by E. J. Wagner
ignoring of, 134
improper securing of, 83, 83–84 loss of, 89–90
photographic, 208
planted by criminal, 143
rules for handling of, 77–78
scars and tattoos as, 84
toxicological, 48–49
trace, 146–156
exchange principle, 151–155
executions, 6, 7, 63–64, 92
expert testimony, 106, 131
on ballistics, 129, 131
on bloodstains, 182–184
on crib death, 211–212
on handwriting, 84, 85, 160–163 on poisoning, 52–54, 106
eyewitness testimony, 96
Fielding, Henry, 120
“Final Problem, The,” 192, 195
fingernail scrapings, 140, 148
fingerprints, 100–110, 134, 166
Fabian, Robert, 21, 22, 23–24
Fall River, Mass., 177–185 Farren, Edward James, 68–70
Faulds, Henry, 99–102, 103, 108 FBI, 145, 168
Feehan, Ramos, 168
Fenris (mythic great wolf), 24
Ferguson, Robert, 201, 204, 206
first murder solved by, 104
fraudulent, 107
Galton-Henry classification, 106 as unique, 103, 110
firearms. See ballistics
Fleming, James, 134–141
Fleming, John, 134–141
Fleming, Joseph, 134
flies, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40
folklore, 17, 18, 20, 22
about insects, 34–35
medical, 193–194, 195
persistent belief in, 24–25
about poisons and antidotes, 46 about vampires, 153–155, 201–203,
about werewolves, 187–188
footprints, 133–145
forensic science, 3–16, 106
in ancient China, 33–34
classic techniques of, 36
famous father-son medical experts in, 59–60
Locard’s Exchange Principle of, 151 Lyon laboratory training in, 107–108 medical myths and, 207–209, 211–212 naturalists and, 33–40
observation of “trifles” and, 89 systematic reasoning and, 33
See also specific aspects
forgery, 158
Fowler, Lorenzo, 192–193, 213
Fraunhofer, Joseph von, 175
Fraunhofer lines, 175
French Revolution, 63–64
Friedgood, Charles, 59
Gaboriau, Emile, 91
Gall, Franz Joseph, 191
Galton, Sir Francis, 102–104, 105 Galton’s Details, 106
Gates, Bill, 167
geology, 146, 151, 156
Gifford, Adam, 137–138
Girardi, Renzo, 186
Glaister, John, 28
Goddard, Henry, 68–70, 120–123, 125,
Gohn technique, 6
Gold, Frederick, 190
Goldman, Ron, 90
Goodman, Jonathan, 211
Gould, Nathaniel D., 160–161
Gourbin, Emile, 149, 150, 151
graphology. See handwriting analysis grave robbers, 7, 10
Great Black Dog. See Black Dog Greek mythology, 24
Gresham Life Assurance Company, 68,
Gross, Hans, 99, 106, 132
on crime scene standards, 77–78, 83,
on criminal disguises, 71
on footprint evidence, 144
on trace evidence, 146–147
guiacum test, 170–171
guillotine, 63–64
gunshots. See ballistics
“His Last Bow,” 39
Hiss, Alger, 168
Holmes, Sherlock, 1, 7, 125, 166, 167,
Haigh, John George, 152–155 hair
human vs. animal, 28
postmortem growth myth, 203, 207 handwriting analysis, 157, 158, 168
definitive work on, 167
as expert testimony, 160–161
inaccurate, 84, 85, 162–163, 164
limitations of, 166–167
hanging, 5
Hare (seller of murdered corpses), 7 Harris, Carlyle, 57–58
Harvard Medical School, 159–160 Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 167 hawk moth, 39
Hayward, John, 21
heavy metal poison. See arsenic Heidemann, Hannelore, 188
Heirens, William, 168
hemoglobin. See bloodstains
Henry, Edward Richard, 105–106 heredity of criminality, 197–198 Herschel, Sir William, 102, 103 hidden rooms, 86–89
172, 175, 201, 206
ballistic identification and, 119, 128,
Bertillon system and, 99
blood analysis and, 169–170, 171, 174,
185, 189
on “brain fever,” 198
on changed focus, 141
Conan Doyle’s model for, 54
on conjecture failures, 212
crime scene details and, 8–9, 28–29,
76–77, 80, 85, 87, 88
on criminal type, 192, 195
deductive skill of, 15
disguises and, 61–62, 66–67, 70, 74, 75 dissecting rooms and, 9–10
document analysis and, 157–158, 161,
164, 165–166
dogs and, 26–27
eccentricities of, 2–3
eclectic interests of, 133, 149
on fact elimination, 15, 78, 195 first novel about, 58
footprint tracing and, 142, 144 forensic autopsy and, 15
insects and, 31–40
observational skill of, 33, 88, 89, 98,
119, 123, 157
on over-confidence, 131
phrenology and, 191, 192, 193, 201 physical identification and, 91–92, 94,
133, 168
poisons and, 41, 43–44, 51
scientific reasoning and, 31, 39 superstition and, 17, 18–19, 26 tattoo expertise of, 93
trace evidence and, 146, 147, 148,
149–150, 151, 155
on vampires, 153–154, 201–203, 206 home autopsy, 179, 189–190
Hope, Jefferson, 58
Hound of the Baskervilles, The, 17, 18–20,
26, 29, 31, 32, 38, 161, 193
Hugo, Victor, 65, 66
human body
beliefs about, 26, 142
means of identifying, 91–110
measurement of, 98–99, 103, 105, 168 See also cadavers; dissection
hydrochloric acid, 53
hyoscine, 72, 73
hypodermic syringe, 45, 59
ballistic, 123–132
document authenticity, 157–168 footprint, 133
physical, 91–110
infanticide, 35–38
infants. See children
infection transmission, 15–16 insanity defense, 153, 154–155 insanity myths, 198–199, 200 insects, 31–40
cadaver effects from, 34–39, 203 as crime witnesses, 33–34 Darwin study of, 32–33
mistaken theories about, 34–35
insulin, 45
Isis (Egyptian goddess), 24
Jabir ibn Hayyam, 45
Jack the Ripper, 9, 27, 80–84, 206 James VI, King (Scotland), 159 Jeserich, Paul, 124, 185–186 Jews. See anti-Semitism
Johnson, Wyatt, 38
Jordon, Karl, 38–39
Juke family, 197, 198
juries, 59, 129
Kelly, Mary Jane, 80–81, 83 Kendall, Harry, 73–74
Kent, Constance, 204–206
Kent, Francis Savile, 203–205 Kent, Samuel Savile, 203
Kirchoff, Gustav Robert, 175–176 Kirk, Paul, 155
Klinger, Leslie S., 132
Kolletscha, Jacobus, 16
Lafarge, Marie Capelle, 49–51
Lambourne, Police Sergeant, 152 Landsteiner, Karl, 186
Langmeir, Else, 188
Larsen, Marie, 208, 209, 210
larvae, 36, 37
; Latelle, Marie, 149–151
Lattes, Leone, 186
Laubach, Karl, 148
Laurentian (ship), 74
Laval, Angèle, 165
Lebon, Joseph, 64
leeches, 40
Le Neve, Ethel, 72, 73, 74
Leonardo da Vinci, 4
Lestrade, Inspector, 8, 91, 155
Letheby, Henry, 172–173, 174–175, 177 letters. See questioned documents Letulle, Maurice, 6
Leverton, Mr., 155
lie detectors, 197
Lindbergh baby, kidnapping of, 167 Littlefield, Ephraim, 160, 162
Littlejohn, Sir Harvey [Henry Harvey]
Labrador Retrievers, 24
Lacassagne, Alexandre, 5, 92, 93, 106, 124
Lafarge, Charles, 49–51
(son), 59–60, 127–128, 129
Littlejohn, Sir Henry Duncan (father), 55, 59, 60
Locard, Edmond, 165, 166, 168
fingerprinting and, 106–107, 108 trace analysis and, 148–149, 150–151, 155
Locard Exchange Principle, 151
Lombroso, Cesare, 92–93, 196–197, 198
London, 1–2, 7–8, 67, 68
London Metropolitan Police, 69, 83,173. See also Scotland Yard
Long Island Cave Mystery, 155–156
“Lost World, The,” 68
Louvre, 105
luz bone, 26
Lyon, France, 5, 106, 107–108,
148–151, 166
Macé, Gustave, 97
MacLeod, George Husband Baird, 136 Madagascar, 32, 33, 39
maggots, 34–35, 39–40
magic, 25, 193
makeup, 150–151
mortuary, 15–16, 81–82
moths, 32–33, 36, 37, 39
Motter, Murray, 38
M’pherson, Jessie, 134–141
mug shots, 97
Müller, Franz, 172–174, 177, 190 Muller lights, 177
mummification, 25, 29
“murder bags,” 22
“Musgrave Ritual, The,” 198 myths. See folklore; medical myths
Malpighi, Marcello, 102
“Man with the Twisted Lip, The,” 68, 70, 71, 157–158, 164
Mapleton, Percy, 190
Marsh, James, 48–49
Marsh test, 48–49, 50, 51
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, 158–159 masturbation, 199–200
maternal death, 15–16
Maybrick, Florence, 42–43, 59
Maybrick, James, 42–43
M’Call, Alexander, 136
McWatters, George, 75
measurements of the body, 98–99, 103, 105–106, 168
medical jurisprudence. See forensic science
medical myths, 191–213
forensic acceptance of, 207–209, 211–212
unpleasant treatments and, 199–201 medicine
disguised woman physician, 75–76 doctor-murderers, 43, 45, 51–54, 57–58, 59, 71–74
infection transmission, 15–16
insects used in, 39–40
Megnin, Pierre, 37
mental defectives, 197, 198
mercury poison, 43
Merrett, Bertha, 125–130, 131
Merrett, John Donald, 125–130, 131 Michalkovics (pathologist), 14
microscope, 125, 149–150, 171–172, 175
Middle Ages, 46, 194
missing persons, 68–70, 109
mites, 36, 37, 38
M’lachlan, Jessie, 136–141
Moenssens, Andre, 208
Mona Lisa theft, 105
monkeys, 108–109
Montrose (ship), 73–74
moon landing, 144
Morgagni, Giovanni Battista, 4
Moriarty, Professor, 192, 195
Mormons, 68
morphine, 57, 58
Mortimer, Dr., 17, 18–19, 193
postmortem growth myth, 7, 203 trace evidence from, 140, 148
narcotic poisoning, 55, 72, 73 natural science, 31–40, 156
“Naval Treaty, The,” 99, 198 Nesbit, John, 190
Newton, Sir Isaac, 175
New York City, 57–58, 75, 87 Nichols, Mary Ann (Polly), 81–82 nicotine, 56, 200–201
nocturnal emissions, 199–200 Noguchi, Thomas, 145
Nordic mythology, 24
Norfolk, England, 17–20
Norris, Charles, 210, 211
“Not proven” verdict, 42, 130, 205
observational skill, 8, 33, 88, 89, 98, 119, 123
Old Bailey, 29–30, 42, 51, 174
opium, 45, 55, 87
orchids, 32–33, 38, 39
Orfila, Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure, 48–49, 50, 51, 56
Osborn, Albert S., 167
oscillating surgical saw, 16
Osiris (Egyptian god), 24–25
Oxyrhynchus (mythic fish), 25
Paillet, Maître, 50
Paré, Ambroise, 46–47
Parkman, George, 159–162 pathologists. See autopsy Perugia, Vincenzo, 105
Pfaff, Emile, 28
photography, 97, 99, 107, 208 photomicrographs, 185–186
phrenology, 191–193, 201, 213 physical identification, 91–110 Pierce, R. V., 199–200, 202
Pinkerton, Allan, 143
Pinkerton’s American Agency, 155 plague, 194
plant life. See natural science
plant poisons, 56
poison-pen letters, 164–165, 166 poisons, 41–60, 183
famous murder cases, 50–58, 72–74, 204–205, 213
historical, 43, 45–47
See also toxicology
Pompey (hound), 26
Popp, Georg, 147–148
poroscopy, 107
postmortem. See autopsy; cadavers Potts, Helen, 57–58
powder marks, 128, 129, 210–211 Pravez, Charles, 59
precipitin test, 187, 189
Price, David, 44–45
“priest’s holes,” 87
private detectives. See detectives “Problem of Thor Bridge, The,” 141 prostitutes, 80–83, 197
Psychograph, 213
puerperal fever, 16
Purkinje, John Evangelist, 102
questioned documents, 157–168 forensic tests for, 167
typewriters and, 165–166
Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques, 98 retinal image of murderer, 207–209, 211 rigor mortis, 5, 8
Ripper murders. See Jack the Ripper roaches, 37, 38
Robinson, Bertram Fletcher (“Bobbles”),
Ra (Egyptian god), 24
railway murders, 172–174, 177, 189 Randall, Joseph, 121, 123
“Red Headed League, The,” 93 Redi, Francesco, 34–35
Regulation of Railways Act, 177 “Reigate Squires, The,” 122, 128, 195 Reign of Terror (France), 63–64 Reinsch, Hugo, 51
Reinsch test, 51, 52–53
reptile poisons, 43, 45
“Resident Patient, The,” 8
18, 19
Rojas, Francisca, 104
Rokitansky, Karl, 5–6
Rothschild, Walter, 38–39
Roughead, William, 140
rubber gloves, 190
Rugen island, 187–189
Rutzen, Sir Albert de, 85
Saillard, Madame, 36
St. Clair, Neville, 68
St. John’s Dogs, 24
Sandyford case, 134–141, 142
Sanson, M., 63
“Scandal in Bohemia, A,” 61–62 scars, 94
Schenthauer (pathologist), 14
Schneider, Albert, 89
Schreyer, Johann, 11–12
scientific method, 98, 196–197, 211 Scotland Yard, 21, 27, 74, 204, 205
crime-scene “murder bags,” 22 fingerprint division, 104, 106
See also London Metropolitan
secret passageways, 86–87
sedatives, 57, 58, 59, 183
Semmelweis, Ignaz, 15–16
Set (Egyptian god), 24–25
shooting deaths. See ballistics
p; Sign of Four, The, 15, 89, 146
“Silver Blaze,” 75, 78, 85
Simpson, Keith, 154, 155
Simpson, Nicole, 89–90
Simpson, O. J., 89–90
skin cells, 150
Smethurst, Thomas, 51–54
Smith, George G., 161
Smith, James, 109
Smith, Madeleine, 42, 204–205, 213 Smith, Sir Sydney, 125, 127, 128, 130,
Söderman, Harry, 87, 92, 107–108, 144,
148, 164
sodomy, 28
Sohier, Edward, 161
Solymossy, Esther, 12–15
spectroscope, 175–176, 177, 185
Spilsbury, Sir Bernard, 73, 129, 131 spontaneous generation theory, 34 Spooner, Alec, 22
Spurzheim, J. G., 191–193
Stamford, 203
Stapleton, 19–20, 32, 38
star orchid, 32, 39
Stas, Jean Servais, 56
Stephen, Fitzjames, 42–43, 59
stillborn infants, 11–12, 35–36
Stoker, Bram, 202
Stride, Elizabeth, 82–83
Stryker, Homer, 16
Stryker saw, 16
Stubbe, Herman and Peter, 187–188 Study in Scarlet, A, 1, 2, 31, 91, 158, 166, 212
corpse description, 8–9
crime scene clues, 76–77, 79–80, 85 footprint tracing, 133
hemoglobin test, 169–170, 172 poison use, 41–42, 43, 47–48, 58 U.S. publication of, 58
Utah locale section of, 68
suffocation signs, 5
suicide, 145, 210
murder disguised as, 126–130,
staged as murder, 132
sulfuric acid, 152, 153
Sung T’zu, 33–34
superstitions. See folklore
Sûreté, Brigade de la, 65, 78, 96, 120, 166
surgery, 7
Syrphidae (hover flies), 35, 39
Tichborne Claimant, 94–96, 101–102,
Tichborne, Lady Henriette Félicité, 95 Tichborne, Sir Roger, 94–95
Tidy, Charles Meymott, 5, 12, 28, 94 on blood analysis, 171–173, 175 on footprints, 141–142
on postmortem hair/nail growth, 207 time of death, 5, 8, 36, 37
Tisza-Eszlar, Hungary, 12–15
tobacco smoke, 200
Topinard, Paul, 142
toxicology, 7, 42, 45, 48–52
as new science, 48
public distrust of, 52, 54, 56
trace evidence, 146–156
track marks. See footprints
tuberculosis, 202, 203
Tukey, Francis, 159
Tulle, France, 164–165
Turner, 198
Turner, Ann, 21
Twain, Mark, 213
twins, identical, fingerprints of, 110 typewriters, 165–166, 168
Tanner, Dick, 173, 174
Tardieu, Ambrose, 5, 170
tattoos, 92–94, 95, 109
Taylor, Alfred Swaine, 7–8, 28, 52–53, 156, 176, 177
Teofania di Adamo, 47
Tessnow, Ludwig, 188–189
Thorwald, Jürgen, 124, 201
Uhlenhuth, Paul, 186–187, 189 undercover agents, 75