Trust in Me

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Trust in Me Page 13

by Lydia Rose

  “Did you get any sponsors?” Jules asked, rubbing her fingers across Paige’s hand.

  “Two. They know I will not be doing the full tour.” Paige turned and looked at her. “I will enter the tournaments in the spring, but I don’t want to be away from you for too long.” She grinned. “I was hoping that next year you wouldn’t teach summer school so you can go on tour with me during the summer.”

  “You want me with you?” Jules asked surprised.

  “Of course, I do. I would never be where I am physically if it wasn’t for you.” Paige smiled and caressed Jules’s face. “I love you and golf won’t mean anything to me unless you can be with me.”

  Jules returned her smile. “Then we will do what we have to and make this work. I know how important your career is to you and I won’t keep you from that.”

  Paige pulled Jules close to her. “I love you too and I’ll do whatever is needed to make you happy.”

  “You make me happy, Paige.” Jules stood up and held out her hand to her. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Their lovemaking was quiet and soft, but no less satisfying. They moved in each other’s arms touching where they knew the other would come completely undone. Soft moans filled the room with passionate kisses and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


  Walking into Paige’s parents’ yard was so different this time. Today they attended the family gathering as a couple instead of friends. Jules was greeted warmly and Paige’s family made her feel as though she was part of the family. Even Alice was accepted into the family and played with the other children as if she had been doing it all her life. It made Jules smile knowing this little girl was able to be a child again.

  “You look happy,” Paige’s sister Kelly said standing next to Jules.

  “I am, Kelly,” she answered with a wide smile.

  “I’ve not seen my sister this happy since the accident. She gave up on life for a long time. She never thought she’d have her career again, and more importantly, find someone who would love her.”

  “I do love her, Kelly,” Jules said honestly.

  Kelly slipped her arm through Jules’s and watched as Paige turned with a smile. “Look at that face. I can see how much she loves you, Jules. I’m happy for you both.”

  “She makes me very happy, Kelly. I will do anything to keep that smile on her face.”

  “Just keep doing what you’re doing because obviously it’s working,” Kelly said with a chuckle.


  The next time Paige left for a tournament in October, Jules began to write a blog about their lives together. She even included Eileen and Carol in the story since their relationship had become very serious. Carol moved into the house with Eileen and Jules moved in with Paige. Eileen’s health continued to improve and Alice accepted the relationship her mother had with Carol. They were living as a happy family unit. Jules knew that there would be times that Paige would leave her for her job, but it seemed to bring them closer together upon her return. Jules wished that her parents could have lived to see both their daughters happy in committed relationships. As she told the world how her life had come together at last, she knew there was no one in the world that could make her as happy as Paige had. Jules closed the computer and called her sister.

  “Hey, sis.”

  “Jules. We were just talking about you. Why don’t you come over for lunch?”

  “Sure.” Jules disconnected the call and headed for the door. Spending time with Eileen and Carol would take her mind off Paige until their phone call tonight.


  Once Paige was off the tour, the two women spent as much time together as they could. They took short trips together on the weekend, visiting places they wanted to see. Thanksgiving was spent with Paige’s family and Eileen went to Carol’s parents’ home for the holiday. As Christmas approached, Jules wondered what she could get for Paige that would show her love, but wouldn’t break the bank.

  “Can we open our gifts now?” Jules begged as they arrived home Christmas Eve from celebrating again with Paige’s family.

  “Can’t wait for tomorrow, can you?” Paige asked laughing.

  “No, and I want to give you your present first.”

  Paige nodded and took a seat on the couch. She watched as Jules went over to the Christmas tree and pulled out a box. “The rest can wait for tomorrow, but I wanted you to see this tonight.”

  “Okay,” Paige said nervously wondering what she had purchased that was so important. Slowly the wrapping paper came off and she lifted the lid. Under the tissue paper sat two airline tickets and an itinerary. “You gave me a vacation?” Paige asked laughing.

  “Yeah. We leave for Aruba after Christmas dinner.” Jules moved closer to her. “We’re going to go sailing and snorkeling. All the tourist stuff, but we will have plenty of time to lie on the beach and do other stuff,” she said wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Oh will we?” Paige asked giggling. Then she turned serious and kissed Jules’s mouth. “I love it and I love you.”

  “Okay, my turn.” Jules opened her arms and waited for Paige to place a box in her hands.

  “Close your eyes, please.” Once Jules had her eyes closed, Paige left the room and returned a minute later. “I had plans to do this tomorrow morning, but I guess the best plans are always the simplest.” Paige dropped to one knee. “Jules, these last months with you have been the best in my life. You gave me back my career and filled my heart with love.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a ring. “Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Jules’s mouth dropped open. She had no idea that they were already at that point in their relationship. Jules wanted to ask Paige to marry her after they had spent the summer together on the tour, but thought she should wait. Her heart couldn’t be any more filled with love as she looked at the woman before her. “Yes. Of course, my answer is yes.”

  “Phew,” Paige said wiping her brow. “You had me worried there for a moment when you didn’t answer me.” She slipped the ring onto Jules’s hand and then kissed the stone. “I love you so much, Jules.”

  “I love you too, baby.” They both fell to the floor with laughter and kisses. Jules suddenly sat up. “I’ve got to call Eileen.”

  “Honey, it’s after midnight. We are going there in the morning for breakfast. You can tell her then,” Paige said chuckling as she pulled Jules back into her arms.


  They walked into the house in the morning. “Merry Christmas,” they called out from the foyer.

  Little Alice came running. “Merry Christmas, Aunt Jules and Aunt Paige. What did you bring me?”

  Paige laughed and Jules bent to her niece. “Did Santa bring you gifts?” Alice nodded. “So you were a good girl?” Alice giggled as Jules handed her the large bags. “Put these under the tree and we’ll open them after breakfast.”

  Eileen came out of the kitchen and kissed each of the women. “Merry Christmas.”

  Carol followed a minute later and greeted them too. “Breakfast is already on the table.”

  Everyone walked into the dining room and took their seats. After a few minutes, Eileen began shrieking. Carol’s face became concerned until she saw Eileen pointing at Jules’s finger. “Oh my god,” she finally said crying and laughing at the same time.

  Jules got out of her chair and put her arm around Eileen to calm her. “Paige asked me to marry her last night.” She smiled at Paige.

  Eileen pulled her sister in for a fierce hug. “I’m so happy for you, Jules. So happy.” Now she moved to Paige. “I couldn’t be happier. My sister and my best friend are getting married.”

  “Mommy, are you going to marry Carol too?” Alice asked and everyone turned to look at her.

  The food that Carol had on her fork dropped onto her plate as her mouth sat slack jawed. “Don’t worry, honey. I’m not rushing you,” she said with a wink and grin at Carol. “So when is the wedding?”

  “Next Christma
s Day,” Jules answered. “We figured we would get married before Christmas dinner and then we can leave for our honeymoon the following morning.” She smiled taking Paige’s hand. “So plan on spending next Christmas Day at Paige’s parents’ home.”

  “Do they know?” Eileen asked.

  “Not yet,” Paige answered laughing.

  After breakfast the gifts were opened and then Eileen and Paige sat discussing the wedding. Jules saw Alice lying in the middle of the gifts and wrapping paper fast asleep. “She scared you there for a second, didn’t she?” Jules asked nodding at Alice.

  “Come in the kitchen with me for a second?” Carol asked with a nod.

  Jules followed her and the other two women didn’t even notice their departure. “What’s up?”

  “I want to ask Eileen to marry me, but I wanted to speak with you first,” Carol said suddenly shy. “Do you think it’s too soon?”

  Jules smiled and put her arm around Carol. “I can see how happy you make my sister. She never had that before you came into her life.”

  “Do you think she’ll say yes?” Carol asked almost pleading.

  “She’ll say yes, Carol. When are you going to ask her?”

  “My parents want to keep Alice New Year’s Eve. They are going to tour the neighborhoods looking at the Christmas lights.” She paused. “I want to take her out to dinner and ask her then.”

  “Sounds very romantic,” Jules answered and pulled Carol into a hug. A voice cleared her throat in the doorway. “Hi, honey.”

  “What are you doing with my fiancé?’ Paige asked forcing the grin off her face.

  “Uh,” Carol stammered and both women began to laugh.

  “What’s going on?” Eileen asked coming into the kitchen.

  “These two like to tease people, don’t they?” Carol asked.

  “Yeah, but they mean well, sweetie,” Eileen answered with a kiss to her cheek.


  Jules and Paige walked into Paige’s parents’ house a half hour late. “You’re late, girls,” Irene said kissing her daughter and Jules.

  “They probably just got out of bed,” she laughed. “You know they are still in the honeymoon stage.”

  Jules kissed her sister. “No. The honeymoon won’t be until next year. We just came from Eileen and Carol’s place. We had breakfast there this morning.”

  Irene realized what her daughter had said and shrieked, “You’re getting married?”

  Paige held out Jules’s hand. “I asked Jules to marry me last night.”

  “What?” Kelly asked trying to catch up with the conversation.

  “Jules and I are getting married,” she told her sister.


  “Next Christmas Day.” Paige took Jules’s hand. “We thought we could get married here before dinner.”

  Her mother’s smile opened. “Oh, honey. I’m so happy for you.” She squeezed her tightly and then pulled Jules in for a hug. “Welcome to the family, honey. Although, we already consider you a family member.”

  The years of sadness left her body with the love that Paige had shown her. She would always miss her parents, but having the love of Paige’s family and seeing her sister healthy and happy added to the swelling in her heart.


  The wedding had been romantic but subdued in the living room of the Carter family home. Eileen was her maid of honor and Kelly had been Paige’s. The dinner was filled with love and happiness. Eileen and Carol were getting married the weekend the two women returned from their honeymoon so they could watch Alice while they were on their own honeymoon.

  Jules sat with her laptop on her legs as she updated her blog. Paige came out of the bathroom in her small bikini as Jules’s eyes followed her across the room.

  “I’m going to take a dip in the pool. Don’t be too long,” she said with a wink.

  Jules looked at the artificial legs that Paige no longer hid from her and smiled. Paige had rented them a private villa for the week on Aruba and they had been enjoying themselves the last few days. “I won’t,” Jules answered as Paige went out the sliding glass doors. She continued to tell her readers about the wedding and the villa they were sharing this week. Her eyes caught sight of Paige removing the little bathing suit and getting into the water. Her mouth began to salivate and then she saw Paige beckoning her outside. Jules’s hands went back to the keys. “That’s it for now. Got to go. My beautiful wife is calling me. My beautiful naked wife needs me.” She slammed the cover on the laptop and hopped off the bed toward the woman that was waiting for her.

  The End

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  If you have a comment regarding my work, please contact me at [email protected]

  Other Books by Lydia Rose

  The Summer of Our Love, Jersey Girls, Book 1

  What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? Jersey Girls, Book 2

  Stay With Me

  The House on the Lake

  The Country Girl

  Coming Home

  Are You the One?

  The Story of Annabelle & Alison

  Love Comes to Alaska

  Family Ties

  The Cruise

  My Heart Wants You

  Somebody Like You

  Lost Memories

  Just What the Doctor Ordered

  Love Isn’t Always Easy, Jersey Girls, Book 3

  Return to the Shore, Jersey Girls, Book 4

  Taking Chances

  She Found Me

  Never Let Me Go

  Something Real

  There is Just Something About You

  Casey’s Last Chance, The Jersey Girls Book 5

  Now & Then




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