Big City Cowboy (Harlequin American Romance)

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Big City Cowboy (Harlequin American Romance) Page 1

by Benson, Julie

  “Just remember that cowboy charm I’ve seen you use so often.”

  “Cowboy charm?” Rory flashed her a grin that could sell whiskey to a teetotaler.

  “Give Brooke that look that mesmerizes a woman, and makes her think you’re going to grab her, toss her on your horse and ride off into the sunset.”

  “Do I do that for you?”

  His warm, husky voice rippled through Elizabeth. He leaned forward in his chair. His strong gaze peered into her. He had the slightest smile on his face.

  Oh, yeah, that was the look.

  Horse and sunset here I come.

  Dear Reader,

  People frequently ask how I get my ideas. Often something in life piques my curiosity, and I go into “what if” mode. That’s what happened with Big City Cowboy.

  While in Estes Park for a wedding, my family and I went horseback riding. Our guide caught my attention, but not only because of his phenomenal looks. As he helped my middle son, a gentleman approached the cowboy about modeling. Afterwards, he said people often asked him to model and couldn’t understand why he didn’t jump at the opportunity.

  My writer’s imagination zoomed into overdrive. What if this cowboy was desperate and had to model? What would be important enough to make him leave the ranch and venture into the big city? The answer popped into my head—his mom. I added a feisty, career-driven woman who needed this private cowboy to be a household name, and Rory and Elizabeth’s story came to life.

  I never imagined at that wedding I’d achieve a lifelong dream—my first published novel. I hope you have as much fun reading Rory and Elizabeth’s story as I had writing it. I’d love to hear from you. Visit me at


  Big City Cowboy



  An avid daydreamer since childhood, Julie always loved creating stories. After graduating from the University of Texas at Dallas with a degree in sociology, she worked as a case manager before having her children: three boys—and many years later, she started pursuing a writing career to challenge her mind and save her sanity. Now she writes full-time in Dallas, where she lives with her husband, their sons, two lovable black dogs, two guinea pigs, a turtle and a fish. When she finds a little quiet time, which isn’t often, she enjoys making jewelry and reading a good book.

  To Kevin. Thanks for sticking with me through the

  ups and downs of life, and for believing in me and

  this dream. You’re definitely a keeper.

  To Dr. Angela Krause and David Goddard.

  Thanks for the wedding invitation and for

  introducing me to Estes Park. This story never would

  have happened without you two.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter One

  Estes Park, Colorado

  “There is no way I’m getting on a horse.”

  Elizabeth Harrington-Smyth pulled into the Twin Creeks Ranch parking lot, vowing she’d never attend another wedding, not even her own should she ever make time to date. So far, being her cousin Janice’s bridesmaid hadn’t been the greatest experience. And don’t get her started on the problems with the whole destination wedding idea that was the trend now.

  “Estes Park is so beautiful, and what better way to see the scenery than going horseback riding?” Since moving to Denver three years ago, Janice had gone all outdoorswoman. Today she really fit the part, wearing jeans, a denim shirt and a red bandanna tied around her ebony ponytail.

  Elizabeth shuddered. “Looking at the mountains as I sat in the hotel bar was good enough for me.”

  “I think this will be a great bridesmaid outing,” chirped Laura, obedient bridesmaid number one. Her Katie Couric perkiness had overwhelmed Elizabeth within five minutes of meeting Janice’s coworker.

  “I was hoping we’d get time to go riding. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try,” chimed in Claire, perfect bridesmaid number two, as they spilled out of Janice’s Camry. In addition to being a morning person, Claire had the irritating characteristics of being tall, slender and possessing a disgustingly high metabolism.

  “I let you out of the hike yesterday because you were queasy and tired from the altitude, but I want us to have a good time together,” Janice insisted. “It’s girl bonding.”

  “The wedding party activities are half the fun of being a bridesmaid,” Claire said.

  According to whom? Clearly, Elizabeth and the rest of the bridal party had different definitions of fun.

  Dust swirled around her, making her sneeze. It seemed as if they were surrounded by bales of hay. At least she’d taken a Claritin this morning, so she wouldn’t look like a red-eyed monster due to raging allergies.

  “My idea of a good time is having a massage, facial and pedicure at the hotel, not riding on a smelly horse.” Elizabeth waved a fly away from her face. “The outdoors is pretty to look at, but I’m not keen on actually being in it. I’ll wait here by this fence—”

  “It’s a corral, Elizabeth,” Janice corrected.

  “Then I’ll wait here by the corral. The rest of you go ahead and enjoy.”

  “I’ve never ridden a horse, but I’m willing to be adventurous, Elizabeth,” Laura coaxed.

  “You’re here, so you might as well come with us,” Claire added.

  “I’m afraid my Jimmy Choos aren’t meant for horseback riding.” Now that was an excuse any woman could understand and respect.

  “Didn’t I tell you to wear sensible shoes that you didn’t mind getting dirty?” Janice asked.

  Elizabeth stared at her cute leopard-print flats and her blood pressure rose. “All you said was wear sensible shoes, which I am. These are flats. I’d never have worn Jimmy Choos if you’d mentioned getting dirty.”

  “Sorry. I guess I must’ve forgotten the getting dirty part.” Janice flashed her an I’m-the-bride-forgive-me smile. “There are so many details to planning a large destination wedding. I’m surprised I haven’t forgotten more things. You’ll have to make the best of the situation now.”

  The cool March breeze blew a strong odor of horse manure Elizabeth’s way. “Too late. It smells terrible out here. Flies are everywhere, and the quiet is driving me crazy. Everyone moves too slowly! I almost mowed over two people when I walked down to the hotel lobby to get coffee this morning.”

  “Exactly why you should join us,” Claire insisted. “You need to slow down and learn to appreciate nature’s gifts.”

  “I’m in advertising. I determine what people appreciate, not the other way around. And who says I don’t appreciate nature?”

  “You have to go, Elizabeth,” her cousin whined. “I want all of us to go. This means so much to me.”

  Elizabeth bristled. “Isn’t it enough that I took off work for your wedding when I’ve got a major ad campaign due? Between all the activities, the spotty internet service and a slight case of altitude sickness, I haven’t gotten half the work done here that I need to.”

  Her job was hanging by a thread. Devlin Designs wanted to launch a new jeans campaign and she had the perfect one all mapped out, but couldn’t find the right spokesman. On top of that, the contract for the remainder of D
evlin’s business was up for renewal soon. No spokesman, no new campaign, no contract renewals—and then she’d be out of a job.

  “What an honor, you taking off work to come to my wedding,” Janice snapped.

  Laura and Claire slid a few feet away, obviously wanting to avoid the awkward conversation.

  In addition to the wedding, Elizabeth had hoped to spend a little time with her parents, who were flying in, as well. But when she’d checked her voice mail after arriving in Denver she’d learned they weren’t coming.

  “I’m sorry, Janice, really. I’m out of sorts. Did Mom and Dad tell you they’ve headed off to some mountain in Germany on an archeological dig? I haven’t seen them in forever, and though I shouldn’t be, I’m pretty disappointed.”

  “No. How could they do that at the last minute? Don’t they know we’ll have to pay for their dinners whether they’re here or not?”

  Elizabeth shrugged. “They said a bone flute and an erotic figurine had been discovered there. If these pieces are authentic, it’ll be the best example Upper Paleolithic art ever. They insisted they absolutely couldn’t pass this up.”

  “They say that about every dig.”

  “You think I’d be used to their last-minute cancellations by now.” Elizabeth smiled weakly. This kind of parental disinterest and disappointment had filled her life for as long as she could remember. “Then there’s work. My job’s on the line with this campaign.”

  “Come on, Elizabeth. You’re not going to lose your job. They’d have to hire three people to replace you,” Janice said.

  “We’re on the verge of losing a client that represents over half of our business.” Her cousin didn’t realize how precarious the advertising business was.

  Elizabeth was good at what she did. She knew this crazy ad world well. No one had given her the management supervisor job; she’d earned it. She’d started at the bottom and from there studied the market, worked hard, learned from her superiors and was the ultimate team player. She gave two hundred percent without being asked, and had eventually secured her current position. Unfortunately, sometimes hard work counted for squat.

  “If we lose this account the company will have no choice but to lay off a lot of people, including me, since it was my account.”

  “Work is all that matters to you.” Janice crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re a workaholic. You always have been. You’re just like your parents.”

  Ouch. “I am not, and that’s a low blow.”

  “You need to get some balance in your life,” Janice continued, shifting into sympathetic mode. “You’re all work and no play. You need to date. Have fun.”

  Elizabeth winced, knowing where the conversation was headed. Why did every married or engaged person feel they possessed a sacred duty to impart relationship advice to single relatives and friends? “Work is so crazy right now I don’t have much time for anything, especially dating.”

  “Is it a time issue, or is it because no guy meets enough requirements on your ridiculous checklist?”

  “It’s not silly. I have to know what qualities I want in a partner, and what things are deal breakers.”

  “You’ll be surprised how fast you’ll throw out that list when you find the right guy.”

  Elizabeth had begun to think the right guy for her didn’t exist. Or if he did, she worried she wouldn’t find him without a map and a guide.

  She grabbed a deep, calming breath. “Can we start over? I know I haven’t been the most fun lately. We’ve had one round of layoffs already at work, and with this client halfway out the door, I’m way past stressed out.”

  “It’s really that bad?” Janice asked, genuinely concerned.

  She nodded.

  “I’m sorry my wedding turned out to be poor timing for you.” Janice reached out and clasped her hand. “I appreciate you being here, considering what’s going on with you. Is the altitude sickness getting any better?”

  Biting her lip to hold back her emotions over her cousin’s unexpected empathy, Elizabeth nodded. “I’m tired and a bit queasy, but I can handle it, as long as it doesn’t get worse.”

  “Look at that gorgeous cowboy walking our way,” Claire said, popping up beside them. “Not that your wedding isn’t reason enough, but this guy makes the entire trip worthwhile.”

  Janice squeezed Elizabeth’s hand and let go. “Yum-oh.” Her face lit up like Times Square after dark. “Elizabeth, you’ve got to see this guy. He’s behind you a few feet. Turn, but don’t be obvious that you’re looking.”

  Behind her in the corral stood an attractive cowboy. His dark brown hat cast a shadow over his face, but didn’t conceal his strong jaw or classic cheekbones. Dressed in a simple navy button-down shirt, jeans, chaps complete with leather fringe and dusty cowboy boots, he was the real deal.

  “I’d be willing to risk getting hay in all sorts of awkward places for a little time alone in the barn with him,” Claire said.

  “Close your mouth, Janice, or you’ll start catching flies,” Elizabeth teased. “Plus you’re getting married tomorrow.”

  “That doesn’t mean I’m dead. I can still appreciate the exceptional scenery.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “Sure he’s good-looking, but what’s so fantastic about a cowboy? I don’t get it. They smell like horses. They spend a good part of their days cleaning manure out of barn stalls. What about that inspires romance?”

  Claire looked ready to tackle the cowboy. “They’re so rugged. So strong.”

  “Janice Rogers and party,” cowboy hottie called out in a lazy drawl.

  “That’s me, or us, rather.” Janice waved her hand and gave him a big smile.

  “Let’s see about getting you ladies on some horses.” He pointed to Claire. “Come with me.”

  Claire beamed and practically ran over Laura to get to the cowboy. Then she introduced herself, giggled and tossed her hair.

  Elizabeth laughed. Watching this show unfold might be fun, after all.

  The ranch hand tilted his hat and nodded. “Rory.”

  “Even his name’s gorgeous,” Laura crooned dreamily to no one in particular.

  “Clem, help this lady with Biscuit.”

  Claire slowly started moving toward an older cowboy, but kept glancing over her shoulder at Rory all doe-eyed.

  Then he motioned to Janice, who stepped on Elizabeth’s foot in her haste to reach him.

  “Watch it,” Elizabeth snapped.

  “Sorry,” her cousin said, but her gaze remained locked on the cowboy. If he offered to sell her the Rocky Mountains right now, she’d be whipping out her MasterCard.

  Wait a minute. Elizabeth smiled. That’s exactly what she wanted people to do—open their wallets. Thank you, Lord, for sending the answer to my prayers. She just might be able to pull this campaign out of the fire.

  When she’d proposed that Devlin Designs center its men’s jeans campaign on a cowboy, she’d had this type of female reaction in mind. Micah Devlin liked the idea, but not the models she’d suggested. Now she understood what he’d meant about something being missing in all the models dressed like cowboys. They weren’t authentic.

  Bingo. Yes, sir. Rory could be the answer to all her problems.

  By the time he motioned her forward, she had a tentative pitch mentally mapped out.

  “I hope the horse knows what he’s doing, because I don’t have a clue,” she joked as an icebreaker. Starting her conversation with, “Come to New York to model designer jeans,” seemed a little abrupt. She needed to loosen the guy up first. Appear to be interested in his life here in the great outdoors.

  “As long as you hold on to the reins and sit up straight, you’ll be okay. We haven’t lost anyone yet.”

  “Elizabeth might be the first.” Janice laughed. “She’s not exactly athletic.”

  Rory looked her up and down with eyes that were liquid gold. She could feel herself blush, something she hadn’t done in years.

  “She looks like she can handle hersel
f well enough.”

  Apparently chivalry wasn’t as dead as everyone believed.

  “Put your left foot in the stirrup,” Rory said as he pointed toward the saddle. “Then grab hold of the saddle horn with your right hand and pull up while you swing your leg over.”

  She glanced at the horse, an amazingly large one, and then back at Rory. The man had to be kidding. “Have you noticed how big the horse is, and how short I am? There’s no way I can get up there.”

  “You are a little thing,” he said, smiling.

  Again, she blushed. This blushing was getting a little out of control.

  “I’ll help you.”

  How, exactly? She pictured this gorgeous man pushing her butt to shove her into the saddle. Could this experience get more humiliating?

  She’d get on the horse on her own if it killed her. After placing her foot in the stirrup, she grabbed the saddle horn. Then she pushed off with her right foot and pulled as hard as she could. She was about to swing her leg over the saddle when she started slipping back down. Then she felt Rory’s firm hands on her rear end, and next thing she knew, she was sitting on the horse.

  Now she wished she hadn’t skipped so many Pilates classes lately.

  A minute later they headed off down a path into the great outdoors. The trees formed a canopy around them as they rode. The mountains loomed, harsh and demanding, making her feel incredibly insignificant.

  Birds chirped. Wind rustled through the leaves. A stream babbled past. How did people stand the quiet?

  Flies swarmed around her and the horse. She wanted to swat at them, but feared she’d fall off if she took one hand from the reins. To keep her mind off the insects and her already screaming thigh muscles, she focused on Rory at the front of their little caravan. The set of his shoulders spoke of his confidence. He moved in the saddle with a casual grace. Everything about him said how comfortable he was in his own skin. Then there was his voice as he tossed out tidbits about the area and its history. Slow, melodic and deep, it wrapped around her like a warm hug.


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