Arranged Marriage To The Rogue (Victorian Romance)

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Arranged Marriage To The Rogue (Victorian Romance) Page 29

by Veronica Wilson

  “You know, Caleb.” Angelique looked suddenly serious. “Part of the reason why it’s so hard for me to date much is also tied in to my travel. I’m sometimes away for extended periods of time, and well…” Her voice drifted off for a moment, and Caleb wondered what she was going to say next.

  “I can relate. Sometimes I need to leave for days in a row.” He shook his head, thinking of how much he liked to travel, but remembering that it could also be unforgivably stressful at times, too.

  “It’s the reason why many of my relationships in the past haven’t worked.” Angelique bit her lip and then looked at Caleb with a worried expression. “I was engaged last year to a wonderful man. He was from Germany. But, it just didn’t work. I had to leave New York for weeks at a time, and he wanted to start a family as soon as we got married.” Angelique shook her head and a wistful expression fell over her face. “I couldn’t make that kind of commitment.” She sighed and then realized that maybe she was sharing too much information.

  Caleb was amazed at the similarities they shared. “I am completely understanding, Angelique. I’ve had similar situations. I haven’t been engaged, but I’ve been in a few really close relationships, and the work plus the travel really drove a wedge between the women that I was involved with and me.” Caleb felt a pang of sadness. He thought back to the tears and the pain that came with ending a relationship. He didn’t want to go through that again.

  “Look, I just want you to know that I really do like you. A lot.” Angelique smiled and then took a deep breath. “And I don’t want to go through the same pain again.” She looked away and then looked up at the moon. “It’s really beautiful out here.” She fought back a tear and Caleb stood silently.

  They held hands and walked in silence for the rest of their walk, stopping a few times to gaze together at the moon. When they reached the parking lot of Zuba’s on South, they both stood quietly and then Caleb put his hands around Angelique’s waist. “Let me make you dinner tomorrow. I’ll pick you up and bring you back to my place.” Caleb knew that he had clients to meet with during the day, but he was sure that he could work around his schedule.

  “I have a shoot tomorrow morning, but I should be finished by about three. I think it can work.” Angelique smiled, slightly amused that her packed days still left time to see Caleb.

  “Perfect. What’s your address?” Caleb watched as Angelique climbed into her Mercedes.

  “Seven Windy Bush Lane. All the way down the valley.” She winked and then closed her door. Caleb walked toward his car and then unlocked the door. He climbed in and watched as Angelique drove away, then leaned back in his seat. He started the ignition and turned on the radio. Then he drove away from the lounge, and down the valley toward his home.

  Victor called Caleb the next day. “Well congratulations, my man. Looks like you found your way in.” He laughed and Caleb smiled. “How’d you wow her?” Victor joked and sipped on his coffee.

  “I used some of my natural charms, that’s all.” Caleb wandered to the end of his living room and then looked out the window. It was a sunny day in the Hudson Valley and he looked at the trees as they started to make their change from lush green to bright orange and red.

  “Monica told me all about it.” Victor chuckled and then got serious. “Just be careful, Caleb. There are quite a few men that would like to be in your position right now. Some of them are going to be jealous and resentful. Just be aware.” Victor gave his friend the words of advice that he wanted, and then sipped on his coffee.

  Caleb wasn’t quite sure how to react to the information, but he knew that he wasn’t going to back off just because a few people were mad that Angelique wouldn’t date them. What could he do about that? She had the right to date whomever she chose, and there wasn’t much that anyone else could do about it. “Thanks for the heads up, Victor.” Caleb nodded and then hung up the phone.

  He spent the rest of his morning attending to various client requests and phone calls, aware of the fact that he couldn’t let his work get too far behind, regardless of how consumed he was with emotions over Angelique. After he had gotten himself caught up, he made a quick run to the grocery store and bought some vegetables. Then he went home and spent a few hours preparing a meal for him and Angelique to share. After he had set aside the ingredients, he took a quick shower and then got in his car to head for Windy Bush Lane.

  “I see you found it oaky.” Angelique was standing on her balcony when Caleb arrived. She was wearing a pair of fitted jeans and a cropped sweater. Caleb smiled and got out of his car. “I’ll be right down.” Angelique disappeared and then gathered her purse and a sweater. She locked the door and then approached Caleb’s Range Rover. He was a true car aficionado, and liked to reserve the Range Rover for special occasions such as this one.

  The sun was shining brightly and a cool breeze swept over the land. Both Caleb and Angelique smiled once they were inside the vehicle. A mutual affection was obvious between the two, and the energy in the air was filled with lightness and anticipation. Caleb couldn’t remember the last time he had been this excited to have a woman at his home.

  As they made their way over the hills and along the winding roads that led to Caleb’s house, Angelique gazed out the window. She was equally as fond of the Hudson Valley s Caleb was, and she envisioned herself one day raising a family in this area. She sighed and told herself not to get too excited yet. Yet it was becoming increasingly difficult to contain her true emotions.

  When they arrived at Caleb’s mansion, he parked the Range Rover and climbed out from behind the wheel. He opened up Angelique’s door and led her to the front steps, where she stood back and admired the architecture of his home. “This place looks amazing.” She grinned with approval and then waited as Caleb unlocked the door and led her inside.

  “Please. Make yourself comfortable, Angelique. Tell me what you’d like to drink. I have wine, if that appeals to you.” Caleb raised his eyebrows and headed to the bar. Angelique nodded her head and took a seat on the couch.

  “A glass of wine sounds perfect.” She smiled and then sat back, crossing her legs and looking around with satisfaction at Caleb’s elaborate yet tasteful décor. He brought her a glass of wine and then retreated to the kitchen where he resumed his preparation of their dinner. After he had placed the savory dish into the oven to heat, he entered the living room and made himself a rum and Coke. Then he settled next to Angelique on the couch.

  “I think this calls for a toast.” He smiled and raised his glass. Angelique did the same. “To new and beautiful beginnings.” He winked and they clanged their glasses together. They sipped their drinks with lingering glances and then Caleb got up to bring out the food.

  “Caleb, your house is amazing. I am really impressed.” Angelique sat back and played with her hair as Caleb entered the room with two steaming plates of food.

  “I’m glad you like it. Hopefully you’ll be spending a lot of time here.” Caleb winked and sat down. Angelique’s eyes widened when she saw the elaborate meal that Caleb had prepared.

  “Is this a vegetable enchilada? I love Mexican.” She dove in and Caleb nodded his head, thrilled that she enjoyed the food. “You’ll have to let me return the favor one night. My specialty is Italian.” Angelique wriggled her nose and continued to eat her food. Before long, they had both finished eating, and Caleb had his arm around Angelique’s shoulder.

  “I’m glad you came over, Angelique. And, just to reiterate. There’s no pressure to rush things. I just know how I feel about you, so I’m ready to jump in when you are.” He ran his fingers through the tips of her hair and then moved closer to her side. He turned her face toward his and then kissed her softly on the lips.

  They leaned back on the couch and suddenly the rest of the world seemed to melt from their existence. Caleb ran his hands over Angelique’s legs, feeling the firm shape of her thighs and her calves. He slowly moved another hand under her sweater and over her breasts. Angelique sighed and leaned b
ack, receptive to his touch. She kissed him harder and deeper, until he stopped and got up from the couch.

  Angelique stood up behind him and followed. They walked down a long hallway with cherry wood floors until they reached Caleb’s bedroom. Angelique looked around and admired the art work that Caleb had chosen to hang on his walls. Much of it was African tribal art and it resonated with her inner being. Caleb took her hand and led her to his bed.

  Without saying a word, Angelique lifted her sweater over her head. She unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. Caleb watched her and felt the manhood between his legs grow warm and firm. She was the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her full, round breasts stood in front of him like ripe melons, and he ran his hands over them until her nipples sprung back, hard, yet delicate.

  Caleb pulled off his pants and flung them to the floor. He climbed on top of Angelique and closed his eyes, absorbed in the moment. Angelique wrapped her arms around Caleb’s waist and pulled him even closer. They gazed deeply into each other’s eyes and their hearts pounded with anticipation. Then Caleb slowly positioned his body so that he could enter Angelique with one massive thrust.

  Angelique closed her eyes and cried out with pleasure. She could feel every inch of Caleb’s body, pressed on top of her, and moving inside of her. “This is amazing.” She whispered in his ear and ran her hands over his back. They moved in unison, like two lovers whose time had finally come, as the moonlight filtered through an open window.

  “Angelique, I want to be with you forever.” The words slipped out of Caleb’s mouth, and before he knew it, she was moaning with intense pleasure. She clawed his back with her fingernails and then cried out as an intense and rippling orgasm exploded inside of her. Within seconds, Caleb reached orgasm as well, his warm, wet release spilling inside of her with intense

  They lied on the bed for a few moments before Caleb rolled over and got up. He went to the kitchen and came back with two glasses of water and a bowl of strawberries. They lounged together in bed, basking in the afterglow, until Angelique drifted off to sleep. When she awoke the next morning, she was surprised to see that it was already eight o’clock. “I can’t believe I slept so long. I must have been very comfortable here.” She leaned over and gave Caleb a kiss on the forehead. He smiled and then climbed on top of her.

  They made love one more time before showering. Then they dressed and Caleb drove her home. As she got out of the Range Rover, she leaned inside the window and blew Caleb a kiss. “I hope we see each other again soon.” She winked and then walked into her house, Caleb’s eyes on her the entire time.

  The month flew by with increasing speed. Both Angelique and Caleb were immersed in their work, yet they still managed to find time to be together. They visited museums and attended concerts, they went on picnics and long drives through the countryside. Caleb though that everything was progressing smoothly until one weekend, Angelique stopped returning his calls. He sent her an email and a few text messages, but she never responded. He grew worried, and finally showed up at her doorstep.

  He knocked and within seconds Angelique answered the door. “Hi, Caleb. Come inside.” Angelique wasn’t smiling. She showed Caleb into her living room, which was decorated in a modern décor. Caleb folded his hands and leaned forward.

  “Angelique, I’ve been calling you all weekend. What’s wrong? Why haven’t you returned my calls?” He couldn’t imagine what could have happened to have made her so distant. She ran her hands through her hair and then sighed.

  “I’m pregnant, Caleb.” Angelique’s almond shaped eyes filled with tears. Caleb stood up from his chair and immediately came to her side.

  “Are you serious?” He was stunned, and an overwhelming sensation filled his heart.

  “Yes. I found out on Friday. I wanted to call you yesterday, but I was just too shocked and upset. I’m so confused.” Angelique shook her head and began to cry. Caleb wrapped his arms around her and then stood up. He bit his lip and then looked out the window. She was pregnant. They were going to have a baby. He couldn’t quite believe it.

  “This is…not what I expected. I’m shocked, too.” Caleb walked around the room a few times, trying to sort out his emotions. “But, Angelique.” He knelt by her side and then held her hand. “I think it will be okay. It will work out.” He smiled and suddenly his heart filled with joy. A baby. He couldn’t wrap his mind around it.

  “Caleb, I’m scheduled with Ford to travel to Greece. It’s the biggest shoot of the season, and we’re supposed to be there all month. I don’t know how I’m going to do it being six weeks pregnant. I’m wondering if I should just back out.” Angelique shook her head. “And me and you, I mean…” She looked away and started to cry again. “We haven’t known each other that long. We aren’t married.” She shook her head and then sighed.

  “Angelique. What would you say if I told you that I wanted to marry you? What would you think if I told that as soon as I laid eyes on you at Salvio’s that I knew you would be my wife?” Caleb had never been so serious in all his life. He knew that he loved her, and now was the time to tell her. “Angelique, I love you. I want you to marry me.” He kissed her on the lips and she threw her arms around his neck.

  “Caleb, I love you, too!” Angelique cried out and nestled her head deep in Caleb’s chest. She did love him, but it was all so scary and so quick. She didn’t know if it was supposed to have happened with such intensity, but it had, and there was no going back now. She took a deep breath and then stood back and collected herself.

  The two held each other until Caleb stood back and smiled. “We’re going to be parents.” He laughed and then shook his head. Angelique smiled and then wrapped her hands around Caleb’s waist. They both held each other and stared out of Angelique’s large bay window. They kissed each other once more and then looked deep into each other’s eyes. Love had found its way, and there was no turning back now.


  Highlander's Pride

  Chapter One: Memories

  Norway, 799 B.C.

  Eight-year-old Aila Forsberg sat in the corner with her paper, pretending to color. Truth be told, she was listening to her parents. They were talking about something important, that much she knew. She wished they’d pick her up and include her, but that rarely happened. They were always saying things like, “You’re too young,” or, “Go play.” Her wishes never weighed into it.

  Bored and wanting someone to entertain her, Aila went in search of other kids to play with. She left her house and ran to the top of the nearby hill to marvel at the crystal-clear waters of the Norwegian Sea. Surrounded by beautiful mountains, her home was nestled in Stavanger and had been for as long as she could remember.

  “Hey,” Dagmar Stalson said, stepping up next to her. “What are you doing?” For a boy of ten Dagmar wasn’t so bad. Most of the time he was nice, unless he had something on his mind. Then he was like a mountain, totally immovable.

  “I’m looking at the sea,” Aila replied. “Don’t you ever wonder what’s out there, if there’s other lands, other people?”

  “Sometimes,” Dagmar said.

  “The elders are talking about something serious.”

  Dagmar said, “What do you think they’re talking about?”

  “Don’t know for sure. I heard something about boats and a land that’s not far away. I don’t know what they’re planning exactly, but whatever it is, I want in on it.”

  “Me too,” Dagmar agreed. “You keep an ear out, Aila, and I will too. If you hear anything about when they’re leaving, you tell me. I’ll do the same for you, okay?”

  “Okay,” she agreed. She didn’t reach out and touch his fiery red hair, even though she often wondered if it’d burn like fire if she did. Turning, she ran back into her home, eager to hear more information. She once more took up her paper and her seat in the corner, and began listening.

  “We must leave,” Danga said, glancing at Aila.

  “We can’t. Not until we
know more about these Romans,” said Strad, Dagmar’s father.

  “Who are the Romans to us?” Briddick asked. “We are stronger than any that would come against us. The land is ours for the taking, why shouldn’t we have a piece of it?”

  “Fine,” Strad said, clearly outvoted. “I’ll send what I can with you, but I’ll not risk my family on such a journey.”

  “That’s all we can ask,” Briddick accepted. “Thank you.”

  Aila, knowing now that they would leave, ran out to find Dagmar. Sighting his red hair blowing in the wind, Aila waved and ran toward him. At full speed, Aila tripped over a stone in the field and went tumbling right into Dagmar, knocking him down. When she looked up it was into laughing blue eyes that nearly took her breath away. They probably would have if she hadn’t been breathing so hard from running.

  “We’re leaving!” she squealed, her laughter bubbling out.


  “I don’t know yet, but your father isn’t going. He was angry at my parents. He said he wouldn’t risk his family.”

  “I’m going,” Dagmar said, those once-laughing eyes now stone cold serious. “You have to tell me as soon as you know when your parents are leaving. I’m coming with you.”

  “Okay,” Aila said, a grin creasing her lips. Most girls didn’t like Dagmar because he was so intensely serious, especially for a boy of ten. But she liked him specifically for that reason. He would protect what was his with a fierceness that none of the other boys their age seemed to possess. One day she had no doubt that he would rule their people; it was in his blood to do so.

  Pictland, 819 B.C.

  Aila pulled her line out of the water, smiling when she saw fish after wriggling fish hanging from it. Her people would have dinner tonight, no thanks to Dagmar. Grabbing the fish and quickly gutting them, she took them to the older woman in her camp.


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