What's his Passion?

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  He smiled and grabbed me. “As long as I can be alone with you.”

  Cal and I went outside and Dean joined us a minute later. His guy was shorter and probably in his mid-thirties. Attractive but plain-looking, in my opinion.

  “Adam, this is Mike.”

  I shook his hand and introduced Cal. “He knows of a private place we can go for some fun.”

  “Excellent,” Dean said. “Mike’s going to drive. He hasn’t been drinking.”

  We got in the car and Cal gave Mike directions. Immediately, Cal and I started making out in the back seat and I didn’t pay attention to where we were going. It wasn’t like I knew Vegas anyway.

  We stopped at a small park.

  “The cops never come here,” Cal said. “You guys can stay here in the car. There’s an open area in the trees where we can have some fun. You ready, Adam?”

  “For sure.” I pulled Cal into a kiss and he thrust his tongue into my mouth.

  Before we even got out of the car, Mike and Dean were tearing each other’s clothes off.

  Cal tugged me through some trees then pushed me onto the grass. He lay down on me and ran his calloused hands under my shirt. “Such a hot thing.” He reached into my pants and fondled my dick. “What do you want me to do to you?”

  “You got condoms?” Even drunk I knew to play safe.

  He stuck a hand into a pocket and pulled out a couple of Trojans. “You want me to fuck you?”

  I nodded and fumbled with my zipper. He pushed my hands away and quickly had my pants and underwear off. Cal grabbed me, flipped me around so I was on my hands and knees and positioned himself at my ass. I glanced behind and saw him open the condom and put it on.

  He spit on his hand, rubbed it on my hole then slid his cock between my ass cheeks and pushed in. I was grateful at least the condom was lubed otherwise it would’ve been totally dry. The pain was severe, far stronger than when Javier had fucked me. Cal drove in forcefully, grabbing my hips and pounding me with no concern for what I felt. I knew not every lover would be as sweet as Javier, but Cal hadn’t struck me as the uncaring type.

  I suddenly regretted being with Cal but thankfully it was over quickly. He came in the condom and collapsed on top of me.

  “You want me to jack you off?” he whispered in my ear.

  For the first time that night I realized he had smoker’s breath and it was rank. The term beer googles now made sense to me.

  “No, I’m good.” I rolled away. “Can we go back now?”

  “I don’t know if Dean and Mikey are done yet.”

  “Dean won’t care. I need to go.” I got to my knees.

  He pulled me back to the ground. “I think you should stay here.” He embraced me. “Stay and cuddle.”

  I resisted, but he was strong and I didn’t have the strength to fight him.

  “Let Dean and Mikey have their fun.”

  Mikey? That was a nickname friends used, not total strangers. “Oh my God,” I blurted. “You know that guy, don’t you?”

  “No,” he insisted.

  “You’re a fucking liar.” I squirmed but couldn’t break his grasp. “This was a set-up.” I screamed Dean’s name once, but before I could do it again, Cal covered my mouth.

  “You were a nice fuck, boy. It was much appreciated.” He wrapped an arm around my neck and squeezed. I couldn’t breathe or fight back. The last thing I remembered before I passed out was how bad his breath stank.

  * * * *

  I don’t know how long I was out but I woke with a start. At first I was confused but it all came back quickly. The moon was bright enough that I could see around me and I was thrilled to find all my clothes. However, all the pockets were empty. My phone, wallet and cash were all gone.

  After dressing, I pushed past the trees and back to where we had parked. As expected, the car was gone but I also didn’t see Dean. I called out his name a couple of times and finally heard moaning from a bush. I ran to it and found him just waking up. There was a huge gash on his head and he was naked. I waited for him to come fully out of consciousness before sighing in relief.

  “What the fuck happened?” He sat up, grabbed his head then lay back down.

  “Cal knocked me out and robbed me.”

  “What about mine?”

  His clothes were scattered around us so I gathered them up, checked his pockets and handed them to him. “All empty.”

  “Damn.” He covered his face with his hands and took deep breaths.

  Dean was prone to panic attacks. He could handle law school and pressure-filled meetings, but put him in a situation out of his control and he shut down.

  I rubbed his stomach. “Dean, you cannot lose control here. We have to stick together and figure out what to do. I need your help. Breathe and come back to the real world.”

  It took more than ten minutes, but Dean finally calmed. “Help me up so I can get dressed.”

  I helped him to a picnic bench seat then handed him his pants. He got partially dressed on his own but needed help zipping up because his hands were shaking so badly. We sat there for another few minutes until Dean could breathe normally.

  “Do you have any idea where we are?” I asked.

  “Not a clue.” He shook his head. “I was out of it when we drove here.”

  Dean touched the wound on his forehead. “Mike took me completely by surprise. Guess I’m not as smart as I thought I was.”

  “Cal got me, too,” I said. “He fucked me but he wasn’t very good.”

  Dean snorted. “I warned you your first time wasn’t going to be perfect.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Definitely a life lesson. “Let’s go. We’ll find a cab and go back to the hotel or your place.”

  “How do you plan on paying him? A blow job?”

  I shook my head. “If we can convince him to go to the Bellagio I can get money from the safe and pay him double the fare.”

  Dean shrugged. “Not sure that’ll work but it won’t hurt to try.”

  Most of the buildings in the area were abandoned and rundown. Many had become living quarters for the homeless. We knocked on the doors of several occupied houses hoping to use the phone, but no one answered. I couldn’t blame them. It would be stupid to do so late at night with two black guys, one with a head wound, standing there.

  “The best we can do is figure out where we are and get to a high traffic area.” I scanned around trying to see a landmark.

  “Any ideas?”

  I pointed at the almost full moon. “The moon rises in the east and the Strip is North Las Vegas. So we have to go…that way.” I pointed in the direction I hoped was north but really wasn’t sure.

  Six blocks later, I still wasn’t sure if we were going in the right direction but figured sooner or later we’d have to hit a major road. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw two policemen headed toward us. “They’ll be able to help us.”

  “What do we have here?” the taller of the two cops said when Dean and I approached them. The name on his uniform was Kirchen. The other cop was Edgewater.

  “It’s been a hell of a night. You won’t believe what happened to us,” I said. “We’re trying to get back to my hotel on the Strip.”

  “Is that so? What hotel would that be?” Kirchen asked.

  I sensed sarcasm in the man’s voice but didn’t understand it. “The Bellagio.”

  Edgewater snorted. “You boys in a fancy ass place like that? Why do I find that hard to believe?”

  “It’s the truth,” Dean retorted, his voice loud and challenging.

  “Watch your tone,” Kirchen demanded.

  “I’m not lying,” I said. “I am staying at the Bellagio.”

  Kirchen eyeballed Edgewater. “What do you think?”

  Edgewater scrutinized both of us. “They seem like a couple gangbangers to me.”

  “You think we’re part of a gang?” Dean asked.

  “You’re dressed in red,” Kirchen sai
d. “He’s got a burnt orange shirt. You know what they say…if it looks like a Blood it’s probably a Blood.”

  Dean stepped forward. “You are so far off base it’s hilarious.”

  Kirchen grabbed Dean’s shirt and pushed him up against a brick wall. “Watch your attitude, boy.”

  “Whoa, I think there’s been a mistake here.” I approached Kirchen but before I got close I was thrown to the ground by Edgewater.

  “Do not come at my partner like that.” He gripped the handle of his nightstick.

  There would be no talking to these cops. They’d pegged us as troublemakers and wouldn’t believe otherwise. Getting out of there and away from them was the best solution.

  “My friend and I would just like to go,” I said. “We don’t want any trouble.”

  “I think we should run their names,” Kirchen said. “Show us your IDs.”

  “We were just robbed.” I patted my empty pockets. “They took our phones, wallets and money.”

  “And my car,” Dean added.

  Edgewater snorted. “Awful fucking convenient. We might have to take you guys in so we can run your prints.”

  “No!” I jumped to my feet not thinking it would be seen as an act of aggression.

  “Stay the fuck down.” Edgewater pushed me back down, flipped me to my stomach and clasped my hands together.

  “Wait, please, just let me explain.” I wiggled underneath the cop. My brain had stopped working logically and I realized I was making things worse.

  “Stop fighting,” Edgewater yelled but it wasn’t enough to make me still.

  A moment later there was more weight on my back. Things clicked in my head and I finally stopped moving.

  That’s when I heard Dean breathing hard and crying.

  “Dean,” I called to him. “It’s okay. We’ll be fine. Just breathe and get control.”

  I was cuffed and lifted to my feet. The cops walked me over to the wall and shoved my face against the bricks.

  “Don’t fucking move.” Edgewater growled.

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.” I turned my head so I could see Dean. “Hey, man, it’s okay. Just don’t fight them. Do whatever they say.”

  Dean sobbed uncontrollably and I doubted he’d heard me.

  “He has panic attacks, officers,” I said. “He’ll be fine in a minute.” I hoped the cops would listen to me and not try to force Dean to do anything, but I wasn’t hopeful.

  Edgewater stepped back to me. “Shut the fuck up,” he growled in my ear.

  Kirchen kicked Dean’s foot. “Quit bawling, fucking baby. Stand up.”

  Dean didn’t move and Kirchen repeated the order.

  “Come on, Dean,” I begged. “Get up.”

  No movement.

  Kirchen nodded at his partner and they each grabbed hold of one of Dean’s arms. They lifted him and as soon as Dean was on his feet he tore out of their grip and ran away.

  “Dean, no!”

  “Motherfucker!” Kirchen tackled Dean and they landed on the cement with a thud.

  Despite the order not to move, I turned around and watched as Kirchen stood and kicked Dean in the ribs.

  “Fucking punk!”

  Air whooshed out of Dean as he was booted again.

  “Kirchen, knock it off.” Edgewater grabbed his partner and got him to back away.

  Kirchen took a few breaths and hauled Dean to his feet again. “You ready to stop resisting now?”

  I hoped, prayed, that Dean was more in control now. Dean stared at Kirchen and screamed at the top of his lungs.

  “Shut the fuck up,” the cop bellowed, but it didn’t help. Shaking Dean had no effect either. Obviously frustrated, Kirchen shoved Dean backward and he fell, his head bouncing twice.

  The shrieking stopped and blood pooled around Dean’s head.

  “Oh, fuck,” Edgewater murmured. He examined Dean closely. “It’s cracked open, Kirchen. He’s fucking dead.”

  “Are you goddamn serious?” Kirchen kneeled and felt Dean’s head.

  Oh my God, he’d killed him. A million thoughts ran through my head at once. My heart beat so loudly I could feel its throb in my toes. My friend was dead. He’d been killed by a cop. His partner would support him. They were bad cops who wouldn’t want to lose their jobs, which they would if the truth came out. Dean’s father would do whatever it took to make the dirty cops pay. And I was the only witness to the crime. I wanted to scream and yell and cry. I wanted to hold Dean’s body and say goodbye but I knew that wasn’t the logical thing to do.

  What would someone in the comics do? Black Lightning would blast the cuffs off. Nightwing would have a cool gadget to free himself. What about Romeo? When the Shadowshifter murdered Romeo’s boyfriend, Romeo ran and hid until he was strong enough to get revenge.

  If there were to be justice for Dean’s death, it was up to me. I had to stay alive and to do that I would have to get away from Kirchen and Edgewater even if I was still cuffed. I didn’t have time to figure out a whole plan but I had to run.

  I inched down the wall away from the scene, hoping they wouldn’t see me move. I got to the corner, turned and dashed away. Running in handcuffs was extremely difficult but the adrenaline gave me strength. I didn’t know where I was going but I had to find a place to hide.

  I was at least half a block away when Kirchen screamed. I scurried down an alley then went back the way I’d just come. My hope was that they would go for blocks thinking I’d ran south while I actually went north.

  I slowed down and stayed in the shadows but I glanced behind me and my heart dropped. Edgewater was only four blocks back. He spotted me and I dashed away. I tried doors to several buildings but they were all locked. I went down an alley and hid behind a dumpster. I didn’t have much hope they wouldn’t find me, but I didn’t know what else to do.

  My heart dropped and I almost screamed as a hand went over my mouth.

  “Be quiet, Adam.”

  Who the hell would know my name? I turned and instantly recognized Javier’s brown eyes.

  “Oh my God,” I said louder than I should’ve. I lowered my voice. “The cops are after me. I didn’t do anything.”

  “Shh,” Javier murmured. “I believe you. I’ll help.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Is this the time to ask me that question? Or do you just want to take what I’m offering.”

  “Yes, of course. I’ll do whatever you ask.” I nodded emphatically.

  Javier motioned with a hand. “Follow me.”

  “They’re really close.”

  “I know,” he said. “Trust me.”

  I stayed as near to Javier as possible and he jiggled the handle of a door to the building.

  “I tried that already,” I whispered. “It’s locked.”

  The door opened and Javier winked. “The handle sticks. The lock never works.”

  We went inside and he secured it behind him.

  “Sit.” He leaned against the door and slid to the floor. I did the same. “They’ll be by here soon. They don’t know the trick.”

  “Can we stay here for the night?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “The cleaning crew will be here soon and the cops will be back by then. We’ll wait fifteen minutes and I’ll take you a place we can chill until tomorrow.”

  “How am I going to get out of the restraints?”

  “I learned how to dislocate my thumbs after I had a guy cuff me to a bed and leave for half a day.”

  “Damn.” I leaned my head against the door and closed my eyes. I wasn’t alone, I had Javier. I didn’t know why he was helping me but it really didn’t matter. I’d already been robbed and seen my friend die, what more could he do to me?

  I must’ve fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes Javier was shaking me and telling me to wake up. “It’s time to go.”

  He helped me to stand, undid the lock then peeked outside. He waved at me to follow him and out we went.

  “Stay in the shadows as much as po
ssible,” he instructed. “Don’t talk until we get there. Understand?”

  I nodded.

  We walked for several blocks before coming to a large parking lot surrounded by a tall chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. I recognized the building inside as the Huntridge Theater. It had been closed for more than a decade and was property my dad had wanted to buy. The deal had fallen through when the seller wanted too much.

  There was gate to enter the area but it had a chain and lock on it. I expected us to have to climb over the fence or maybe through a hole in it, but Javier pulled out a set of keys, opened the lock and slid the chain off.

  He winked at me. “I’m a tricky fucker.”

  He led me around to the back of the theater to a rear entrance and he pushed the door open. Inside, graffiti-covered the walls and trash littered the floor. To the left were stairs that I assumed led to a balcony.

  Javier motioned to the steps. “Up here.”

  I followed him up. He grabbed a flashlight from under a chair and flicked it on, giving us enough light to see. I leaned against the wall and sat, not caring that doing so hurt my hands. Suddenly I felt every emotion I’d been suppressing since the cops had shown up. Anger, fear and sadness. And shame, so much shame. I’d been humiliated by a conman and had failed to protect my friend. I dropped my head to my chest and tried not to cry. I failed and the tears cascaded down my face as I sobbed.

  Javier sat next to me and put an arm around me. I barely knew the man but he was comforting me and it felt damn good.

  I turned to face him. “They killed him,” I blubbered. “They would’ve done the same to me. So I ran. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  Javier didn’t break eye contact. “Do you want tell me what happened?”

  My bottom lip quivered. “Dean and I went to a bar and we both met these hot guys who wanted to take us somewhere private to…hook up.” For some reason I expected him not to approve, even though he and I had slept together for money. “They didn’t know each other. Well, we didn’t think they knew each other. Cal and I went into the woods and had sex. He fucked me. It wasn’t very good.” I laughed because it seemed funny to be thinking about a shitty lay when my friend had just been killed.


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