Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Connor & Lauren

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Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Connor & Lauren Page 21

by Ariana Hawkes

  As she lit the gas fire in the living room, her eyes slid around the room, checking that she hadn’t left anything embarrassing lying around.

  “I think I’ve got something you can wear while your clothes are drying,” she said. Before he had a chance to reply, she ran to the bathroom and did a quick sweep in there too, and the same with the kitchen. There was a plus-size clothing catalog on the counter, which she hid in the back of a drawer.

  Then she went into the bedroom to look for something for Harley to wear. There was nothing man-sized. At all. Eventually, she picked out a sheet. When she handed it to him, they both burst out laughing.

  “The last time I wore a sheet, I was going to a toga party in college!” he said.

  “Oh God, we had a couple of those too,” she said. “They were chaos! Ok, you can put your clothes on the heater back there. I’ll try to be quick, but I just need to dry my hair, or it’ll stay wet all night.”

  “Take your time, please,” Harley said.

  Melissa got ready as quickly as she could. She dried her hair and touched up her make-up, then she hesitated over her clothes for the second time that day. Looking through her closet, she lingered on a cherry-red jersey dress. It had cost a fortune, but it had featured in several style blogs as the most flattering option for short, curvy girls. And it had been an amazing investment. It clung to her curves just right, while floating over the bits she didn’t like. It always felt a little racy with its low neckline, but she felt like she wanted to look sexy tonight. The things Harley had said to her had given her a huge confidence boost, and she wanted to show herself at her best. She swapped her cotton underwear for a matching black lace set, put on pantyhose, then slipped the dress over her head, stepped into a pair of black patent heels and surveyed her reflection in the mirror. She actually looked pretty good. And it was very rare that she thought that about herself. She also put on a necklace made of black glass beads, and she was ready to go. Wobbling a little from nerves, she walked back into the living room.

  Harley was standing by the window, looking out at the snow. He’d knotted the white sheet around his waist, and his muscular back was bare. Melissa stopped dead and stood, drinking in the sight of him.

  “You look like a Greek statue,” she said, the words out of her mouth before she had time to wonder if that was a weird thing to say. He turned around laughing, and she stifled a gasp as his bare torso was revealed to her.

  “And you – look absolutely stunning,” he said. With a shy, pleased smile, she walked over to him, immediately feeling the cold coming from the window. The snow wasn’t showing any sign of letting up. If anything, it had become heavier, and the wind howled, blowing it in one direction and then another.

  “It’s not very nice out there, is it?” she said.

  “Not at all,” he replied. They looked at each other, and, in another second they were kissing passionately. Harley’s firm, muscular body was pressed against hers. His skin was like silk. She laid her hands on his lower back and ran her fingers over his taut muscles. His warm, masculine scent filled her nostrils, and his lips pressed against hers with such intensity. If they carried on like this, they wouldn’t be going anywhere. She pulled away from him.

  “We have to stop,” she said with a laugh. “I have no food in the fridge, so we have to go out and get dinner.”

  “Of course,” Harley said, running a fingertip across her cheek. “As much as I’d like to stay here all night kissing you, it’d be a waste to stay in when you look so beautiful in that dress.” He went over to the heater and picked up his shirt and pants. He put the shirt on, and Melissa semi-averted her eyes while he unfastened the sheet and pulled his pants back on. She caught a flash of black undershorts, and felt a little tingle in her clit. She’d never desired a man like she desired Harley. It was all she could do not to throw herself on his gorgeous body. From the smoldering glance he gave her, he was thinking the same thing about her.

  They picked a rustic restaurant downtown, which specialized in charbroiling. The drive there was a little scary, as the visibility was so poor, but they managed to park right beside the restaurant door. Once they opened it and were greeted by the cozy interior and welcoming servers, they were glad they’d made the effort. The room had dark wood panels, and stuffed animal heads and random knick-knacks on the walls. The lighting was soft, with candles on the tables. There was something festive and magical about it. Harley took Melissa’s hand in his and led her to their table. It was in a secluded corner, which made it feel like they had their own private dining room. They ordered red wine, which warmed Melissa’s insides after the blast of cold air they’d endured between leaving the car and entering the restaurant. Harley held her hand across the table, and didn’t let it go while they looked over the menus. She soon became warm all over, as if the rich, spicy red wine was running in her veins. They picked a meat platter to share, with baked potatoes and melted cheese, and they had olives and bread to start.

  Harley looked so handsome in the candlelight that Melissa could hardly look at him. Does he really want to be with me? she kept asking herself. He could have absolutely anyone.

  “How do you feel about being a werewolf’s mate, Melissa?” he asked her suddenly. She blinked.

  “Intrigued, excited, and a little bit scared,” she answered, startled into being completely honest. “I mean, the girls told me about shape shifters having lifelong mates when they first showed me the app, and it sounded really cool. I love that concept.” Harley’s lips curled into that sexy, playful grin that seemed to light his face whenever he was entertained by something she’d said.

  “I’m not talking about concepts,” he said. “I’m asking how you feel about being my mate. About having my pups.” His eyes glowed amber and his face seemed to become leaner and elongated.

  “Oh.” She blushed, stared down at the olives, took a large gulp of her wine. Wow. They hadn’t even had sex yet. He hadn’t seen her naked. Maybe he’d realize he wasn’t attracted to her when he saw her body. “I don’t have much idea of – I mean, is it much different – ?” she stuttered.

  “On the surface, it’s not much different, maybe. But I am half-wolf. And every month, on the full moon, my wolf side becomes impossible to contain.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that I run and hunt a lot. And my sex drive becomes insatiable,” he said. Melissa could feel her cheeks flaming. Then she pressed her thighs together; it wasn’t just her face that was hot. The thought of him being in a sexual frenzy was a ridiculously hot idea.

  “I think you’ll be equal to it though, Melissa.”

  “Really?” she said, intrigued. She’d never thought of herself as a very sexual person before, never mind anybody else thinking that about her.

  “I can just tell,” he said, his smile becoming wicked. “I can sense that you have this powerful capacity for pleasure deep inside you. But I can also sense that maybe it hasn’t been brought out yet.” Melissa shook her head. What was the point of lying? She suddenly felt as inexperienced as before her first time with her husband.

  “You’re right,” she said. “I think I found it hard to let go, after, you know, what happened to me. And my ex wasn’t a very passionate guy to be honest.” She no longer cared that her cheeks were hot. It actually felt really good to be talking about sex with this guy who obviously wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  “I would love to be the one to bring it out of you, Melissa,” Harley said. “In time, of course. When we know each other well enough.” She stared at him wordlessly. The heat between her thighs was blossoming into a deep ache, and all she could think about was how much she wanted him to kiss her, to touch her all over. He frowned and reached for her hand across the table. “I’m sorry. Am I being too full on?” he said.

  “No,” she managed. “I love this conversation, I do. I’m just not used to guys talking about sex in an open way. I mean, apart from when they’re screaming things at you out of car windo
ws.” Harley looked appalled.

  “That kind of behavior is so disgusting,” he said. “But I think shifters are very open about talking about sex. It comes very naturally to us, I guess. And it’s super important that your mate is sexually compatible with you, and satisfies your desires as fully as they can.” Melissa fought to conceal the shudder that was running the length of her body. She couldn’t wait to go to bed with Harley and experience the things he was talking about.

  “When I’m not caught in the full moon phase, I’m a big softie,” he continued. “But it’s important you know that I have this side to me. We wolves are very particular shape shifters. We’re the only species to be governed by the phases of the moon.”

  “Just like all women,” Melissa said.

  “Exactly,” he replied with a grin. “Which is why I believe that a wolf shifter and a human female are the most perfect match imaginable.”

  They’d finished eating, and they continued talking until they discovered that they were almost the only people left in the restaurant.

  “Be safe on your journey home, guys,” the server said as she brought the check. It wasn’t until they’d stepped out from their little nook that they could see that the snow had become heavier still. It had settled thickly on the sidewalk, and was falling so densely that they couldn’t see the road at all.

  “I was going to ask you to drop me at my car, but there’s no way I’ll be able to drive all the way back to the national park in this weather,” Harley said.

  “Come and stay at my place,” Melissa said immediately.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. I’m also a little nervous of driving back alone, so I’d be really grateful to have you there.”

  Harley helped Melissa across the snowy pathway and they got into the car and drove back to her apartment at a snail’s pace. She let out a long sigh when they arrived.

  “It was totally worth going out tonight, but I’m pretty relieved to be home,” she said.

  “Oh, it wasn’t so bad out there,” Harley said with a laugh. “Only a little blizzard.”

  Back inside, Melissa poured two glasses of red wine to warm them up, and they stood by the window again, watching the snow drift by. Harley stood behind her, his lips pressed to her hair and his hands resting lightly on her waist. Desire ran through her body like a tender flame, and she willed him to raise his hands and cup her breasts, to quench the ache in her erect nipples.

  “I want to kiss you so badly, Melissa,” he murmured into her hair. “But, if I do, I know I won’t be able to hold myself back.” She turned around, taking him by surprise, and, instinctively he dipped his head and kissed her full on the lips. His tongue danced around hers for a blissful minute, before he pulled back, shamefaced. “I know I need to take my time with you,” he said. “And I don’t want it to seem like I’m taking advantage of the snowstorm to rush things.”

  “Maybe the snowstorm is a device that destiny threw in our way,” Melissa said, her voice full of mischief. Harley ran his hands up and down her arms, and caught his fingers in her silken hair.

  “I’d better sleep on the couch,” he said, as if making a final decision.

  “Oh, ok,” she said, deflated. She stepped away from him and went to her closet to get some blankets and a pillow. Then she laid them out on the couch for him.

  “Goodnight, Melissa,” he said. She tipped her chin up to meet his eyes and he planted a closed-lipped kiss on her mouth. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight, Harley,” she replied, leaving him regretfully.


  In her bedroom, Melissa changed into a pale pink satin nightgown with spaghetti straps and began to climb into bed, her mind full of longing and her body taut with unfulfilled desire. She fidgeted beneath her comforter. She was far too aroused to go to sleep. Her hand lay on her thigh, inches from that tender place between her legs that was currently driving her crazy. She moved closer and touched herself through the thin fabric of her nightgown. Her body reacted with a little jolt. This is crazy. I want him so bad, and I know he wants me too. She heard a creak. It was the couch. It always made that noise when someone moved around on it. There was another creak, and it was followed by a deep sigh. Harley couldn’t sleep either. She made a quick decision. Getting out of bed, she put on a matching dressing gown and padded along the hallway to the living room. Harley wasn’t even lying down. He was sitting on the couch, leaning his elbows on his knees, and staring at his hands that were clasped in front of him. And he was wearing only his undershorts. Melissa’s breath caught in her throat. He looked up as she entered the room.

  “Melissa,” he said as she stepped closer. She loved the way he said her name. It sounded like honey on his tongue – which was exactly what it meant.

  He took her in his arms and kissed her again. She felt his mouth was hungry, but he was still holding back.

  “I can tell the couch is too small for you, Harley,” she said. “So I’ve got to insist that you come and join me in my bed.” Even in the dark she could see the pure amber fire in his eyes.

  “If you’re insisting, it would be ungentlemanly to refuse,” he said. He stood up, and she took his hand, and led him into her bedroom. She was so dizzy with anticipation that she could barely walk. They stood close to the bed and he stroked her hair.

  “Just tell me one last time that you’re sure about doing this right now,” he said. “There’s no rush. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

  “Harley, I want this. Right now. More than anything,” she said, the calmness of her voice concealing the excitement that was raging inside her.

  “I can’t tell you how incredible that is to hear,” he said. He clasped her waist, more forcefully this time, and a small sound, like a growl escaped his lips. He pulled her toward him as he sat down on the bed, and gently drew the dressing gown from her shoulders. As it slid down, she unfastened the belt and it fell off completely, leaving her in only her nightgown. Harley ran his hands over her hips, looking up at her adoringly. She stepped closer, raising the gown on her thighs high enough to allow her to climb onto his lap. She was aware that she was naked beneath it, and, as she made contact with his body, she stifled a cry. He was already hard. She could feel the bulge of his cock beneath his cotton shorts. He felt so good pressing against her, but she wanted more. Tangling his fingers into her hair, he began to kiss her hard, his tongue probing more deeply into her mouth than before. His other hand ran all over her back, with feather-light touches, and then his lips moved onto her neck.

  “You smell so sweet,” he muttered, as he covered her throat with tiny kisses. He lifted her up a little to allow him to kiss her collarbones and her chest, and she made a small sound of frustration at losing contact with his body. His mouth moved down to her cleavage, and, at the same time, he cupped her breasts in both hands. She cried out as his thumbs circled her aching nipples through the flimsy fabric. As his face drew level with her cleavage, his hands went to her shoulder straps, and he began to ease them down. They fell to her elbows, and then, with gentle fingers, he pulled the top of her gown down, exposing her breasts. She bit her lip, self-conscious at him seeing them. They were bigger than she liked them to be, and they had small, pale-pink nipples. With no material impeding him now, his hands cupped her bare flesh. She moaned, and moaned again as his tongue snaked out and licked her nipples, first the left, and then the right.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered as he began to suck on them gently. She loved what he was doing with his hands, softly kneading her breasts, while his tongue danced around, driving her to a frenzy. She was dimly aware that she was soaking wet. Her pussy burned for the touch of his fingers; for much more than his fingers. She ran her fingers through his hair, picking up the warm, clean scent of it, and caressed the bulging muscles of his shoulders.

  When he’d taken his fill of her breasts, he lowered her body so they were face to face again and he kissed her deeply, his tongue seeming to seek out the
very essence of her. Her breasts pressed against his bare chest. Oh, God! His skin was like velvet. It was a blissful, deeply arousing sensation. His pelvis made little jerks, and she sensed how much effort it was costing him to be gentle and take his time with her. By now she was so crazy with desire that she wanted him to throw her on the bed and claim her as his own. As if reading her mind, he eased her off his lap so that she was standing again. He slid a finger along her thigh, all the way up, until he touched her pubic hair. Her knees buckled. Slowly, deliberately, he ran his finger along her labia, back and forth, picking up her wetness, causing more of it to flow out of her. She wanted his finger inside her so bad that she couldn’t breathe. She stood still, looking down at him while he gently pleasured her. At last, he slid his finger inside her, a little at a time. Her nerve endings were so hungry for his touch that it almost hurt. Her pussy muscles fluttered in tiny spasms. He added another finger, and curled them both deep inside her, barely moving, but with enough of a vibration to drive her crazy. He lifted her gown and looked at her, and she squirmed under his gaze. She saw the hunger in his eyes. It was uncomfortable but hot to be admired like that. Then he leaned forward and his tongue darted out and licked the sensitive bud of her clit. She let out a scream. It felt so, unbelievably good. He looked up at her, checking she was ok. He slid off the bed and knelt in front of her and began to lick her, making soft, appreciative sounds. His agile tongue ran all over her delicate inner labia, until she couldn’t stand it any more and pulled on his hair, guiding him to her needy clit. He sucked on it as his tongue flicked back and forth, until all the desire and arousal in her body seemed to be concentrated into that tiny little button. And all the time, his fingers moved inside her, massaging that super-sensitive spot that she never knew she had. Something intense was building inside her. She began to tremble all over as her pussy muscles clenched in quick bursts.


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