Midnight Sun

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Midnight Sun Page 2

by Lyons, Rene

  He looked genuinely shocked. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  She shook her head. “I wish I was.” She let out a dramatic sigh. “Denise of all people. How insulting is that?”

  “Damn. That’s bad, Red. I won’t even tap that.” Raphael always told it to her straight, which was only one of the many reason she adored him. “Why the hell would he cheat on you? Screw what Allie said, C. Go pull his spleen out.”

  Allie hit Raphael on the arm. “Oh please, don’t you dare encourage him. No doubt after the crappy day I’m having, I’ll get blamed for it and spend the rest of my life in jail.”

  “Like we wouldn’t protect you,” Constantine proclaimed gruffly. “Besides, Fate has other plans for you.”

  Even after five months, Allie still wasn’t used to the cryptic bombs of information Constantine liked to drop on her every now and then.

  Along with telepathy, Constantine had the sight. He was shown glimpses of the future, though he never shared the details of the visions with anyone. His reasoning was that he knew it wasn’t for him to screw around with a person’s life-path. As much as she hated to admit it, since she was dying to know some of the things he saw, she knew he was right. He could seriously alter the direction a person took with nothing more than a few words. Who knew what cosmic chaos it would cause? Best leave Fate to do her thing and go along for the ride. If Allie learned anything from her time with the Templars it was that Fate was a fickle bitch who didn’t like being played with.

  Besides, the visions he saw were mostly fragmented and made little to no sense at the time Fate showed them to him. Only once the event came to pass did he understand the vision.

  Running her hand over Constantine’s arm, Allie smiled. What a thing it was to have two medieval vampires watching her back. “I know you guys are only trying to help, but leave Jude alone. He’s a pathetic wretch anyway and I’m better off without him. I wish I were able to go back and start the day over. I’d do it much differently, believe me.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  Raphael’s quiet agreement made Allie cringe. Here she was, going on about her miserable day to two men who burned to death seven hundred years ago. If that wasn’t bad enough, at the moment of their death, the archangel Michael damned them. Before he threw them back to the realm of the living, no longer alive and not quite dead, he seized their souls by running his sword through their hearts. It was a horrible way to die and an even worse fate to have to suffer, especially for men who had once sacrificed everything they were for God.

  How dare she complain about her crappy day to them? At least she was allowed a day. The Templars weren’t even afforded that. They were prisoners of the dark, forced to know only the night and the cold that come from having no soul. It was a torturous existence, and if she ever doubted that, all she had to do was look in any Templar’s eyes. Their pain and nightly struggle for redemption reflected in those silvery depths.

  “So nothing happened at the Moning’s?” Constantine changed the subject, trying not to seem too eager to find out how her hunt went.

  Constantine loved a good ghost story, especially if it happened to be true. He liked to play his interest off as all cool and nonchalant.

  “Absolutely nothing. Unfortunately. At least if I found some evidence of old man Moning, it might have made what happened with Jude worthwhile. Instead, the entire day ended up being a waste.”

  “Well, it’s not a total waste,” Raphael commented.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Jude is going to get his comeuppance. Trust me.”

  Allie gasped with an excitement that came strictly from an evil place in her that had been imagining a good revenge against Jude all day. “Tell me!”

  She knew that with their curse of vampirism came certain abilities she couldn’t even begin to understand. The Templars knew things that had nothing to do with Constantine’s power to read minds. It was more or less an innate ability to sense things humans couldn’t.

  “Denise has a nasty case of the clap.”

  Allie let out a loud hoot of laughter. “Good for him! I hope his thing falls right off. Not like he’d miss it since he doesn’t know how to use it.”

  Raphael sputtered out a hard laugh. Constantine grunted and shook his head. “Remind me never to piss you off.”

  Allie smiled at that. “This coming from a man who wants to rip a spleen out through someone’s nostrils. I’m flattered.”

  Sitting back watching Allie and Constantine, an odd sense of contentment came over Raphael. The four Templars were sent to Damascus to join Tristan for a very specific reason, one which would bring with it a war they would either win, or would end badly enough to rock creation itself. Still, he inwardly smiled as the three of them sat around the table going on as if everything was right and normal in their strange world.

  Though for a bunch of misfits, this probably was normal, or at least as ordinary as things were going to get for any of them.

  Allie, considered the town nutcase for her relentless pursuit of the supernatural, was fully aware of what he and Constantine were and accepted them despite their tendency to burst into flames at the merest hint of daylight. She treated them as she would two normal men. No hesitation or fear in her, a marvel of a woman who had a set of brass balls that would make any man proud.

  The rest of her, however, was as feminine as it got.

  What a shame he had no intention of settling down with a mate. If he had the inclination, he’d have claimed Allie as his own the night he and Constantine saved her life.

  Hell, even Constantine adored her, which was saying much since the miserable bastard didn’t like anyone, not even himself.

  Constantine took her in as part of their unusual little family, which irked the hell out of Sebastian. Claimed by the Dragon, it was forever. He may be a miserable bastard on his best day, but he’d risk anything to keep those he cared for safe.

  Knowing Constantine, Raphael almost pitied Jude. God help the man when Constantine ran into him, an event Raphael knew he’d make sure came to pass.

  “What did you guys find out from Kenny?”

  Constantine let out a frustrated grunt. “Not much. He saw the symbol on a piece of torn parchment.”

  “It’s something at least, more than I thought you would find out from the crackhead.”

  “Junkie,” Raphael corrected.

  “Whatever,” Allie threw back.

  Those closest to her knew Allie detested drugs and the people who did them, though she never said why. Raphael suspected it had something to do with the death of her younger brother, but it was merely an assumption, not something he knew with a certainty. Her reasons were buried so deep not even Constantine could see why.

  “Did he tell you guys where he found it?”

  “In his grandmother’s attic.” Raphael made sure he kept his voice low when the sexy blonde waitress sauntered past him again. Her smiles told him he’d not have to look far to feed tonight.

  Seeing Allie shake her head in disgust, he knew she correctly assumed Kenny been looking for stuff to steal from the poor old woman.

  “What did Grandma say when you guys showed up at her doorstep?”

  Raphael grinned, recalling the look of astonishment on the woman’s face when they came calling. “Thankfully we had Lucian with us or else we wouldn’t have made it past the door.”

  “Gee, I wonder why not?” Allie’s tone was thick with sarcasm.

  “She didn’t know a damn thing. Alzheimer’s, man, glad I can’t ever get hit with that one. Her mind was such a mess I couldn’t even make out one thought from another.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure more information will turn up.”

  “True,” Raphael agreed. “But the longer we wait the worse the situation is going to get.”

  “I’d love to stay and bullshit, but nature calls.”

  Raphael knew exactly what Constantine meant by that remark. The hunger was nagging at him as w
ell. He eyed the blonde taking an order a few tables away. His mouth watered at the thought of taking from her.

  His mischievous streak coming to the forefront, Raphael wanted to end Allie’s night better than her day began. The idea of ruffling Sebastian’s feathers had him grinning with evil delight. Sage was going to be furious with him, but he couldn’t care less, the brooding bastard was going to have to deal, plain and simple.

  After he unlatched a key from the ring dangling from one of the loops of his black jeans, he handed it to Allie. “Here.”

  Accepting the key and the small black remote for the gate, she looked to him in question. “What’s this?”

  Constantine’s wink told her he knew what Raphael was about by giving over the key to her.

  “Isn’t it obvious, Red? It’s the remote for the gate and the key to the front door.”

  Her delighted gasp was music to his ears. From what Constantine told them, she hadn’t smiled much in her life, so he was glad he was able to make her happy with something as small as the okay to hunt the ghosts known to reside at the manor.

  “No way, Raphael! Oh my God, I love you.” She threw her arms around him in a fierce hug.

  Disentangling himself from her, he gave a small push toward the door. “Go on,” he urged her. “Sebastian shouldn’t be home for hours, so you’ll have plenty of time to poke around.”

  How he managed the lie without bursting into laughter was beyond him.

  “Are you sure about this?” She looked first to Raphael and then to Constantine. “You know Sebastian going’s to throw a pissy fit when he finds out.”

  “Let me worry about Sebastian.”

  Like a kid given a new toy, she giggled with excitement before planting quick kisses on Raphael and Constantine’s cheeks. “Thanks guys. I owe you one for this.”

  “You owe us nothing. Now get the hell out of here,” Constantine grumbled.

  Not needing to be told again, she jetted out so fast Raphael wouldn’t have been surprised if she left trails of fire in her wake. If she’d turned around she would have seen two very awestruck vampires cupping their kissed cheeks as if the soft touch of her lips were the sweetest gift.

  “I think I’m in love.”

  “Shut up, Rogue,” Constantine barked, though he was thinking the exact same thing.

  Too bad Allie wasn’t for him, Constantine thought with his typical grouch. If she were his, he’d never tire of looking upon her beautiful face, or grow used to the silken feel of her long red hair. He’d never cease to appreciate the mischievous gleam in her brilliant green eyes.

  Long before coming to the States, Constantine dreamt of Allie. The dream told him plainly she was meant for someone other than himself, and he knew enough about his visions to never doubt them or fuck with them. He rolled with what he saw, hating Fate every moment the blinding pain of his visions cut through his brain like a knife.

  Good thing she was already half in love with her fated mate. Though it might not make things easier for her, it certainly was going to make it fun to sit back and watch the coming events unfold.


  The first thing Allie remembered to do when she arrived at Randall Manor was close her mouth.

  Who could blame her for her jaw dropping? Known to be a hot zone, supposedly all kinds of paranormal happenings went on here. For years rumors abounded of full apparitions, the sound of children’s laughter, the typical lights that went on and off by themselves and banging doors. Reports of ghostly reflections in the mirrors and spirits gazing out from the leaded glass windows reached her as well. Name it and it happened here, which was why she was nearly foaming at the mouth to see what she might find.

  Once the Templars took up residence all the activity suddenly stopped. From what Allie learned, ghosts steered clear of anything nastier than them. Since vampires were at the top of the nocturnal hierarchy, any ghosts haunting the place would have found a way to leave the manor if they were able. Of course, some spirits wouldn’t have been able to escape. Those were the ghosts Allie hoped to find here tonight.

  Parking her SUV behind a gorgeous, and insanely expensive, black BMW, Allie noticed an array of impressive Harley Davidsons. The VRSCD Night Rod, which she knew belonged to Constantine, was one hell of a hot ride.

  Must be nice to have money.

  Flat broke, Allie learned a long time back how to stretch the meager living she eked out as a ghost hunter. She may not always pay the bills on time, but she enjoyed what she did. If she had to go without a phone every now and then, it was worth it since she got to do what she loved. Some might call it irresponsible, but after failing at conformity, she gave up trying and decided she was going to live her life as she saw fit and enjoy every moment of it.

  Seeing what was taken away from the Templars, Allie knew she’d made the right choice for her life.

  After climbing out of her beat up Honda Passport, Allie crossed the short distance to the manor, stopping short at the foot of the six steps that led to a massive wrap-around porch. She felt tiny standing in the shadow of the manor, which was more a work of art than a home. It made her parent’s house, impressive in its own right, look like a garage.

  Constructed in gray stone, the steeped roof was topped with mean looking spires. A four level square tower jutted out from the far left corner, and at the very top of it were two windows, which gave the impression of watchful eyes staring down on her.

  The rest of the many windows were decorated with delicate tracery, behind which thick drapes were drawn tightly shut, preventing her from getting a peek inside the place.

  The manor was as magnificent as it was imposing.

  Her excitement riding her, she bounded up the steps and fit the key in the lock with bated breath, half expecting to be greeted by a specter. She crossed the threshold without a hint of hesitation.

  Given the dark and sinister outside, from what she saw, the interior was inviting and surprisingly modern.

  Allie stood in the foyer, to the right was a formal parlor, to the left a dining room. Breathless with excitement at finally being inside the manor, Allie stepped deeper in as if she were walking into holy ground. Locating a light switch on the wall close to the entrance, she flicked it on, bathing the grand oval entrance in a soft glow. Looking up, she gaped at the elaborate painted ceiling depicted an archangel guiding five warriors to Heaven. Gorgeous, the representation of Michael leading the Templars back to God pulled at her heart.

  Sensing nothing supernatural around her, Allie spared a quick glance in the parlor and dinning rooms, amazed at the elegance of them. Black marble and wrought iron were the dominant features, lending both rooms an undeniable sense of wealth and sophistication.

  The foyer opened to a long hallway. Following it down, Allie glanced up the darkened staircase to the right. Knowing the Templars’ rooms were right above her, her mischievous streak came to the forefront. She couldn’t wait to go snooping around their private lairs. Heading into a large, yet cozy, family room, Allie turned on the floor lamp near the entryway. She blew out a low whistle when she caught sight of the giant plasma television dominating the black lacquer entertainment center.

  Noting the wall of windows, she couldn’t help but surmise it wasn’t the best thing for a house where vampires lived. Nevertheless, the stained glass portraying scenes of Crusade were stunning.

  Taking a moment to feel for any ghosts, she felt nothing, not even a slight shift in the energy or temperature of the room. If she didn’t know better she’d swear one of the Templars were still at home. Raphael assured her Sebastian was gone for the night and with him and Constantine still at the bar, that left only Lucian. He, she knew, was out looking for the girl who went missing a few nights ago.

  Stepping out of the family room, she gave a quick check in the kitchen at the end of the hallway. Nothing was to be felt there either. Barely sparing it a second thought, her mind went to those rooms upstairs. There was snooping to done and she didn’t have all night to do it. />
  Doing her best to keep herself open to any sensations of ghosts, Allie flipped on the dim overhead and followed the steps to the second floor. Most of the doors where closed, and after giving them a check, she found them to be locked as well.

  Her curious nature couldn’t resist cracking open the only unlocked door. Her heart leapt into her throat when she was met by the warm glow of candlelight. Holding her breath in anticipation, she poked her head in and peeked into the masculine room. From the black furniture to the deep gray comforter on the bed, everything was just so—dark. Heavy black curtains were drawn and tied; Luis Royo works decorated dark brown walls. Everywhere she looked there were medieval themed collectables. Half the stuff looked like it came from the Nobel Collection catalogue. The other half could only be from the Franklin Mint.

  Without a doubt she knew this was Sebastian’s room. If she needed further proof, the back-hanging baldric he always wore was thrown on the bed. The translucent red cross pattee winking in the hilt proclaimed it as a sword of the Knight Templars.

  Now, the smart thing to do would be to back her nosey self out and quietly leave whence she came, but it was a fact Allie rarely did the “smart thing”.

  Bold as you please, Allie pushed the door open all the way. She thought to take a quick peek around then haul ass out of there before Sebastian was the wiser.

  That’s what she meant to do, but the huge ruby ring on the dresser caught her attention. Unable to resist herself, she picked it up and saw the inside bore an inscription. It read Ad maiorem dei gloriam.

  For the glory of God.

  She looked around to make sure she was alone before slipping the ring on her finger. Too big, when she held up her finger to admire it, it slipped off and hit the floor with a dull thud.

  As if Fate gave the thing a push, it rolled under the bed. Damn these old floors with their funky pitches. Or was it the ghosts working their stuff? Whatever it was, all Allie knew was she had to put the ring back and get out of there before she got caught red-handed where she didn’t belong.


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