Blood Promise

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Blood Promise Page 7

by Danielle Rose

  He’d told me what he knew, what she wanted me to know.

  But something wasn’t right. This couldn’t be it. The only benefit she’d get from this was my suffering from learning the truth behind what they’d done. But she wasn’t here to see my pain. She couldn’t experience it first-hand.

  I shook my head. “She’s playing a game.”

  “What do you mean?” Jasik asked.

  “She’s toying with me. She’s putting all her cards on the table for me to see—and she’s daring me to make my next move.”

  “What’s her move?” Malik asked.

  “She’s playing with a full house, while I just rolled snake eyes.”

  The vampires stared blankly, so I clarified.

  “I’m playing the wrong game. This is a distraction. She wants to see if I’m clever enough to figure it out before it’s too late. Mind games were her specialty.”

  “So what’s the trick? What do you have to figure out?” Lillie asked.

  “I’m not sure, but I know it starts with Cameron.”

  I let my eyes linger on the empty cells. Finding this was too easy. She knew I’d come here, and I’d eventually find my way to these containment cells. I turned back toward Cameron. So why leave him behind? He filled in some plot holes, sure, but he had to be more important than that. He hasn’t told me much I didn’t already know.

  “There’s more here,” I said, nodding. “Cameron knows something, probably without even realizing it. He’s clearly the link to finding her.”

  The others nodded, and Cameron swallowed hard.

  “You’ll need my help to find her,” he said.

  “Is that what she wants? For you to find her?” Lillie asked.

  I shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  I thought about Lillie’s question, letting it bounce around in my head. Either way, it could make sense. I could argue she wanted me distracted so I couldn’t find her a foil her plans. At the same time, I could argue she wants to eliminate her final tie to humanity. She’d already murdered the rest of her family.

  Rogues were hunters. My grandmother was a leader. She was a master of her craft. She wouldn’t be the typical Rogue. She wouldn’t be driven by her need to feed. She’d look at the bigger picture. She would only strike when it benefited her most. Before her change, she’d been bent on changing the world so that mortals were in control.

  Could death change a lifetime commitment? She was devoted to this idea, to this possible future.

  The puzzle pieces were on display. They moved painstakingly slowly in my mind, giving me only the spark of an idea before scrambling again.

  “Cameron, when you said you could help me find her, what did you mean?”

  My eyes flickered to Jasik. I was close. The answer was there, and internally, I was frantically trying to put the pieces back together.

  “There are more,” he said.

  “More what?”

  “Containment cells. This is only one.”

  Reality came slamming down as the pieces began to connect. The picture was far from pretty.

  “Of course,” I said, searching my mind for the other locations but coming up blank. “How many more?”

  BACK ON THE main level, Cameron opened the door to an office. The walls were lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves housing books and stacks of papers. In the center of the room was a large conference table with papers strewn across it.

  “Let me guess,” I said, walking toward the table. “Your office?”

  Cameron nodded quickly. He walked to the bookshelf and grabbed a binder. He slammed it onto the table and pulled out several papers, setting them before me. The layout of the papers were identical, but the information differed. Each displayed the numbers for numerous containment cells throughout Europe.

  “There are thirteen containment cells,” Cameron said.

  “Seems fitting,” I responded, keeping my eyes on the papers. “These numbers, they’re… alarming.”

  “It would be too late for these, but here, this one, I think this is where she’s going last.” He slid a paper closer to me. “This is the farthest from us and biggest, housing the most vampires.”

  “How many vampires are in all the containment centers combined?” I asked.

  “Over three thousand.”

  “Oh my goddess,” Lillie said.

  “Shit,” Jeremiah added.

  Cameron spun on his heel, grabbing a stack of papers from a shelf and tossed them onto the table. He shuffled through the stack until he’d found what he was searched for. He placed it in front of me. It was a detailed map. It displayed each building, the hills and forests surrounding the area, and backroads that led to each door.

  “They’re contained here,” Cameron said, pointing to a building on the map. “This is in rural Russia.”

  “What’s in this area?” I asked, running my finger along the outskirts of the building.

  “Nothing. We own that land. There isn’t anything around hundreds of acres.”

  “Perfect place to hide an army,” Sebastian said.

  I shook my head. “She has no intention of hiding this army for long.” I exhaled sharply. “This is it. This is why.”

  “This is why she left me here?” Cameron asked.

  I nodded. “She didn’t leave you here so that I’d know how this all started. She left you here so that I’d know how it’s going to end.”

  THE PLANE RIDE back to Washington State was quick; the vampires and I slept through most of it. Before we left, Cameron had contacted the other witch council locations, but no one responded. We could only assume the worst: She had beaten me again. And now, her Rogue army was bigger than ever. Cameron assured me that her number of Rogues was in the thousands, and I believed him. After all, he was a level three… which meant he knew the goings-on.

  I’d taken the map with me when we left London, and I’d spent the time I wasn’t sleeping studying the map and surrounding area. At this point, I was a pro on all things rural Russia.

  Now, as we sulked through the forests, the thought that we had nowhere to go bounced around my head painfully. We couldn’t go back to Amicia’s. We weren’t part of her coven anymore. Jasik and the Hunters had made up their minds: they weren’t willing to separate. The thought of finding sanctuary with Kat, Malik’s forbidden love, had occurred to me, but I wasn’t sure if she’d grant us leniency. We’d run from our old coven. Would the arms of a new one be open? We couldn’t go back to Shasta, either. The house was in disarray, and the memories of what I’d lost weighed too heavily on my heart. So we walked, quietly, slowly.

  “The sun will rise soon,” Malik noted, breaking our silence.

  I nodded, but my fear of the sun had been extinguished when I discovered I could stand in sunlight and not burn. Sebastian was the only other one in our group who was lucky enough to have hybrid blood. The others needed to find safety—and soon.

  “We should go to Montana,” Sebastian said.

  The thought of running to Sibyl, the leader of our local hybrid coven, had crossed my mind. I knew she wouldn’t be happy, since she had lost nearly a dozen hybrids after our last encounter, but she’d agree that this situation warranted our joining forces.

  “Sibyl really doesn’t like us barging in without an invite,” Lillie said.

  “I think the current situation is serious enough to permit a drop-in visit, mate,” Sebastian said.

  “There isn’t enough time to make it there anyway,” I said, kicking the frozen grass at my feet. The familiar crunch of snow beneath my feet was comforting.

  “Well, we can’t just walk around aimlessly now, can we?” Jeremiah cut in. “You two may be in the mood for a tan, but I like my skin the way it is. Y’know, not on the crispy side!”

  “There is another option,” Jasik said, coming to a stop and facing Malik.

  I arched an eyebrow curiously.

  “Katalina’s. She’ll welcome us in. We can stay there as long as we’d like.”<
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  “I’d come to the same conclusion,” Malik said as he smiled, his cheeks reddening.

  “Would she still take us in? Amicia was her friend, and Kat’s bound to vampire law.”

  “I believe she would,” Jasik said.

  “Well… Maybe, after all this is over, we can stay there forever.” I grinned.

  Malik rolled his eyes and pushed past me. I didn’t understand the issue. Katalina returned Malik’s feelings. Why was it so taboo? Sure, being the high priestess of a vampire coven, Katalina was considered royalty, in a way, but Malik was no schmuck. She’d be lucky to be on his arm.

  “We’ll stay there for the night,” Jasik said, finalizing our plans.

  Almost in unison, our feet pounded against the hard-packed ground. The new layer of soft snow that powdered the grass and coated the leaves left a veil of lacy steam in our wake. Winter in Washington State sure was beautiful.

  We arrived at Katalina’s coven just as the sun began to rise. Shuffling in and closing the door behind us, we stood awkwardly in the foyer as the vampires of the house gasped at the intrusion. Normally, we’d require an invitation, but there wasn’t any time for pleasantries.

  I felt her presence before I saw her. The power that radiated from her essence crashed over me in waves. She took the stairs quickly, her long red hair flowing aimlessly behind her in her descent, until she stood just feet before us. Her frame was slender, her skin pale, but she towered over me, her height nearly matching Malik’s.

  “I had hoped you’d return, though I didn’t expect it to be so soon,” Katalina said with a smile. Her eyes sparkled with sincerity.

  Amicia commanded a room in much the same way. Except, where Amicia conveyed intensity, Katalina projected calmness. Both women were old, powerful. But only one demanded the room acknowledge that strength.

  “Milady, we apologize for the intrusion,” Jasik said. “Nonetheless, we were hoping you’d allow us to stay.”

  “Indefinitely?” she asked, the corner of her mouth twitching as if to smile.

  No one spoke.

  “News travels fast. Amicia already requested new Hunters. You’ve been cast out. She never has been shy.”

  “No, Milady, we left willingly. We were not exiled.”

  Katalina nodded. “Yes, I am aware. Amicia is a powerful woman, but often times, the brilliance of her mind is muffled by the ignorance of her mouth. She truly believed her request was enough to make you leave Avah. I’ve met you only once, but even I can see you yearn for the girl.”

  My eyes flickered to Jasik, who stood tall, unwavering.

  “It’s foolishness to think you’d leave her after breaking the most important vampire law to save her. I myself hope to one day experience such love, such devotion.”

  Malik’s jaw clenched, and I fought back a grin. His feelings for her weren’t exactly a secret, and because of this, she loved to tease him—much like I did. This playfulness made me like her even more.

  “You’re more than welcome to stay here as long as you like. My original offer still stands. I would love to welcome you into this coven… full-time.”

  I smiled, and Katalina met my eyes.

  “And, of course, Avah is always welcome here. You’re different, Avah. I do not ignore that fact, but I truly believe you’re not to be feared.”

  “Thank you, Milady.”

  “Oh, please. Stop this. I’ve told you many times now. Call me Kat.”

  I nodded, grinning. “Thanks, Kat.”

  “And who is your friend?” she asked, eying Sebastian.

  “Sebastian.” He shook the hand she offered him.

  “We have a guest suite you may use during your stay. Your room will be in the same wing as theirs, so you should feel comfortable there. The vampires of this house aren’t used to your kind. They need time to adjust, and I assure you, they will.”

  “They will?” Sebastian asked.

  She nodded. “They will adjust.”

  He smiled. “Thank you.”

  “The kitchen is stocked and your rooms are ready. I’ll see you in a few hours,” Kat said as she climbed the stairs to her bedchambers. Her coven’s manor mirrored the layout of Amicia’s. At the top of the foyer’s grand staircase was the door to her office, and adjacent to that door was the door to her bedroom. Grasping the handle, she glanced at Malik and blushed.

  Jeremiah rolled his eyes and elbowed Malik’s side. “Guess we know what room you’ll be in tonight, eh?”

  Malik responded by slapping Jeremiah on the back of his head before taking the stairs two and a time and disappearing into Kat’s room.

  “Oh, to be young and in love,” Jeremiah said. “I’m hittin’ the fridge. Anyone wanna join me?”

  “Do you even have to ask?” I said.

  We disappeared down the foyer and entered the empty dining hall. The sun had risen, so the vampires of the house were preparing to slumber. But I was wide awake. The thought of sleeping made my skin crawl. There was too much to do. We still had to prepare for the biggest battle of our lives. Plus, as much as I hated to admit it, my lackluster control of my vampire abilities made me an easy target. I was sure my grandmother was counting on that.

  Jeremiah opened the fridge and tossed us each a couple blood bags before digging into his own.

  “I’m exhausted,” Lille said, as she strained to stretch her back and neck.

  “Yeah, me, too,” Jeremiah said between gulps, the blood staining his teeth red.

  “Blech! Eat with your mouth closed!” she yelled, smacking him in the arm playfully.

  He responded by giving her a cheeky grin, his red teeth on full display.

  I shook my head and chuckled as I swallowed down a blood bag. “How are you feeling?” I asked Sebastian.

  “Good. Why?” he asked cautiously.

  I shrugged. “I’m not really tired. Are you?”

  “Nope,” he said before emptying his own blood bag.

  “Wanna train?” I asked, hopeful.

  He smiled. “Sure.”

  I nodded. “Meet in an hour? You know where the basement training quarters are, right?”

  “If I didn’t, I’m sure I could figure it out now. Find stairs. Go down.” He winked.

  I slurped down the last bit of blood and tossed the empty bags into the garbage bin. “Meet you there, Sherlock,” I said as I walked away. When I reached the door, I spun around and added, “That’s if you can find it, Private Eye.”

  Jasik followed me to our room and tossed our bags onto the floor beside our bed. The room was identical to the guest suites at our old manor: large bedroom with walk-in closet and attached bathroom. The large bay windows were stained gray, but I still pulled the thick curtains closed. The last thing I wanted was to wake up next to a crispy critter.

  “How are you really feeling?” Jasik asked as he stepped beside me. His arms grabbed my waist, pulling me close. I leaned against him and closed my eyes, taking several deep breaths before answering.

  I shrugged as I opened my eyes. “I’m okay.”

  He shook his head as he placed a kiss atop my head. “Now let’s try that again, but this time, we’ll be honest.”

  I turned in his arms, clasping my hands behind his neck as his rested at my hips. “I’m a little nervous, a little scared our numbers are too low, but with Ivor spreading the word in Europe, I’m sure we’ll be okay.”

  “That’s another Miss America answer, love,” he said.

  I frowned. “Are you sure you’re not a reader?” I teased.

  I pulled him down to meet my lips, and soon, the softness was replaced with an urgent need to be closer, to deepen the connection. His need matched mine, and before I realized what had happened, my legs were wrapped around his waist, and he had me pushed up against the wall beside our bed. I dug my fingers into his hair, tugging on the strands. His nails dug into the flesh of my hips, and I cried out. Moving my hips up and down, I rubbed against his hardening length. He pulled away, breathless, his teeth dragg
ing against the skin of his lower lip.

  “You’re a tease, love.” His eyes were bright, neon blue, and I was sure the violet of my irises matched the intensity I saw in his—it was an involuntary showcase of my need for him.

  “No teasing, Mr. Lavery. I plan to finish this,” I said with a shy smile.

  “What of your sparring? Sebastian is waiting,” he reminded me.

  “That’s in an hour. You think I didn’t plan this?” I gave him a wicked grin.

  “You’re insatiable, love. Do you know that?”

  “Only because you remind me.”

  My lips crashed against his, and he carried me to the bed, setting me down as he crawled on top of me. We slithered out of our clothes without breaking our kiss, and soon, we were nothing but skin on skin. Jasik’s lips left my mouth and found the smooth crevice of my neck. His kisses were firm as he nipped the skin there, my fangs lengthening in response. I scratched my nails against the length of his back and pulled him closer to me.

  He was everywhere, in everything. I breathed him in, tasted his essence. When I opened my eyes, all I saw was him. And even though in this moment every inch of my skin was firmly pressed against his, it still felt as though he was miles away, as if he could never be close enough.

  He trailed light kisses across my collar bone, and I gasped as his tongue grazed across my breast. While his tongue flicked the erect nub of my nipple, his fingers teased the other, and I felt the sensations shoot down my spine and nestle in my core. I arched my back into him, and his hand left my breast and stroked my skin, past my bellybutton, until it reached my core. Closing my eyes, I cried out as his thumb lightly teased my sensitive nub, while his pointer finger entered me. He pulled in and out at an excruciatingly slow pace, but even so, I had submitted to his every touch, every kiss, every lick. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for him—and nothing I wouldn’t let him do to me.

  Pulling back, his middle finger joined his pointer inside me, and he quickened his pace. With his tongue taunting my nipples, his thumb teasing the bundle of nerves at my core, and his fingers stroking the sensitive spot inside of me, I cried out, the orgasmic rush cascading over me. He withdrew and lay beside me. With my legs astride, I sat on his torso, rubbing my slickness against his hardened length. I ran my fingertips across the ridges of his defined stomach and moaned as he grasped my hips to quicken my pace.


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