Zero Trace

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Zero Trace Page 28

by Cara Carnes

  But the women had been strangely absent since their return to The Arsenal a few moments ago. Momma Mason had fussed over Zoey and worked her magic in a way only a mother could. By the time their brief visit had ended, a bit of Zoey’s spirit had returned.

  But not enough.

  Gage shut the door and kicked off his shoes.

  Zoey clutched the cat like a lifeline as she sat on the edge of the bed. “Mary and I talked today. I think I’m going to group tomorrow.”

  Gage froze. “Good. Jesse talked me into going, too. We’ll go together if you want.”

  “You’re going, too?”

  “Yeah. He thought it was time I worked through some of what went down, especially if I give the Triple Threat a crack at teaming up with me.” He sat beside her on the bed. “You okay with me being there if you go?”

  “Yeah. Of course. I probably won’t talk or anything, but even if I did, I wouldn’t mind.” She swallowed. “I love you, Gage. You know that, right?”

  “I love you, too, Zoey. More than I can ever describe.” He reached out and caressed her face. Pain spread through him like a brushfire burning his insides.

  Inside he mourned what she’d lost. Hair grew back. The logical statement had looped in his mind a thousand times the past several hours, but what it represented might never fully return. Trauma changed people.

  His had irrevocably altered him. He knew the road Zoey was about to take would be hell, and he was determined to see her through it no matter what.

  “I’m hideous,” she whispered. “That’s what I thought when you tensed in the hospital today.”

  “You are beautiful. Don’t ever say you’re hideous, Little Bit. I couldn’t give a shit less what you look like. You could be a two-thousand-pound elephant in a hula skirt for all I care.”

  “Then why did you tense?”

  “Because I didn’t want to hurt you,” he whispered. “I wanted to kiss you so bad, but your sweet face is hurt. I don’t ever want to hurt you, Zoey.”

  “I was afraid you didn’t want me anymore. It’s okay if I’m ugly right now. My hair will grow back,” she whispered.

  Jesus. He’d tried to protect her and had landed on hurting her in the process. One of these days he’d make the right move when it came to Zoey. He cupped the least-damaged side of her face and feathered his lips across hers.

  “I get so hard every time I’m around you I’m surprised I function.”

  Her hands ran down his chest and halted at his waist. “Can I undo your belt?”

  “You can always do whatever you want with me, Zoey. I’m yours. Mind, body, soul, and heart. Yours. All in, remember?”

  She smiled. “I’m thinking you should teach me poker. I might be good at it.”

  “You’ll suck at it, but I’ll teach you.” He couldn’t help the mischievous thoughts tumbling through his mind. “We’d better make it interesting, though.”


  “Winner’s choice on how tonight ends,” he whispered.

  “Mmmm.” She groaned her reply as she undid his pants and ran the zipper down. Heat. The sensation shot through his cock when she wrapped her hands around him. “Well, my, my. You’re going commando. I thought you were a boxer briefs kind of guy.”

  “I am unless a shower is necessary and a fresh pair isn’t an option.”

  “That may be TMI,” she whispered against his throat as she nipped.

  “There’s no such thing as TMI when you’re all in, Little Bit. Love is real. Sometimes really ugly.”

  “It’s a good thing I love you then, Gage Sanderson.” She squeezed his dick. “Are we done with the talking portion of tonight?”

  Hell yeah.

  Anticipation crawled through Zoey’s body as Gage took the lead and guided her toward the bed. Each touch along her skin was soft, measured, and cautious. She’d never felt so treasured and loved, but she wanted more from him.

  “I won’t break into two. Fuck me, Sanderson.”

  He growled and lifted her higher onto the bed. Pleasure shot through her as he licked her pussy—deep, commanding strokes along her slit, then in. He rubbed her clit.

  She angled off the bed and upward into the contact. The injuries she’d sustained prevented her from returning the pleasure he was giving her, but she’d have a lifetime to enjoy every inch of Gage.

  And she would.

  A list formed in her mind as she spiraled quickly into the abyss.

  She moaned when he repositioned to be atop her. His weight settled between her legs as she kissed him softly. He cupped and toyed with her breasts until her nipples ached for more. Legs locked around his hips, she scored her nails down his back and relished the slow glide of their tongues.

  “I love you, Zoey. So much,” he whispered against her cheek. “Don’t ever think otherwise. I don’t give a shit if you stay bald forever.”

  “You loved my hair,” she whispered against his throat as he slid deep into her.

  A gasp escaped her as her body acclimated to his thick, hard cock deep inside her. She grabbed his ass and sank her nails into the meaty flesh. “Fuck, that feels so good.”

  “My woman’s got a potty mouth in bed,” he teased. “I like it.”

  “Then fuck me.”

  He did. Oh boy, he did. Each thrust was harder and more demanding than the last. “I loved your hair because it was you. Your quirkiness. Your beauty. Your spirit. Everything I love about you was shown in those bright colors. But it’s still there, in you. That’s all that matters, Zoey. I love you.”

  “Gage.” She clung to him as the ability to speak fled her mind. It wrapped around the words he’d offered as she surrendered to the onslaught of sensations.

  His release followed on the heels of hers. He drew her against him so she was nestled against his side, spent.

  “I can’t move, sweetheart,” he admitted. She kissed his chest and smiled up. “I’m sorry, Zoey. I didn’t use a condom. I should have.”

  “I wasn’t thinking about it either. I’ll get with Logan to update my shot as soon as I can,” she whispered. Eyes closed, she drifted. “You think we can con Addy into going to group?”

  Gage chuckled. “I’ll have your six if you’re up for taking the lead. I don’t think she’s ready to confront the monsters she’s buried.”

  She would, though. Eventually. Addy was a smart, strong woman. Dobby jumped up on the bed and did his requisite rounds before plopping down beside Gage’s head.

  “He loves you, too,” Zoey whispered with a tease in her voice.

  “He’s not too bad,” Gage admitted. “Get some rest, Little Bit. It’s been a long day. Do you want some of your pain medicine to help you sleep?”

  “No, I’m good.” She hoped that was the case, but no matter what happened tonight, she knew she’d be safe. Gage was there.


  Zoey entered the medical ward and swallowed the nervousness filling her. She should’ve waited a few days to see Jade because she knew she looked horrible.

  “Go on in,” Logan said with a confident smile. “He’s been worried sick about you, Z. He’d rather see you banged up than think the worst.”

  Zoey entered the room and turned the small corner. A smile fractured her face as she looked at the tall, muscular man sitting in a recliner with a laptop on his lap. Vi’s cat Hermione slept between his legs. Harry was on the floor not too far away.

  “So this is where they sneak off to,” she commented. “Vi’s been trying to figure it out.”

  “I’ve got the good kibble,” Jade said. He scooted the cat off the recliner and stood. “Fuck, sweetheart, it’s good to see you. Talk about shit conditions to meet someone face-to-face for the first time.”

  “Wait. You two have never met?” Logan asked. He laughed. “Nothing surprises me when it comes to you, Zero.”

  Bootsteps shuffled behind her, but she didn’t have to look to see who it was. Gage had promised he’d be here as soon as he was done talking with the Masons before th
ey headed to Nomad.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I’m not the one who went five rounds with Cherling,” Jade said. “I wish I could kill the son of a bitch again. Fuck, you’re a mess, sweetheart.”

  Zoey laughed. “You’re such a sweet talker.”

  Concern flashed across the man’s handsome face. “You’re done going it alone.”

  “Yeah, we’re done going it alone.” Zoey took his hand. “We can do a lot more good in the light of day. I see that now.”

  “That fancy system we’re hooked up to has lots of bells and whistles. Bree and Rhea have been teaching me the ropes. They’re going to get me situated to facilitate the network’s daily operations. They’ll field potential candidates and forward the ones that pass HERA’s tests to you.” Jade squeezed her hand. “You’ve gotten lucky scraping out of this, Zero. I don’t ever want to go through this again.”

  “You won’t. Neither will she,” Gage said as he entered the room fully and wrapped an arm around her. “I’m Gage. Glad to finally meet you.”

  “Glad you’ve had her back, and I’m beyond thrilled she’s finally got a man. Maybe now she’ll relax every now and then,” Jade said.

  Zoey gasped. “I rest plenty.”

  “I said relax, not rest. Relax is when you kick back and do nothing on a Sunday because it’s fun.” His dark gaze narrowed. “You don’t relax.”

  “She will now,” Gage said. “I like the idea of lazy Sundays in bed.”

  Zoey did, too. She smiled and ran her hand backward until it stroked his face. “You’re here sooner than I expected. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, they just wanted to get to the hospital.” He kissed her neck. “I’ve gotta go run drills though.”

  “See? I’m not the only one around here who doesn’t relax. Those operatives deserve a break.”

  “That’s why they’re only doing three hours instead of six.”

  Jade laughed his ass off as Gage left. “Pleased as hell you found a good man. This is a kickass crew you’ve got here.”

  “We, Jade. You’re part of us now. If Rhea and Bree are showing you how to run the network, you’ve passed the test. You’re Arsenal now. You okay with that?”

  “Yeah, I think I can handle kicking assholes’ butts with a kickass crew at my back,” Jade said. “Now, fill me in on what I need to know about this crew.”

  Zoey laughed. He had no idea what he was asking for. She sat in the chair next to the recliner and curled up. Smiling, she told Jade about the men and women she’d grown to think of as family.

  Gage entered the empty hangar and sat atop the crate he’d found Zoey perched on when they’d returned from Weathers’ office. Solitude was a hard-to-find commodity at The Arsenal. While he could’ve gone to his room, he didn’t want someone tracking him down.

  He pulled out his cell and punched the number he should’ve dialed when the need hit him days ago. If he’d learned anything the past few months at The Arsenal, it was the value of time. You never knew when it’d be snatched away.


  “Hey, Ma.”

  Silence, then a barely audible gasp on the other end. “Baby? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, just wanted to check in, see how things are.” He grinned into the phone and leaned forward as some of the tightness in his chest escaped in a sigh. “How have you been?”

  “Your sisters are driving me to distraction. Eleanor thinks I should pack up the house and move in with her, but Atlanta’s so hot. The humidity would kill me, and she and Woodrow don’t need me underfoot.”

  Gage’s gut clenched. His older sister didn’t make suggestions like that lightly. Was Ma having trouble? The fact that he didn’t know agitated the roiling guilt churning in his gut. Momma Mason’s accident had made him realize he hadn’t prioritized family since he’d gotten out of the service.

  “Eleanor wouldn’t offer if she didn’t want you there,” he commented. “How’s the house?”

  “Oh, it’s fine. Karen and Mike were here the other day fixing a pipe in the kitchen. Those two are always over here doing something or another. They aren’t happy unless they’ve got a tool of some kind in their hands.”

  Gage laughed. Karen was a skilled carpenter who’d met Mike on a jobsite. It’d been love at first sight, and they’d been together for twenty years at Christmas. “We should do an anniversary party for them at Christmas. Maybe you all could come down here.”

  One of the cottages would be done by then, and there were plenty of rooms available. Gage made a mental list of things to check in on and waited through the silence.

  “You want us to meet someone,” she whispered.

  Gage grinned into the phone as the rest of the anxiety in him released. “Yeah. Zoey. She’s…”

  “She’s the one.”

  “Yeah. She’s amazing, Ma. More brilliant than anyone I’ve met and so fiercely loyal and protective.” He paused. “You’re gonna love her, because I do.”

  “You should bring her up here,” his mom declared. “I’ll let the girls know, and we’ll have a family reunion.”

  “Jesus, Ma. Don’t call a reunion. Then all the uncles and aunts will come with all the cousins, and before we know it, there’ll be two hundred people crammed into your back yard.”


  “So I don’t want to scare her off,” Gage grumbled. “She’s not used to big families.”

  “If she’s been around that crew you’ve got down there, she’s used to big families.”

  Gage had shared more than a few stories about the Mason brood. Sharing bits and pieces of his new life at The Arsenal gave Ma the peace of mind she needed. Now he had Zoey to share as well.

  But she might not be ready to meet his family, and his focus needed to be about making sure she was okay. “We’ve had a rough few weeks here, Ma.”

  “I was afraid of that. Last time you called one of those boys was looking for his boy. Did he find him? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, he and his older brother are amazing kids,” Gage said. “And I’m better than I’ve been in years, Ma. There’s plenty of room. You should come down and stay a while. Eleanor, Karen, and Lydia can come down. They’d love it. So would the kids.”


  “Ma? You there?”

  “Yeah.” His mom’s voice cracked. “Just can’t wait to meet the woman who put my boy back together.”

  Jesus. Gage’s eyes burned. Head down, he breathed through the fact that the woman who’d raised him was right. Zoey had knocked him back into living mode. He wanted to be the man she deserved and needed. More importantly, he wanted everyone important in his life to know it.

  “I never thanked you for everything you did when I got back. I know it was hard giving me space,” he said.

  “Baby,” she whispered.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “Love you, too, Gage,” she said. “I’ll let the girls know we’re going down. It’ll take a while for Eleanor to get vacation time, but Karen’s off at the holidays and Lydia’s between jobs.”

  Lydia lived between jobs most of the time. Gage sighed. “I’ll send money her way.”

  “Eleanor’s got her covered.”

  “Still, I’ll send money her way. Eleanor’s got a girl a year from college. It’s time I step up to the plate and help out with a few things.” He paused when footsteps shuffled behind him. “I’ve gotta get going, Ma, but I’ll call in a couple days. We’ll make plans.”

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you, too.” Gage clicked off and looked to the left. A smile broke across his face as Zoey danced from her left to right foot. Her lower lip disappeared into her mouth. “Come here, Little Bit.”

  “I didn’t mean to snoop, honest. I was looking for you.”

  “Come here.” Anticipation heightened his pulse as need punched its way southward. She’d changed into a pair of black cargo pants. The pockets bulged as slivers of their contents peeked out. “I’m
loving the new look.”

  She held her arms out to her sides and twirled around. “It’s my in-the-field look.”

  “In-the-field, huh?” He stood and wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her forward until her sexy body was up against his. Face buried against her neck, he inhaled her scent. “I love you, Little Bit.”

  “I love you, too.” She wrapped her arms around him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. It’s just been a while since I chatted with Ma. She’s gonna love you.”

  Zoey tightened in his arms. “I’ve never met someone’s parent before.”

  “She’ll love you.” Gage kissed her. Need surged within him, but his mind was focused on the fact that she’d hunted him down. He severed the contact. “You okay? You were looking for me.”

  “I showed Bree and Rhea what I do to get someone into the network,” Zoey whispered against his shoulder. “I found Gwen and Cecilia a home, one where they can stay together.”

  “That’s great. Did you let Marcus know? His men are still watching them, right?”

  Zoey nodded. “I’m going to go get them, take them to their new home outside Chicago.”

  “Chicago, huh?” Gage traced Zoey’s jawline and kissed her cheek softly. “You wanted them near Ben so he could keep an eye out for them.”

  “Yes,” she admitted. “And they need intense therapy. The couple they’ll be with are retired teachers who’ve helped me with a few older kids in the past. They’ll get a fresh start.”

  “Because of you.” Gage cupped her face. “You’re amazing. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, but can we wait for the parental meet until I don’t look like a reject from the cue-ball club?” She peered into his eyes. “I want her to like me.”

  “She’s going to love you, but we’ll wait until you’re ready.” He kissed her lips, then pulled away. “You said you were going to get them situated. Which team’s going with you?”

  “Yours,” she whispered. “Will you go with me? You and your new crew?”

  His new crew. Some of the darkness in him receded at the thought. Yeah, Doug, Ramon, and Pierce were his team, as far as they were concerned. The rest of the operatives had already accepted it. So had the team leaders.


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