What's his Passion?

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  Carter was on the verge of doing just that when someone caught his attention. His irritation vanished and his mouth watered. He almost drooled when he watched a sexy, leather-clad man walking away from a gorgeous motorcycle. All black and chrome, sleek and erotic, the bike was almost as stunning as the man.

  But the guy, he was truly beautiful in a masculine way. Not pretty at all, he seemed to Carter more like someone who would either beat a person senseless for being a fool or fuck them better than anyone else ever had.

  He was dark-headed, maybe even had black hair, with tan skin and a fit, muscular body. The stranger was sexier than any man Carter had seen in far too long. Carter tossed aside the thought of leaving. He wanted some of that man and was ready to park in the street and chase the stud down. He might have even done so if someone hadn’t laid on the horn behind him.


  The benefit of having the car behind him honk was that Sexy Leather Guy turned his way. Carter’s dick twitched as he took in the firmly chiseled planes of his face, the thin lips and strong line of his nose. Carter thought there was a bump as if his nose had been broken at least once, but it was hard to tell for sure.

  Then the object of his perusal smiled, and there was enough heat in it to make Carter’s dick perk up even more. Carter tipped his head—yes, I want you to fuck me all night long—and he received a nod in return. Hopefully that meant Carter’s intended lover was going to hang around and wait for him to find a place to park.

  Carter bypassed the parking lot and settled for a spot on the curb a block down. He gave a passing thought to whether or not his vehicle would be safe then shrugged. There were several cars and trucks parked in the area, and many nicer than his. And he had good insurance.

  After shutting the engine off and unbuckling, Carter got out. He turned as he pushed the door shut and his pulse kicked up a notch. Skin prickling with a sensual awareness, he was unsurprised to see the man he’d been eying waiting outside the club, watching him in return.

  Hands shaking slightly, Carter tucked his keys in his front pocket. It’d been a long, long time since he’d been so turned on by a man he hadn’t even spoken to. Anticipation slithered down his spine. He began walking toward the club.

  No, toward the stranger, who was checking him over as eagerly as Carter ogled him.

  They could have been the only two people in the world during the time Carter strolled closer. His gaze locked with the man’s and the connection between them was electric. It caused Carter’s pulse to race even faster and his cock, which had been semi-erect, hardened fully. He clenched his ass while his mind leaped to visions of them naked. Carter wanted to be fucked so forcefully that his bones rattled.

  Jesus, he needed it badly.

  Carter stopped on the street, right in front of his intended lover. This put him about half a foot taller than Carter, which turned him on even more. Their heights wouldn’t be that different, with Carter being maybe an inch or two shorter.

  When the guy reached out and gripped Carter by the nape, Carter quivered with delight.

  “Oh,” he got out on something very close to a sigh. He loved being handled roughly sometimes, being controlled and maneuvered. Tonight was, apparently, one of those times.

  Dark eyes stared into Carter’s. The leather-clad stud leaned closer. Carter tried to maintain that gaze, but he ended up dropping his down to look at the parted lips so near his own.

  “Please,” he asked.

  There were kisses that kind of had to be done so Carter could move on to the next thing, the better thing, fucking, then there were kisses that rocked a man to the soles of his feet. Carter closed his eyes and let himself just feel.

  That was what Carter got, the fervent press of lips, the plunging search of tongue as he was taken over. Carter whimpered and tried to get closer. He clutched at lean hips and shivered. The lust that flooded him made breathing difficult. His heartbeat accelerated and his entire body heated up as he pushed onto his toes. He needed more, wanted it, and he was going to have it all tonight. Screw the consequences of where they were and who might see.

  Expert kisses, nibbles that made Carter’s bottom lip ache, made his tongue tingle and his cock throb. Carter somehow managed to take the curb, to step up and get his body pressed to the thickly muscled one in front of him. Strong, large hands cupped his ass, and Carter moaned into the man’s mouth.

  Carter was on the verge of rutting away mindlessly but the kiss ended. He opened his eyes and stared up into ones so dark they may have been black. It was difficult to tell with only streetlights to see by, and the neon glare from the club’s sign.

  “What’s your name?” the stranger asked.

  He had a deep, gravelly voice that only increased Carter’s attraction to him.

  ‘Whatever you want it to be’ was on the tip of Carter’s tongue. Sometimes, if he was just trying for a one-off, names didn’t matter. This time, he had the feeling they did. There was something strong vibrating between them, a current of want and need that called to a hidden spot deep in Carter’s soul.

  Because of it, he didn’t want to be quite so blasé in the face of such a powerful attraction. “Carter.” He couldn’t bring himself to lie this time. Those dark eyes were too intense. Even so, he wasn’t giving anything more of himself away besides his first name.

  After a long moment, the stranger nodded. “Carter, huh? It suits you. You’ve got a professional air to you. I’m Eddie.”

  Carter was sure Eddie was telling the truth. He couldn’t say how he knew it, but he’d have bet his paycheck on it. As for the other, about him being a professional, as long as Eddie didn’t find out Carter was a boring accountant, it’d be fine.

  “Well, Eddie,” Carter purred, taking the time to cup the man’s cock through his leathers. “You wanna dance or fuck?”

  Eddie rocked into the caress and kneaded Carter’s ass. “We could go in, dance, have a drink or two…” He paused and seemed to be weighing something over in his mind.

  Carter was about ready to just drag Eddie back to his car but Eddie finally continued.

  “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in picking up another guy to play with?” he asked.

  Carter’s fantasies were unfolding right before him. His dick couldn’t possibly get any harder. “Yes, that one,” he said eagerly. “God, I’ve always wanted—” Well, there was no reason to overshare with Eddie. They were just going to fuck, not date.

  Eddie dragged a hand up Carter’s side and stroked his cheek. “Yeah, me too.”

  Carter didn’t ask what he meant. In the end, it didn’t matter. They were horny and that was the priority.

  “Come on.” Eddie stopped groping him and took Carter by the elbow.

  They entered the club, each paying the cover fee to get in the door.

  The inside of the place was a little less scroungy than the outside, but that might have been down to the bad lighting. Red everything had been overused in the decorating scheme, casting the whole club in a creepy shade of satanic.

  Carter snorted softly at his foolishness and let himself be pulled over to the bar. “Whiskey, just a shot. Make it top shelf, none of that nasty kind.”

  The bartender grunted and Eddie laughed.

  “Nothing worse than cheap whiskey,” Eddie said. “Not when it comes to alcohol, anyway.”

  “True enough.” Carter waited until Eddie had his rum and soda from the bartender, then he sipped at his shot as he turned and peered out over the club floor. “See anyone promising?”

  Eddie pointed at a younger man, a cute blond twink wearing skintight jeans and ankle boots. He probably had a shirt somewhere, or had at one point that evening.

  “Know him?” Carter asked.

  Eddie nodded. “Yeah, he’s all about fucking. Safe, though, and so am I, so if you’re interested in skipping the protection you need to find someone else.”

  Carter took out a strip of condoms he’d tucked into his back pocket. “Never fuck witho
ut them.” Although, someday, if he could have his dream relationships, he would. “He your boyfriend?”

  Eddie sputtered around a mouthful of his drink. He coughed then swallowed and wiped his lips. “No, God no. Georgie isn’t interested in dating. He’s still in the playing around stage of adulthood.”

  “You’re not?” Carter couldn’t refrain from asking—Eddie’s wording had seemed to indicate he might be ready for more.

  Eddie hitched one shoulder up in a shrug. “Can’t find what I want, but I like to think, someday…”

  Carter understood that. What he wanted wasn’t one man, but two. Maybe even more, but definitely two. He would be happy having two men to love. Unfortunately, that kind of thinking had kept him from having any truly long-term boyfriends. They all seemed to think he’d be a cheating asshole once he’d confided his deepest desires to them. He wouldn’t have, but there would be a part of him that always yearned for more if he settled down with just one man.

  Still, he didn’t want to be alone the rest of his life, or the pathetic guy picking up strangers in bars in another ten years. Carter was resigned to the fact that he needed to see if he could work past what he really wanted, but that was an issue for later, not for when Eddie was waving the cute little Georgie over.

  “He okay with you?” Eddie asked rather belatedly.

  Georgie was bounding over toward them like an eager puppy, all big eyes and ears.

  Carter liked Georgie’s thin form and delicate build. “Yeah, he’s good. So is this a regular thing you and him do?”

  Eddie snorted. “No, not regular. I’ve hooked up with Georgie and another guy once before, and while Georgie was hot, the other guy was a dick.” Eddie shrugged. “Happens sometimes. Something tells me you won’t be a dick, will you, Carter?”

  “No, I won’t.” Carter even passed up the opportunity to make a crude dick joke just to offer his assurance. “So, you’ve had a threesome before. I haven’t.”

  “I’ll coach you through it,” Eddie purred.

  Carter almost came on the spot.

  Eddie nodded toward Georgie. “He doesn’t top. Ever.”

  “I switch,” Carter said as he glanced sideways at Eddie. He really wanted to be fucked by that stud.

  Eddie grinned and held one hand out to Georgie. “Good. I plan on fucking you both.”

  Carter’s stomach dipped and he reached down to adjust his aching dick under his jeans. Georgie watched him hungrily and licked his lips.

  “Georgie, Carter, Carter, Georgie,” Eddie said by way of introductions. “Now y’all ready to go fuck?”

  “What about dancing?” Carter stupidly asked. Now that he was on the verge of getting one of his hottest fantasies, he was unexpectedly nervous.

  Georgie slithered right up to him and rubbed his erection against Carter’s leg. “We can do the best kind of dancing in five minutes if you want to follow me. My place is right around the corner.”

  Eddie laughed and Carter tossed back the rest of his drink. There was no way he was going to risk blowing a shot at being with two men at once. He set the glass down. “Okay, let’s go.”

  Chapter Three

  Talking wasn’t necessary, not much anyway, and Carter was relieved about that. Because he’d never had a three-way before, he was very nervous.

  Horny. Ready.

  Georgie’s apartment was close and once inside, no one wasted time on offering or asking for drinks. Eddie grabbed Carter and pinned him to the nearest wall while Georgie went to work on Carter’s jeans.

  Though they moved like a trained team, Carter reminded himself that Eddie and Georgie weren’t together. There’d be no reason for Eddie to have lied about that.

  Then Carter stopped worrying because Eddie slanted his mouth over Carter’s and kissed him. It was more teeth than tongue at some points, as if Eddie wanted to devour him. Carter was all for it. He got a fistful of Georgie’s hair after Georgie knelt between him and Eddie.

  Carter clung to Eddie. So much was happening at once, Carter couldn’t keep track. There were hands on him—his chest and stomach, ass and everywhere in between. There wasn’t an inch of skin that wasn’t caressed. Eddie’s mouth dominated his, that slick tongue pushing and prodding Carter’s into submission.

  Then there was sinfully hot wet perfection around the tip of his dick. Carter’s eyes rolled back and he shuddered. His balls were cupped while more of his shaft was surrounded in that sweet heat. Someone—Eddie, he guessed—began pinching his nipples through his shirt.

  Carter’s mind was as blown as his cock. Every nerve ending in his body was alight with pleasure so great he couldn’t quite comprehend it. Then again, he didn’t have to. All he needed to do was feel.

  Carter rocked his hips, testing to see what Georgie would allow. There was a hum from down below that sent the most exquisite vibrations up Carter’s length, and his nut sac was tugged. Add in the pat to his hip, and Carter began to move, pushing deeper into Georgie’s mouth.

  Meanwhile, Eddie nipped at his lips and tongue, and used those nimble fingers to twist and pinch Carter’s nipples until the little nubs were achingly sensitive.

  Eddie nibbled at Carter’s throat while Georgie took him in to the root. Carter gasped, clenching, his balls drawing tight. He didn’t want to come yet—they’d only just begun this adventure.

  “Good,” Eddie murmured. “Wait for me to get my dick in your ass.”

  It should have sounded like a bad porno line, should have maybe made Carter laugh, but instead his insides quivered and he moaned, needing Eddie to fuck him.

  Eddie chuckled as if he knew what Carter was thinking, and maybe it showed on his face. Carter didn’t care, just as long as he got what he wanted.

  “Let’s get somewhere where we can lay down,” Eddie said. “Or where I can bend you over and get into this sweet ass.” Eddie gave his butt a solid squeeze. “God, you have an amazing ass.”

  At the same time he said that, Eddie also pushed his fingers into Carter’s crease and brushed over his hole. Carter trembled like he was a living earthquake. It’d been forever since he’d been so desperately in need of a fuck.

  Georgie sucked him for another minute, until Carter was covered in goosebumps and gasping, so close to coming he was dizzy from it. Then Georgie pulled off and kissed the top of his dick.

  “I get this in me when you’re fucking him,” he said.

  Carter could only nod, although the jerky movement probably didn’t come off like he’d meant to do it. He was uncoordinated, his pulse racing and his heart pounding. Georgie stripped off Carter’s shoes and socks, then his pants, as Eddie rid him of his shirt.

  “Condoms,” he thought to say, which was followed by the sound of his pants hitting the floor.

  “I’ve got plenty,” Georgie promised him. “Never fuck without them.”

  Eddie had said as much, but it was good to hear it again. Carter let them lead him into a bedroom. He caught glimpses of messy surfaces but didn’t care about them. All that mattered was the nervous thrumming in his body and the anticipation of what was to come.

  “On your knees,” Georgie said. “Just get on the bed and kneel so I can get at your dick.”

  The bluntness was something else Carter wasn’t quite used to. It was erotic and filthy, and he would have to think about whether he liked it or not some other time. He wasn’t capable of doing so now since his brain was melting from lust.

  Eddie helped him to get on the bed since Carter’s legs wanted to give out on him.

  “Like this,” Eddie purred in his ear, fitting himself against Carter.

  Georgie stripped off and bounced onto the bed with a giggle. “Oh, I do love a threesome. Or more.”

  He got in front of Carter and fisted his own cock. Pink and thin, but a nice length, it was a pretty piece that Carter wouldn’t mind getting a taste of. He licked his lips eagerly.

  “Later, maybe,” Georgie said, as if reading Carter’s mind.

  “But—” Carter brok
e off on a moan, his eyelids fluttering shut.

  Eddie was parting his cheeks and rubbing his fingertips over Carter’s hole.

  “Such a tiny asshole. Gonna feel so good around my dick.” Eddie pushed a finger into him dry.

  There was hardly a burn—Carter had done the same to himself plenty of times.

  “Fuck, I want in here,” Eddie said.

  “Then do it,” Carter grated out, forcing himself to open his eyes. “Oh, oh fuck!”

  The site that greeted him was as erotic as any of Carter’s fantasies. Georgie had turned and was fingering himself open, his pucker glistening with lube and clenching rhythmically around the digits working it.

  “Yeah, that’s pretty, but this—” Eddie pushed two slick fingers into Carter then.

  Carter hadn’t even heard the lube being opened, but for all he knew, the stuff was in a tube. He didn’t care, it didn’t matter. Eddie had thick, rough fingers that he stroked over every pleasurable spot they could possibly in Carter.

  “This is heaven.” Eddie capped that statement by biting Carter on the shoulder.

  It wasn’t too hard, just enough to send a jolt of want right down to Carter’s balls, making him clench.

  “Fuck yeah, felt you ripple around me…” Eddie did it again, his teeth sharp against Carter’s skin.

  At the same time, Georgie moaned and pushed four fingers into his hole. That stretched the ring wide, the skin going almost white around Georgie’s knuckles. Georgie whimpered and kept at it, fucking himself as if he’d forgotten anyone else was there.

  Georgie’s balls swung heavy between his pale thighs, and his pert ass would be perfect to hang onto while Carter drove into his hole again and again.

  Something prickly poked his shoulder. Carter blinked and forced himself to see what it was. Eddie held an opened condom package there.

  “Put it on. You gotta fuck him soon or he’ll get off without you.”


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