to me walks up to us and slings an arm over each of our shoulders with a grin.

  “Barresi! Long time no see, my man. I see you brought quite the pretty little thing with you. Didn’t realize you were providing the security AND the entertainment tonight. Consider my money pledged to the cause. Did you hear that? Put Jacob Millstone down for a ten grand donation. Courtesy of the lone wolf and his lovely companion. Let’s get those checkbooks out folks!”

  A loud murmuring ripples through the crowd and I use the opportunity to escape the dance floor. Luca calls after me, but I ignore the rumbling timbre of his voice calling my name. Instead, I make a beeline back to my seat and plop down without an ounce of grace, hiding my face behind my hands. My insides are smoldering with unbridled need. It’s taking everything in my power to keep my legs clenched so I don't soak the sc
rap of fabric that lies between me and the ornate dress.

  After several minutes, Luca finds his way to me and sits down beside me. He tugs my chair closer to his until they’re touching. There’s something wild in his look at he stares at me incredulously. He leans over to me and mumbles, “Fucking hell, that was hot. You are seemingly full of surprises.”

  He grips my thigh in his meaty paw and licks his lips. I shift uncomfortably in my chair. I feel like I’m going to implode if he doesn’t stop looking at me like I’m a piece of meat and he’s been starved. Relief zaps through my body as plates loaded with regional delicacies are set in front of us. Luca grunts at the intrusion. Once I begin to take small bites of food, he tucks into his like a beast.

  I can barely focus to eat as he keeps his hand on my thigh possessively through the fabric of my dress. It’s not a completely unwelcome gesture, though it keeps the fire burning low in my core. I fight against the lewd thoughts that keep creeping into my mind as I silently wish for his hand to do more. My entire body is on fire right with wanton need and Luca Barresi is the gasoline being poured directly on top.



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