Texas Tea [Del Fantasma]

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Texas Tea [Del Fantasma] Page 9

by Maura Anderson

"You're so sweet to still remember dinner."

  "We'll need food to keep our strength up, trust me."

  Food wasn't his top priority. Instead he was focused on the various ways he wanted to devour his mate. He wanted to tie her to him, to create an unbreakable link between the two of them that would weather the storms to come, separations that may be necessary. Even something to sustain him for the rest of his life if she were unable to accept him as he was.

  The silence during this drive was tense, filled with anticipation and the desire growing and building between them. He had to work to keep his attention on the road. In only a short while he could have his fill of his mate, or at least slake his lust for a little while. It seemed like it took forever to get to the restaurant but it was really only a little over twenty minutes by the clock. He'd managed to resist the urge to speed by reminding himself that it wasn't worth a possible injury to himself or his newfound mate to get there a few minutes earlier.

  After he parked in the lot for the restaurant, he started to get out, only to see Ines bustle out the door with several bags in her hands. Instead of coming to him, she went to Lara's side of the truck, opened the passenger door and handed the bags to his mate.

  "Here's your dinner, I'll collect for it later.” The last bag was transferred “Remember, two souls become one."

  Her mysterious words didn't mean anything to him except maybe that Ines had, again, known something he'd only just realized. That Lara and he were destined for each other, meant to be mates.

  He shrugged off the incident and headed for his small house, his sole goal to get his mate home and into his arms, into his bed.

  * * * *

  Lara puzzled over Ines’ words. An echo of what the ghost of the bride told her, they seemed to encourage her to trust in love and believe in soul-mates. If she were to have a soul-mate, something she'd hoped for until she'd decided there would be no such thing in her life, Matt would be it. But would he disappoint her as so many other people had over the years?

  If so, at least she'd have this time and the memories she'd always carry of it.

  She glanced at the man beside her. He was determinedly focused on the road and not looking at her, his jaw clenched and hands so tight on the steering wheel she could clearly see the tendons in his fingers.

  But his cock knew she was there. The magnificent hard-on she'd felt back at the park hadn't subsided at all, straining against his uniform pants. Unable to resist, she scooted a tiny bit closer and trailed her hand up and down his thigh. The muscles in his leg tensed at her touch and she licked her lips, relishing the effect her touch had on him.

  She ran her fingernails lightly along his inseam, nudging closer and closer to the ridge of his erection. He groaned and reached down, capturing her hand and moving it off his leg and onto to the seat of the truck.

  "I can't drive safely while you're doing that and you know it. Behave until we get home, then you can have your way with me.” His voice tried to sound amused but she could hear the tension in it.

  It still amazed her that she could have this much of an effect on anyone, especially Matt. But there was no mistaking the evidence.

  "Okay, I'll be good. The drive better not be long though, I might get too hungry to wait.” She looked at his crotch and licked her lips. His long groan told her that he'd understood her hint.

  True to her word, she kept to her side of the truck's cab for the remaining part of the trip, as difficult as it was to keep her hands off him. She had to entertain herself with images of just what he'd look like and what she wanted to do to him. To do with him.

  Finally, they passed from the typical suburban scenery of densely packed houses that all looked alike to an area where the houses were much more spread apart with larger yards. The buildings varied widely between older ranch styles, a few that looked like the newer “open floor plan” styles, a lonely cape cod and a few in pueblo styles. Just off the main road she saw a small corner market and a café.

  It had a delightful feel—like a tiny rural town had been dropped into the dense impersonality of big town Southern California. Distracted, she stared out the window, admiring the hominess of it all. This was the kind of place she'd love to live. Who knew it even existed here?

  Matt turned off the main street and onto a smaller residential road. After a few blocks, he turned off the paved road and onto a gravel road.

  There were still gravel roads around here?

  "This is great! You live here? It's like a different city entirely, almost like a different state."

  "Yep. I'm really not into urban crowding and it took me a long time to find the right area and the right house for me."

  When they turned off the road and up a gravel driveway, she craned her neck to try to see through the thick screen of pine trees and bushes. A lovely craftsman-style house was nestled in the midst of the trees, its brown and green paint scheme making it appear right at home in its surroundings. The fieldstone accents reminded her of the cliffs at Point Loma.

  Matt pushed the button on a small remote and the carriage doors that hid a garage swung open to allow the truck to pull in.

  Suddenly her stomach felt full of butterflies. Excitement and nervousness mingled with a touch of fear. This was almost too perfect, too close to her long discarded dreams of a happily ever after.

  The truck door opened and Matt stood next to her, looking up with a devilish smile, perhaps tinged with a bit of his own nervousness. “We're home. Let me give you a quick tour while I can still restrain myself enough to do so."

  She unbuckled her seatbelt and turned so he could lift her down. So nice to be cared for, helped without the fear of future guilt or expectations. There was no doubt in her mind that if she asked Matt to stop, he would do so. No matter how difficult or painful. It wasn't in him to do otherwise.

  Instead of just setting her on her feet, he pulled her body against his and slowly let her slide to the ground with a full body caress. Her arms wrapped around his neck, as much to steady her now shaky legs as to stay in contact with him.

  A kiss, she really wanted another of his devastating kisses. She lifted her face to his, but instead of kissing her, he unwrapped her arms from around him so he could pull away.

  "We need to get us and the food inside. I refuse to let our first time be against my truck in the garage.” Matt's chest was heaving now, the effort it took for restraint taking its toll.

  He handed her the camera bag and grabbed the food they'd picked up. Shutting the vehicle's door, he led the way to the door into the house. Unlocking it, he gestured for her to enter first.

  Lara noted the new-looking front-loading washer and matching dryer in what seemed to be a combined laundry and mud room. Walking through it, she emerged through another door into a gorgeous kitchen. Granite counters and cherry cabinets, along with a sizable island, gave the room warmth that somehow worked in conjunction with the normally cold feeling of brushed stainless steel appliances. Matt opened the large refrigerator and stuffed the bags of food inside haphazardly, but there seemed to be little else in the way. At least that detail was typical of a bachelor.

  As soon as he'd closed the refrigerator door, he pulled her by the hand through the doorway opposite the one they'd entered through and up a wide, wooden staircase and into what had to be the master bedroom. A huge mission-style bed with slatted headboard and footboard dominated the large room. It was neatly made with a quilt that echoed the geometric stained glass in the windows and lamps.

  Matt spun her around, not giving her a chance to examine the room any further and held her face between his warm, long-fingered hands. He tilted it up to look straight into her eyes, suddenly solemn.

  "I can't give you the grand tour yet. I want you too much. If you don't want this, please say so now. I'll always stop, no matter what, if you tell me to but I'm dying for you now. I don't want to start something you don't want.” His golden eyes were almost the color of the midday sun and the heat in them set her blood to b

  "I do want this, Matt. I want it so much that I think I'll die if you don't—"

  His mouth devoured hers, cutting her off in mid-sentence, and the first touch of his lips erased all thought from her mind. He ran his hands down her back to her ass, cupping and kneading it as he pressed her pelvis against his hard cock. His tongue alternately invaded her mouth and retreated in a simulation of the joining to come, driving her more and more crazy with need.

  She'd had enough of waiting. Foreplay was wonderful but she needed more and she needed it now. She tore her mouth away from his, dodging his attempts to recapture her lips.

  "Clothes off. Now.” A whimper escaped her. “Please, now."

  Her words seemed to be the permission Matt was waiting for. He released her to tear at his own clothes. He only managed to partially unbutton his shirt before growing impatient and merely ripping the shirt the rest of the way off. Buttons clattered to the floor, unheeded.

  Lara froze in the midst of tugging her own shirt off, mesmerized by the sight of his sculpted chest. The dusky skin was touched with only the lightest sprinkle of black hair around his dark, taut nipples and in an enticing trail down toward his cock.

  He grinned at her. “Like what you see?"

  "Oh yes, you're gorgeous.” She could hardly speak through her suddenly dry mouth.

  "You're falling behind. Do you need help? I'm dying to see what underwear you chose for me.” His teasing words made her realize she had pulled her shirt halfway up and then stopped in mid-tug.

  "If you finish getting naked, I'll let you unwrap your present for yourself.” Not quite sure where this seductive siren side of herself came from, she was pleased to see Matt's explosive reaction.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he tore at the laces of his boots until he could untie them and pull them off. Tossing them aside, he threw his socks after them. He leapt back to his feet and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his uniform pants and slid them and his underwear off together.

  Stunned, she could do little beyond stare and hope she wasn't drooling too badly. The trail of hair from his rippled abdomen trickled down until it made a short nest around his huge, thick, uncircumcised cock. So hard it stood straight up, it was roped with veins and its ruddy skin made her lick her lips in anticipation.

  "Now can I have my present?” He stalked toward her, silent and fluid. A predator closing in on its prey. Except this prey didn't want to escape.

  Eagerly, she stood and waited for him to reach her, to touch her. She quivered with anticipation and desire, her panties now soaked with her own juices.

  He knelt at her feet and untied her boots, urging her to lift one foot at a time so he could remove them and her socks. She kept her balance with her hands on his shoulders but couldn't resist a brief exploration of his lush black hair, running her fingertips through the short strands and relishing the soft texture.

  When her fingers strayed to oh-so-lightly trace the edges of his ears, he shuddered and let out a groan before pushing her hands back to her sides and standing. “No. I want to enjoy unwrapping you. No distractions. Hold still."

  His ears must be very sensitive. Lara made a mental note of that for future reference.

  He moved behind her and she felt him undo her braid and run his fingers through the thick rope, unraveling it until her hair draped against her back like a curtain.

  An almost feral growl was all the warning she got before he nuzzled the back of her neck through her hair, then held it aside and nipped the sensitive skin with unusually sharp teeth.

  The sharp sensation sent lightning bolts straight to her pussy, her clit throbbing in time to each rapid beat of her heart.

  He released her hair and grabbed the hem of her shirt, sweeping it off over her head in one motion. His breath caught and his hands reached around to caress her breasts through the chocolate and cream bra. “I love my present. It's beautiful. You're beautiful."

  His big hands cupped her substantial breasts as if testing their weight. “Perfect. Just perfect."

  Strong fingers firmly teased her already aching nipples to even harder peaks, somehow knowing the exact amount of pressure to walk that fine line between pleasure and pain. Pinching, then soothing, pulling and rolling them until she felt like she would go crazy.

  So much sensation. He seemed in no hurry to move on. Soon the attention he lavished on her breasts had her writhing in need, unable to hold still. Hips thrusting, thighs rubbing, she unclenched her hands and reached down to satisfy her need for just that little bit more stimulation. One touch to her clit and she'd go off like a rocket.

  Before she could give herself release, Matt grabbed both her hands and pulled them behind her back, then held them there. “Oh no, that's my present and I'm very possessive of my presents."

  She heard the sound of frantic mewling and realized it was her. She'd never been so aroused before and Matt didn't seem inclined to give her the orgasm she needed. Not just yet, at least.

  He used one hand to unbutton and unzip her cargo pants, pushing them down off one hip and then the other until they fell to the ground at her feet, leaving her dressed in just her bra and thong.

  An intense snarl made her nerve endings tingle, then Matt released her hands and pulled her back against his naked body. His skin so hot she felt it might burn her, she felt the long length of his cock between her ass cheeks, soft and silken even as it was impossibly hard. Unable to remain still, she rubbed her ass against him in a blatant plea for him to fuck her. To take her.

  "You're mine, Lara. Mine.” His possessive whisper filled a space in her she didn't realize was empty. She liked his possessiveness. At least for now she belonged to someone, with someone.

  "Yes, I'm yours. Now take me, dammit."

  A dark chuckle and he gently pushed her forward a few steps until she stood next to the large bed. A long-time fantasy begged to be acted on and she bent over at the waist, resting her hands on the mattress and tilting her pelvis to better enable Matt to fuck her.

  Another bolt of lust ran through her when he yanked her thong down to her ankles with a single violent motion.

  Instead of the cock she craved, she felt a warm breath just before a hot, wet tongue licked her from clit to anus in a single, slow motion.

  "You taste so good, Lara. Sweet, hot, spicy."

  Another long lick. “Perfect."

  His long tongue pushed inside her pussy, circling the sensitive rim of her vagina before thrusting inside and retreating. Then he suckled her clit into his mouth, flicking it tenderly, releasing it before she could come. He tortured her with his mouth, never quite giving her enough of any one sensation to push her into orgasm but instead keeping her poised on the knife edge.

  Nearly incoherent, she begged. “Please, please Matt."

  "Please what?” His voice was muffled but amused.

  "Please ... come ... let me come...” Whimpering, she could no longer support her upper body and dropped to her elbows, further presenting her ass and pussy to Matt.

  She heard a drawer open, then the crinkle of a condom wrapper as Matt sheathed himself. His thick cock pushed against her, slowly thrusting and retreating, then thrusting a bit further. She was so wet that though his size stretched her neglected pussy, it didn't hurt.

  Now, she wanted him now. All of him. She tried to push back against him to encourage him to give her his whole cock right now, but he only swatted her ass, the sting adding a dark note to her already approaching orgasm. “No, it's my present, so I get to play with it as long as I want to."

  He held her hips still and continued his gradual invasion until finally he was embedded fully in her pussy. So deep. She'd never had a cock this big inside her. It felt like he could touch parts of her that no one had ever touched before.

  He started to thrust slowly, deeply. She wanted him wild and out of control. She wanted him to piston into her in irresistible need.

  "Fuck me, Matt. Hard. I need it hard."

  He stopped for a mom
ent, shuddered, then seemed to finally lose control and began pounding into her faster and faster, harder and harder. She braced herself on the bed and pushed back with every thrust. The hot sex became a wild, untamed mating.

  Just as her orgasm came within reach, Matt draped himself over her back and pinched her nipples, rolling them between his fingers mercilessly. The added sensation drove her over the precipice into the strongest orgasm of her life, screaming Matt's name as she came.

  Matt continued to drive his cock in and out, pounding through the clenching of her orgasm until he gave a final thrust, shouting as he came and pulsed within her. Chest heaving with the exertion, he collapsed over her, careful to support his weight on his arms.

  Just as she thought her legs would give out entirely, he pulled his cock free. The exquisite sensation made her gasp but she felt empty the moment he withdrew. She immediately ached to have his cock inside her again.

  Eyes closed and exhausted, she heard the sounds of him dealing with the condom. He lifted her upper body off the bed just long enough to pull the covers back and slip her onto the smooth sheets. He took a moment to rebraid her long hair and pull off her bra, then his warm body climbed in behind her. A strong arm pulled her back against him before he covered them both with the sheet.

  Just as she drifted off to sleep, she thought she heard a whisper. “My mate."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Matt woke with a feeling of contentment so profound he couldn't remember a time when he felt more whole, more at peace. Relaxed, without having to run for a good part of the night to get that way. Coyote wasn't struggling to get out, despite the lack of a run, he seemed happy to be with Lara, with the scent of her permeating his bed.

  He opened his eyes to see his mate still asleep next to him. Relishing this chance to look her over to his heart's content before she woke, he stared at her. It would make her nervous if she knew he was doing it. He turned on his side and propped himself up on one elbow, the full moon visible through the large windows gave him just enough light to clearly see her with his sensitive eyes.


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