Tough Tackle: A Second Chance Sports Romance (Wild Boys Sports Romance Book 3)

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Tough Tackle: A Second Chance Sports Romance (Wild Boys Sports Romance Book 3) Page 3

by Harper Lauren

  I was somehow taken aback, as I pictured the many employees I’ve seen during the parties and gatherings I’ve attended in the past. I’ve seen some of them with their kids. I’ve watched some of them get older and get promoted in our company. And I’m even friends with a few of their children.

  “Just think about it, Drake.”

  A vision of me getting married and having a baby suddenly popped in my head. To my bewilderment, it was Dr. Hill’s face that came to mind as my future wife. I quickly erased the image, literally shaking my head.

  “You owe it to yourself, too,” Dad told me. He was hitting it home, actually. It was just my pride that was getting in the way, my sense of rebellion preventing me from moving forward. Maybe it was about time I gave it a shot. Who knows? I might actually have a knack for it. I might even enjoy it.

  “Okay, I’ll think about it,” I said.

  “Good,” he answered, breaking into a grin. “That’s my son. I knew you’d come around.” He gave me a pat on the shoulder. “I know you believe I’ve always been a bad father to you. I have to admit I had not been around as much as I would have wanted. But Drake… this is all for you. So I’m hoping we can start over...”

  “Sure,” I interrupted. “But did you have to do all this?”

  He chuckled. “Just my way of saying I want to start over with you, son.”

  Even though he was probably doing it more for the business than for me or for this family, I somehow felt glad. Hope seemed to be seeping through my veins, traveling to my heart. This day may not end on a sad note, after all.

  The rest of the evening was easier on me, though not yet relaxing. I had a lot on my mind, despite a huge burden that felt like it had just been lifted off my shoulders. There was an impending concern on my part--- starting a new chapter in my life. Tons of questions were swimming in my mind, though I hadn’t given a final answer yet.

  After dinner, I hung out at the poolside with some of my buddies. That was when I saw a few guys on the team fooling around with the women. They were pushing each other in and out of the pool, though they weren’t in swimming attire. They were acting rowdy and foolish, obviously drunk already.

  I shook my head in disbelief, not understanding why some men acted in such ways, as if they were still in their teens. It was a major turn-off for me. Did I really want to keep hanging out with these players? Although there were several great guys on the team, I found myself wondering what it would be like to broaden my world and meet new people again.

  Perhaps it was time.



  Lying on my former bed that night, in all its pink and floral theme glory, took on a whole new meaning. I had yet to settle in my own apartment so I was momentarily staying at my parents’ house, back in my old bedroom.

  I spied the stack of albums piled up on my dresser. Since I couldn’t sleep yet, I decided to check them out again, this time going through the photos one by one, reliving my four miserable years at Windfield High.

  Well, okay, that was an exaggeration. They weren’t all miserable and horrible for geeky ol’ me. I wasn’t really bullied around much, but maybe that’s mainly because my dad was a teacher there.

  I came across a group photo that had been taken in front of the school. It was of me and my best friend Lauren, along with her popular jock boyfriend Jordan and his football buddies.

  I rolled my eyes as I recalled how I’d felt like such an outcast every time Lauren would invite me to hang out with them. At times, a couple of cheerleaders and popular girls were with us, too. They weren’t mean to me, but they didn’t take the time to talk to me either. I had always felt invisible. Eventually, I stopped trying. It was better for me to simply immerse in what I loved to do, and not try to be someone else. I was only doing it for Lauren, in the first place.

  Looking closer at the photo in front of me, I was surprised to notice that Drake was actually there. He was standing next to Jordan. It made sense, though, since he was also in the football team then.

  That was when it hit me. This was the day I had first met him, which had triggered me to crush on him. There was just something about his mysterious appeal that had somehow gotten me hooked. And whenever I got to chat with him, those were the times I was able to have a glimpse of his bright mind and creative ideas. He was rather smart for a football player. He certainly wasn’t the typical jock.

  One thing led to another. During senior year, I was assigned to tutor him in math. It wasn’t his best subject, obviously. His grades were slipping, which meant that he might not be allowed to play in the football championship games. The coach was panicking, so he and the math teacher had decided to give Drake a chance to catch up. I was the math whiz who’d willingly given my time and effort to help pull his grades up.

  Only Lauren could tell that I was going out of my way just to be with him and to help him succeed in class. It was successful, though. And for a while back there, I thought I’d finally gotten through to him. I thought we were actually friends already.

  I vividly recalled how he’d asked me to go with him to the prom. At that moment, I’d thought it was the luckiest day of my life. Little did I know it would lead to a very bad experience.

  I fell asleep wondering why that horrible prom experience had affected me so much. I had no answer.

  The following morning, I woke up with a heavy feeling in my heart. I hurriedly prepared for work and drove my car to the hospital in a sullen mood.

  The whole day was quiet and boring. I was a bit jumpy every time my phone rang. I was sort of expecting a call from Drake, which was quite stupid and silly. Why was I getting zapped into his mysterious charms again? I should know better.

  In the evening, as my shift was about to end, my assistant buzzed me to say that a friend was there to see me. When the door opened, I was astonished to see my best friend Lauren with a huge smile on her face.

  “I can’t believe you haven’t called me yet!!!” She screamed, rushing forward to hug me.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve been preoccupied with stuff at home and then this unplanned work here,” I said quickly, hugging her back. “How’d you find me?”

  “Your mom, of course,” she answered. “I bumped into her earlier at our favorite bookstore.”

  Lauren had gained a little bit of weight, but she was certainly blooming and still very pretty. And as always, she was full of stories. I didn’t even notice the time passing by as she told me about her husband and her kids, their family life in the city, and all the challenges she’d had while I had been away.

  Although we had kept in touch on social media, we had not had a chance to talk much in the past months. There was surely a lot of catching up to do.

  “So what does Jordan do now?” I asked curiously, remembering the photos I’d seen at home. It was really sweet how they had ended up together.

  “He’s still a high school football coach,” she answered. “But recently, we had opened up a small sports shop near our apartment. It’s doing pretty well since I’ve been doing all the marketing stuff online.”

  “Well, that’s your expertise,” I said. “Wonderful! At least you’re both doing something you love.”

  “Yeah,” she said thoughtfully. “After all the drama through high school and college, we’re actually still happily married now.”

  “That’s really amazing, Lauren,” I said. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Well, what about you? Anyone special now?”

  “Nah,” I replied, thinking of the last man I dated. It felt like eons ago already. “I haven’t been dating for some time. Just busy with work.”

  “I’m sure!” Lauren agreed. Then frowning, she said, “But Dr. Hill needs Dr. Love! And I’m here now! I’ll have to set you up with a few handsome bachelors in the city.”

  “No, no way…” I started.

  “Yes way!” she countered, laughing. “Come on, Georgie! Do you really want to become an old maid?!”

  I smiled
at the nickname Georgie. Geeky Georgie. It was how I’d been known in high school, for the very few people who actually knew me.

  Lauren eventually urged me to have dinner at her home, which turned out to be a very pleasant visit. Jordan was actually shocked to see me again.

  “I’ve seen your photos on social media, from what Lauren had shown me…” he started, shaking his head. “But wow, the transformation!”

  I laughed out loud.

  “Well, you still laugh the same way, Geeky Georgie!” he joked, which made me laugh even more.

  “Stop calling her that, Jordan,” Lauren told him sternly as she helped her three-year-old son eat. It was a delight to see her being so motherly.

  “You mean you were a geek in school before?!” Lauren’s nine-year-old daughter asked in awe. She was already wearing glasses at her age, but still looked beautiful—like a smaller, nerdier version of her mom.

  “Uh-huh,” I answered, smiling at her. “Why do you ask?”

  “You’re so gorgeous now!” she exclaimed. “That means I can be like you too when I grow up!”

  We all chuckled at that. “Don’t worry,” I assured her. “You’re going to be so much prettier than I’ll ever be. Plus I’m very sure you’ll wow everyone with your intelligence and talent. Your mom tells me you’re always at the top of your class, and that you’re very good at sports like your dad.”

  She beamed, straightening up with greater confidence.

  Spending time with their family was like a breath of fresh air for me. They were so cute and happy together that it was quite contagious. I was suddenly in a good mood when I finally left their lovely home.

  “I’m going to call you for that double date,” Lauren said before I left.

  I simply laughed, brushing her off. “Sure, whatever, Lauren.” But deep inside, there was a flame that had been ignited, a desire to love and be loved for real. I don’t think I’d ever experienced anything like it, especially a relationship like what Lauren shared with her husband now.

  As I drove home, I began to picture myself being a wife and a mom. It didn’t seem so bad, after all. I think I may just be beginning to develop that yearning for a family of my own.

  But first things first. Maybe Lauren’s right. I’m not getting any younger, so I need to go out there now and meet people. I need to start exploring the dating scene again, and perhaps find someone special in the process. I have to at least give it a shot.

  I had just parked in the driveway of my parents’ house when my phone rang. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I hardly heard it. I picked it up absent-mindedly.

  “Hello, this is Dr. Georgia Hill,” I said automatically.

  The deep silence of the voice that greeted me immediately made my heart leap. “Good evening, Dr. Hill. This is your patient Drake Walton.”

  Naturally, I’d already known it was him from the moment he’d spoken. “Hello, Mr. Walton,” I said formally. “How can I help you? Are you still in pain?”

  “No, thanks to the meds you gave me,” he said. “But I’m just calling to let you know that my father had assigned a private nurse for me while I rest at home.”

  “Oh,” was my mindless response. Then I quickly added, “That’s good to know. I’m sure you’ll be in good hands.”

  “Yes, this is just a minor sprain, after all,” he said. “Could you have your assistant forward my records so the nurse could review them?”

  “Sure, no problem,” I said. It was weird that he had opted to call me rather than my secretary, but I didn’t want to dwell on that thought and give it some other meaning. “I’ll tell her to do that tomorrow. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  I heard the hesitation in his voice, before he spoke again. “Uh, well, if there’s a problem, I’ll still call you if that’s okay? Since you’re still my doctor, right?”

  “Of course,” I said with my professional smile, although he couldn’t see me.

  “Great, thank you,” he said. “And please call me Drake.”

  “Okay, Drake. Take good care of yourself.”

  I hung up the phone then, realizing how fast my heartbeat had become. It was strange and unacceptable, but I couldn’t help feeling attracted to him again somehow. Despite the pain he had caused me in the past, here I was wanting to be with him again.

  I shook my head in disbelief as I went up my room, laughing at myself silently. I suddenly felt like Geeky Georgie all over again. Maybe that girl had always been here all along, buried within me. And now, Drake from high school was making her come out again.



  A week had passed. My sprain had healed quite faster than I had expected, which meant that I could return to football anytime soon.

  However, the idea of training in our business suddenly seemed more appealing to me. Maybe it was a sign of maturity for me, or perhaps I’d just gotten bored of football and wanted change in my life. Whatever the reason was, it didn’t matter. My father was ecstatic to have me in his office, learning the ropes of running our pharmaceutical company.

  I filed an indefinite leave with the Windfield Warriors. Coach was quite disappointed, but he understood my obligation in the family so he let me go without any problem.

  It was a rough first two weeks for me during my on-the-job training. Dad made sure I went through all the challenges of a regular employee, understanding the basic elements that made our business thrive. I was assigned a mentor who actually drilled me and put me to a lot of grueling hands-on exercises. What’s more, I was earning much less than when I was playing football. Nevertheless, that was of course temporary. I could still enjoy the perks of being a Walton kid, such as having my own chauffeur.

  From time to time, Dr. Hill’s face would show up in my head, distracting me from my work somehow but also inspiring me to keep on. It was strange how connected I felt to her, how attracted I was in spite of our brief professional meeting.

  Maybe I should ask her out? That was a question that had been toying in my mind. I had to at least find out if she wasn’t dating anyone serious at the moment.

  The question remained a question for long, until I saw her coming out of my buddy’s sports shop one day. It wasn’t a strange scenario since she did mention she’s into fitness. She is, after all, a sports doctor.

  I followed her with my gaze as she walked back to her car, her shiny brown hair blowing in the soft breeze, her blue eyes glimmering even from afar. The sway of her hips caught my eye, stirring in me a deeper sense of physical attraction.

  Without thinking, I started after her. “Dr. Hill!” I called out. She didn’t seem to hear me. To my disappointment, her car sped off before I could reach her.

  I could always just drop by her clinic. I checked the time. Maybe she was on her way to the hospital.

  Call me silly, but I was totally smitten by this woman. I couldn’t really explain why. All I knew was that I suddenly wanted to see her. I couldn’t even recall the reasons I’d been feeding myself for holding back. We’re both single, as far as I knew. At least I didn’t see any engagement ring or wedding ring on her finger. That was a good enough sign.

  I rushed to the hospital, eager to catch her there, to once again look into her eyes. At this time, I would have to ask her out straight. No more acting like a mere patient and beating around the bushes.

  Alice was at her desk as usual. She looked up with a bright smile as I entered. “Oh, hello, Mr. Walton,” she greeted cheerfully. “You seem to be very fine now.”

  “Yes, but I was hoping to talk to Dr. Hill about something important…” I said.

  “Oh, I’m sorry but she isn’t here today,” she answered, to my utter disappointment. “I believe she has a family affair to attend to, before she leaves for a convention.”

  “I see,” I said. “Do you know when she’ll be back?”

  “I believe next Monday,” Alice said.

  “Alright, thanks,” I said, heading out the door with a feeling of de
jection. I would have to wait another week before seeing her. It felt like forever.

  I went back to our building with a heavy feeling. My dad was waiting for me in my temporary work desk.

  “I’d like to see you in my office,” he said as soon as he saw me. His face was blank, so I couldn’t tell if I was in trouble or what.

  I followed him wordlessly to his massive office on the top floor of the building. It was like being transported to a five-star hotel office. My father obviously adored expensive, luxurious things.

  “What’s up, Dad?” I asked casually. Our relationship had indeed taken a better turn the past weeks, but there was still so much to fix. Or maybe we just needed a lot more time.

  “I want you to supervise our people at the medical convention that we are sponsoring,” he said, going straight to the point. “Our company is the major sponsor for this event, which takes place annually and is participated in by a lot of doctors and medical experts in the field from all over California. We’ll be setting up a booth and giving out flyers and free samples.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said at once. “When and where is it?”

  “It’s going to be for three days at Everland Mountain Lodge.”

  “What? Really?” I said in surprise. The mountain lodge was two hours away from Windfield, and it was a well-known upscale resort that was often utilized for corporate events and conventions.


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