Texas Tea [Del Fantasma]

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Texas Tea [Del Fantasma] Page 2

by Maura Anderson

  The fog was so thick this morning that the parking lot and paths seemed to fade in and out of another world. First clearly visible, then shrouded in gray. The chill made Lara grateful she'd decided to wear her thermal underwear under her typical cargo pants, long-sleeved polo shirt and jacket. Uncertain of the terrain, she'd also worn her decidedly unattractive but well-broken-in hiking boots. Wait. When did “attractive” have any bearing on getting her job done? On the fulfillment of her promise?

  She shook her head impatiently. Wasn't it bad enough she'd spent a good portion of the night tossing about, fantasizing about the sexy and compelling Matthew Martinez? What he might look like without his tight jeans. What his short, thick hair might feel like when she ran her fingers through it. What the golden skin stretched over his strong jaw might taste like.

  Her eyes drifted closed at the thought and she licked her lips as if savoring the imagined flavor. Lost in daydreams of the handsome Park Ranger, Lara only barely noticed the other visitors as they flowed around her stationary body. Even the sounds of conversations and laughter faded back from her consciousness and she heard only the imagined sounds of Matt's groans, of him growling her name with a feral demand.

  How could she be reacting so strongly to a man she met only yesterday? Most men did nothing for her beyond eliciting a distant admiration of their looks and bodies—even if ghosts didn't have anything to share about them. And she'd learned from experience that the opinions of the ghosts mattered.

  Well, at least she'd get a new fantasy, or several, out of this to accompany her dates with her vibrator. Her nipples ached and her panties were damp. She rocked from foot to foot, wishing she had a way to make herself come right now, before the object of her lustful thoughts showed up and she somehow made a fool of herself. Apparently the multiple orgasms she'd given herself the night before were insufficient. She really needed to get over this strange attraction and finish this book before it finished her. Maybe then she'd have the spare time to find a man who didn't spook easily.

  "Earth to Lara."

  Startled from her daydreams by the gentle tap on her shoulder, Lara's eyes flew open and she whirled around, hopping back. “Geez, Mr. Martinez, you scared me to death!"

  He smiled tightly. “I called your name several times but you didn't seem to hear me."

  Embarrassed, she glanced away from his too-perceptive golden eyes. “Sorry, I was ... thinking."

  He moved a few steps closer to her, his movements still so smooth and silent she couldn't help but be amazed. No one she knew could move like that. “Call me Matt. Or Texas, if you want. Too much formality makes me feel like I'm back in the military."

  Lara managed to drag her eyes away. “Okay, Matt it is then."

  Her camera bag made a convenient distraction and she busied herself slinging the long strap over her head and settling the heavy bag across her body. No amount of adjustment could do anything about the fact the strap across her chest insisted on crossing between her breasts. The pressure outlined her substantial attributes even through her jacket, and made her bra rub uncomfortably against her tight nipples. She almost groaned. Yet another distraction from the job she needed to get done.

  Matt gestured toward the Visitor Center. “We can start here. I know you're mostly interested in the lighthouse, but I don't know what else is useful. There are a lot of displays and information already set up."

  At her nod, he walked the few steps to open the door and held it so she could enter. The small courtesy was as unfamiliar to her as her lingering sexual arousal;, she hesitated before she nodded and climbed the steps. Careful not to brush against him, she slipped past then felt the prickle of a nearby spirit.

  He craves you, too.

  * * * *

  Matt stared as the fascinating woman stumbled on the threshold before she caught herself and continued through the doorway. He couldn't tell what caused her to trip, but he'd felt the briefest touch of a strange sensation just before she almost fell. It was the same eerie tingle he associated with the presence of otherworldly beings like Cody and some of the Del Fantasma customers. A quick glance around didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary or anyone obviously non-human. He shrugged to himself and followed her into the building that was as familiar to him as his own home.

  Except now he could smell the distinct scent of Lara's arousal. Unfamiliar envy made him clench his teeth. He'd not detected the odor of any single person on her in any concentration, so he didn't think her boyfriend or husband traveled with her. But surely a woman so attractive, so clearly intelligent and successful, had to be taken.

  Not that it should matter. His horrible track record with women spoke for itself, even without Coyote entering into the equation. Long resigned to slaking his sexual needs through brief encounters with like-minded women, he'd never been so enthralled by any female before. After his moonlit run last night, he'd returned home to sleep, only to dream of Lara Saunders and the many ways he'd like to taste her, to take her. Just to get some sleep, he'd finally resorted to masturbation, something he rarely felt the need to indulge in.

  His sudden desire made him uncertain and uncomfortable. He needed to just get this favor over with and then he could return to his regular, solitary life. His comfortable, predictable life. His lonely life.

  Despite his arguments with himself, his eyes kept track of Lara as she began to wander through the various displays arranged throughout the Visitor Center. Her face seemed less drawn this morning and she'd even blushed for him. The light rose color gave her a girlish and innocent look, only added to by her clean-scrubbed face and lack of primping.

  Unfortunately, it also gave him an unexpected hard-on. He tried to not contemplate what else could make her skin glow pink and warm, let alone what her plump, dusky lips could be wrapped around.

  "Hey, Matt.” The volunteer stationed behind the information desk called to him. “What are you doing here on your day off?"

  "Escorting a friend of a friend around. She's working on a book about lighthouses.” His curt response was meant to curb the curiosity of the volunteer, to warn him off, but the stiffening of Lara's back said she'd heard the abrupt dismissal as well.

  "Ahhh. We wondered what it would take to draw you in on your day off. I guess a pretty woman is the right recipe.” The man chuckled, either not recognizing Matt's hint or deliberately not heeding it.

  The other man's knowing look shifted to the more familiar wariness when Matt leveled an unblinking glare at him. His coworkers weren't sure what to make of him; maybe on some level they sensed Coyote and feared him. Or perhaps they just feared his military experience and the baggage he may have brought home from his tours in the big sandbox.

  He turned to check on Lara and saw her standing over a display about the local geology and making notes in a small notebook before she tucked it into a pocket of her camera bag. When she shifted the bag to get a small digital camera out, the strap pulled her coat tightly against her body and emphasized the fact that she had an impressive hourglass figure hidden under the bulk of her unflattering, masculine clothes.


  His erection grew improbably harder at the thought of feasting on Lara's considerable breasts. Unwilling to become a spectacle for his co-workers and the visitors, he stationed himself behind a nearby display about Cabrillo and kept an eye on her while he tried in vain to think of anything other than fucking her.

  His erection finally went down enough for him to be able to walk without pain and he joined her while he could. “How are you doing?"

  His voice rasped slightly but Lara didn't comment, seemingly engrossed in a mock-up detailing the lighthouse's original construction. She certainly seemed able to lose herself in her work.

  For the next few hours he trailed along behind her, alternately thinking about and trying to not think about having sex with her.

  At long last she seemed to have gotten her fill of the displays and information in the Visitor Center. She put away the small camera an
d notebook, then stretched and rubbed her neck before she looked around. She didn't seem to see him immediately and looked concerned before he stepped out from behind the display he'd been leaning up against.

  A few quick strides with deliciously swaying hips and she rejoined him. “I think I've seen everything I need to for now. Is there anywhere to eat here? I'm starving."

  Lara's tone was light but her face had taken on a distinctly grayish cast and the color had again leached from her lips.

  "Not on the grounds. We only have some vending machines, but we can take a short trip out of the park and get something."

  White teeth nibbled on her lip as she appeared to consider that option, then she shook her head slowly. “I'd like to finish at least my preliminary survey today. I have to get this book in soon and since the park closes so early, I can't make up any lost time later."

  Vending machine food wouldn't be much, but it was her choice. He led her over to where the machines were located and then had to resist laughing when she fished around in a large outer pocket of the ever-present camera bag to come up with a few dollars in coins in addition to a terrific collection of lint, small slips of paper and an assortment of hair ties.

  It seemed to take her another five minutes to make a decision on what she wanted from the machines, nibbling on her full lower lip again while she pondered her choices. He wanted those small teeth to nip at his lip, at his chest ... his cock. He wanted to nip at her lips himself.


  Forced to again disguise his hard-on behind a convenient piece of furniture, Matt barely stifled his groan. For Pete's sake, he had to be desperate to be turned on by watching Lara make a decision between equally unhealthy snack foods. He needed to get laid and soon. Too bad the only woman he could imagine fucking now was a curvy, brown haired photo-journalist that had yet to look on him with anything other than uncertainty mixed with nervousness. Coyote didn't accept strangers easily, let alone seek to be near them, but this woman was an exception for some reason. Coyote wanted her as much as he did.

  After Lara retrieved her purchases from the machines, Matt bought several bags of beef jerky and a bottle of water, then joined her at one of the nearby weathered picnic tables. She slipped the camera bag off over her head but carefully placed it right next to her on the bench and looped the strap around her leg before she turned her attention to eating.

  Unlike most women he knew, Lara seemed comfortable in silence. She didn't try to make small talk or try to fill any gaps with meaningless chitchat. He liked that, more than he should perhaps. At ease with her company and the quiet, he found himself smiling for no particular reason.

  When she removed her coat in deference to the fog's dissipation and the growing warmth of the day, he got a better hint of the lush, hourglass body she hid so well. It took every ounce of willpower to prevent Coyote from yipping in awe.

  Chapter Three

  Lara led the way across the parking area toward the cliff-tops; site of the old lighthouse that was just visible through the trees. The bright white of the surprisingly small building stood out in the sunbeams that finally managed to break through the fog. She snapped a few test pictures with her small digital camera as she neared the path entrance.

  Though she couldn't hear him, she knew Matt was right behind her. Just his presence caused waves of sensation to ebb and flow over her skin and just under it. It felt a bit like the aura of the spirits, but no ghost ever made her feel so aware, so alive. Little bursts ran up and down her spine, as if each vertebra was caressed in turn by a wild, primal energy that then raced to her pussy.

  A shudder ran through her—this was so out of control. She couldn't let the handsome Latino ranger get under her skin. Even if he was interested in some recreational sex right now, he'd run for the hills as soon as any hint of her abilities was revealed. All men did. Hell, all people did. She was unsure what the odd feeling she had around him was, but it wasn't likely to benefit any efforts she might make to seduce him.

  It was far safer to just do her job, get this book done and get out of here. If she could manage to concentrate long enough to do so. It took all her willpower earlier to ignore Matt and focus on gathering the information she might be able to use from the Visitor Center. She constantly found herself fighting the urge to look up and see where Matt was, even though she knew he'd not left the building. This resulted in it taking at least twice as long as it should have to just get a good idea of what information was available, let alone to decide what she might be able to use of it.

  Too bad he'd been adamant in his efforts to pretend he wasn't with her. When asked who she was, he passed her off as a duty. True as it may be, the tiny bit of optimistic interest she'd allowed to blossom wilted when she realized he didn't want to be associated with her. Hell, he didn't even want to stand close to her.

  If only she could dismiss her fierce attraction to him so easily. Or ignore the electric sensations he caused.

  Hoping to distract herself, she strode down the path toward the lighthouse, not concerned with making sure Matt could keep up. Her coat, now tied around her waist, helped cushion the camera bag's bounce, letting her walk faster than she normally would. Sometimes sheer movement could calm her when nothing else did.

  Once out of the trees, Lara's awe at the sight of the old lighthouse made her breath catch. No matter how many lighthouses she'd seen or how many she'd photographed, they still had the power to tug at her emotions. Embodiments of honor, dedication and solitude, each one had its own spirit and personality.

  She raised the small camera to eye level, unable to resist the bright white of the building's paint in contrast to the dark roof and highlighted by the reflections of sunlight on the glass in the lighthouse tower. Backed by the incredible panorama of the ocean, with the fading mist of the fog and the ships even now at sail and under power, the pictures would merge the past and the present in one frame.

  It was never white, you know, in my time. The paint is new.

  Lara abruptly stopped in mid-photo and looked at the slightly translucent man, now standing beside her, dressed in a frock coat and clothes from the late Victorian era.

  He crossed his arms before him, a sad look on his lined face.

  The highest lighthouse in the country, she is, over 420 feet above sea level. But no matter how well tended, the light just could not be seen in the clouds. Ships were still lost, despite my best efforts.

  A gentle touch on her shoulder made her jump in surprise. Matt. Heat flared when his hand then wrapped around the top of her arm, but she forced herself to ignore him for a moment in favor of the ghost that had come to speak to her. “Thank you” she whispered, hopefully too softly for Matt to catch.

  The ghost gradually faded away, never responding to Lara's thanks and never taking his eyes from the small lighthouse.

  "Lara, are you okay? Do you need some help?” Concern laced Matt's quiet words.

  She gulped. She never outright told anyone about the ghosts anymore, not since she was ridiculed as a child, but her usual excuses wouldn't work now. Matt had been there the entire time she'd been paying attention to the ghost instead of the rest of the world. “I'm fine. I was just imagining the book pages I want to create from this."

  Anxious for him to believe her, to not ask more questions, the words came out more sharply than she'd intended. It wasn't the best explanation, but it was the first thing she thought of that was remotely believable. Besides, it was certainly more plausible than her seeing and hearing ghosts all the time.

  His hand loosened on her arm and she felt a slight caress, barely enough to penetrate the fabric of her shirt and undershirt combined. Without thinking, Lara reached up and took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly before she released it. “I'm okay. Really."

  A glance over her shoulder caught his slightly dubious look and the glitter in his yellow-hot eyes. He didn't look like he was ready to take her words at face value. He didn't look angry or disgusted though. Maybe he'd give her t
he benefit of the doubt and she could just smooth it over.

  Lara winked and motioned toward the white lighthouse and its outbuilding. “Can you give me the grand tour, Matt?"

  A slow smile brought his tanned face to life with an almost playful expression. “Of course. But it's a living history exhibit so it's very self-explanatory. There are some volunteers that act out different roles as well as displays."

  He stepped forward to walk alongside her as she headed toward the lighthouse, both of them strolling with no real sense of urgency to join the small crowd of visitors gathering in front of a uniformed Park Ranger and several people in Victorian clothing.

  * * * *

  Matt watched Lara closely throughout the afternoon. She took a lot of pictures and sometimes stopped to scribble notes, but he'd witnessed several more incidents like the earlier one. From behaving normally, she'd suddenly stop in place and look at one spot for a bit, then un-freeze after a few moments. A whispered thank you, so soft he'd not have been able to hear it without his inhumanly sensitive ears, and she would be back to her normal behavior again. Each of these frozen moments coincided with his body reacting the same way it did to an otherworldly being. It couldn't be a coincidence.

  The first several times it happened, he tried to see if he could locate the source of the eerie sensation. After the third time, he'd been forced to acknowledge whatever was affecting Lara was either not a physical entity or was one he couldn't detect.

  Maybe she was seeing the lighthouse's ghost. He'd caught a glimpse of the small girl in her sickbed a few times before. The sight almost made him cry. Instead of walking in the lands of plenty, she was trapped here in the lighthouse. Coyote sang a song of sorrow that night, just for her.


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