SWAT Team Seven: Goddess of the Circle [The Men of Five-0 #5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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SWAT Team Seven: Goddess of the Circle [The Men of Five-0 #5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He leaned in and moved his mouth gently across her neck. She felt her head lean back as she tilted her neck and gave him better access to her throat. His lips were surprisingly warm for a vampire. His kisses were soft, appealing, and she felt something deep within her react to him. But then came the images of the wolves and the information Julius gave her.

  Julius nipped her skin then licked across the flesh.

  She gasped as she thought about Chordeo, Chance, and the one called Gideon.

  Her belly tightened and she felt the attraction to them even in her mind. It couldn’t be true. She pulled away from his hold, and his eyes looked so intense she knew she could never physically fight a vampire like Julius. She also realized that she didn’t want to. He smirked and she felt embarrassed. She changed the subject as his hand glided up her calf to her thigh and the slit of the dress that showed off her tan legs.

  “Three wolves as my mates? You are insane. I am human and I don’t follow the same ideas and rules as wolves or vampires. You should just let me off at the next exit.”

  She turned to look out the window and to figure out where they could possibly be and how she could escape.

  “Five. Alpha wolves, sweetheart.”

  She widened her eyes. There were five of those big guys? Five men who decided that they wanted her as their mate or whatever.

  “Not happening.” She crossed her arms and leaned back in the seat.

  He chuckled.

  “I think this is going to be fun to watch. But know this, I won’t give you up so easily. You’ll need me, eventually.”

  She wasn’t sure what Julius meant by that comment but as the limo eased off the highway and toward an upscale development, she saw the black SUV and five huge men standing there in tuxedos.

  The limo stopped and Julius waited for the driver to open his door. She could see the intense expressions of the five monstrosities. She knew what they were capable of. One on one, perhaps she would have a fighting chance to escape, but five on one and the help of some crazy vampire and she was doomed. She hadn’t worked this hard and sacrificed so much to be taken down by these six men.

  Her heart pounded inside her chest and Julius turned to her. He winked as the driver opened his door and Julius stepped out first. The vampire was being smug and in his act of pissing off the wolves, Melena made her move.

  She closed the door, climbed over the driver’s seat, and was behind the wheel.

  She placed the running vehicle in drive and sped off down the driveway. As the front gates began to close, she floored the gas pedal and took out the gates as she skidded sideways onto the main street. In the rearview mirror she saw the vampire chuckling and the wolves scattering toward the vehicle as they growled at the vamp.

  Melena never eased off the gas pedal. When she saw what looked like the perfect spot to ditch the vehicle she did. She glanced around the darkness and the streets in front of her. As the long gray bus appeared from the distance, she saw the one woman standing near a bench with a bus stop sign beside it. Quickly she crossed the street and nibbled her bottom lip as she awaited the bus. In the distance coming from the direction of the vampire’s house she saw nothing but darkness. Finally, the bus approached and stopped. She hopped onto the commuter bus and eased down into a seat way in the back.

  As the bus slowed near a red light, she saw the black SUV heading into the direction she just came from. She made it out of there by the skin of her teeth. Her next move was to get back home and interrogate the shit out of Saxton and Tango.

  Chapter 6

  “What do you mean she got away and she killed Phillip with a silver knife?” Count Divanni asked as he stood in his study, wearing his silk robe as he waited for the beautiful blonde to be delivered to him.

  “She was tougher than expected. She fought Phillip off and it seems that the Dolberg Pack is showing interest in her as well,” Colin explained.

  “Dolberg Pack? What the fuck? She’s human with a hint of were blood, a nothing, a nobody aside from her hot body and charming appeal. She will look amazing on my arm wherever we go. Find her. Find out everything you can about her and get her to me. I’ll take care of that asshole wolf of Filletto’s. Oh, better yet, send Bartholomy, to have a little chat with Lance. Let him know that as count, I am not bowing down to his Alpha, Filletto. The man should know that. After all, I do hold the power to get their operation in motion to destroy the circle. There are plans to complete, starting with the destruction of the Collette family. Mercer Collette must be stopped before he figures out about the United Shield and our plans.”

  “I’m on it, Count,” Colin stated, bowed, then left the room.

  Count Divanni eased back against the desk.

  By sending his enforcer, Bartholomy, to speak firmly with Lance, Filletto’s main Alpha wolf, Divanni could focus on finding out more about Melena. Mercer Collette had a lot of pull in the circle of elders. He could influence many members and had shown such capability in the past. Mercer needed a little pressure, too, now.

  “I was hoping to share my bed with you tonight, Melena, but I guess you will be more of a challenge than I thought. Very interesting indeed.” The count walked around to his desk and picked up the phone.

  “Get me everything you can on Melena Zekar and her job at the city council. Place some men on Xavier Dolberg and his nephews. I want to know their every move and the moment that Melena is found.”

  * * * *

  As Melena entered the security door Saxton and Tango were standing there. “So, how did it go?”

  “You want to know how it went? It was a nightmare!” she exclaimed as she approached, but before she could go off and explain what happened, both men grabbed her and sniffed her. Saxton looked at Tango.

  “Julius Kordosky?”

  “Dolberg wolves,” Tango added.

  She pulled her arm fee.

  “Some serious shit went down and how the hell can you tell whom I was with by smelling me?”

  “He touched you?” Tango asked with teeth clenched.

  She swallowed hard.

  Saxton grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. He growled low then brought her into the living room.

  “Tell us what happened,” Tango said.

  “It was a mess.” As she came to the part about the fight breaking out, they immediately became concerned.

  “We should have never allowed this. They know who you are. Somehow they sniffed it out.” Saxton raised his voice as she stood up and began pacing the room.

  “Sniffed what out? That I’m mostly human with possibly a bit of were blood in me? Is that some kind of commodity or delicacy or something? Because Julius was all over me, and when he licked my neck, I felt something and then there were the wolves. Dolberg Pack. Holy shit, are they huge men and good looking, in a very rugged, rip your fucking body apart with my bare hands or claws or whatever.”

  “What did you say? Julius licked your neck?” Saxton asked.

  She lowered her eyes and felt her cheeks warm.


  “Oh God, he sort of rescued me I think. I mean I was running after I stabbed the jackass wolf with the silver switchblade. Which, I left there by accident. I hope they don’t find my fingerprints on it. That was crazy, his skin practically exploded and the smell, the smell was disgusting.”

  “You killed a wolf?” Tango raised his voice.

  “I had no choice. He was about to bite me then bring me to the count, who supposedly had chosen me to be, as the wolf stated, the count’s fuck for the night. I was just defending myself.”

  “Fuck!” Saxton yelled.

  “That’s what the guy said, not me,” she retorted with attitude.

  Both men looked so enraged.

  “Hey, I’m the one who is totally freaked out here. I mean, there were all these wolves, half shifting and roaring at one another. The next thing I know I’m meeting three men from Dolberg Pack and they’re sniffing my hand and staring at me with hunger in their eyes. I
fear they want to eat me, so I start to think it’s time to go when this fight breaks out. Some guy connected to Filletto or the count grabs me. Then another guy does, as all this chaos is happening and so I stabbed the bad wolf in order to get away before he bit me or could abduct me for the count. As I’m running out of there, Dolberg Pack is growling but can’t seem to pass the wolf with the silver wound. I hurry out, get this urge to go to the limo parked there and get in, but it must have been the vampire powers, because when I get inside, Julius is there. He’s speaking all cryptic and he’s whispering in my ear and then tells me that the Dolberg Pack believe me to be their mate. Can you believe that shit?” She stood up and began to pace as both Tango and Saxton looked ready to explode in anger.

  “Dolberg Pack? There are fucking five of those Alpha males. They’re animals,” Tango exclaimed.

  “Tell me about it. Then Julius says he’s interested in me and not about to let me go so easily. He was trying to mind control me, too. And he nearly was successful as he licked my neck and well, just, he was close to manipulating my mind but I stopped him somehow. The moment we arrived at his estate or whatever, the Dolberg Pack were there and they looked pissed off.”

  “Oh shit. What did you do? How the hell did you escape?” Tango asked.

  “As soon as the vamp got out of the car, I jumped over the divider, got into the driver’s seat because the car was running, and I took off. I ditched the car and hopped on the bus and here I am. What an outrageous night.”

  Melena stared at both men who appeared to be in shock until Saxton pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

  “We have a lot to do. Tango and I have some decisions to make.”

  “Decisions about what?”

  “Your future. We need to get that knife back and secure your identity.”

  “Good luck with that, Saxton. The place was swarming with big shots.”

  “I’ll take care of it. You better shower and get rid of that stench on you.”

  * * * *

  “She stabbed a wolf with a silver blade, she escaped from a vampire, and she stole a limo, ditched it and somehow got away from us, where we can’t track her. I’m in love already,” Edric stated toward his brothers who sat around their living room feeling frustrated and annoyed. Gideon was on the phone trying to get Xavier to give up more info on their mate.

  “It is impressive. Considering that hot, sexy body and that tight dress she was wearing, she appeared well trained. Where could she be hiding?” Chance asked.

  “I’ve got this feeling that just like our entire lives have been complicated and crazy, so will be capturing our mate and getting her to trust us. She’s running for a reason,” Mano said.

  “She is human. Our first mate was of the wolf,” Chordeo added.

  “She is more than that. We sensed were blood, though faint, and this time, we will secure our mate,” Chance added.

  Gideon entered the room.

  “We have to find her. Xavier is very concerned. Members of both Divanni’s pack and Filletto’s pack are searching for her and trying to get information from our uncle. I’m glad we secured the knife before Filletto or the count’s men could. That wolf she stabbed was a wanted man anyway,” Gideon said.

  “She came prepared for the unexpected. Why else would she be carrying a silver knife like that?” Mano asked.

  “There has to be good reason. Xavier hasn’t given me much, but I suspect this woman Melena is hiding her identity for a reason,” Gideon added.

  “Well, that isn’t going to be for long Gideon. The count and Filletto are resourceful. They’ll figure out who she is, just as quickly as we will. We need to find her first,” Edric stated.

  “The count and Filletto are being cordial now, but we know how those assholes operate. I will not stand by and allow another mate to be killed. We must protect her,” Gideon said.

  “Yeah, and because of some other secret reasons, we’re not allowed to take those assholes out. How many fucking innocent people need to be hurt and killed before the circle gives the order to eliminate them?” Chordeo asked and everyone was quiet and in agreement.

  “We have to find her. There’s more, too,” Gideon said.

  “What more?” Edric asked.

  “Julius has an interest in her.”

  “Fuck! Is this going to be like Dani and our cousins in Fagan Pack, where we must share a mate with a vamp? Because that is not fucking happening,” Chance said loudly.

  They all growled low.

  “Let’s not jump to conclusions. We’ll speak with Julius. He more than likely will find Melena before any of us anyway. Plus we have business to discuss with him. Mano is going to work on finding out about a possible secret society trying to plan an attack on the elders,” Gideon said.

  “What? When did you get this information?” Chordeo asked.

  “He got it before leaving for the gala. I don’t have anything yet. My mind can’t seem to focus on anything but finding our mate,” Mano stated.

  “Doesn’t Xavier have a home address on her?” Edric asked. “She is an employee and she’s working on something pretty damn important.”

  “She’s been secretive from the start. Our uncle believes this is because of her lack of family. She’s obsessed with work and developing the Security Ring. He did confirm that she has were blood and that she was highly recommended by two higher-ups in the government,” Gideon said.

  “Two higher-ups? I bet if we can find out who they are, then we can find out where to find our mate,” Edric stated and they all mumbled in agreement.

  “Hopefully the two higher-ups are not on the list of potential threats we were given by Dani and Van. This has the components to become volatile very quickly,” Gideon said and they all agreed.

  * * * *

  It didn’t take long for him to find her. Julius was determined to learn more about Melena and her life. When he had first seen her face, he had done a double take. She was the spitting image of Llana Mahalan. A beautiful Polynesian woman who had been married to Zeikele Mahalan, a leader of the protectors of the circle. He and his family had been brutally murdered to the point that their bodies, except for Zeikele, had been ripped to shreds. He thought his mind had been playing tricks on him, but then he saw Kamea across the room at the party and was shocked. As he moved closer, gained her scent, the suspicion that the Mahalan child had survived became believable. He still hadn’t been certain until he licked across her skin and felt the intense attraction.

  When she was a child, he had been instantly aware of her and protective. Julius sighed in recognition as he waited on the top of the building. She was only twelve at the time but as he saw her only months before the attack, he felt the connection and he knew that she was of importance to him. He didn’t dare speak his thoughts to her parents. Zeikele was a very calm and smart wolf, but he would not want his only daughter to end up mated to a vampire and living forever. Zeikele found out about Julius’s protectiveness over Kamea and forbid him to come near her ever again. Now, it seemed that the gods had played another one of their wild and crazy tricks. Melena, who was really Kamea, was not only destined to be mated to a vampire, but also five very crazy, robust Alpha wolves, destined for greatness.

  Julius needed to tread carefully. He had made a promise to Zeikele that he couldn’t break, despite his connection to her. Even now, as she slept, he felt her presence from afar. She was indeed of great importance to him but she was also in a heap of trouble. He wondered who had helped the child escape and how the heck had she survived anyway? As he made himself invisible he got his answer to at least one of his questions. He sniffed the air and recognized the scent of wolves. Two in particular he knew rather well from many years ago. Now he knew why Tango and Saxton disappeared. They were caring for Kamea.

  Julius made his way into her bedroom. His sleeping beauty lay in hardly any clothes at all. A flimsy white tank top that barely covered large, luscious breasts and loose boxers in hot pink that made her tan complexio
n stand out. He eased his way over discovering that she in fact was not a blonde but a brunette, with long, flowing chocolate locks that currently cascaded along the pillows.

  Her lips were full and pink, her cheekbones high and the definition in her arms and legs was that of a woman who took working out and training very seriously. He could crack eggs on her abs.

  He had the urge to touch her, to arouse her body and make her acknowledge their connection. He felt the need to possess her first, because he knew that five other men were destined to have her. A promise was a promise, but like this, in this invisible form, he could touch her, feel her, without anyone knowing.

  He used his mind to deliver his desire. What started out as gentle caresses across her soft, supple skin, turned into fire.

  It had shocked him when her eyes popped open.

  “Julius?” she asked then tried to sit up.

  “How?” He appeared before her, no longer invisible. He sat down beside her on the bed. She looked so innocent and lovely.

  “You felt me? You knew it was me?” he asked as she sat up on the bed. She stared at him with beautiful green eyes. She was fully in awe and aware of his presence. He was in awe of her power and strength.

  She shook her head then slowly licked her lower lip. As the tip of her tongue collided with her lip, he felt his cock harden and he moaned softly. Melena widened her eyes.

  “Why are you here? What do you want?”

  He tried to calm his breathing as he used his mind control to ease her fear.

  “You, Melena. I want you. I needed to find you, to talk with you and to touch you.”

  She closed her eyes as he used his mind to softly caress her skin. Lowering back down to the bed she opened her eyes and held his gaze.

  “This is insane. I don’t know you. I don’t believe in vampires.”

  He chuckled low and she gasped as if the sound did something to her. It must have, because suddenly she opened her thighs wider and ran the palms of her hands from her throat, down over her breasts, to her pussy.


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