The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 8

by Raymond L. Weil

  “It’s strange,” said Jeremy, recalling his past conversations with the AI. “I speak to the Command AI and several others quite often and I firmly believe they feel it’s their responsibly to keep us, the Altons, and the Carethians safe on Gaia. Several times the Command AI has suggested we allow them to do all the fighting.”

  “These AIs are nothing like the ones back home,” said Susan, recalling the fierce battles they had fought back in the Milky Way Galaxy.

  “They’ve changed, particularly after they learned the Simulins tampered with the Master Codex. I think it’s one of the reasons they’re so determined to take the fight to the Simulins.”

  Susan nodded her understanding. “We have a few AIs here at the Academy serving as instructors. ZED even came down recently and conducted a class on Conqueror Drones.”

  “ZED normally stays around Kurene,” commented Jeremy. “The two of them have developed a very good working relationship. They’re very seldom apart.”

  “Are you going out to Borton anytime soon?”

  Jeremy nodded his head. “Yes, I need to speak with the Command AI about setting up some regular patrols in the sector of space surrounding Gaia. Once Grayseth returns and confirms the two Simulin shipyards have been destroyed, we’ll start the patrols. We want to keep the Simulins out of this sector completely.”

  “That might be a big task,” Susan said frowning. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Just keep training the cadets. They’re our future starship commanders and officers.”

  “There will be some good ones,” promised Susan. “In our current class alone there are a number that will make excellent commanders once they’ve finished their training.”

  “They’ll be assigned to the new Gaia class battlecruisers,” Jeremy said. “In the future they will be the backbone of our fleet along with the AI warspheres.”

  “Can you stay for the evening meal?” asked Susan. “It would mean a lot to the cadets to see you.”

  Jeremy thought for a moment. He had no pressing matters to attend to. He also liked talking to the young people. “Sure, I can stay.”

  Jeremy enjoyed his visits to the Fleet Academy. He could well remember his days at the Academy on Earth’s moon and how he had met, Kelsey, Kevin, Angela, and Katie. Those were days he would never forget, and he hoped the young people currently at the Gaia Fleet Academy would feel the same in the future.

  Chapter Five

  Simulin High Commander Altrab stared at one of the main viewscreens of his flagship, the battlecruiser StarFire. On the screen, the Simulin world of Gladen Three floated against a background of unwinking stars. Gladen Three was one of the largest Simulin population centers remaining in the galaxy since the ancient ship of the Sphere Builders had destroyed the system of Malkor as well as five other major Simulin planets. Over the past year the Simulins had faced a number of major reversals in the galaxy, all at the hands of the Fitula organics and their AI allies.

  It was of grave concern that somehow the organics had managed to gain control of the ancient ship and send it against the Simulin worlds. The Simulin fleets had been helpless against its deadly weapons. The power of the missiles used to destroy the six inhabited planets had been far beyond anything they had imagined possible. It had shaken the very core of Simulin belief in being the most powerful race in existence. For the first time in their long history, they had faced defeat and never before heard of losses. Their entire war effort in this galaxy had to be rethought and new strategies developed.

  “The shipyards above all of our remaining worlds are building new ships and defenses at an increasing rate,” Second Commander Jarald commented. “We will soon have sufficient ships to go back on the offensive and finish the conquest of this galaxy.”

  Altrab turned cold eyes toward his second in command. “Perhaps, but there are still the Fitula organics and their AIs. Reports from the Grand Council indicate the Fitula organics are still on the offensive. Both of our fleet bases near the nebula have been destroyed, and our fleets in the sector have suffered heavy losses. The order has been given to pull our remaining vessels back to the surrounding sectors until we can establish a new and secure base in the Fitula sector.”

  Second Commander Jarald remained silent for a long minute and then replied. “Has the council come up with a plan to deal with the ancient ship of the Sphere Builders?”

  “Perhaps,” Altrab replied. They had told him their recommendation though he wasn’t convinced it would work. Even after running it through the battle computer, the results had been questionable. “Several of our military scientists believe that by jumping a pair of escort cruisers into the exact coordinates occupied by the ancient ship we can effectively drain the power of its energy shield. If its shield is down, then our battlecruisers can destroy it.”

  Jarald looked over at the viewscreens taking note of the large fleet forming up around the StarFire. “How soon do we return to Ornellia?”

  “Soon,” Altrab answered. “Grand Councilmember Marden is coming on board later today with our orders.”

  “A member of the Grand Council is coming on board?” asked Jarald in surprise. It was nearly unheard of for a council member to come on board a warship; normally the ship’s commander was summoned to appear before the council.

  Altrab nodded as he thought about what this could mean. Since the destruction of Malkor, the Simulin Grand Council had to be reformed as a number of its members had died on the planet. The conquest of this galaxy had to be rethought, as they now had no contact with other Simulin controlled galaxies. They were effectively cut off from reinforcements. However, the remaining Simulin worlds had considerable resources available.

  The reversals suffered by the Simulins had been severe with thousands of valuable warships lost as well as the destruction of the Great Sphere. Both Simulin Supreme Commanders, Nathalee and Callat, had been killed. There was now a power vacuum in the fleet that needed to be filled. There were rumors the Grand Council was going to name two new Supreme Commanders to lead the Simulin warfleets. One would be responsible for coming up with a strategy to defeat the Fitula organics and their AIs in the nebula. The other would resume the conquest of the outer regions of this galaxy including the destruction of the enemy fleet units now around Ornellia.

  Altrab’s eyes shifted to a viewscreen showing a new battlestation being positioned in orbit above Gladen Three. In the past very few battlestations were needed as very seldom did the Simulins ever encounter an organic civilization, which could be considered a threat. That had now changed. Altrab let out a long breath. He was anxious to return to Ornellia and destroy the enemy forces there. It had left a sour taste in his mouth to have to withdraw from battle rather than risk major losses.


  Time passed and the shuttle carrying Grand Council Member Marden docked to the StarFire. High Commander Altrab waited at the hatch for Marden to appear. The hatch swung open and Marden stepped through along with his armed escort.

  Marden stopped and gazed coldly at High Commander Altrab. “We have important military matters to discuss. Do you have a place we can speak?”

  Altrab nodded. “Follow me; I have a secure compartment set up.”

  As they walked through the battlecruiser, there was no talking. Altrab had two security personnel as his personal escort and Marden had five. All crewmembers had been ordered to stay out of the corridors leading to the compartment where the meeting was going to be held. After a few minutes they reached the compartment where four more Simulins stood guard. There could be no risks taken when a member of the Grand Council was present. Entering the compartment, Marden and Altrab made their way to the small conference table that had been set up. They both took their seats as their armed escorts took up watchful positions around the perimeter of the compartment.

  Altrab looked expectantly at Marden. It was not allowed for him to speak first as it would be a violation of respect toward a member of the Grand Council. Simulins had been execu
ted for far smaller infractions in the past.


  Marden turned his eyes toward Altrab carefully observing the High Commander. Much had changed over the past year. With the destruction of the Great Sphere in the dark matter nebula contact with all other Simulin galaxies had been lost. While there was still the possibility of future contact, it would be nearly impossible with the expanding inferno sweeping through the blue giant nebula. There was still much concern among the scientists as to what that might mean for the galaxy.

  “Some changes are to be made to the military structure of the fleet,” Marden said in a voice nearly absent of emotion. “In the last several years we have lost nearly 60 percent of our warships. Our capital planet has been destroyed as well as the Great Sphere. There is also the danger presented by the ancient warship of the Sphere Builders, which the Fitula organics and their AI allies control. The council has met with a number of our remaining fleet leaders and decided on the following changes. Effective immediately you will be promoted to the rank of Supreme High Commander responsible for the conquest of the outer sectors of this galaxy. You will have two main priorities. The destruction of all intelligent organics in the outer regions as well as annihilating the Fitula organic ships around Ornellia. Once that has been accomplished, you are to use your fleet to bombard the surface of the planet with nuclear weapons until it is turned into a radioactive cinder.”

  “There can be none but Simulin,” spoke Altrab in understanding. “The conquest of Ornellia and the destruction of the enemy warships in orbit will not be easy and there will be substantial losses, but it will be done.”

  Marden’s eyes gazed piercingly at Altrab. “We understand there will be losses. The Fitula organics are the biggest threat we have encountered in this galaxy, perhaps in any galaxy. We will shortly be naming a second Supreme High Commander who will be tasked with destroying the organics and the AIs. Our scientists are only a few months away from being able to counter the jamming technology the organics are using to prevent our entry into the nebula. Once that has been accomplished, we will send sufficient fleet forces into the nebula to eliminate the Fitula organics and their AIs once and for all.” Marden waited for Altrab’s response. There had been much discussion over the two Simulin High Commanders to be promoted. What had swayed the Grand Council to choose Altrab as one was the fact he had already fought several engagements against the Fitula organics and their AIs and survived. Many other High Commanders could not make that claim.


  Altrab considered carefully what his new promotion would mean. He would be reporting directly to the Simulin Grand Council. If he failed in his mission, there was no doubt there would be serious repercussions, possibly death. However, he was Simulin and there could only be Simulins. It was his duty to fulfill the wishes and orders of the council. He had no fear of death.

  “I accept,” he said. “I will take care of Ornellia. Once Ornellia has been reduced to rubble, there should be no power strong enough to hinder our conquest of the rest of the outer regions.”

  Marden nodded. He had expected no less from the High Commander.

  “How soon before I leave?”

  “Two weeks,” answered Marden. “That will give us sufficient time to gather the necessary fleet units as well as send word of your promotion to our bases in the outer regions. Our probes have continued to travel outward even while our warships were held back. Already we have received word of numerous worlds of intelligent organics that must be eliminated. As soon as Ornellia has been dealt with, the coordinates of those worlds will be transmitted to you.”

  “They must be annihilated,” Altrab spoke, his cold eyes meeting those of Marden’s. “There can be none but Simulin.”

  “None but Simulin,” repeated Marden in agreement.


  Later, Supreme High Commander Altrab stood upon the deck of his Command Center. Everyone had taken note of the new insignia he wore upon the shoulders of his uniform.

  “It has been decided, then?” asked Second Commander Jarald. “You have been made a Supreme High Commander and tasked with eliminating the enemy forces at Ornellia.”

  “Yes,” Altrab answered. “Effective immediately, you have been increased in rank to that of High Commander and responsible for the actions of this ship. The FireStar will continue to be my flagship.”

  Jarald bowed slightly, pleased with his promotion. “I will serve you well. There can be none but Simulin.”

  “None but Simulin,” repeated Altrab. “We must begin preparing for the elimination of the organics and AIs at Ornellia. We still have a few ships in that sector of space. I want several of them sent to the system to see if any changes have occurred in the defenses around the planet or in the number of warships defending it.”

  “It will be done,” Jarald replied. “How soon do we leave for the outer regions of this galaxy and Ornellia?”

  Altrab shifted his gaze to one of the viewscreens. On the screen, one of the mammoth shipyards that circled Gladen Three was visible. New battlecruisers and escort cruisers were being built in its ten construction bays. Already other ships that were nearly complete were docked to the shipyard while construction crews finished the final work inside. There were four such shipyards around Gladen Three and ever since the destruction of Malkor, they had been operating around the clock nonstop. Even as Altrab watched, one of the large sets of hatches on one of the bays slid open and a seventeen-hundred-meter Simulin battlecruiser began to emerge. It touched the atmospheric retention field that held in the air for the construction bay. The six long energy weapon spires appeared first and then slowly the rest of the massive ship emerged. Altrab knew that in a few more weeks the new battlecruiser would be ready for combat.

  This scene was being repeated around all the remaining major Simulin worlds. There were still twenty-one heavily populated worlds with major shipyards above them. Not only were there the major worlds but sixty-four smaller colonies. Even above a few of these, there were shipyards. Altrab was confident the remaining Simulin worlds could easily replace the losses to the fleet within a relatively short time.

  “We leave in two weeks,” he said in response to Jarald’s earlier question. “Ensure we have sufficient Conqueror Drones for the fleet. We have large numbers of recently discovered organics that must be dealt with.”

  “The drones will do their duty,” Jarald responded as he turned to go carry out his orders.

  Altrab watched his second in command depart. He felt no mercy for the countless organics he planned on annihilating. He had killed billions in the past, and there would be billions more who would die from the weapons of his fleet as well as the Conqueror Drones in the future.


  On Ornellia, Dax Matol was in Dorman, a small city just outside the mountains. Dax was bipedal and stood slightly shorter than a Human. His eyes were wide and narrow and his head was almost round. He had two small ears and was nearly bald. Dax’s skin color was a deep dark gray. His arms were very thin with three fingers and a thumb on each hand.

  In recent months the city had grown rapidly as survivors from all over the planet as well as the rest of the empire were brought in. Other nearby cities had been cleared of radioactive poisoning as well as Conqueror Drones to make room for the refugees. A sudden noise in the air attracted his attention. A flight of four Talon fighters was heading toward the south at a high rate of speed. Doubtlessly some Conqueror Drones had been spotted and the fighters were on the way to annihilate them. In recent weeks sightings of drones had drastically decreased as Human fighters and bombers destroyed them whenever and wherever they were detected. In addition, Human and Ornellian military personnel were conducting ground sweeps to take out any drones missed by the strafing and bombing runs.

  “The city comes to life more every day,” Les Ketene commented as he watched a convoy of heavy trucks rumble down the road. The trucks had been out on a scavenging mission to the larger cities searching for supplies and other materials that migh
t be useful in the rebuilding effort.

  “More survived than we believed possible,” Dax replied. He paused for a moment watching children playing in the park across the street. It was a sight that for a time he had never expected to see again.

  “But so many died,” responded Les, with great sadness. “We once were an empire of twelve billion people; now we’re reduced to a few million.”

  Dax nodded his agreement. However, he knew it could have been much worse. “I spoke to Admiral Jackson earlier today. He gave me some good news. Two more of our battlecruisers and six cruisers have been found. They were hiding out in the Cralon System with a small number of freighters and passenger liners. They will be joining Admiral Santeld’s fleet shortly.” Admiral Santeld was the lone surviving Ornellian Admiral who had not left with the evacuation fleet. The Simulins had ambushed his fleet while on its way to the evacuation coordinates. When Santeld finally arrived, the evacuation fleet was long gone. Dax knew they were fortunate to have the highly talented admiral.

  “That nearly doubles the size of our fleet,” Les said excitedly. “That is good news. What has Admiral Santeld learned of Absom?” Absom was another Ornellian world that was believed to hold a large number of survivors though it was infested with Conqueror Drones.

  Dax let out a deep sigh. “I’m afraid it’s going to be a nightmare. Two of the Human battlecarriers are currently in orbit around Absom along with two of Admiral Santeld’s battlecruisers, two Alton battleships, and four of the AI warspheres. They’re carrying out around the clock strikes on the drones. From what Admiral Jackson told me, they’re trying to create a safe area to begin moving survivors to. Once that’s been accomplished, they’ll begin shuttling survivors from Absom to Ornellia.”

  “It’s going to be a long process, isn’t it?”

  Dax nodded. “It may take us years to locate all the survivors and bring them here.”


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