Tough Tackle: A Second Chance Sports Romance (Wild Boys Sports Romance Book 3)

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Tough Tackle: A Second Chance Sports Romance (Wild Boys Sports Romance Book 3) Page 5

by Harper Lauren

  I paused, shocked at her words. They seemed to have scored a touchdown in my heart. She had a point there, which got me thinking. I began to nod slowly. “I never thought of it like that before.”

  Her smile widened, brightening the spark of hope that was beginning to grow in me more. “It’s always helpful to get other people’s perspectives.”

  “You’re right,” I agreed. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  After finishing our drinks and gobbling up some burgers and fries, too, we walked around a bit, checking out the items for sale in the shops. I normally wouldn’t enjoy window-shopping, but simply being with Georgia was already a breath of fresh air for me. Every minute seemed to pass by quickly, making me yearn to spend even more time with her.

  We were lining up already for the cable car ride going back when a strange man who looked a few years older than me went up to Georgia. I eyed him warily as he approached her with a determined look on his face. He seemed to be checking her out.

  “Georgia Hill, I never thought I’d see you here,” he said smoothly when he was finally behind us in the line. He completely ignored me.

  Georgia looked up in surprise. Recognition dawned on her face. “Oh, hello, Dr. Smith!” she exclaimed. She seemed happy to see him, which bothered me a lot.

  They actually embraced and then launched into an animated conversation. As I listened, I gathered that he was a colleague of hers in a hospital where she had worked before. They had obviously dated previously. I just couldn’t tell to what extent.

  Georgia seemed to have forgotten about me. She was quite absorbed in the conversation as they talked about their old friends. Her eyes sparkled, while her smile brightened up her face. I felt a tinge of jealousy creeping into my heart. Frowning, I cleared my throat. That was the only time she turned toward me and appeared to realize that she had not yet introduced me to her “friend.”

  “Oh, by the way, James...” She turned back to him and then motioned to me. “This is my patient, uh friend, Drake Walton.”

  It didn’t escape me that she now referred to him by his first name. They seemed to be very good friends. I nodded in acknowledgement.

  “Are you in any way related to the owners of Walton Pharmaceuticals?” Dr. James Smith asked with fascination. My name had apparently rung a bell.

  “Yes,” I said without going into any further detail. “I’m here to represent our company.”

  “He’s the son of the Roger Walton,” Georgia quipped.

  “Holy—” James started, his mouth opening wide. I couldn’t really understand what the big deal was all about. A minute ago, he was ignoring me completely. Now suddenly, he was all over me, asking questions and wanting to get to know me better.

  I felt weirded out, but I just smiled and nodded. I wasn’t much of a talker, after all. He treated me like I was some sort of celebrity, which was overwhelmingly strange. At least he wasn’t trying to woo Georgia anymore.

  He kept chatting us up the whole time we waited for our ride. I was so relieved when we finally climbed onto our cable car. I was afraid he’d come with us, but at least he didn’t.

  “See you later at the assembly,” he said, waving at us.

  I nodded politely and then turned to Georgia when we were way up high already. “I can’t believe that man,” I muttered. It made her laugh.

  “I’m sorry about James,” she said. “He’s just like that, always so bubbly and talkative. And he’s really a huge fan of your dad.”

  “I pity him,” I said.

  Georgia laughed even more, which made me smile. “Don’t mind him.”

  “I’ll be seeing more of him, I guess,” I said, groaning. Then changing the subject, I found myself asking, “So did you two actually date before?”

  She looked startled but answered, “We went out on a blind date, arranged by a common friend. We ended up talking and laughing like old friends, but that’s about it. I’m glad I met him, though. He’s been a great friend ever since, but we just sort of lost touch the past months. Good thing we met again here.”

  At least he wasn’t going to be a problem because she didn’t seem interested in him in that sort of way. Still, one can never tell.

  As we talked along the way, I learned more about Georgia’s college days and training as a medical doctor. It felt like we had come to know each other in just a few hours, as if we had been good friends for a long time.

  Sometimes when she was talking about something serious, the expression on her face made her look familiar. It was as if I had seen her before, but I just couldn’t remember where or when.

  I walked Georgia back to her cabin. We stopped at the foot of the stairs, hesitating. After getting off to a great start, I just didn’t want to come on too strong or make her feel like I was imposing.

  “So…” she began as we stood in front of each other, just smiling and trying to get a feel of each other’s thoughts and emotions.

  “So…” I echoed. Then grinning, I added, “So this was a good start to the convention, I believe. Never expected to run into you.”

  “Neither did I,” she said softly, her eyes twinkling.

  “It was unexpectedly wonderful hanging out with you, Dr. Hill,” I said in a semi-teasing tone.

  She gave a gentle laugh. “Hhmmm… Does that mean you didn’t expect to have fun with your female doctor?”

  “Well, not really,” I said honestly, chuckling.

  “I’ve become friends with a lot of patients in the past, though…” she started.

  “But?” I prodded.

  She laughed. “Is there supposed to be a ‘but’?”

  “Sounded like it.”

  Nodding and laughing at the same time, she continued the sentence. “But… you’re different. I can’t explain how, but you are. I’m happy we got to spend time together today.”

  “It definitely will not be the last,” I promised her. “That is, if you’re willing to put up with someone like me throughout the convention?”

  Her sweet laughter made something inside me rouse again. It was heartwarming and at the same time stimulating. “I think I can handle that,” she finally said, making me laugh.

  “I’ll see you later, doctor,” I told her, stepping back while I could still hold back. In reality, I wanted to kiss her right then and there, carry her to her room, and close the door behind us.

  “See you, Drake,” she said.

  We parted ways, but it wasn’t going to be for long. I could hardly wait for the welcome dinner assembly.



  The large function room had been decorated with fresh flowers and pieces of driftwood, accentuated with tea lights all around. With the floor-to-ceiling glass walls surrounding almost the entire room, we could easily view the beautiful mountain landscape outside, dotted with flickering lights from distant communities and villages.

  A lovely stage had been set up with a grass and floral wall backdrop. Classic wooden chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the whole place romantically.

  I was seated at one of the tables near the exit, surrounded by other medical practitioners who had come from neighboring towns and cities. As I chatted with them, I couldn’t help glancing at the door from time to time, waiting for Drake to show up. It was so unlike me, and yet I couldn’t help it.

  Am I setting myself up for more trouble? I silently wondered. A vivid flashback of prom night came back to me, when I had been dancing with Drake on the dance floor. What had started as a romantic moment had quickly turned horrendous.

  Suddenly, I saw him. He had just entered the room, standing regally like a prince and seemingly captivating half of the people chatting and lounging around. He was wearing a dark business suit that brought out his impressive physique and complemented his sandy blond hair.

  Many heads turned, while some began whispering. Of course, most of them knew him. He wasn’t just a popular, handsome football player, but also the son of the b
iggest pharmaceutical company in the region.

  The women began swooning. I sure hoped I didn’t look like them from someone else’s viewpoint. It was difficult to pretend not to notice, because everyone else on my table appeared to be gawking at him.

  “That’s Drake Walton, the only son of Roger Walton,” I heard somebody whisper.

  I took the stylish cardboard paper in front of me and pretended to be busy studying the program for the evening.

  Suddenly, I heard his voice very clearly and loudly. It came from right above my head. “Dr. Georgia Hill,” the deep voice said casually.

  My heart did a somersault. I had no choice but to look up. Even as my eyes locked with his, I was well aware of the whole table staring at us.

  “Oh, hi, Drake,” I greeted nonchalantly. I acted as if we hadn’t just spent a “magical” afternoon together.

  “May I speak with you in private?” he asked.

  I looked around quickly. They were all still staring. I nodded toward Drake and stood up self-consciously, following him away from the curious gazes.

  We ended up hanging out at one of the balconies overlooking the cabins and woods. Apart from us, there was a couple there too who couldn’t get enough of each other. They were kissing intensely, their arms around each other. I had an abrupt image of me and Drake in the same position, causing my libido to act up.

  I silently reprimanded myself for such indecent thoughts. I turned toward Drake, admiring his handsome features. It was really a challenge to hold back the physical attraction.

  “So, what’s up?” I asked with a smile.

  “Nothing, really,” he answered. “Just wanted to get you alone.”

  His simple words made my heart race. “An unscheduled private consultation in the middle of an important convention?” I said teasingly. “That’s going to cost you, Mr. Walton.”

  He didn’t even smile at my joke. He actually looked serious as he said, “I’m willing to pay the price.”

  We were flirting outright. My body temperature shot up. I was at a loss for words.

  “You look lovely tonight, Georgia,” he then commented. “You always do, but tonight’s even more special…”

  “Thank you,” I said. I was glad he was appreciating my looks. I’d taken extra effort for my appearance, carefully applying all the makeup tricks I knew and even painstakingly fixing my hair. I had worn a long-sleeved dress in maroon which was perfect for the occasion.

  “You don’t look bad yourself,” I said, my smile turning into a full grin.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said laughing, riding on with my joke.

  He stepped closer, making my heart pound harder. His laughter had died on his lips, replaced by an intense look that was making me just a teeny bit nervous.

  I felt his hand take mine, squeezing it gently, his fingers rubbing my palm seductively. My eyes instantly shifted to his tempting lips. I could feel the moisture between my legs growing.

  Without warning, we heard the event host calling everyone’s attention. The program was about to begin. Reluctantly we stepped back from each other. He led me back to my table. I could smell their curiosity and envy. I could feel dozens of eyes on us, which made me feel uncomfortable. I wasn’t used to this kind of attention. Despite my greater confidence now and much improved looks, Geeky Georgie still resided in me. I liked blending into the background whenever I could.

  The program went by quickly. The participants were given a chance to go around and meet people. An overview of the entire convention was also presented, which made me focus back on why I was here in the first place. My goal was to become one of the best doctors in the country when it came to my field of expertise. I could taste the burning desire in my heart, making me much more eager to listen to the experts who were scheduled to give talks in the next two days.

  During dinner, James somehow managed to wiggle himself into the seat beside mine. I don’t know what happened to the woman who’d been there earlier.

  “Hey, Georgia,” James said, surprising me. I was pleased, though, to enjoy the feast with someone familiar.

  We got to chatting about the fun times we’d spent before with our friends, which took my mind off Drake for the entire duration of dinnertime. I actually had no idea where he was and why he hadn’t even approached me.

  As we were eating dessert, that was when I saw him again. He was seated at their company booth, surrounded by “groupies” while his assistants gave out flyers and samples of their products.

  From the table next to us, I overheard two men talking about him. One was pointing and saying, “Does he even know what he’s doing? He should just go back to football.” The other one chuckled and answered, “Yeah, he’s like some sort of trophy guy here, all for show but no substance.” They laughed then, which infuriated me. They had no idea what they were talking about. I, for one, knew that Drake was quite brilliant. I was pretty sure he’d been catching up well during his training at their office. Besides, his father wouldn’t have sent him here just for display.

  I sneaked a glimpse of him again after a while. That was when I saw him in a dynamic conversation with a rather old doctor who looked quite experienced already. The doctor was nodding as Drake pointed out some stuff from his laptop and then handed over a couple of brochures. I could tell a serious discussion was going on. How I wished the gentlemen talking negatively about him could hear them.

  Looking over to the men whom I’d overheard talking a while ago, I saw that they were now busy checking out the female nurses and pharmacists at the other table. I rolled my eyes and just turned back my attention to James’s story. It was no use wasting any more energy on such losers. I, of all people, should know that after torturous years of lamenting over bullies and losers in high school.

  Once the program had ended, some left the room already while many stayed behind for dancing and cocktails. My eyes roamed around for a sign of Drake, but he was nowhere to be found. Again, I reprimanded myself inaudibly.

  I must stop this at once before it’s too late, I told myself.

  James invited me to dance, and I willingly joined him, eager for the excuse to take my mind off Drake. The music had turned to a mellow one, so we were drawn to move closer to each other. I was suddenly aware that James couldn’t take his eyes off me. He was beginning to utter leading words, with the motive of getting me in bed.

  I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I only saw him as a friend and that I would never put our friendship at risk like that. I slow-danced with him for a while, planning on my “escape” all the while. I was very careful not to lean on his shoulder or move too close to his body. I surely didn’t want to give him the wrong impression.

  “May I?” I heard the familiar voice that seemed to automatically make my heart lurch forward.

  James and I stopped dancing. He sort of glared at Drake who just regarded him coolly. But James was a good man. He looked toward me, as if waiting for me to decide. I smiled at him and said, “Maybe I’ll catch you tomorrow, James. Thank you for the wonderful time.”

  He looked shattered, but nonetheless handed me over. He did give me a quick peck on the cheek and then gave Drake one last stare before walking away.

  Meanwhile, Drake didn’t appear affected at all. He took my hands and placed them around his shoulders, before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. I was suddenly breathless. My heart was racing so hard I was afraid he’d hear it or feel it.

  “Sorry I didn’t find you earlier,” he whispered, gazing into my eyes.

  “No worries,” I said casually. “I didn’t even notice your disappearance.”

  He chuckled, knowing very well that I didn’t mean it. I could tell that he knew I was attracted to him. It was a little disturbing, but there was nothing I could do about it. Maybe I was really that transparent, especially since I wasn’t used to such relationships.

  As we danced closely, an image of prom night once again flashed in my head. It was rui
ning the romantic moment. I tried to brush it off, but it was difficult not to recall how we had danced like this back when I was 18-year-old Geeky Georgie, pretending to be a normal teenage senior. In reality then, I was still an outcast. I was only kidding myself by agreeing to have a popular football player date me during prom.

  I remember how I had just closed my eyes for a little while and then suddenly Drake had gone. When I’d opened my eyes again, I’d found myself surrounded by several of his football teammates and some cheerleaders, all pointing and laughing at me. Naturally, a lot of the other seniors had turned their attention to me, and some had even joined in the laughter.

  Yes, he had ditched me on the dance floor and I’d been left there looking so stupid. It didn’t stop there too. He’d actually stood on one side watching the others mock me, then he’d left with another girl. That was when one of his pals told me that it had actually been some sort of initiation for their club or whatever—for Drake to lead me on and then dump me on prom night in front of everybody.

  To rub insult to injury, they’d pushed a nerdy classmate toward me, saying that he should have been my date and that we deserved each other. He’d ended up stumbling and then crashing into me, making us both fall to the ground in a greatly embarrassing heap. I’d felt tears streaming down my face. I saw my friend Lauren making her way through the crowd to get to me, but she’d been too late. A teacher had then appeared too, making everyone else disperse.


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