Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3) Page 6

by Tania Sparks

  Cody comes to his senses first as he quietly mutters, “We should get rid of this condom sweetheart.” The blissful moment is broken and I realize sadly that this was it, this was our one time…and now it’s over. I feel oddly elated but deflated at the same time. This experience was amazing but now I know exactly how incredible it actually was, I already fear that I’ll want more. There is no way that what I had thought would be a one-time thing is going to be enough. It won’t cure me of my obsession with Cody. In fact I know already that this encounter has only intensified my feelings for him even more.

  But that wasn’t what this was about. I always knew this would be a one-time thing so I begrudgingly lift myself off him so I’m balanced on my knees above his lap. He removes the condom, ties a knot in the end and drops it unceremoniously to the floor. He then tugs his jeans back up and over his hips and does them up.

  I lower back down onto his lap, still straddling his legs, still naked. I start to slide off him as I look around for my lingerie so I can make my exit and begin to process what just happened. I’ve barely moved when Cody grabs my shoulders with both hands as he softly utters, “Hey, where d’ya think you’re goin’?”

  I look at him and frown, “I thought…”

  “Darlin’, I know what you thought and I’m not such a douchebag that I expect you to make yourself scarce as soon as we’ve finished fucking. Besides I don’t want to let go of you yet. C’mere.” He pulls me back down onto his lap. We sit in silence as I nuzzle into his chest and he strokes my hair affectionately. It feels good. It feels right, but I know it doesn’t mean anything. He’s just trying to be nice. But I figure it’s best to get this over and done with quickly rather than dragging out the inevitable. I lift my head and look him in the eyes, “Cody, you don’t have to…”

  He cuts me off abruptly and says in a raspy sex-filled voice, “Kit, just be quiet, you’re ruining the moment. I don’t know about you but I just had amazing mind-blowing sex and I’d like to hold you and enjoy this blissful aftermath for a moment.”

  I chuckle quietly. “It was pretty incredible wasn’t it?”

  “Fucking incredible…quick, but…Hell Kit…” His voice trails off as he’s caught up in his own thoughts.

  We sit snuggling as he gently runs his fingers up and down my back. I feel so relaxed, so secure and so comfortable. I feel relieved that Cody seems to have enjoyed our encounter. He’s had so many girls before and I had worried that I wouldn’t measure up. But it seems that my concerns were unfounded because we really were amazing together. Our sizzling chemistry definitely carries over to our sexual connection and the whole experience was indeed mind-blowing. And this snuggling is an unexpected bonus that I’m enjoying immensely. I snicker as I consider this situation I find myself in. I comment, “Never figured you for much of a snuggler.”

  He mumbles, “Never have been before.” He squeezes me tighter.

  After what feels like a blissfully wonderful long time my stomach impolitely rumbles. Cody snickers and asks, “You hungry?”

  “I’m famished,” I reply, because I really am starving. I guess all that frantic exercise, both in the park and back here in the suite, has created an appetite.

  Cody leans over, picks up a phone and orders some room service.

  He nuzzles his face into my neck. “Now, how ’bout we go have a shower while we wait for the food to arrive?”

  “That sounds good.” I go to get up but instead he lifts me in his arms and carries me towards the bathroom. He leans in and kisses me softly on my forehead. That cheeky smirk of his is back as he rumbles, “You knew I’d not be able to resist you if you paraded around in that sexy as fuck lingerie didn’t you, you little vixen?”

  I bat my eyelids, feigning innocence and smile back at him, “I girl can only hope.”

  “Well it worked. When I looked up and saw you standing there wearing that sexy as fuck lingerie, looking as hot as hell in high heels, I think I just about died.”

  He kisses me softly again. This is so nice. It seems to me that this feels like more than just a one-time hook-up, but maybe Cody’s just a really attentive lover. I’ve heard the rumors and gossip from numerous groupies that have bedded this sexy drummer and every single comment I’ve heard has been that Cody has incredible bedroom skills. I smile to myself because now I can vouch for that from personal experience. I convince myself that he’s just being polite. Yeah, that’s definitely what this is. Even though he’s a cheeky, cocky, mischievous bad boy, at the end of the day he’s an amazing and attentive lover.

  Darn it, I want more! But, I know I’m not going to get what I want. This is a one-time thing. That’s what I offered and that’s what Cody accepted. I just need to get over myself and this silly crush I have. I had hoped that by having him once, I’d get him out of my system, but I’m pretty sure my feelings for him have only deepened. Now I not only have a crush on him but I’m pretty sure I have a massive soul-destroying obsession. I start to wonder whether this was a wise move after all.

  I must have zoned out while I was over-analyzing because Cody whispers into my ear, “Don’t think about it too much Kit. I can see you’re freaking yourself out. Just enjoy the moment honey.”

  Cody’s confident and laid-back comment brings me back to reality. He’s right, I may as well make the most of this moment while I have it because I have no idea how long it’ll last. I take a deep cleansing breath and nuzzle into his neck, placing a soft kiss below his ear.

  We reach his bathroom and he lowers me gently down to the floor. He turns on the shower and checks to make sure the temperature is okay then holds the glass door open for me. I step inside and the warm water feels good cascading over my body. Cody removes his jeans and joins me under the stream of hot water. He pours some body wash onto his hands and rubs them together to lather the soap and then sensually washes me, everywhere. His hands glide gently over my skin, washing, caressing, caring. His eyes follow his hands as he watches his fingers trace over every one of my curves.

  When he’s finished he smiles a mega-watt smile and rumbles, “Now my turn.” He folds his hands behind his head as he leans his back against the tiled wall, waiting for me to wash him. I snigger and take him up on his request. I pour some body wash into my hands and proceed to wash every inch of his hard body. He feels amazing, all muscles and heat. I notice his erection is fully recovered and is ready for more. I wrap my hand around him and start to stroke slowly. He groans in pleasure. But after only a few strokes he gently pulls my hand away and says, “Our food will be here soon. Besides next time I want to have a bit more time to savor every inch of you. Next time I want us to take our time.”

  I just stare into his eyes not quite believing what I’m hearing. Next time? I’m absolutely ecstatic that Cody has said there will be a next time! I’m staring at him blankly, totally dumbfounded with a huge ridiculous smile on my face. What does this mean?

  He smiles softly and rumbles, “I haven’t had enough of you yet, not by a long shot, but don’t over analyze Kit. I can see it in your eyes, you fuckin’ think too much. Let’s just enjoy this. Whatever ‘this’ is.” He pauses momentarily and then I hear him quietly mumble to himself. He’s barely audible but I manage to faintly make out his words, “Because fucked if I know what this is, I’m as confused as shit.”

  I try to straighten my massive smile and not look so darned thrilled as I come to the conclusion that Cody is just as puzzled as me about what we’ve both just experienced. But of course he’s handling it a little better than me. He’s cool, calm and collected, taking his time, not thinking too much and just enjoying the moment. While I on the other hand feel like jumping around and squealing like a complete crazy person.

  After a few more minutes he turns the shower off and grabs a fluffy white towel. He wraps it around me then grabs a towel for himself. After we’ve got dry we amble back out to the sitting area just in time to hear a knock on the door and the familiar call of, “Room Service”.

secures his towel around his waist and nods towards my bedroom, “Why don’t you go put some clothes on and I’ll get the food?” I start to make my way back to my room when Cody calls out, “And Kit, something that covers that sexy as hell body of yours or I might just have to ravish you again before we get a chance to eat.”

  Chapter 5

  By the time I make it back out to the sitting area, Cody’s put on some jeans and a T-shirt and is setting our lunch out on the kitchen benchtop. This hotel has a fantastic Chinese restaurant that serves authentic Chinese cuisine. Cody’s ordered a healthy selection of steamed dim sum, a plate of sautéed snow peas with prawns as well as a delectable looking fruit platter. This guy certainly knows how to win me over! Like me, he tries to eat healthily, which can’t be easy for him when you’re on the road ten months of the year. We sit down on a couple of stools and start to devour our delicious meal.

  This feels comfortable, it feels like any other time we’ve sat down and eaten together over the years. I thought that after we’d had sex it’d feel awkward, but it doesn’t, not even in the slightest. Cody passes me a cup of green tea and asks nonchalantly, “So how’s school been going Kit?”

  “It’s been good, I really enjoy the classes, especially the practical art, photography and the art history ones. I can’t believe I just have the one semester left before I do my final exams and then hopefully graduate.”

  Cody seems really interested as he asks, “So what are you going to do once you graduate?”

  “I’m not sure really. I’m struggling to think of a career path that thrills me. I might have to take some more classes next year, something just to broaden my horizons a bit, maybe some more business papers. I guess I’m really quite privileged, Nikki has said he’d pay for any college fees so I can choose whatever I want to do, which is really great of him. It means that I don’t have the same pressure as some of my classmates to have to go out and start earning money.”

  “I’m sure whatever you do you’ll be successful Kitty. You always were really smart and if you’re enjoying college, I say you should stay and make the most of it. A bit of studying, a few college parties. Sounds like fun.”

  I remember that Cody and the guys dropped out of college when the band started making it big. “Are you ever sad you missed out on finishing college and had to get straight into the hard slog of touring? You guys have always worked so hard, it couldn’t have been easy.”

  A warm smile spreads across his face, “Nah, music’s my life, I love it, and there’s not too many career options with a music degree anyhow. College was fun, but performing’s my life. If Oblivion hadn’t been lucky enough to be as successful as we’ve been, I would’ve ended up working in Chuck E. Cheese or somethin’.” He chuckles then continues, “Music’s all I can do.” He shrugs his shoulders and grins cheekily, “Besides, I think I’ve done pretty well for myself.”

  I lean over and pat him on his knee affectionately, “You’ve done more than well for yourself Cody, and luck has nothing to do with it. You’re an amazing musician. You work hard, you’re committed, and you have mind-blowing talent. You deserve every single ounce of success, and I’m sure you’ve got millions of fans out there that agree.”

  He shrugs his shoulders and mumbles, “Yeah, maybe…I guess.”

  He doesn’t give himself enough credit, he never has. I guess that self-doubt stems from the fact that his Mom never told him how awesome he is. It’s always annoyed me that his Mom never encouraged him or even showed him any interest. Surely that’s what a Mom’s job is, but I guess she missed that memo! Anyway, I think he’s incredible and so very, very talented. Not only does he play the drums like the total drum-god that he is, but he plays almost every other instrument including the guitar, piano and any other thing he can get his hands on. Also, as with all the Oblivion guys, he writes the music and lyrics too. He’s one brilliant and gifted musician.

  He smiles and quickly changes the subject to take the focus off him, “So tell me Kit, what sort of mischief do you and your college girlfriends get up to on the weekends?”

  I tell him a few hilarious stories about me and my girlfriends hitting the town and all the trouble we get ourselves into. I have a pretty cool group of friends and we frequently go out and make the most of each other’s company. We like to party and we’re not afraid of making fools of ourselves at the clubs and bars we frequent. Cody listens intently and laughs at all my stories. This feels just like two old friends catching up, which I guess in a way is exactly what this is.

  After telling him numerous embarrassing stories, I feel like we’ve talked enough about me so I decide to change the focus back onto him. “So Sticks, how’s the tour been going?”

  Cody’s eyes light up in delight. He tells me about all the places they’ve been playing and excitedly describes how the crowds have been reacting to their recently reconfigured stage shows. They’ve been trying a few new things with some pyrotechnics and some new ways of interacting with the crowd. His enthusiasm is palpable and I love listening to him and watching his passion as he describes what they’ve been up to. That’s one thing the fans really love about Oblivion, they’re never predictable, at their concerts they always come up with new ways of making the show bigger and better and it doesn’t matter if they’re mid-tour, they’ll change it up and try new things constantly. It’s easy to see that performing is what Cody’s life-calling is. He literally breathes rock and his eagerness makes me admire him even more.

  I don’t want to dampen his mood, and I know it’s a touchy subject but I’m curious, so I ask anyway, “So you’re not seeing your Mom while you’re back home?”

  Cody’s face turns to a disappointed scowl, he shakes his head. The sparkle instantly disappears from his eyes, “Nah, she told me her and what’s-his-name had too much on and that maybe they’d catch up with me next time I’m in town.”

  My heart aches for him. I know his family life has never been great. He’s never known his real Dad who high-tailed it out of Oklahoma before Cody was even born. His Mom, after trying numerous Mr. Rights, had finally settled down with some douchebag that barely even acknowledged Cody. In fact the idiot even seemed to begrudge Cody being around and from quite a young age Cody was frequently ignored and left to his own devices. I’m surprised he didn’t get into more trouble as a youngster, but luckily he had his music which kept him off the streets. He’s always spent more time at my folks place than at his own. Cody and Nikki have been friends since grade school, so I’ve known Cody and most of the other guys for my entire life.

  Cody’s Mom got him a drum kit for Christmas one year, apparently one of the neighbors kids had been given it for their birthday, but the kid had bored of it quickly and the family were keen to clear it out of their spare room. I’m sure Cody’s Mom’s ulterior motive was to keep him occupied and give herself and her new husband some freedom from having to take care of Cody. Of course they didn’t have room for it at their place, so my Mom and Dad let Cody set it up in our garage. That was the same Christmas that Mom and Dad bought Nikki his first guitar. Pretty soon the two of them, as well as Scott, Hansen and a never-ending rotation of other young musicians, were spending hours and hours at our place learning and practicing. Even back then they were dedicated and naturally talented.

  You’d think both Cody’s Mom and Step-Dad would be a bit more appreciative and want to see their only son on the scarce occasions when he’s actually back in Oklahoma. A few years back they had moved into a big new house, his Mom has a new car – that most of the time the douchebag drives – and they never seem short on cash. The funny thing is that I don’t think Cody’s Mom has ever worked a day in her life and Cody’s Step-Dad seems to spend more time at the casino, strip joints and local bars than working. If I had to take an obvious guess, Cody bought his Mom the house and car and he probably sends them cash too. Although I can’t fathom why he feels he needs to do that.

  I’m thankful that Cody has a great group of friends. When Oblivion s
tarted touring all those years ago, I guess it really suited him. He replaced his crappy family with a new family, a better family called Oblivion.

  I don’t want to bring a downer on what has been a wonderful morning and I can see that Cody’s not happy about the fact that his Mom didn’t want to see him, so I decide to drop the subject.

  We continue to chat jovially. I really enjoy his company and we get on really well. He’s so easy to talk to and we have so much in common. The time passes quickly and pretty soon our lunch has been completely consumed.

  Cody stands up and puts his arm around my shoulder and asks, “Well I guess it’s just me and you beautiful. What shall we do for the rest of the afternoon?”

  I grin cheekily at him, “We could just stay here…I’m sure we could find something to do…”

  Cody shakes his head and grins back, “Yes, I’m sure we could. But I have a feeling we’d end up in the bedroom all god-damned afternoon…not that I’m complaining…but I think you should take me out for a wander around the old hometown. I haven’t been home for a while. You can reacquaint me with the place.”

  I dramatically pout my lips. Sticking around the hotel sounded pretty good to me.

  Cody laughs, lifts me off my stool and places me down next to him, “I must admit, staying around here does sounds pretty good to me too, but we’ll have all evening. From what I’ve heard everyone else is off again tonight. Let’s go out for a few hours, we’ll still have plenty of time tonight. Otherwise I might start to think you only want me for my body!”

  I snicker, “Okay, I suppose we can go out, as long as you promise me I can get my hands on you tonight.”

  “I can fuckin’ guarantee it sweetheart. And I can tell you this – it’ll be a lot more than just your hands that are on me.”


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