Home > Other > TREAT ME, DOCTOR > Page 3

by Sylvia Fox

  “Fuck me,” Liam growled, eyes caught on my nipples.

  I licked my lips and moved one leg to the side, the one that Liam hadn’t bandaged up. He dropped his eyes down to my panties and found the spot where the wetness had crept through. In two seconds, he was on me, his lips hot on my neck, his hands tangled up in my hair. His hard body pressed down on me, pushing me back onto the couch with a ferocity that left me breathless.

  Liam Cox was on top of me. He kissed my neck, my lips, my ears. My breaths came out in short spurts, the nerves on my skin electric from his touch. My desire drenched my panties and dripped down my thighs, and I felt the kind of need I’d only dreamed about before. If he so much as touched my wet lips, I was sure I would explode into an orgasm immediately.

  “You’ve been a very bad girl,” he said before ripping my shirt over my head. My nipples stood to attention, desperately awaiting for his touch. And then his tongue found my areola, brushing softly and quickly and making my whole body sing with need. I arched my back and pressed my heaving breast against his lips. He took it eagerly, sucking more of me into his mouth.

  “Oh my god.” I squirmed, opening my legs wide in desperation.

  But instead of coming closer, he pulled away. He stood from the couch, leaving me wet and needy before him. “I think I need to teach you a lesson.”

  “Teach me any lesson you want,” I begged.

  He dropped his pants to the floor and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing those thick and chorded muscles that rippled with every move he made. He eased back onto the couch, but instead of pressing his hot body on top of mine, he flipped me over his knees and spanked me hard. The pain sent goosebumps across every inch of my skin, and juices gushed from my opening.

  “You’re such a bad girl.” He spanked me again. “You got me so worried, baby. You know the only way to make it up to me, don’t you?”

  I shook my head and lifted my butt higher in the air, desperate for another spank. Never before had I thought I’d love the feel of his hand slapping against my skin, but it was driving me wilder and wilder with desire. It made me feel as if he was taking me in ways no one else ever had and never would.

  “How do I make it up to you?” I whispered.

  “You’re going to ride me, baby.” He lifted me into the air and settled me onto his lap, my legs spread open wide. “And you’re going to come so hard that you’re going to be sore tomorrow.”

  His cock pushed inside me, spreading open my tight walls. The only dick to ever be inside me. I screamed out his name as the pleasurable pain shook through my trembling body, my juices dripping down his length and onto his thighs. With a grunt, he grabbed my hips and pushed himself further and further inside me until he filled me completely.

  “My god, you are so tight, baby,” he murmured before pulling me close and stroking my breasts with his gentle fingers. My nipples throbbed at his touch, and my whole body screamed for more.

  I began to rock against him, fuelled by desire. He felt so big, like he stretched me to my very limits. With each and every thrust, his massive cock brought me closer and closer to the edge. Pleasure built up inside me, my breasts bouncing, Liam’s tongue licking and sucking on my nipples. His fingers dug into my ass, and he plunged deeper inside me.

  And my whole body began to shake. I was so close, I could feel the orgasm building, and then…explosions dotted my eyes. I dropped my head back and screamed, overwhelmed by the tremors that shook my thighs. Panting, I held onto Liam will all I had and arched my back, giving into this new sensation, this pure pleasure, something I’d never felt before in all my life.

  When the orgasm finally subsided, I let out a deep breath and met Liam’s eyes. He was watching me carefully, a sexy grin sliding across his face. “You sure sounded like you enjoyed yourself.”

  “I did.” I blushed and glanced away. “That was…new. I’ve never done this before.”

  “Are you messing with me, Callie?” He asked as he began to fondle my breasts once again.

  “No, of course not.” I shook my head. “I…there’s just never been anyone else I’ve ever wanted.”

  “My god.” He rammed his rod into my pussy, still wet and eager for more. “Get ready for me, baby, because you’re going to have me in ways you’ve never even dreamed about before.”

  Chapter Six

  Liam hadn’t been joking. He’d fucked me at least five different times. In five different ways. He especially seemed to enjoy it when my ass was grinding against him. He liked to spank me and tell me how bad I was, and I loved it when he did. We’d spent so long rolling around together that my thighs and pussy ached. I had a feeling I’d be walking funny for the next day or two. Good thing I couldn’t go skiing on my knee. Otherwise, it might be hard to explain to my parents why I was hobbling around.

  My parents. I frowned and eased up from the floor to glance outside the front window of the cabin. Liam was asleep on the couch, a blanket draped across his thick body. Darkness was beginning to tint the sky, which meant that they wouldn’t be long from arriving. This little bubble of happiness and sex was about to burst, and I had no way of knowing if I’d ever be able to experience it ever again.

  I’d gotten my doctor for Christmas Eve, but he’d be gone in the morning all the same.

  “Callie,” he said in a sleepy voice, shifting over so that the blanket fell from his body, displaying his perfect dick. Even after all the sex we had, already I wanted him all over again. “What are you doing over there? Come back.”

  “It’s getting dark,” I said in a soft voice. “I think it might be time, to uh, you know. They might be here soon.”

  “Oh fuck,” he said, grabbing his clothes from the floor.

  With tears threatening to fill my eyes, I turned back to the window. I didn’t want to watch his hasty scurry to hide all the evidence of us. It made me feel cheap and used and not at all how he’d made me feel only moments before when he’d looked into my eyes, when he’d made me feel wanted, needed, desired. Special.

  I didn’t want to be someone’s secret, especially not his.

  The phone rang, and I jumped.

  Eyebrows raised, I twisted to see Liam staring at the landline like it was some kind of bomb. And maybe it was. A weapon of destruction for what was happening between us. With a sigh, I picked up the phone and pressed it to my ear.

  “Oh, hi, honey,” my dad’s voice came over the line, cheery yet concerned. “Are you doing okay up there all by yourself?”

  “Hi Dad. I’m fine. Remember Liam is here, too.”

  “Right, but I’m sure that doesn’t help much, does it? I’m sure you’d rather be out with your friends than hanging out with some old fogey.”

  I wrinkled my nose but didn’t respond. Old fogey. My dad would die if he knew the truth.

  “Tell her she doesn’t have to pay him any mind if she doesn’t want to!” Mom’s voice shouted in the background.

  “How far are you from being here?” I asked, changing the subject as quickly as I could. Talking about Liam with my father was pretty much the worst way to end this incredible night I’d just had.

  “Well, that’s what I’m calling about, hon…” Dad cleared his throat. “We’re still blocked in. We don’t think we’ll be able to get out until the morning.”

  “You mean you’re stuck there for another night?” My voice hitched on the last word, and the hope and excitement I suddenly felt broke through. There was no way in hell my dad hadn’t heard it clear as day.

  “I know. It’s Christmas Eve. If we could be there, we would.” Dad sighed.

  “Tell her the salt trucks broke down!”

  “The salt trucks—”

  “I heard, Dad.”

  “We’ll be there first thing in the morning,” he said. “I promise you, honey. We will. Before you even wake up. How does that sound?”

  “Don’t worry, Dad. It’s okay.”

  “I know this must be a terrible holiday for you.”

“It’s fine.” I glanced over at Liam, who was watching me with hooded eyes. “I promise. I’m having a great holiday.”

  “Come on,” Liam said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the front door of the cabin. He was convinced that I was upset, no matter how hard I tried to convince that I was totally fine with more alone time with him. “You need to have a good old regular holiday like you would if your parents were here.”

  “And how is that going to happen?” I asked as he handed me my thick jacket and gloves. He leaned forward, pulled my hat over my ears, and smiled. My whole body melted.

  “I’m going to take you to get a Christmas tree, and we’re going to put it up right here the cabin’s living room, all festive and cheery.”

  “You? Put up a Christmas tree?”

  My parents and I did this every year. There was a small shop just down the road from the slopes that liked to sell trees on Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve only. Every year, we hiked down there, picked out the best tree we could find, and spent the evening decorating the cabin with as much festive cheer as we could manage. Liam, I’d noted, had never really taken part in our tree tradition. He usually headed off to a local bar for some drinks, giving my parents and I some family time.

  I’d never thought much about it, but now I couldn’t help but wonder why he’d avoided it for so long. And why he always spent Christmas with us, instead of his own family. There was so much about him that I didn’t know, that I wanted to know. I hoped I had the chance to explore his mind just as much as I wanted to explore his body.

  “I can do it just this once for you.”

  My heart squeezed. For me.

  Hold up, I told myself. Don’t get carried away. Just because he wants to help you decorate a Christmas tree doesn’t mean he wants to marry you.

  But the logical thoughts did nothing to stop the smile from blooming on my face.

  When we reached the Christmas shop down the hill, we were greeted by pure madness. It seemed we weren’t the only people who had come to the same conclusion. And even though night had already begun to fall, there were dozens of other shoppers winding their way through the pine-scented evergreens.

  Liam fell silent by my side as we walked down row upon row of trees. Every single one would have been fine, but I was looking for something special. Something that grabbed me by the stomach and told me to never let go. A tree that would be worthy of Liam Cox.

  Finally, at the end of the second to last row, I spotted it. It was a tall and towering tree, its branches full and spanning out several feet. It commanded attention, making all the other trees around it look boring, squat, and stale.

  This was the tree I wanted. Even though I wasn’t entirely sure it would fit in the cabin.

  “You want this one?” Liam raised his eyebrows and laughed. “Out of all these trees, you picked the one that looks like it could eat us whole.”

  “It’s an impressive tree,” I said, gazing up at it and already imagining how the lights would look stung through its thick branches. “All the other ones look small in comparison.”

  “Hmm,” Liam murmured, his gaze locking on my face. “And size matters?”

  “It’s not the only thing that matters,” I dropped my voice to a whisper. “But a big tree certainly does catch my attention.”

  “Well, if big is what you want, then big is what you’ll have.” Liam gestured at the nearest shop worker and nodded toward the dominating tree before us. “The lady would like this one, please. She likes them big.”

  Chapter Seven

  Somehow, Liam and I managed to haul the tree back up to the cabin, though Liam did most of the carrying, what with my knee still aching when I put too much weight on it. I had no idea how he did it. With every passing moment together, I was starting to think he was the strongest man alive. Certainly stronger than any doctor I’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Where would you like it?” Liam asked, grunting as he pulled the tree inside, its branches scraping against the hardwood floor.

  “I’m thinking it might have to go in the middle of the room.” I glanced up at the sloping ceiling and frowned. The last thing I wanted to do was chop off the top of the tree in order to make it fit inside the cabin.

  “You’ve got it.” Liam hoisted up the tree, and together, we got to work on adding the decorations. The owners of the cabin kept an old supply in the basement, and we’d used the red and silver ornaments for so many years that they almost felt as if they were our own. Liam helped out here and there but mostly he watched me dart around the tree, humming holiday songs as I went along.

  After awhile, he left me to it and worked on stoking a fire. Soon, the chill of the mountain air was replaced by a flickering heat, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw that snow had begun to fall outside. I had to admit, I was feeling the Christmas spirit. And I got so wrapped up in the decorations that I was barely aware of Liam in the background, going in and out of the house with firewood.

  So, when I placed the last red ball on the tree, I stepped back, surveyed my handiwork, and smiled brightly at Liam. My heart flickered when he smiled back just as much. “What do you think?”

  “You’ve done a beautiful job.” Liam gestured to a thick blanket he’d spread across the floor by the fireplace while I’d been too busy with the decorations to notice. He also held the same red bottle of wine from the night before, along with two plates of Christmas dinner.

  Surprised, my mouth moved into an O. “Liam? How? Where? I don’t understand?”

  “The lodge mentioned to me that they would be a doing a Christmas Eve dinner this year. I’d planned to go there tonight while you and your parents did your tree decorating thing, but plans changed when they weren’t able to come.”

  “So, you…?”

  He chuckled and handed me the glass of wine. “You really are something when your mind gets set on something. Did you not notice when I left for a few minutes earlier?”

  I shook my head. “I just assumed you were bringing in the firewood.”

  “No, my sweet thing.” His smile widened even more. “I popped over the lodge to get us dinner.”

  My heart swelled, both at the nickname and at the thought of him trekking through the snow to get us food. Not only had he carried a massive tree home for me, not only had he carried me home earlier to patch up my knee, but he’d created a romantic candlelit Christmas dinner for two. Even though this whatever-it-was would surely end tomorrow, I’d never felt more loved and wanted in my life. Treasured, even.

  “Shall we?” Liam asked, gesturing to the floor.

  I nodded and settled down onto the blanket, breathing in the delicious scent of roasted turkey, stuffing, and creamy mashed potatoes. It was everything I wanted Christmas dinner to be and more. Because this year, I had Liam Cox beside me.

  We clinked our wine glasses and dug into the food, the fire blazing heat onto our skin. The more I ate and drank, the more relaxed I began to feel, until suddenly I felt emboldened to speak.

  “Liam?” I asked, taking a long sip of the wine. “Why do you spend the Christmas holidays with my family?”

  Liam paused before cutting into his turkey. He frowned but didn’t look angry that I’d asked. “I was always the black sheep of my family. We don’t get along very well.”

  “Really?” I cocked my head to my side and looked at Liam, trying to find evidence he was anything other than pure perfection. “I would have thought they’d love you. Gentlemanly, handsome, successful doctor. How could they be anything other than proud?”

  “Well, as nice as you make that sound, they just don’t see it that way.” Liam gave me a sad smile. “My family has run their own business for several generations. My father expected me to follow in his footsteps, but it’s not what I wanted. He’s a good man, but he wouldn’t accept anything other than what he wanted me to be.”

  I nodded and pressed my hand on his knee. “What kind of business does he run?”

  “Fishing business.” Liam’s lips went
thin. “Hard work. Good work. But not the kind of work I wanted to do. And they just couldn’t understand it. They saw it like a betrayal.”

  “So, instead of going home for the holidays, you come here.” It all made sense now, and I was glad Liam had opened up to me. Though the reasons made me sad. He had a family he very clearly loved, I could tell by the pained expression on his face. But he no longer felt he had a place at their table.

  “Your dad has always felt like family to me,” he said quietly.

  “When’s the last time you spoke to them?” I scooted closer and leaned my head against his chest, feeling the warmth of his body radiating through his flannel shirt.

  “My family?” Liam frowned. “It’s been a very long time. Years.”

  I looked up to meet his eyes and spoke as softly and gently as I could. “Maybe you should try speaking to them.”

  “No, Callie, you don’t understand. They don’t want me in their life.”

  “Just try,” I said. “The thing is, maybe they’re just as scared to speak to you. Maybe they miss you just as much as you miss them. You’ll never know if you don’t try.”

  Liam fell silent for several long moments, and the only sound in the room was the crackling fireplace. I wasn’t sure if I’d overstepped my bounds, but even if I had, I didn’t regret what I’d said. Liam had helped me so much over the past twenty-four hours, I wanted to help him in return. And this felt like the only way I could. If he reconciled with his family, it would mean seeing less of him each year. He’d no longer come on these holiday trips with me and my parents, but I found that his happiness meant more to me than my own.

  “Callie, you’re an incredible woman.” Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. “Has anyone ever told you that?”


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