Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3) Page 1

by Tania Sparks

  Pure Torture

  Tania Sparks

  Copyright © 2016 Tania Sparks

  All Rights Reserved

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Pure Torture – Book Description

  Cody’s the sexy drummer extraordinaire of the hard rock band Oblivion.

  Kitty’s the little sister of one of Cody’s band mates and she’s had a secret crush on him for years.

  When the band are back home for a few days, the chemistry between them is both unexpected and undeniably off-the-charts.

  She quickly realizes that the prospect of having what she’s always fantasized about is a very real possibility.

  He quickly realizes that although he feels this mind-blowing attraction towards her, she’s the little sister of one of his band mates – he would get his ass kicked from here to hell if he ever laid a finger on her!

  But can Kitty convince him? After all, no one else needs to know, a one-time hook-up might suit both of them…or could it ruin everything?

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Thank You!

  Oblivion On Tour Series

  About the Author

  Chapter 1


  I’m definitely in a cranky as shit mood. I’m trying to distract myself from the fact that I’ve come all the way back home to Oklahoma for a few days, but my shitty Mom and my loser of a Step-Dad can’t even spare an hour or two to see me. I don’t get too many opportunities to have a break in our touring schedule so I wouldn’t have thought it was that damned difficult.

  Anyhow, I usually find that exercising helps get my mind sorted, so I’m running through the park, my feet are pounding rhythmically on the grass, one after the other. Thump. Thump. Thump. My heartbeat is hammering in time to the drum beat of the thrash metal that’s blasting on my iPod. I’m running as fast as my legs will move, sweat is pouring off me and my breathing is hard and labored. I’m hoping that by pushing my body to its absolute limit I’ll knock myself out of this grouchy funk I’ve been in all day.

  After an hour or so I collapse onto the grass and flip myself over onto my back. My body’s screaming to rest, but I punish myself further by pulling my body up as I start on some tuck crunches. I have to smash through this mood somehow and sweating my ass off usually does the trick.

  A group of college girls are standing a few yards away giggling and shyly pointing at me. I snicker to myself, why is it that fan-girls always recognize me as being Oblivion’s awesome drummer extraordinaire? I guess my red mohawk and distinctive tattoos don’t help to disguise me!

  Oh well, what the fuck, I may as well give them something to look at, so I pull my T-shirt up and over my head and drop it unceremoniously onto the grass. Then I flip myself over and start on some one-armed push-ups. This seems to delight them even more as they continue to giggle and glance mischievously in my direction.

  After a minute or two one of the girls saunters over to me with a sultry, come-fuck-me look on her face. As she gets closer I spring up onto my feet, remove my ear buds from my ears and give her my best panty-dropping smirk. I tilt my head and wink at her. She reacts with a giggle and a sexy but shy smile. I wipe some sweat from my face as I growl, “Hey sweetheart.”

  “Hey there yourself,” she purrs as her eyes roam hungrily and unashamedly over my torso. Then she starts giggling. I can see she’s trying really desperately to act all sexy and confident, but her hands are trembling and she’s shaking like a leaf. She’s so damned nervous. It doesn’t help that her friends are giggling and rooting for her from across the way. I wonder why they don’t come over too, we could all have a little party…hmm…that might get me out of this shitty mood.

  I rake my eyes over the little hottie in front of me. I have to give her some credit for being the only one out of her group of girlfriends that has the guts to approach me. Her hair is platinum blonde and is cut in a shoulder length bob. Her body rocks, she’s nicely shaped and has perfect perky tits. Her pert nipples are pushing at the fabric on her top, just begging for me to run my thumb over them. And boy, those luscious pink lips of hers, I know they’d feel pretty freaking amazing wrapped around my cock.

  But then I start to assess her a little more carefully. I take in her angelic facial features, the way she’s dressed and especially the nerve-wracking effect I’m having on her. I quickly decide that I’m still in too much of a bad mood to enjoy myself with this little honey. I don’t think she’s worldly enough to distract me in the way I need her to right now, she’s just way too naive. I need someone with a bit of experience to get my mind off my shitty family and I can tell she simply wouldn’t measure up. I grumpily mumble, “Sorry sweetheart, places to go, people to see.”

  The smile on her face drops as she realizes that this little encounter isn’t going anywhere. I don’t want to be a total dick, so I give her a quick kiss on her cheek. Then I quickly lean down, grab my T-shirt from the grass, tuck it into the back of my shorts and jog away casually. I look back over my shoulder and the girls are all jumping around and giggling excitedly while the blonde cutie holds her fingers to her cheek where I kissed her. Well at least I’ve contributed to someone having a happy day! I put my ear buds back in, turn up the volume and sprint back to the hotel.

  When I get back to the penthouse suite it’s late afternoon. The rest of the band aren’t going to be back for a while, so I decide to make myself at home and chill for a couple of hours. After taking a shower, I grab a beer from the fridge, flop myself down onto the couch and turn on the television to watch some football.

  I’m not too good at sitting still for very long, so after about half an hour I get up and decide to go down to the hotel pool to do some laps. There’s shit all else to do anyway and I can’t think of anything worse than just sitting around doing nothing.

  Once I’m done I make my way back up to the suite.

  I have yet another shower…grab yet another beer…and turn on the television to watch yet another football game.

  I. Am. So. Fucking. Bored!

  Same old, same old. Same mind-numbing shit day in, day out. I seriously need some excitement. Maybe me and some of the guys can go out and have some fun, cause a little havoc and enjoy ourselves for an evening, go out for a round or two on the town. Yeah, that’s what we’ll do. I’ll make sure I organize that once we get back on tour in a few days.

  My life feels like a never-ending treadmill of hotels and travelling. The only time I feel truly alive is when I’m on stage. Now that’s real adrenaline. That’s what I live for. Music courses through my veins instead of blood. Music and the band mean everything to me. Absolutely fuckin’ everything. Of course I don’t
mind spending an hour or two with a groupie or fan-girl, but even that sometimes gets a bit repetitive. They’re only interested in me because I’m in a band and I’m pretty sure half the time they don’t even know my name, they just know I’m ‘one of those guys from Oblivion’. I know that’s hypocritical of me, because ninety nine percent of the time I don’t know their name either and really don’t want to. But what the hell, I’m a fucking rock star, there’s just too many girls to even try to remember their names.

  I spend the next few hours twirling my drumsticks, striding around the suite and striking every bit of furniture in the room with my sticks. I’ve been working on some rhythms for a new song and I’m hoping that the beats will get me out of my bad mood that I just can’t seem to shake.


  It’s now late evening and one by one the guys are arriving back from their day out visiting their families. We’re back home and the idea was that we’d all take a few days off to visit our folks before continuing with the tour. It’s a pity my folks were ‘too busy’ to see me. Oh well, never mind, I didn’t fucking expect them to be over the moon about spending some of their precious time with their only son anyway. Their loss I guess, I really shouldn’t be surprised, but it still pisses me off.

  We’re all sitting around, drinking our beers. I’m slouched down on one of the armchairs that I’ve claimed as my own. I’m still twirling my drumsticks and tapping away on my legs and the surrounding furniture.

  I’m a couple or three beers in when I hear the door to the suite open. I glance across to see Nikki, our rhythm guitarist and his girl Trixie strolling in jovially, Nikki’s arm is draped over her shoulder and she’s securely tucked into his side.

  I lift my head and somberly greet them, “Hey.”

  Nikki bobs his head in acknowledgement and Trixie waves her hand to say hi.

  I expect them to close the door but instead the most stunning girl on the fucking planet glides in behind them. She has smooth jet black hair that flows down her back and it’s so long it reaches her ass. She’s tall, probably almost as tall as me and her body rocks. She’s slim, but has nicely rounded hips and amazing tits. Her emerald green eyes are sparkling boldly as she scans the room confidently. I immediately jump up from my chair, drop my drumsticks to the floor and feel an undeniable rousing in my pants. Hell, maybe my day won’t be so bad after all. I feel better already!

  The other guys all stand up too. Fuck off cock-suckers, she’s mine.

  I take a step forward as the raven haired beauty suddenly shrieks in an oddly familiar voice, “Oh my god, hi guys, I’ve missed y’all so much!”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck! My muddled brain suddenly clicks and makes the connection as I realize that the hottie that has my body vibrating like a god-damned amplifier is Kitty, Nikki’s little sister. Holy Crap!

  Somebody turns the music down and everyone starts walking towards Kitty. My heart is beating so damned loud that I’m sure the whole room can hear it.

  What the hell happened to Nikki’s little sister? I remember her as being a sweet little girl that we used to tease and let hang around the band. She’d bring us beers and dote over all of us, but especially me. Sure, she’s always been pretty and downright cute, but I’ve never thought of her as the unmistakable sex kitten she is now. She’s definitely grown up and she’s a complete and utter babe. She’s the perfect embodiment of everything I find totally irresistible in a chick. I want!

  Shit, maybe I’ve had more to drink than I thought, but I definitely shouldn’t be thinking this way about Nikki’s little sister and I don’t know how to handle these sudden irrefutable cravings. My hand twitches and strums anxiously on my leg as the adrenaline courses through me and makes me want to jump around like a fuckin’ crazy person.

  Kitty walks up to Scott. He gives her a warm hug and rakes his eyes over her. I get an overwhelming urge to tell him to back the fuck off, but I know that would make me look like some sort of psycho douchebag. He comments tenderly to her, “Well look at you all grown up. When did you get so beautiful? The last time we saw you I’m sure you were like ten.”

  Kitty’s face screws up as she scowls at Scott. She looks adorable when she’s mad and she suddenly looks a bit more like the sweet little girl I remember. She huffs angrily and folds her arms across her chest, pushing her tits up as she replies snootily, “It’s been less than a year Scott, and I’m twenty-two now you know.”

  “Shit twenty-two,” he sighs.

  My irrational brain calculates, Fantastic, perfectly legal! What the fuck’s wrong with me!

  Kitty steps over to Hansen and kisses him on the cheek. A pang of jealously hits me hard in my chest and I frown in confusion at my reaction. I hold my breath to control my raging reaction.

  Hansen smiles at her, “Nice to see you again Kitty.” He ruffles her hair playfully and I let go of the air I’d been holding in my lungs as I realize he’s definitely not having the same reaction to her as I am.

  Kitty quickly moves on to say a friendly hi to Ash and he introduces her to Eve.

  After she’s finished her hellos to them, she takes a few assertive strides towards me. I have an overwhelming urge to crash my mouth to hers, lick a long stroke up her neck and lift her so she wraps her sexy as hell legs around my hips. That would feel so fucking good…but even I realize that would be completely inappropriate!

  She steps so close to me that a waft of her perfume surrounds me. She smells like flowers and spring mornings. If I thought my dick was hard before, I’m like fucking steel now. I’m practically bursting out of my jeans. I hope like hell nobody notices.

  I rake my eyes over her as I take in every luscious curve. I smirk and before I can stop myself I blurt out, “Holy shit Kitty, when did you get so fucking hot!”

  The next thing I know Nikki’s whacking me hard on the back of my head as he loudly warns me, “That’s my baby sister dipshit!”

  I can’t help myself, I cheekily retort, “Yeah, hot as hell sister!”

  He scowls angrily at me and tries to punch me in the stomach, but I’m too quick for him and I dart away effortlessly. Kitty follows me, she wraps her arms around my neck and presses her tits against my chest. Holy shit that feels good!

  “Hey Cody,” she purrs. Her voice sounds as sexy as sin and although I’m sure it’s just the way I’m interpreting it, I can’t help but feel she’s flirting with me.

  I lean in close to her ear and murmur crudely, “Your tits feel fucking amazing pressed against me like that, feel free to wrap those sexy legs around me if you like baby.”

  I fully expect to get a hard slap right across my face but instead she surprises the hell out of me and whispers secretively into my ear, “You know what Sticks, it would feel even better if we were naked.”

  Crap! My eyes widen with shock but before I can think of a witty comeback she gives me a quick discrete kiss – right on my lips! Then she releases her hold on me, winks and saunters off to the kitchen to get a drink.

  I’m freaking stunned and she’s freaking stunning!

  I snap out of my self-imposed bubble which existed of just me and Kitty as I quickly remember that I’m in a room full of my band mates, not to mention Nikki. If anyone else heard the exchange between us, or if they knew what my distorted mind was imagining doing to Kitty, they’d all beat the living crap out me.

  I scan the room to see if I’ve been spotted and luckily it’s only Trixie that’s squinting her eyes and glaring at me with a knowing look on her face. The others have all moved back to their seats and have resumed their drinking and chatting. Thank Christ for that!

  For the rest of the evening I can’t take my eyes off of her. Even though I can see she’s doing her best to try to ignore me, I notice that she constantly keeps glancing my way. I’m one hundred percent convinced that she wants me as much as I want her. Her body burns with desire and every time our eyes meet her breath catches. And if she licks her lips one more time, I’m going to go over there and lick them for her! The elec
tricity is practically zapping between us.

  My mind is trying to connect the dots between the sweet little girl that I’ve known forever and this amazingly sexy woman that’s shown up tonight. I don’t know how long Kitty plans on staying, but I do know that if she keeps looking at me the way she is, I won’t be able to resist this overwhelming urge I have to walk over to her, pick her up, throw her over my shoulder and carry her off to my bedroom to have my wicked way with her.

  This is pure torture seeing her here, watching her, wanting her, and not being able to do a damned thing about it. After all, she’s Nikki’s little sister and up until a few moments ago I always sort of thought of her as just that…but now I’m starting to see her in a whole new light.


  A short while ago…

  I can’t believe that my darling big brother Nikki showed up back home here in Oklahoma without any warning! And I especially can’t believe that I’m in a car riding back to their hotel with him and his lovely girlfriend Trixie, who’s a real darling. I can tell already that she’s really good for him. They make a great couple and I can see that the chemistry between them sizzles.

  And oh gosh, I get to see the Oblivion guys again after having not seen them for almost a year. I’m so excited. And…Oh…My…God…I get to see Cody! I’ve had a crush on him forever and I can’t wait to lay my eyes on that sexy as sin drummer!

  I’m thrilled that I get this opportunity to catch up with everyone for a day or two while they’re on this unexpected visit home. With college break having just started, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. I could really do with a bit of fun and I definitely need to let off some steam. I enjoy my art studies immensely, but this being in my final year, I’ve worked my ass off for the past few semesters to ensure I get top grades. I could so do with a distraction and visiting the Oblivion guys will definitely do the trick, they’re always so much fun.


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