What's his Passion?

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  “So many stars.” It was like the universe really was limitless and space was endless. Carter knew scientists went on about such things, or astronomers did, but he couldn’t ever comprehend the vastness of the heavens above him. Not until that moment. It was almost frightening, how small he felt then, how insignificant.

  “It hits you like that, doesn’t it?”

  Carter tore his gaze from the blazing sky to find Eddie standing beside him. “Did I say that out loud?”

  Eddie studied him closely. “Only the stars part. What were you thinking? You seemed almost spooked.”

  Carter returned his gaze upward to the beautiful tableau Nature was providing them. “I realized I’m nothing, not even a speck in comparison to that up there.”

  “That’s not true. You’re something to me.” Eddie brushed the back of his hand over Carter’s. “I hope you’ll be even more.”

  Carter’s earlier moment of fear was stomped out by the sheer wave of joy that washed over him. “You mean that?” Eddie wanted more than just another fuck? “You want more than a fuck from me?” Carter blurted out the question.

  “All of it,” Eddie assured him. “You seem at peace outside. It’s something that almost…” Eddie huffed as if he were perhaps embarrassed to be saying such things. “It’s like I can see it in you, while you’re out here. At the club and in the apartment, you were more tense, and very focused, which was great during sex, don’t get me wrong. Here, you seem almost at home, I guess. I sound like a moron.”

  Carter didn’t think so. “No, you don’t,” he said a bit more fervently than he’d intended. “You really don’t. I get what you mean. There’s something about being outside like this, away from civilization and the comforts we all take for granted. I always feel like I’m communing with Mother Nature, and if that’s corny sounding, oh well.” He shrugged. “It’s the truth. I spent more time indoors as a kid, and I longed to be outside, to be able to run and play and do things. I will never take this”—Carter gestured to the sky and area around them—“for granted. Never.”

  Eddie cocked one hip and visually raked him over. “Were you ill as a kid? If so, you sure seem pretty healthy now.”

  Normally, Carter avoided talking about his childhood at all costs. However, his attraction to Eddie and his desire for more than just a fuck with the man eased Carter’s normally tight tongue. “Not me so much, really. My mother, however, had a lot of issues. Mental issues, though that’s not something people talk about, right?”

  “They should,” Eddie murmured. “Making anything like that into a dirty secret does more damage than good. Society’s fucked up like that.”

  “It is,” Carter agreed. He looked at Eddie then back up at all those stars. “She was paranoid about germs. Maybe that made her someone with OCD, or some kind of other disorder. I don’t know. She never went for help. As a child, she almost suffocated me with her overprotectiveness. Mom didn’t want me going outside—too many dangers. The sun, the wind could—it could carry germs that would kill me. Other kids were a definite risk. I was homeschooled up until I was seventeen. Then Mom collapsed at home.”

  Eddie moved closer and rubbed the small of Carter’s back. “What happened?”

  “She died less than twenty-four hours later. She had a respiratory infection and…” Carter shrugged again. While he wanted to share the important things regarding his life with Eddie, he didn’t want to spend the rest of the night reliving his past. “Well, I think that’s where my need to be outdoors comes from.”

  Eddie’s expression tightened, his lips thinning and nostrils flaring. If he wanted to ask questions, Carter would answer them, but what he really needed right then was to just be with Eddie. The man was complicated in an enticingly addictive manner, and Carter wanted to have time to memorize the way the moonlight fell on his tanned skin, and the way the stars reflected in his dark eyes.

  “You turned out okay,” Eddie finally said. He nudged Carter’s shoulder. “Well, better than okay.”

  “Thanks,” Carter said with a slight laugh. “Good to know I’m not a weirdo or anything.”

  Eddie winked at him. “Weirdoes can be fun, too, but I think I like spending time with you.”

  Carter blushed, something that surprised him and delighted him at the same time. “Thanks. You too. You know what I mean.”

  “I do.”

  Eddie kept touching him, and Carter really liked it. It made him feel cared for. Eddie cupped his elbow, and Carter leaned into him.

  “Take a walk with me,” Eddie suggested. “We won’t go far.”

  Carter didn’t question him. He’d let Eddie fuck him and break him down into a sated pile of sleepy man. He could trust him for a short walk, too.

  Eddie guided him away from the camp to a small copse of juniper. He pushed Carter backwards, until he was against a tree.

  “Don’t ever think you don’t matter, even if I’m not in the picture. Every single one of us matters.” Then Eddie kissed him, a bruising kiss that made Carter’s lips ache even as he parted them eagerly.

  Eddie framed his jaws with big hands and held Carter’s face still. Carter could only whimper and give himself over, tangling his tongue with Eddie’s.

  Eddie nudged at Carter’s legs. Carter spread them, rejoicing because Eddie shoved one muscled thigh between them. Carter held onto Eddie’s waist and began rutting, his dick already hard, his body needing this man like no other.

  Eddie slid a hand down to grip Carter’s ass. He tugged on one cheek, causing them to part and bringing a delightful burn to Carter’s asshole. It reminded him exactly of how well-fucked he’d been. Carter wanted to be fucked again.

  And Eddie apparently wanted to fuck him. Carter was turned around so quickly he nearly got whiplash. He scrabbled to brace himself against the tree as Eddie reached around to unfasten his belt.

  “Can I fuck you right here?” Eddie asked in a bare rasp of sound.

  “Condom,” Carter got out. Lube would be good too. He couldn’t manage to say so.

  “I still have my wallet,” Eddie said.

  Carter remembered then that he, Eddie, and Georgie all had been prepared for their fuckfest, but only Georgie’s condom supply had been delved into.

  There was nothing for Carter to say then. He wanted Eddie to take him as soon as possible.

  To that end, he pushed Eddie’s hands aside. “Got it,” he murmured. Carter unbuttoned his shorts then got the zipper down. He hooked his thumbs beneath the waistband of his briefs and rolled them and his shorts down his legs.

  Getting one foot free was tricky with his hiking boots on. He still managed it by the time Eddie moved to press to Carter’s ass.

  Eddie held to fingers up to Carter’s mouth. “Wet them good.”

  It was another dirty fantasy come true. Carter bit back a moan then opened his mouth. He sucked Eddie’s fingers and slicked them up as best he could.

  Eddie held his other hand up to Carter’s mouth. “Spit.”

  Once he had enough saliva, Eddie prepped Carter’s ass. Carter held onto the tree and closed his eyes. He wished he could see the stars, wished Eddie could fuck him right out where Carter had been staring up at those brilliant diamonds in the blackness.

  Another time. There’ll be another time. That, Carter believed fully.

  In a few short minutes, Carter was ready to beg Eddie again. Eddie caressed Carter’s gland and Carter came up onto his toes.

  Eddie’s soft chuckle was almost impossible to hear. His breath wafted over Carter’s cheek. Carter turned his head up. The tree bark was uncomfortable against his rigid dick. He would ignore it.

  But he didn’t have to. Eddie pulled him away from the tree, using a grip on his shoulder and those digits in his ass. “This way.”

  Carter wanted to protest the fingers being left in him only for the sake of protesting. Trying to walk with them there was doing all sorts of interesting things to his ass. Carter took a few steps then Eddie grunted and tapped his shoulder. />
  “Down,” Eddie ordered.

  Carter went to his knees. Eddie guided him to the ground, settling Carter on his back. Above them, the open sky showed. Carter’s soul swelled with joy. He wondered how he’d managed to meet such a perfect man.

  Then Eddie pushed a third digit into his ass and Carter couldn’t think at all. He raised his legs up, offering Eddie everything.

  Eddie bent over him. “You have to be very, very quiet,” he whispered. “No moaning. No screaming. Not a sound.”

  Carter nodded rapidly. He’d do anything to get Eddie’s cock in him.

  Eddie moved back and Carter stared up at the stars while waiting. There was the crinkle of the condom wrapper, and a short moment later, Eddie fitted himself between Carter’s thighs.

  Carter looked at Eddie. He pressed the tip of that fat crown to Carter’s hole. He didn’t blink as Eddie breached his ass, didn’t even breath. After the thick cap was fully inside, only then did Carter dare to breathe. He tried to keep his gaze on Eddie’s, but he was too gorgeous, the pleasure too great. Carter’s lids fluttered shut.

  Eddie took him slowly, quietly. It was different than the hard fuckings of their first time together. Their surroundings necessitated silence, or near to it, but that wasn’t the only reason they kept from making noise. It fit the mood, the situation, the seriousness of bodies making promises lips and hearts might yet be too scared to make.

  Carter parted his lips on a silent gasp and Eddie swallowed the rush of breath. He sealed his lips over Carter’s, and under that glorious sky, Eddie pumped into Carter. Not just a physical release, not only bodies getting off and men grinding out their need.

  Eddie filled him in a much deeper, more personal way. He gave Carter’s dreams for the future weight and scope and depth. He gave them possibility, and beauty.

  So when Carter forced his eyes open, he wasn’t surprised to see the glistening blackness of Eddie’s eyes as he watched Carter. As his climax spread out from his balls, through his shaft, out onto his belly, Carter wasn’t alone. Eddie was right there with him, trembling, curling over him, covering Carter with his greater weight.

  Carter would have sworn something magical happened, some kind of spiritual transference that made it possible for a little bit of Eddie’s heart to join with a tiny piece of his.

  It was fanciful thinking, outrageous and corny. Carter was going to believe it anyway.

  They lay together for a long while afterward. Eddie on his back, with Carter’s head pillowed on his chest. Carter listened to the steady, strong beat of Eddie’s heart, and the whoosh of air coming and going from Eddie’s lungs.

  And all the while, Carter watched the stars, no longer feeling small and unimportant in the world.

  About the Author

  A native Texan, Bailey spends her days spinning stories around in her head, which has contributed to more than one incident of tripping over her own feet. Evenings are reserved for pounding away at the keyboard, as are early morning hours. Sleep? Doesn’t happen much. Writing is too much fun, and there are too many characters bouncing about, tapping on Bailey's brain demanding to be let out.

  Caffeine and chocolate are permanent fixtures in Bailey’s office and are never far from hand at any given time. Removing either of those necessities from Bailey’s presence can result in what is known as A Very, Very Scary Bailey and is not advised under any circumstances.

  Email: [email protected]

  Bailey loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at http://www.totallybound.com.

  Also by Bailey Bradford

  Breaking the Devil

  Dark Nights and Headlights

  Southwestern Shifters: Rescued

  Southwestern Shifters: Relentless

  Southwestern Shifters: Reckless

  Southwestern Shifters: Rendered

  Southwestern Shifters: Resilience

  Southwestern Shifters: Reverence

  Southwestern Shifters: Revolution

  Southwestern Shifters: Revenge

  Southwestern Shifters: Reluctance

  Southern Spirits: A Subtle Breeze

  Southern Spirits: When the Dead Speak

  Southern Spirits: All of the Voices

  Southern Spirits: Wait Until Dawn

  Southern Spirits: Aftermath

  Southern Spirits What Remains

  Southern Spirits: Ascension

  Southern Spirits: Whirlwind

  Love in Xxchange: Rory’s Last Chance

  Love in Xxchange: Miles To Go

  Love in Xxchange: Bend

  Love in Xxchange: What Matters Most

  Love in Xxchange: Ex’s and O’s

  Love in Xxchange: A Bit of Me

  Love in Xxchange: A Bit of You

  Love in Xxchange: In My Arms Tonight

  Love in Xxchange: Where There’s a Will

  Leopard’s Spots: Levi

  Leopard’s Spots: Oscar

  Leopard’s Spots: Timothy

  Leopard’s Spots: Isaiah

  Leopard’s Spots: Gilbert

  Leopard’s Spots: Esau

  Leopard’s Spots: Sullivan

  Leopard’s Spots: Wesley

  Leopard’s Spots: Nischal

  Leopard’s Spots: Justice

  Leopard’s Spots: Sabin

  Leopard’s Spots: Cliff

  Mossy Glenn Ranch: Chaps and Hope

  Mossy Glenn Ranch: Ropes and Dreams

  Mossy Glenn Ranch: Saddles and Memories

  Mossy Glenn Ranch: Fences and Freedom

  Mossy Glenn Ranch: Riding and Regrets

  Spotless: Hide

  Spotless: Hunt

  Yes, Forever: Part One

  Yes, Forever: Part Two

  Yes, Forever: Part Three

  Yes, Forever: Part Four

  Yes, Forever: Part Five


  Ethan Stone

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  The Little Mermaid: Walt Disney Pictures

  The Bellagio: MGM Resorts International

  Superman: DC Comics, Inc.

  Captain America: Marvel Worldwide Inc.

  Batman: DC Comics, Inc.

  Falcon: Marvel Worldwide Inc.

  Black Lightning: DC Comics, Inc.

  Midnighter: DC Comics, Inc.

  North Star: Marvel Worldwide Inc.

  Black Goliath: Marvel Worldwide Inc.

  Gucci: Gucci Group

  Hugo Boss: Hugo Boss AG

  Jaguar: Tata Motors

  Piranha Nightclub: Piranha Nightclub

  Jack Daniels: Brown-Forman

  Coke: The Coca-Cola Company

  Trojans: Church & Dwight Company

  Nightwing: DC Comics, Inc.

  Aquadeco: Aquadeco LLC

  Nike: Nike, Inc.

  Roy Harper: DC Comics, Inc.

  Grace: DC Comics, Inc.

  Rictor: Marvel Worldwide, Inc.

  Shatterstar: Marvel Worldwide, Inc.

  Apollo: WildStorm Productions

  Chapter One

  I stretched my arms out, bent my legs and dove into the cool, refreshing water. I was in Las Vegas, I was eighteen years old and I was alone for the first time ever.

  Well, almost alone, my friend Dean Schweister was with me. “Dean will keep you out of trouble,” my father had said. Ha! Dean had fooled everyone into believing he was a sweet young man.

  I emerged from the water in dramatic fashion, imagining the scene in The Little Mermaid when Ariel comes out of the ocean onto the rock, her red hair flowing around her. My hair wasn’t red or long, but I still felt like a prince.

  “Such a show off,” Dean muttered and tried to hide a smile.

  We’d known each other our entire lives because our fathers worked together often. Dean’s father was one of my dad’s many lawyers. Barry Schwei
ster normally only handled my father’s business on the West Coast but Dad had taken him to Australia to handle a crisis. It had then fallen on me and Dean to iron out a deal in Vegas. There wasn’t much to it other than a little haggling and signing some papers. I would’ve had to be an absolute idiot to screw it up.

  Since Dean was two years older than me, I’m sure Dad had an idea we would party, but I don’t think he had a clue exactly what we had planned. Dad didn’t have a problem with me being gay but I doubt he’d want to know I planned on losing my virginity.

  I pulled myself out of the pool then sat on a lounge chair next to Dean.

  “You excited about later?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to check out Heroes Unlimited.” HU was a comic book shop right on the strip, one of the biggest stores in the United States.

  He rolled his eyes. “You know that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “Yes, I’m looking forward to our other plans, too.” I smirked.

  He leaned forward and eyed me. “Dude, we’re talking about you having sex for the first time and you sound like it’s just another day.” Dean had a fake ID and had gotten one for me as well. He’d been going out to bars and clubs and having sex with men since he was sixteen. He’d promised me we would party until we found the right guy for me to sleep with.

  “I’m nervous about it,” I admitted.

  “Adam, it’s going to be awesome.” He sat back in the chair and closed his eyes.

  “Did you see that Hispanic stud in the hallway earlier?” I’d only gotten a quick glance at him but it was enough. He was a few inches shorter than me, had a goatee, light-brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

  Dean nodded.

  “Damn, he was hot.”

  Dean lowered his sunglasses. “You know he was a hustler, right?”

  “A what?”

  “A hustler,” he repeated. “Hooker. Prostitute. Whore.”

  I forced my jaw closed, trying not to let my naiveté be quite so obvious. “How do you know?”


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