Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance

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Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance Page 59

by Lux Miller

  Strong hands grip my waist as Luca pulls me against him. He leans down over me, his mouth just inches from mine. “If you need to stop me, please stop me. I don’t want to push you to do anything you’re not ready to do.”

  I nod, then stand on my tiptoes, crushing my lips into his. He growls and dips down into the water somewhat, sliding his hands around me to my ass, where he digs his fingers in. He tugs me against him, and the moment his lips part, I plunge my tongue into his mouth, tasting him greedily like I’ve been starved. He pushes up on me, and I float up in the water. I throw my arms around his neck and twist my hands into his hair as our tongues duel for supremacy in his mouth.

  He slides his hands up to my hips and grips them so tight, it’s almost painful. Then he guides me down, thrusting his body up to meet mine. I gasp as his cock breaches my entrance. He pushes me down against his body until he’s sheathed inside me up to the hilt. Everything inside me tightens as his dick slides home, and I break my lips from his to let my head loll back with a throaty moan.

  I scratch my nails across his back as he rakes his teeth over my exposed neck. Using his hands, he lifts me halfway off his dick, then pushes himself back inside of me. Every nerve ending in my body lights up as he sets a steady rhythm of thrusting. My breasts jiggle with every movement as I bounce on his lap.

  He leans down and latches onto one of my nipples, scraping his teeth across the sensitive nub. My breaths are short and staccatoed like his movement inside of me. I know it’s not going to take much for him to push me over the edge. He lets go of one of my hips and dips his hand between our bodies where we’re connected. His slides his middle finger across my clit, and I gasp in surprise, tightening my pussy around his dick as pleasure jolts through me.

  Chuckling, he presses his finger against my clit harder and speeds up his thrusting. He bites down on my nipple, and I cry out, dragging my fingernails across his back hard enough to break the skin. A guttural sound comes from him as he abandons my nipple and hungrily attacks my mouth, shoving his tongue between my lips.

  He brings both hands up to the side of my face and kisses me deeply as he plunges inside me at breakneck speed. When he stops suddenly, I gasp against his lips, because I know he’s coming, and I haven’t reached my own release yet. He must sense this, because he shoves his hand between us suddenly and flicks his finger against my clit in a rapid-fire motion that has me seeing stars within moments. I bury my hands into his hair and yank his face up to mine as I topple over the edge around him, my cunt milking his dick like it’s been starved.

  Luca shudders, groaning into my mouth. He’s surely spent by now, but he’s refusing to stop thrusting, pounding my pussy harder and harder with every passing moment. It’s when his finger suddenly stops moving against my clit and his entire body tenses up that I realize he’s having a second, even more intense orgasm than his first. While he’s still tense, I rest both of my hands against his chest and pinch his nipples between my fingers.

  He jerks back away from my kiss, and his eyes fly open. He stares at me open-mouthed as his eyes roll back into his head. I can’t say for sure how long it takes him to regain the use of his thought processes, but it’s got to be a minute or two. He gasps for air and blinks rapidly, then stares at me.

  I wince as I start to move off him, but he shakes his head and holds my hips. “Please stay… I want to stay inside you...” I raise one eyebrow, but nod, relaxing back down onto his lap with his cock still buried inside my cunt.

  He brushes a hand over my face, pushing the loose hairs out of it. He whips his head back and forth, his eyes wild with emotion. “That’s it. I’m dead. That has to be it. We’re fucking dead. Parker got his god damn revenge and blew my brains out on that hotel floor.”

  Alarmed, I bring my hands to the side of his face and force him to look at me. “Luca! What the fuck? Why would you say something like that?”

  Luca closes his eyes and relaxes underneath me. “Because something inside me just cracked wide open…” He opens them again and looks me dead in the eye, his expression the most serious thing I’ve ever seen. “This moment, this raw devastation that you just wrought on me is the very definition of heaven… and I don’t ever want to leave…”


  The stark white waiting room at the doctor’s office is off-putting and does nothing to set my own nerves at ease. I look over at Noemi as she paces back and forth across the tiny waiting room, and I realize that she must be wracked with her own nerves. I’ve never even heard of this quaint doctors’ office tucked behind a row of restaurants and museums in the Warehouse District of New Orleans, but when I look up and over at the receptionist, I realize why Luca directed me to bring Noemi here. Behind the glass, I can see Franco conversing with the pretty brunette who’s typing away on a computer.

  So Franco has a practice. That’s interesting. Even more interesting is that fact that Noemi and I aren’t the only people waiting in the ten-foot-square waiting room. Noemi isn’t even the youngest person here, but I’m not sure this place is a women’s clinic, so that makes sense. There’s a good chance that this is simply a general practice. And Luca’s hired man happens to work here.

  Noemi looks like hell right now. I’m pretty sure she didn’t sleep last night. Her hair isn’t styled and hangs limply down her back, and she has dark circles under her eyes. She’s not wearing an ounce of makeup, which is unusual for her. She was never one to paint on an entirely new face, but it’s rare that I’ve ever seen her without at least a couple coats of mascara and a good swipe of lip gloss. Thank God I witnessed her brushing her teeth, because in her current state, I’d be doubting her constitution to do that too.

  She’s wearing an oversized t-shirt that I’m fairly certain belongs to Kyle and a pair of short denim shorts that barely peek out the bottom of the shirt’s hem, which hits her mid-thigh. She wore flip-flops, but in true country girl style, she’s traversed back and forth across the linoleum like a guard on watch in her bare feet. She’s hasn’t sat still since we got here. I shake my head and chuckle softly. I feel bad for her, but I warned her this would happen.

  Of all the things that could have happened to expose her and Kyle’s illicit tryst… a pregnancy truly was at the back of my mind. I expected them to literally get caught before he managed to knock her up. Thank God Kyle waited until she was at least eighteen before exercising his awful multiple choice skills. I know she could have technically consented at seventeen, but the entire country recognizes her as an adult now. A very irresponsible one, but an adult all the same. That may have been Kyle’s saving grace and why he’s still breathing today.

  I haven’t seen nor heard from Kyle since yesterday when his treachery was revealed. He wisely bolted out of that house as fast as his feet would carry him. I’ve no doubt that if he’d hung around, Luca would have tried to kill him. Dante was equally as angry, but he seemed less like he was ready to rip Kyle’s head off than Luca. I don’t know why, but when Luca and Noemi were spilling each other’s secrets to Bianca, Dante kept oddly quiet, which is unlike him. He’s never been one to jump in the middle of things. He certainly seems to have the coolest head of the three Barresi siblings, but in the near-year I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him keep so silent on matters.

  Maybe he sees things from a different perspective than Luca. Luca, after all, was a made man rising in the mafia ranks before he could even vote. Dante just joined Luca in the ranks this year after murdering their father. I shudder when my mind replays those words. I know that Matteo called the hit on himself due to his rapidly declining health and the dementia that was taking over and rotting his mind, but it still makes me uncomfortable to think that Matteo had his own son end his life.

  Dante had more years with Noemi as her brother. Dante was there her entire life as someone she could idolize, while Luca someone she likely feared, since she probably doesn’t even remember a time in her life when Luca wasn’t their father’s right hand man. It’s almost sad the differen
ce in relationship between the siblings. I know that the mafia is a part of who Luca is, and we wouldn’t have met if not for it, but I’m learning that fate can be a cruel mistress at times.

  I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Noemi’s name called. I look over at where she’s frozen in her pacing and raise an eyebrow. I glance over at the nurse who’s called her, then back at Noemi. I point to myself, then at the nurse, and Noemi nods frantically. I smile and stand up and nod my head in the direction of the nurse. Sullenly, Noemi trudges across the floor, slipping her feet into her flip flops on the way.

  The nurse leads us to the back of the hallway of rooms and directs us into the last one on the left. We step inside, and instantly, I’m uncomfortable. There are huge posters of female anatomy plastered everywhere in the room, and though I’m not ashamed of my own set of reproductive organs, I didn’t need a poster-sized representation of what happens when a baby is born. I glance over at Noemi who looks slightly green as she stares at the same poster. She shakes her head quickly. “Maybe this is a bad idea…”

  The nurse and I both give her a look before the nurse glances at me, then steps out of the room. Noemi pouts and climbs up onto the exam table, her feet swinging over the edge. I nibble on my bottom lip slightly, then clear my throat. “Would you like for me to… um… step out?”

  Noemi glances up at me, alarmed. “What? Why? Don’t leave me alone in here…”

  I raise one eyebrow and motion to the thin paper gown the nurse left on the edge of the exam table. “So you can put that on? I thought you might want a little privacy?”

  Noemi’s eyes widen. “Wait, what? I have to get naked?”

  I just stare at her in surprise. When I realize she’s serious, I slap my hand over my eyes and slowly drag it down my face. “Noemi, how else do you think they’re going to check everything out and make sure it’s like it’s supposed to be? I didn’t even go to school past the ninth grade, and I know this.”

  Noemi swallows hard, her face still looking peakish. “I, uh, I thought they’d do a ultrasound thing with that wand on my stomach.”

  I smile at her softly and chuckle. “Noemi, the baby’s probably too small for that thing. I’m afraid you’re going to have to strip down so they can check out everything.”

  Noemi looks up at posters, then down at the gown, and finally at me. She wrinkles her nose, and I sigh gently. “Hey, it’s too late now to change your mind. What happened to the bold girl who told me she’d had lots of sex?”

  Noemi blushes, shrugging her shoulders. “I may have exaggerated a bit?”

  I groan and glance at the ceiling. “Noemi, please tell me Kyle didn’t take your virginity.”

  She shakes her head quickly. “No, that wasn’t a lie, but I’d only had sex a couple times before him. The first time was in the school bathroom, and neither of us even saw each other naked. He just fucked me against the wall with his dick pulled out of his pants. He didn’t even take my skirt off, just my panties.”

  I realize there’s some questions that need to be answered here, and though I’m super uncomfortable asking them, it’s better I ask them than someone else like Luca. “Did the boy… get off?”

  Noemi shrugs. “Not inside me… he um, you know… in my mouth, but I had my eyes closed, because I’d heard that dicks are ugly.”

  I slap my hand over my face as I giggle. I know it’s not helping matters, but I can’t help it. “That they are… pussies aren’t much better. Have you ever really looked at that thing? It looks like an alien monster just waiting to devour a dick.”

  Noemi giggles with me, and for a moment, the tension in the room dissipates, leaving two silly, little girls acting like they’re discussing sex for the first time. Our revelry is cut short as a male voice speaks up over our giggles, “I fail to see what’s funny about Luca Barresi’s baby sister being knocked up.”

  I glance over my shoulder at the familiar voice. “Franco… as gruff as ever, I see…”

  Franco glares at me, and I can tell he still has a distaste for me. I’m not sure what I ever did to rub him so wrong, but he hasn’t said much of anything positive to me since the night I had to go all domestic and sew Luca shut with a sewing needle and thread. Trust me, it wasn’t something I’d always dreamed of doing. I did it because Luca’s insides were trying to fall out, and he was bleeding everywhere.

  Franco rolls his eyes as Noemi and I stop giggling. He brushes past me and grunts. “You need to change, Noemi. This won’t be much different than a physical. I’ll try to make you as comfortable as possible. I’m sorry to see you in this situation, but what’s done is done. We need to make sure you… and baby, are healthy.”

  Noemi’s face scrunches into an ugly expression as Franco looks at me. “Family only, I’m afraid. You’ll have to leave the room.”

  I glare at Franco. “That’s not your decision, Franco. It’s hers.”

  Franco crosses his arms over his chest. “It’s my practice. Family only. Despite your hold over Luca, you are not Noemi’s family. You’re just Luca’s girlfriend. Because Noemi is not a minor, she doesn’t need to be accompanied by a babysitter, especially one who couldn’t stop this from happening to start with.”

  Noemi gasps in horror and looks at me as she shakes her head wildly. Something inside me tips my temper, and I lash out. “Are you always such an asshole, Franco?

  Franco narrows his eyes at me. “I can see why Luca likes you. You’re mouthy.”

  I roll my eyes at Franco. “You have no idea. And why the fuck do you think you know everything about Luca? I’m not his girlfriend…”

  Franco nods with a smirk. “Ah, so just a plaything, then?”

  I stamp my foot on the floor and growl softly. “Why does everyone think I’m his god damned plaything? For fuck’s sake, I’m his wife!”

  Franco’s expression changes almost immediately as he glances at Noemi. Noemi nods quickly as she snatches the paper gown off the table. “It’s true, Franco.”

  Suddenly, Franco’s entire demeanor shifts. He looks like he’s still not certain, so I thrust my left hand at him. He eyes my hand, his gaze lingering on the rose gold ring that glimmers there. He swallows hard and looks up at my face. “My apologies… there are so many women in Luca’s life that have tried to… to use him or get close to his family to con him. I…”

  I cross my arms this time and motion at Noemi. “Can we just get this over with? The poor girl is upset and terrified enough. Luca already wants to kill the father of her child, and they still have to face Luca’s wrath that I’m sure won’t subside over this any time soon at some point. Being armed with the knowledge of whether this pregnancy is healthy will at least put her mind at ease about the baby.”

  Franco looks at me and takes one final dig. “So where’s your shadow-guards? Oh... right. I don’t know where Noemi’s is since he’s been glued to her side for three years to the point of taking the shadow-guard thing a little too far. But yours, Emily… I heard all about Mike Carlen. Murdered his own brother…”

  My vision blurs, and I see red as Franco takes things too far. I put both of my hands up and shake my head. “Just stop. You really have no clue what goes on behind closed doors, Franco. Luca may pay you well, but it’s to keep your mouth shut, not offer unsolicited advice. And I’d suggest you continue to use your discretion if you want to stay alive… and in business. Both can be adjusted if necessary.

  “As for Mike… he upheld his oath of service to the family and killed a traitor… and to be honest, death was too good for Marco. It’s too good for anyone who betrays the family.”

  Franco stares blankly at me, then nods slowly. His face remains unchanged, but the hint of malice in his voice is gone as he replies, “Spoken like a true mafia wife… perhaps I misjudged you.”

  I raise one eyebrow as I stare him down, “As a gold digger interested in Luca’s money? Because I assure you, the way that Luca and I came together had nothing to do with me wanting money. Besides, the only time you’ve been
around me for more than five minutes was the night Luca was stabbed. And at that point, it’d have been in my best interest to let him die.”

  I ignore Noemi’s startled gasp behind me and continue, knowing that I’m going for broke right now. “Because his surviving that night guaranteed that he’d own me forever, whether by his choice or mine. I’ve done a lot of crazy-ass things for these brothers to only be after money. Furthermore, if I’d really been after money, I’d have been long gone when Luca offered me ten thousand dollars and begged me to leave him. Now, I have scars of my own and memories of things I can never unsee. Things that would haunt the devil himself.”

  I glance over my shoulder at Noemi and give her an apologetic look, then turn back to Franco. “I’ve had the chance to escape, yet here I am. Beaten, bruised, and battered… but still standing, still thriving… and still Barresi... from now until my dying breath… Now get the fuck out. This is a delicate matter, and we need the services of someone with some tact. That pretty blonde that brought us back here can handle things. It’s a blood test and an ultrasound, and you’re just going to send it off to a lab to read it anyway.


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