Verse of the Vampyre

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Verse of the Vampyre Page 15

by Diana Killian

  “Allegra devotes her time to many worthy causes.” Lady Vee’s mouth primly enfolded her soupspoon.

  Allegra needs a job, Grace thought. She said politely, “Did Allegra mention any credentials the Ruthvens might have? I’ve heard several people refer to the fact that Lord Ruthven is a big name in London theater; I just wondered what that impression might be based on?”

  Lady Vee’s eyes flickered. “It was common knowledge.”

  “As it is common knowledge that he is Lord Ruthven?”

  “Bah!” Lady Vee reacted predictably. “That man is no more Lord Ruthven than I am.”

  She had suggested as much the night of the Hunt Ball, but her conviction was interesting. “Peter said something similar. What makes you think he’s not Lord Ruthven?”

  “Why not ask deah Petah?”

  “Because he won’t tell me. I think you will.”

  The dark eyes were lizardlike beneath the emerald-shadowed lids, then Lady Vee replied simply, “Because he’s not Scottish, she is!”

  “And Ruthven is a Scottish name? But if she inherited the title—”

  Such base ignorance on the all-important topic of inheritance and titles within the British nobility seemed to disconcert Lady Vee. “It doesn’t work that way,” she managed finally, sounding exasperated.

  “All right, but she could still be—”

  “I have no idea of that creature’s antecedents,” Lady Venetia said sweepingly. “I know only that she is what we used to call a ‘wrrrrong ’un.’ ” Lady Vee rolled her R’s as though she, too, had spent a fair amount of time roamin’ in the gloamin’.

  “A ‘wrong ’un’?”

  Lady Vee looked impatient. “An outlaw. In animals we call it ’rogue.’ She is a rogue. A wrong ’un.”

  “What do you base that theory on?” Grace couldn’t help the skepticism that crept into her voice. Pride and prejudice seemed to be thriving in this tiny corner of the realm.

  Lady Vee smiled a sly smile. “Because, my deah, I was rather something of a wrong ’un myself once.”

  Grace was still chewing that over when Allegra joined them.

  “Sorry I’m late.” She nodded without enthusiasm to Grace. “I didn’t realize we had company.”

  “How is poor Gerry?” Lady Vee rang the bell at her elbow.

  “Dreadful. The police are hounding him,” Allegra said crisply. She cast a brief look Grace’s way. She looked tired, but her cheeks were attractively flushed, her eyes bright with indignation and another emotion.

  Maybe things would work out for Allegra this time, Grace reflected, then guiltily, she thought of poor Theresa, who wasn’t even buried yet.

  Lady Vee said, “Grace was curious as to how she came to be invited to take part in The Vampyre production.”

  Allegra expelled a long angry breath, and said, “How the devil anyone can care about that bloody play after what’s happened is beyond me!”

  “Don’t be vulgar,” Lady Vee retorted. “In any case you miss the point.” She was silent while a maid came in and served Allegra. When they were alone again, she said patiently, “How is it that the Ruthvens came to be so well entrenched in the theater group? Were they invited, or did they volunteer?”

  Grace decided to cut to the chase. “How did you know that they were who they said they were?”

  “Why wouldn’t they be? What could they possibly hope to gain by pretending to be the Ruthvens?”

  Once again the Hon. Al seemed to have missed the point. Still, she had started Grace thinking. The Ruthvens didn’t have to participate in local theater in order to worm their way into Innisdale “society.” Nor were they likely to make any money on the project. They had not solicited financial backing other than Lady Vee’s; the play was more likely to cost them money.

  “Did they just show up one night, or did someone invite them?” Grace pressed.

  Allegra shook her head. “I suppose they turned up one evening, but we all knew about them. The entire village knew about them.”

  Grace tried to examine it from another angle. The Ruthvens’ servants would talk, of course, but the servants would only know what they were told. They might even be in on the scam, whatever the scam was. The majority of people would take the Ruthvens at their word—why not? Everyone would assume someone else had firsthand knowledge of their background. They would really need only one local person to vouch for them, and they’d be home free.

  An innocuous memory slid into her mind as suddenly as a spinout on a rain-slick road. “Has anyone besides the Ruthvens recently moved into or out of the village?”

  The other two women exchanged glances. “I don’t think so,” Allegra said. “Why?”

  “Because the night after the Thwaite robbery I remember seeing a moving van that had gone off the road in Innisdale Wood.”

  “And this is leading us where?” Lady Vee queried.

  “I’m not sure myself, but I’m wondering what a big moving van would be doing in this neck of the woods when nobody has moved lately. We’re a bit off the beaten track.”

  “There could be any explanation.” Allegra dismissed Grace’s half-formed suspicions. “It doesn’t mean they were transporting stolen loot, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  “Well, a lot of things were taken,” Grace pointed out. “Furniture, rugs, paintings. A moving van would be a conspicuously inconspicuous way of transporting stolen merchandise, if you understand my meaning. I never gave that van another thought. Most people don’t. Moving vans aren’t unusual—except here, where people tend to root in for generations.”

  “What does this have to do with the Ruthvens?” Allegra asked impatiently.

  “Nothing. It just reminded me—” It was obvious that neither woman thought she was making any sense. Grace changed the subject. “Getting back to the Ruthvens, did anyone know them from before?”

  “Before what? I don’t see what you’re getting at,” Allegra said.

  “Just…did anyone actually know them in London, or did everyone assume they were theater big shots because everyone else seemed to?”

  In the tone of one hoping to settle an argument once and for all, Allegra said, “Derek knew them. Derek worked with Lord Ruthven years ago.”

  Derek Derrick lived in a small cottage with a peacock blue door and a weather vane in the shape of a running fox. The window boxes were barren, and the house had an unlived-in air, although Derek answered the door on the third ring of the doorbell.

  “Grace!” He studied her with open surprise. “Come in. I was wishing for a bit of company.” He was wearing a blue-and-gold smoking jacket over a pair of trousers and slippers. His fair hair was mussed, and he needed a shave, but he was still strikingly good-looking.

  “How are you holding up?” Grace inquired, following him into the front room. The room was casually furnished. There was dust an inch thick on the tables and mantel. Newspapers and movie magazines littered the floor by the sofa. Mrs. Mac clearly did not “do” for Derek Derrick.

  “How sweet of you to ask,” he said, heading for the drinks cabinet. “One day at a time, you know. It’s a beastly situation with the police sticking their oar in.” He did look tired. Or (with recollection of how some of the young ladies at St. Anne’s used to drag in on Monday mornings) possibly hungover. Grace wondered if the police were “hounding” him, too, or if everyone simply felt hounded.

  “Allegra says the police are giving Sir Gerald a rough time as well.”

  “Not bloody likely, is it?” Derek jabbed in the ice bucket with tongs. “Although he is the main suspect in my opinion. But he’s one of them. Makes all the difference. See if it doesn’t.”

  “It must be terrible for you,” Grace sympathized.

  Derek shrugged. “No more me than everyone else. I mean, Theresa was a lovely girl, and we had our bit of fun; but it’s not like I was her first and only, is it? It’s not like we were planning to run off together or anything daft. Even the plods can see that it wouldn’t make sen
se for me to touch a hair on the poor girl’s head.”

  He seemed to be trying to convince himself as well as Grace.

  “I think they merely have to investigate every possibility,” Grace said. “When I talked to the chief constable he seemed convinced the murder was connected to the theft of the Peeler.”

  “Now that makes sense,” he said, pouring a liberal dose of gin into his glass. “Although why anyone would bother stealing that old tin can beats me. It can’t be worth that much. Mostly sentimental value, I’d say.” He reached for the tonic bottle.

  “The papers say it’s valued at over a hundred thousand pounds.”

  “Chicken feed,” Derek scoffed. “When you think of the sorts of things those villains have been liberating, I can’t see why they’d bother with that old trinket. Drink?”

  “Thanks.” Derek had a point. The other robberies had been meticulously planned. The Hunt Ball had been unreasonably risky—and Theresa’s death was a disaster.

  Derek brought her a gin and tonic and flopped down in the chair near the stereo. “They say old Gerry is talking about having Scotland Yard brought in.”

  “Do the Metropolitan police help out in local matters?”

  “They can do. Depends on the circumstances.” He took a long swallow of his drink.

  Grace remembered her own drink and sipped the gin and tonic. It was very strong. “I actually wanted to ask you about the Ruthvens,” she said, finally getting up her nerve.

  Derek reached over and turned on the stereo. Frank Sinatra, sounding a long way from home, crooned into Grace’s ear.

  “He’s a genius, she’s a bitch,” Derek said, his smile crooked. “What else would you like to know?”

  Raising her voice to be heard over Frank, Grace said, “So you’d worked with him before?”

  Derek noticed his glass was empty. He rose, sloshed more gin in. She had to strain to hear him answer, “Years ago. Before he made a name for himself. Before he married her.”

  “You don’t care for Catriona?”

  His smile was acrid. “Does anyone?”

  Old Blue Eyes was waxing earnest about “Strangers in the Night.” You have no idea, thought Grace. Out loud she said, “Can I ask you something? Who suggested that I be invited in as technical advisor?”

  Derek studied her curiously. “I don’t know. I don’t think I paid much attention to those discussions. Why?”

  Grace shrugged and put down her drink. “Just curious.”

  Derek smiled very whitely. “You know what they say about curiosity and cats, old thing.”

  As female sleuths went, Grace reflected as she undressed for bed that evening, she was afraid she was more the Hildegard Withers and less the Kinsey Millhone type. Grace had a built-in lie detector after years of teaching guileful adolescents; but while she was pretty sure no one was telling her the complete truth, it was difficult to pin down the actual lies. She knew, again from years of teaching, that people sometimes fibbed about the silliest and most unimportant things—and for reasons that made little sense to anyone else.

  As her head sank into the flannel softness of her pillow, Grace hazily tried to find the pattern in all she had heard that day. After a full day of sleuthing, did she really know anything for sure, or was everything simply another person’s flawed perception?

  She was still counting riddles when she fell asleep…

  In Grace’s dream someone was pounding on her door. She opened her eyes and it was still nighttime. Behind the closed draperies lances of moonlight sliced the dark.

  Lying there, she listened to the apple tree scratching against the walls of the Gardener’s Cottage. Listened, listened…

  An apple dropped on the roof of the cottage, making a bumping sound. Grace’s heart skipped and slowed.

  She had slept deeply, but was now restless with the questions that had subtly infiltrated her dreams.

  Why had someone tried to make it look like Theresa had been bitten by a vampire?

  Why steal the Peeler the night of the Hunt Ball?

  Was Sam Jeffries’ death an accident?

  What was Peter hiding from her?

  The moon seemed to be exerting the same effect it had on tides. Grace rose and went to the window, pulling back the drapes.

  Miss Coke stood framed in the picture window.


  The woman in black stood motionless like some ghostly apparition, pallid-faced in the moonlight, her features shadowed but somehow malevolent.

  Grace sucked in her breath to scream and at the same time yanked shut the drapes. She couldn’t quite explain the instinct of shutting out the picture of Miss Coke by moonlight; but as the curtain closed, Miss Coke’s spell was broken.

  Grace went to the phone and dialed the police station.

  “Oh my gosh!” she said out loud, as the phone rang and rang on the other end. The sound of her own exasperated voice steadied her.

  At last a sleepy-sounding male answered. She explained her situation. The PC, having ascertained that Miss Coke could not get into the cottage—and did not appear to be making any attempt to get into the cottage—seemed inclined to finish investigating in the morning.

  Grace yanked back the drapes again. Moonlight gilded tree and flower, but there was no sign of the witch of Innisdale Wood. Miss Coke had vanished—or possibly retreated behind a bush.

  “There, you see!” The PC was triumphant.

  Grace sympathized, she really did. It was a cold night. Her bare feet shrank from the stone floor, and there had been frost on the garden grass; but she felt compelled to point out that one woman had recently been murdered, and Miss Coke was a possible suspect.

  The PC did not seem to agree, but he reluctantly said he’d send someone around to her cottage. Grace sat down on the edge of her bed to wait.

  She was so tired. She decided to lie down and rest for a few minutes before the constable showed up. He would surely be there in a minute or two. She would consider the situation carefully. Sometimes it was easier to think with one’s eyes closed…

  “Are you avoiding me?” Chaz demanded.

  “If I were avoiding you, would I be asking you out to lunch?” Grace inquired reasonably.

  Despite her interrupted night’s rest she was feeling much more herself this morning. She had treated herself to a long lazy bubble bath and several cups of jasmine tea while she made detailed notes of everything she had heard and learned the day before.

  She had dried and dressed leisurely in her favorite garnet red chenille sweater and most comfortable faded jeans. She had filed a complaint against Miss Coke and another against the PC who had been on duty the night before and brushed off her midnight phone call for help. She had made another appointment to see the chief constable later that afternoon. She felt productive. She felt positive. She felt like being nice to Chaz.

  “Where did you want to meet?” Chaz asked suspiciously. “Not that pub again. God, I’m sick of English food. And not that Indian place. I didn’t like the way that guy was staring at me.”


  “Hamid or whatever his name was. The owner.”



  “If you don’t mind a short drive, we can have lunch in Kendal,” Grace said, seized by inspiration. It would be good to be away from Innisdale for a short time.

  Chaz professed himself agreeable, and an hour later they were on their way to one of Grace’s favorite towns in the Lake District.

  Kendal possessed (according to one survey) the highest quality of life in all England. Its historical coaching inns and quaint pubs, museums and galleries and myriad shops made the twelfth-century town a bustling tourist center, but this time of year its narrow streets and alleys were comparatively quiet.

  After doing a little window shopping they lunched at the Kings Arms Hotel, Grace ordering the Lake Windermere char served with nut brown butter and Chaz playing it safe with T-bone steak.

  “Have you given any more
thought to coming back to work?” he asked, carving his steak with a fixity that suggested this was a grudge match.

  “Of course.”


  “I don’t know. The book isn’t finished.”

  “Book! I haven’t seen you write one page since I got here. You never even mention the thing. You aren’t staying here for that book, and you know it.”

  “I could finish the book at home, that’s true.”

  “Home.” Chaz pounced on this. “See, you still think of home as home. Grace, face it, your future is there. You’ve got people who love you, respect you, want you. What do you have here but a lot of inbred snobs trying to kill each other off?”

  Grace sipped her wine to give herself time.

  Earnestly, Chaz said, “You’ve got to make your mind up soon, Grace. Ms. Winters won’t be patient forever. She thinks the world of you, but other people have her ear now. Luckily the only misstep you ever made was showing that R movie to your senior lit class.”

  Grace swallowed the wrong way. It took a minute to get her breath back; at last she demanded hoarsely, “Are you telling me that someone brought that up?”


  The single blemish on Grace’s record was a mistake early in her teaching career. She had shown the film Haunted Summer to her senior romantic lit class. The film detailed the summer Byron, the Shelleys, Clair Clairmont and Dr. Polidori spent at the Villa Diodati on Lake Geneva. It was a beautiful scenic film; unfortunately a lot of the beautiful scenery was of les literary enfants terrible cavorting in R-rated adventures. Grace had learned to pay greater attention to film ratings.

  “That was over five years ago!”

  “I know, but it could be interpreted as a warning sign, a tendency toward…flightiness.”


  “Well, it’s not so far off, is it?” Chaz looked pointedly around them.

  She hated to think he might have a point.

  Grace tried to conceal her preoccupation from Chaz on the drive back to Innisdale, but when she could politely escape, she did so, heading straight for the library computer to see what she could find on the amazing theatrical career of Robert Ruthven. What she discovered was indeed amazing—mostly because there was no theatrical career.


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