Finding My Mate

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Finding My Mate Page 19

by Rylee Winters

  “I don’t know, babe. It does seem extreme… why don’t we go ask her?” Shaking my head automatically, I glanced over my shoulder once again only to find nothing had changed.

  “No. If she is sensitive to magic – if she knows the witch, then that means that Kristy must know as well, right? That is not a secret one would keep from a partner.” Derek only grunted at my line of thinking, and I pushed myself up to stand with a slight nod and huff. “Yes, I will go ask Kristy. I will tell you how it goes.”

  “Wait, Linne – ” Hanging up, I flipped the cell phone back together and shoved it into my pocket. Striding back towards the office, unstable emotions began to brew in my chest, and I wrung my hands as betrayal clawed at the back of my throat. Questions raced through my mind, but I forced them back in an attempt to remain calm.

  “Kristy…” Kristy’s brightly colored hair ruffled as her head whipped up, and I licked my lips heavily before opening my mouth again. “Can I speak with you, please?”

  “Sure…” Both our gazes turned to Maddy, but she was already standing up from her chair to stretch languidly. Muttering something I didn’t bother to catch, she rounded her desk and snatched a pack of cigarettes from behind her computer. Sidestepping, anxiety thrummed through me as she wandered past me.

  Silence stretched between Kristy and I, awkward and heavy, and I hoovered up air through flared nostrils as I caught her questioning gaze.

  “Has Mags contacted a witch recently? A witch with long, brown hair and freckles and a birthmark on her shoulder?” Kristy’s eyes widened, and I stared at her under furrowed brows as she stiffened in shock. “Were you aware that she cast a spell on you?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Linne…” There wasn’t the faintest hint of a lie in Kristy’s voice, and my brows shot up as my own shock ripped through my chest.

  “Did Mags not tell you she is ultrasensitive to magic? That is why she called you just now – because she or a witch she hired cast a spell on you to monitor the magic levels around you? It is a secret from you?” Stepping up to the edge of Kristy’s desk, I frowned deeply as her puzzled expression only deepened. “Did you not know?”

  “N-no… I… I didn’t know… wait, how do you know? Are you a witch?” Stumbling slightly from the momentous weight of it all, Kristy paled considerably as realization brightened her gaze. “Mags’ a witch, and she kept it from me all this time?”

  “I do not think she is a witch, she is just super sensitive to magic. She could not attack me herself, so it is a safe thing to say that she cannot use it, just sense it.” Kristy was silent for a long time, her shallow pants the only sound in the room, and I cocked my head as her eyes darted around. Her upper lip glistened with sweat even in the air-conditioned room, and she clasped her fingers tightly on top of the desk. Worry wiggled into my chest, but I only kept my mouth shut.

  “That problem you were having with sleeping… was that because of Mags? You met her two weeks before all that started…” Nodding firmly, a frown dragged down my mouth, and my heart twisted as Kristy slumped back in her chair.

  “I believe she hired a witch to put a spell on me, and she knew my magic signature. I do not know why Mags would do that, though. I thought you would know, but she kept this a secret from you. I do not know why she would do that, either.”

  Maybe asking Kristy was not a good idea.

  “You’re a witch, too?” Kristy didn’t wait for me to answer, and I opened my mouth just as she continued. “Why wouldn’t she tell me? It’s not like I’m opposed to magic or shifters or anything like that. I would’ve supported her.”

  Even while she spoke, Kristy snatched up her cell phone again, and I leaned in as she dialed Mag’s number furiously. My heart raced in its cage, and anxiety tightened my muscles at the drawn, hurt expression she wore. Holding the phone to her ear, she tapped her foot under the desk, filling the room with hard thunks.

  When Mags answered the phone, Kristy stiffened, bracing her free palm against the wooden desktop, as I held my breath inside tight lungs.

  “What the Hell is going on between you and Linne, Mags? She just told me you hired a witch to attack her! What the fuck!” Kristy’s voice was deathly calm, and goosebumps rose on my arms and across my chest as she scoffed. “Don’t lie – don’t lie anymore! You know exactly what I’m talking about. You haven’t liked Linne since the day you met her, and you never gave me a good reason!”

  Nibbling my bottom lip furiously when Kristy’s eyelid twitched in agitation, I flexed and curled my fingers as she scoffed loudly. I couldn’t hear Mags’ side of the conversation, but clearly Kristy didn’t like whatever she was saying.

  “Obviously we need to talk about this, Mags! I can’t believe you! So, that stuff about your cousin having a relationship was a bunch of shit, wasn’t it? You were just planning on – yes, it was! God Mags, I never thought you were so quick to fucking judge someone considering all the shit you went through for being a lesbian. You didn’t even try! You met her once, and you didn’t want to see her again and instantly decided she was trouble – well, fuck you! We’re going to have a huge talk, and I’m going to want the truth. Then you’re getting all your shit out of my house until I figure out if I can forgive you!”



  Staring at Mags’ and Kristy’s open-mouthed, dumbstruck, shocked expressions, I smiled weakly as I stretched my wings to their full length. Derek’s hot gaze roamed my back, but I ignored the prickling up my spine when his eyes landed firmly on my backside.

  “As you can see, I am not a witch as you previously suspected… All you had to do was ask, Mags.”

  Kristy reacted first, raking her hand through her hair roughly and pulling out some long, dull orange strands, and her incredulous laugh bounced harshly around the yard. Everyone had gone home for the day, and the human Chad was in his office doing paperwork; we had about as much privacy as we could get.

  “Oh my god.” The sharp sound was devoid of any humor, and I held my breath as Kristy’s hand clutched her chest. Her paled cheeks filled with blood, and she wiped her flooding eyes with her free hand as she spoke through wobbling lips. “This is just great! Of all the fucking people that you could have a problem with, you decide that some angel is your mortal fucking enemy. Christ, Mags – what is wrong with you!”

  “You don’t understand! I thought she would try to hurt you, Kristy. You don’t know what she did! I felt her magic from across town, and I probably would’ve felt it from the next damn state over!” Whirling around at the high-pitched, panicky defense, Kristy glared hotly at her lover as she closed the distance between them.

  The resounding slap of a palm striking a cheek echoed around the yard, and I stiffened as I took in the scene with wide eyes. Kristy panted harshly while Mags stared, hurt blazing from watery, blown pupils, with her hand cupping her assaulted cheek.

  “You’re a fucking bitch, you know that! You knew – there was no way you didn’t know that Linne and I had worked together for months without incident! You knew she wasn’t a threat to me. Don’t fucking pull that ‘I was protecting you’ bullshit – ” Cutting herself off, Kristy shook with rage as she ground her teeth together before opening her mouth again. “All it would’ve taken was three fucking words: ‘What are you’, but no, you jumped the gun. You got your cousin – of all fucking people, to hurt Linne for no fucking reason. Do you even know what that bitch did to her? Do you?”

  “I was trying to protect you! She killed an entire pack of wolves in a fucking instant! Like that. ” Snapping her fingers, Mags broke out of her stunned daze, and her face turned an angry, purplish-red color. “You don’t understand how terrifying that is to feel! Everyone for miles was trying to figure out who did that! What if she just decided she didn’t like you anymore?”

  “I would not hurt Kristy. She has been very kind to me during my exile.” Speaking up to interrupt the two, I drew attention to myself, and my chest tightened at the h
arsh glares on me but not directed at me. “I wish you had expressed your concerns to me instead of going to the witch. I would not have had to torture and kill her for answers. Now it makes sense why she was so adamant that she did not know who contracted her – you are related. That makes sense.”

  “You killed her? What the fuck is wrong with you!” Savage horror blazed from Mags eyes, and I arched a brow as she began to tremble with rage and fear. Frowning slightly, I folded my wings against my back and rolled my shoulders slightly as the silence grew longer.

  “I will show you what she did to me. I will show both of you, if that is what it will take for you to understand.”

  “No – !”

  “Yes!” Mags and Kristy answered at the same time, but I was more inclined to listen to my co-worker. Holding out my hands, palms forward, I inhaled a deep breath as magic suffused my flesh and skittered down my arms. Long, thick fingers crept around my waist, and I leaned back into Derek’s chest automatically as my memories flashed in both human’s eyes.

  “This isn’t what I expected, babe.” Derek’s murmur reverberated up my axillars and into my ribs, and I nodded silently as he kissed the nape of my neck. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing that this is disappointingly anti-climactic, though. At least it has nothing to do with Bareiijnr…”

  “I am glad for that… I do not feel so glad for Kristy. I did not consider that her lover was keeping secrets from her.” My confession only earned me a grunt, and Derek sighed heavily down my exposed back. Guilt twisted my gut, and my pupils narrowed on Kristy’s face as her eyes played with my nightmare. “I will apologize…”

  “I don’t think an apology will fix this, Linne. This isn’t your fault, anyway. All you did was expose Mags’ secrets. You didn’t make them. Mags was the one that lied and betrayed Kristy, not you.” Lowering my hands at my mate’s encouraging words, I nodded solemnly before Kristy staggered back onto the asphalt on her backside. She stared at me, horror and terror and all manner of wretched emotions playing across her face, and I stared levelly back. “I was not sleeping because I was afflicted with nightmares like those. I am sorry, but you wanted to see it. That is what that witch did to me at Mags’ behest.”

  Silence rang in my ears, and Kristy opened and closed her mouth rapidly as tears streamed down her face. My heart squeezed painfully, and I waved my hand in her direction in an effort to dampen her emotions. The physical affect was instant, shoulders slumping and chest heaving as she gasped for air, and she jumped to her feet to lurch towards me.

  “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!” Repeating the phrase over and over again, Kristy’s voice wobbled dangerously, and I grunted when she flung her arms around my shoulders to hold tight. “I didn’t know! I’m sorry!”

  “It is okay, Kristy.”

  Derek left my back, and I petted Kristy’s hair as she was reduced to a blubbering, crying mess. Affection welled in my chest as her tears scorched me, but I didn’t mind the burn.

  In fact, it was very pleasant to feel her tears streaming down my skin.

  “I-I didn’t know… I didn’t know she did that…” Mags’ voice stiffened my spine, and I turned my gaze to her as she held her forehead in her palm. “She just said she’d take care of it.”

  “If you knew, would it have made a difference, though? Or are you just feeling guilty now that Kristy knows?” My ears twitched at Derek’s harsh snap, but Mags didn’t even open her mouth to try to defend herself. In my arms, Kristy sniffled hard, her arms slipping from my waist, and she stepped out of my hold to face me.

  “You can change what we feel and stuff, right? Can you tell me what she’s feeling?” Slowly shaking my head, my wings fluttered slightly as a fourth set of eyes landed on me from a distance. I couldn’t take my eyes off Kristy’s face as it crumpled, and I reached to cup her roughened, red cheeks.

  “I am sorry, Kristy. You do not deserve this.” I had no doubt that Mags loved Kristy; they’d been together for years.

  But no relationship could survive this kind of lie – this kind of betrayal – and Kristy only jerked her head in a nod. My fingers slid from her hot skin as she walked away without a single glance back at her lover, and I watched her go with a sigh building in my chest. Once again, Derek touched my skin, his fingertips gliding up my arms to squeeze my shoulders gently, and I exhaled a heavy breath.

  “It’s okay, babe. I know it seems like this is bad, but it would’ve been worse if Bareiijnr or someone he knew was involved. Kristy will be alright.” Derek had no like for Kristy; he didn’t even know of her until today, but I took his words at face value. “Humans are elastic like that. They bounce back pretty easily. Their life isn’t destroyed when they lose their mate.”

  Kristy reached her car, and I watched as she just stood there under the baking sun for a few heart beats before slowly pulling her keys out of the pocket of her pants.

  “I hope so…” Bareiijnr wasn’t involved. Sourness coated my tongue at that thought; I would’ve much preferred Bareiijnr hurting to Kristy, and I rubbed the roof of my mouth furiously. Sluggishly climbing into her car, Kristy just sat there with the door open, staring out the windshield. “Should I use my magic to help her? I did not dampen her emotions as she apologized.”

  “No, she can do it herself. Just give her some time.” The human Chad came striding up to us, and I tore my eyes off Kristy upon his unexpected arrival. He scratched his jaw roughly. “It’s the weekend, so just leave her be for now. If she needs it, I’m sure she’ll reach out.”

  “If you say so, human Chad.” A heavy calm settled on my shoulders, and I reached to run my hand through my hair absently. The witch was dead, the person that hired her was powerless, and the Veil was quiet according to what Derek said Muss had told him. Everything was calm despite Kristy’s brokenness, and I pursed my lips tightly together as I nodded to the human Chad.

  Now that all obstacles were abolished, I could finally sleep.

  ❖ ❖ ❖

  Thank you for reading Finding My Mate! If you enjoyed it, I would really appreciate it if you could leave a review. They play an important role in a book’s success by helping other readers discover stories they might enjoy.

  Meanwhile, if you’re interested in reading more of my books, check out my other releases on Amazon.

  Adieu for now, and take care!

  ❖ ❖ ❖

  Linne and Derek’s story continues in

  Protecting My Mate

  Shifter Mates Book 2

  (Keep reading for a chapter preview)


  (Shifter Mates Book 2)

  Available on Amazon!


  ‘This is not a bad end, Derek the Lion.’ Muss’ voice rang inside my skull as I stared down at the contract through narrowed eyes, my frown twisting into a grimace.

  Scribbling down my signature, I passed the singular piece of paper to Alpha Jackson next to me with a low grunt.

  ‘This is not why you are in a bad mood, is it?’

  “I’m in a bad mood because you can’t seem to leave me the fuck alone, you damn bird. We need to figure out a way to get Linne to see and hear you again so you can stop fucking with my head every second of the day.” Scowling at Muss as he cocked his head, shuffling slightly on the table top, I leaned back in my seat to drag my palms down my face. “This isn’t important. Have you found anything out on the other side?”

  ‘No. We have precious little information about the human realm. My accumulated knowledge these past eleven months since Linne was banished is more accurate than all that was compiled… There is a bigger issue, though, Derek the Lion.’

  Shiny, abyssal orbs trained on me, and my scowl darkened as Muss blinked his biggest eye, his apprehension vibrating inside my skull. ‘Kaslni has instructed me to warn Linne that Bareiijnr has been conspiring heavily to take control of the Council. She believes he will make his move soon. Taking the time difference into account, I suspect that
Bareiijnr will attempt a coup within the next months.’

  “I thought that hours here were like a month there or some shit…” Narrowing my eyes on the glittering, ethereal figure before me, I sucked in a harsh breath as he ducked his head in a sharp nod. My mind worked furiously, no longer even processing the goings on around me, and I held the air inside my lungs as my chest tightened around them. “What else did Kaslni say?”

  ‘She is making contingency plans in the event that she is expelled from the Council, but there is the entire possibility that she will flee to this realm. Bareiijnr will not dare follow unless he believes he can kill her while she is still disorientated. His megalomania is wildly out of control, but – as you know – leaping across the Veil even voluntarily is a violent process. Kaslni is very powerful, and I will give you my best warning…’ Trailing off, Muss ruffled his feathers as a flash of uncertainty struck his eyes, and I pursed my lips into a thin line. ‘There is every potential for disaster. I – ’

  My silent conversation with a being not from this realm was interrupted as an elbow nudged my side hard, and my gaze whipped to Jackson. But my Chief wasn’t paying any attention to me.

  Lips lifting into a snarl, goosebumps began to race down my skin, even as I spotted the person standing just beyond Jackson.

  Jordan was at the entryway of the conference room. His mere presence making me stiffen in my seat.

  My eyes narrowed into slits as the need to shift prickled up my spine, my gaze scanning Jordan from bottom to top, a sour taste coating my tongue.


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